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September 28, 1972 - Image 1

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See story,



See Editorial Page


Sir igau


For details, see today

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 28, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



today. S*

Harvey investigated
County Prosecutor William Delhey said yesterday he h a s
launched an investigation into the methods used by Sheriff
Douglas Harvey in disposing of stolen property. At issue is a
stolen camper, recovered last year by deputies, which is now
allegedly residing outside the home of Harvey's brother-in-law,
and a number of stolen snowmobiles, some of which have ap-
parently not been returned to their owners. Handling the in-
vestigation are the prosecutor's own staff and the Michigan
State Police.
More hamburger
With the institution of unlimited servings of everything,
dormitory food servcie has run into a major problem-freeload-
ers. Because of them, Housing Director John Feldkamp esti-
mates the food service has to prepare about five per cent more
food. "To produce the quantity you have to lower the quality,"
he says. "This means less steaks and more hamburger." There
are no plans, however, to increase the number of what Feld-
kamp calls "food narcs" to spot illegal eaters.
Robertson to be ombudsman
Popular Residential College Dean James Robertson has a new
job - to act as "ombudsman" between the LSA faculty and the
administration. He will continue to head the Residential College,
when he's not involved in rows, that is.
Speedy relief
If you're sick and in a hurry, check out the Health Service's
Special Fast Minor Problem Clinic. They have three examining
rooms with one doctor skipping between them. It's supposed
to be good for minor ailments and prescription renewals.
Happenings ..
tonight at 8 p.m., meet some students from the other
side of the world, and the other side of Detroit, at an Internation-
al Social Hour, Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill . . or if politics is more
your thing, check out the presidential and vice presidential
candidates of the Socialist Workers Party, 8 p.m. in room 3524
of the SAB.
w Dope note
City Council member John McCormick (R-Fifth Ward), sworn
enemy of the forces of marijuana, has threatened to test the
city's $5 pot law in court, but he's not going to get too involved.
A surrogate will turn himself in to police Chief Walter Krasny
with a small quantity of grass, and demand to be arrested. Mc-
Cormick's only problem so far is - where does he get the grass?
No prize for peace
The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it would not award
a Peace Prize this year, but gave no reason . . . Black militant
Angela Davis arrived in Cuba to participate in a rally marking
the 12th anniversary of the "Committee for the Defense of the
Revolution" . . . Jennifer Sims, a 19-year-old mother, was held
in the Collier County, Fla. jail on a $5,000 bond for allegedly
trading her three-month-old baby for a 1971 Chevrolet.
Billboards busted
LANSING - More than 1,000 illegal billboards across the
state are starting to sport bright red violation notices - the first
sign of doom under the recently passed billboard control law. If
the owners of the signs don't take them -down, the state will.
Owners'll get the bill, at twice the actual cost of demolition.
Patriotism, Berkeley style
BERKELEY - This city of 120,000 people bordering San
Francisco Bay has officially decided it will no longer fly the
American flag on top of its city hall. The move followed criticism
of flag-flying by radical city councilmember D'Army Bailey.
Calling the practice "super patriotism," Bailey said flying the
flag was ironic because the city council has officially ordered
public buildings to be available as sanctuaries for deserting
U.S. armed forces members.-
Who likes McGovern?
WASHINGTON - Bumper stickers saying, "Will Rogers
Never Met McGovern" - a parody of the late humorist's famous
phrase, "I never met a man I didn't like," - have aroused the
ire of Will Rogers, jr. The humorist's son this week asked the
Committee for the Re-Election of the President to stop using his
dad's name mit's campaign. The committee said it was unaware
that it had, but promised to rook into the matter.
Women of Dartmouth
HANOVER - For 202 years, presidents of Dartmouth have
begun their annual convocation remarks with, "Men of Dart-
mouth . . ." This week the tradition came to an end. President
John Kemeny opened instead with, "Men and women of Dart-

mouth . . ." Thunderous applause followed, much of it from
the school's first contingent of 250 women.

Second of a series+
When Michigan Cable TV finally getsI
started, it may be operating illegally.
"If they go into operation without a
certificate of compliance, they would be I
in violation of FCC (Federal Communica- -
tions Commission) rules," FCC staff at-
torney Greg Weiss said yesterday.
A certificate of compliance states that
a station has complied with FCC rules.
According to FCC regulations, a station
must file a formal application stating
that it has complied with the rules.,
Clark Leonard, programming directorI
for Michigan Cable TV, said last week
that the company does not intend to
,NO- faull





apply for a certificate. He said that the
city system is exempt from the regula-
tion because it falls under the so-called
FCC "grandfather clause."
The "grandfather clause," according
to FCC regulations, states that any sta-
tion in operation before March 31, 1972
is given a five-year extension on the
compliance certificate. The term "oper.
ation," says the FCC regulations, means
actual cablecasting.
But Leonard believes that Michigan
Cable TV's "significant investment" ful-
fills the operation requirement, citing
their monetary and property investment.
"If they were not in operation by
March 31, then they do not fall under the
t bil

grandfather clause and must apply for
the certificate," said Weiss.
Weiss adds that the FCC would prob-
ably not take any action unless some
local group brought the matter before
them. No group has thus far, according
to Weiss.
Ray Clevinger, attorney for Michigan
Cable TV, was out of town and unavail-
able for comment.
Once the cablecasting begins, prob-
ably in about two weeks, there will be
other difficulties as well, especially those
surrounding community involvement.
The major controversy over the sys-
tem revolves around who will gain access
to the system's four public service chan-

nels and how those programs will be pid
for and regulated.
But there .are further questions con-
cerning the powers and composition of
the Cablecasting Commission, establish-
ed by City Council to supervise the cable
Various community groups, including
the Media Access Center (MAC) and the
Human Rights Party (HRP), are keenly
interested in the potential offered by-the
four public access channels.
The channels, guaranteed through the
city franchise, will be available for com-
munity use, probably on a first-come,
non-discriminatory basis. Although FCC
regulations require that individual groups

receive five minutes of free air time a
year, most air time will cost up to $32.50
an hour for studio cameramen and en-
This leads to the problem of financing.
Community groups want the cable com-
pany to pay, but the company says it is
currently losing money.
The Media Access Center, a group
which has studied the cable problems
extensively, says this cost would pre-
vent certain community groups from
See CABLE, Page 2

'approved by.
'Stat e Hous-e
LANSING, (Up - The' Michigan House passed yesterday
a sweeping no-fault auto insurance bill that would cover all
Michigan motorists starting Oct. 1, 1973 unless rejected by
the state's Supreme Court.
The bill, long a behind-scenes controversy in the House,
passed 84-19. Further action still must come in the Senate
where a different version, with slightly lower benefit pro-
visions passed during the summer.
The House version guarantees $60,000 maximum cover-
age for "allowable" expenses of medical treatment, whereas
the Senate called for unlimited medical expenses.
However, the House provided up to $36,000 in lost wage
rebates, figuring on a rate of $200 weekly for three years.
- ---------*The Senate set a figure of $20 daily
for the same period, a standard
amounting to $21,000.
'Ju vern le The House bill also provides for
as much as $21,900 over a three
year period to cover "replacement
services" losses to persons not sub-
such as housewives. The Senate
1 p r o p o s e d payments of $1,-
tG I Eg000 monthly for such loss.


LANSING (iP) - The Michigan
Senate overwhelmingly passed last
night legislation to tighten up the
rules under which juveniles can beI
tried as adults. The vote was 30-2s
with one abstention.
The amendments to a current
law would permit probate, or
juvenile courts, to waive jurisdic-
tion on youth over 15 who are
charged with serious crimes. They
then would be tried in circuit court
as adults.
An earlier passed House version
now must be reconsidered with the
Senate amendments.
The bill would require courts to
serve notice of waiver hearings
and advise all parties that the ju-
venile has a right to an attorney.
The Senate amendments would
require the probate court to con-
duct a hearing to determine if
the interests of the youth and the
public would be best served by a

In all, basic coverage under the
proposal could bring an injured
motorist $138,000 without question
of whether he or another driver
might have been at fault for the
Legal suits for additional bene-
fits would still be standard prac-
tice in a variety of cases under
the law:
-property damage to vehicles
or real estate;
-pain and suffering and in-
tangible loss, including impair-
ment of bodily function, perma-
nent disfigurement or loss of a
special skill, such as athletic or ar-
tistic skills ;
-death, which would be grounds
for a civil suit; -
-intentional injury, which is
grounds for criminal charges; and
-damage at a garage or service
Many insurance experts pre-
dicted, however, that premiums,
and costs of obtaining the new


VP Fauri

eases into


Washtenaw County Circuit Court type of insurance, would increase
Judge John Conlin said last night over a period of years because of
that three years ago he ruled on the guaranteed coverage dictated
the case that was eventually test- by the act.
ed before the Supreme Court. In A large array of groups were in-
that ruling, the Supreme Court volved in the debate over the bill,
said that the law was unconstitu-t including elements of labor, in-
tionally vague and must be rewrit- surance companie , attorneys, and
ten. Gov. William Milfiken.
-- - - - - - - --- - -1-- --- --

Fedele Fauri, University vice
president for state relations and
planning, has requested a phased
retirement from his post.
Fauri, 63, would normally re-
tire at 65, the mandatory retire-
ment age for the University's
executive officers. However, un-
der an arrangement with Presi-
dent Robben Fleming and the
Regents, he will be on leave
from Dec. 1 through March 31
this school year and next and will
then retire, at 65, in September,

Fauri said yesterday that he
had been considering retiring,
since last February, and had
thought he might retire this
He said, however, that Fleming
had thought it would be best for
him to go on leave during the
winter months, rather than quit
Fauri said he had a minor
back problem that is aggravated
by cold weather.
In his post, Fauri is primarily
responsible for securing funds for
the University from the State
Legislature. He also was respon-
Isible for capital outlay and plan-
Fauri was also instrumental in
developing the original affirma-
tive action program submitted to
the D~epartment of Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare.
During his absence, his office
will be coordinated by David
Heebink, assistant vice president
for state relations and planning.
Fauri was named to his pres-
ent post in July, 1970. Before
that time he was dean of the
School of Social Work.

years later he became supervisor
of the bureau and in 1943 he was
named director of the Michigan
Department of Social Welfare, a
post he held for four years.
PO~ s denyU..- la
offer of aid
MOSCOW (Y) - Three U.S. air-
men freed by North Vietnam yes-
terday turned down an American
offer to help, saying that they
would rather go -home with the
escort of anti-war activists who ar-
ranged their release.
Lts. Mark Gartley and Norris
Charles of the Navy, and Maj.
Edward Elias of the Air Force ar-
rived in Moscow after a long flight
from Peking. They were released
from a POW camp Sept. 17 with
the understanding they would take
civilian aircraft to America.
When U.S. Charge d'Affaires

I" r'lu Qmr' T1

On the inside
On the Arts Page, Herb Bowie writes on The
Kinks, and their new album . . . sports has the latest
on the Tigers' pennant race . . . staff writer Bill Alter-
man takes an Editorial Page look at President Flem-
ing's views on education . . . and Wage 2 has a re-
port on the latest developments in the Philippines.

U' tries

1I..VJI AI R-1L 1I2J
registration speed-up

By next fall, University students may be
able to breeze through course registration
without standing in a single line.
But don't count on it until you see it.

sections. The print-out would be updated
every half hour.
After receiving the counselor's approval,
the student takes the course list to a com-
puter terminal and is registered in less
than two minutes.

. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . :i-


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