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September 27, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-27

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See Editorial Page



For details see today ..

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 18

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 27, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

today 0 re
Disaster? Not really
yo;'re wandering about Buhr Park on the Southeast side
at 1 p.m. this afternoon and you come across scenes of
mass death and chaos, with ambulances and police cars dashing
over the grass and press photographers wildly snapping pictures,
don't panic. It's not really the end of the world, but a county-
'wide "Disaster Drill," aimed'at testing the effectiveness of local
em4rgency services. School children will be the "casualties."
Real cops and medics-will play themselves.
City revenue share slice
gressman Marvin Esch's office has estimated that the
will receive $1,405,000 as a result of the federal revenue
aring bill passed by Congress last week. Although Esch's
estimate was characterized as "reasonably accurate" by Assist-
ant City Administrator for Finance Kenneth Sheehan, the U.S.
Treasury Department has still sent no official word on the
Not cheaper, clearer
Not necessarily any cheaper, just clearer, will be Wrigley
Supermarkets' new unit price system, to begin today in local
outlets of the chain. Farmer Jack's and Chatham already have
unit pricing; the Human Rights Party is trying to pass an ordin-
ance making everyone else adopt the system, too.
Blatant repression?
Some graduate social work students are mad at their
Dean. About 25 of them have started a course entitled "Radical
Alternatives in Social Work" and they want Richard Kunnes,
noted radical member of the medical school faculty, to be ap-
pointed as one of the instructors - without pay. Dean Philip
Fellin says there is already an instructor and no need to give
Kunnes the title. The students say they will continue to fight
against the 'blatant political repression."
Happenings ...'
include a report on the status of the BGS degree by
counselling czar Charles Morris, 7:30 p.m., Modern Languages
Bldg. lecture room two . . . a free movie, "The Great American
Novel Moby Dick," in the UGLI multi-purpose room at 4 p.m.
...slides and discussion of Ghana and West Africa, at the Rive
Gauche coffee house, 1024 Hill St., 9 p.m. . . . a grad coffee
hour at 8 p.m. in the East Rackham conference room . . . the
start of a two-day workshop seminar on the Opportunity Pro-
gram, in Rackham lecture hall.
Dope notes
In Three Rivers, Mich., the coordinator of a drug abuse
program was freed on a $5,000 bond yesterday following his
arrest - on a narcotics charge. Robert Baughman, 22, of the
St. Joseph County community mental health center, was accused
of assisting a known drug dealer in delivering heroin from
Lansing to Three Rivers . . . and in Monterey, Calif., the State
Bar, of California announced it had endorsed the California Mari-
juana Initiative, a proposal on the November ballot to remove
criminal penalties for the personal use and cultivation of mari-
Women's studies
University women have asked the LSA Executive Commit-
tee to appoint a search committee to find a person to coordinate
women's courses and explore the possibility of developing a
womens' studies department./
According to history Prof. Kitty Sklar, "We're still waiting
for a reply. We want to hire a person for next fall, so we need
to hear from the committee soon."
HRP hits new jail
The Human Rights Party said in a news release that it
opposed the construction of a new and bigger county jail to re-
place the present outmoded structure on Ann Street. "The bigger
the jail, with more space to fill, the more reluctant judges will
be to grant low bail," the release states. HRP said it prefers oth-
er solutions to the crime problem, such as half-way houses and
rehabilitation programs.
Marcos orders 'reform'
MANILA - President, and dictator, Ferdinand Marcos yes-
terday ordered massive land reform, re-opened elementary
schools, pledged to stabilize prices and announced yet more mass
arrests and an investigation of the news media in the Philippines.
A total of 92 persons are now being held under the terms of
martial law, eight of them journalists.

Yets aquitted
NEW ORLEANS - A federal appeals court yesterday dis-
missed contempt charges against four anti-war veterans who
Were twice jailed in Tallahasse, Fla., for refusing to testify be-
fore a grand jury investigating protest plans for the Democratic
and Republican national conventions. The reason: The govern-
ment would not deny it had used illegal wiretaps in their investi-
Poetic PM
PEKING - Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka wrote a poem
yesterday celebrating imminent diplomatic relations between
Japan and China and then embarked on his second round of
summit talks with Premier Chou En-lai.
The two-and-one-half-hour conversation touched on a wide
range of subjects, from bilateral to international affairs and
were conducted "very seriously and energetically," a Japanese
spokesman said.







p ack~ages,


blasts U. S.
war policy
-The Soviet Union declared
yesterday that the United
States is carrying on an "un-
precedented expansion' of the
Vietnam war and demanded
the withdrawal of all Ameri-
can troops.
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromy-
ko told the U.N. General Assembly,
"The Vietnamese people cannot be
defeated. Their staunchness will
not be broken either by heavier
bombing, or by the blockade of
their ports, or by damage to their
hydro-technical installations."
It was the strongest speech Gro-
myko has made here on the sub-
ject of Vietnam in at least four
Gromyko said that despite U.S.
promises to get out of Vietnam and
stop the war, there was "in fact
an unprecedented expansion of the
acts of war, and of their cruelty
and inhumanity."
He said if the United States
wants the Paris peace talks to
succeed it should give a "positive
reply" to the Vnt Cong proposal
for a tripartite government in
South Vietnam.
"If, however, it is pursuing some
other goal, the negotiations in
Paris cannot fail to end in dead-
lock, the war will go on and all
the responsibility will rest with the
United States," 'he said.
U.S. Ambassador George Bush
said Gromyko had reiterated the
Soviet position "with which we
certainly cannot agree."
"Our position is well known on
Vietnam and is in contradiction of
the Soviet views," Bush added.
Gromyko condemned as criminal
the Palestinian commandos'
Munich massacre of Israeli ath-
letes, but he supported "the just
struggle of the Arab people of
Palestine for the restoration of
their inalienable rights."
He submitted a resolution to have
the assembly declare "the renun-
ciation of the use of force and the
permanent prohibition of nuclear
weapons" on behalf of all 132
members. The resolution would al-
so have the Security Council man-
date all U.N. members to respect
the declaration.
Gromyk6 said the renunciation
of force would not prevent "states
and peoples subjected to aggres-
sion to rebuff it by employing all
possible means so long as the
aggressor continues to use force."
"Who, indeed, could venture to
contest the incontestable fact that
crude force has been, and is being
used against both the peoples of
Indochina and the Arab states, and
that they are entitled to use all
the necessary means to rebuff the
aggressor?" he added.
Gromyko noted that less power-
ful nations are concerned that nu-
clear weapons might be used
against them and that his proposal
would remove that threat and
strengthen the security of all coun-

say s
Devices in
food gifts
AP special Correspondent
PEKING-American antiwar
activists, here with three
prisoners of war released by
North Vietnam, disclosed yes-
terday a charge by Hanoi that
U.S. packages mailed to POWs
have contained spying devices.
The Pentagon called the charge
Cora Weiss, leader of the four
Americans who went to Hanoi to
receive the released servicemen,
said, "It looks to us an unmis-
takably professional job."
The charge was first made
broadlysonthedAmerican delega
tion' s second day in Hanoi, Sept.
17. Hoang Tung, editor of the of-
ficial Communist party newspaper
Nhan Dan, said his government
was "extremely upset by electronic
devices hidden in packages regu-
larly sent to prisoners."
The activist delegation-Weiss,
David Dellinger, the Rev. William
Sloane Coffin and Prof. Richard
Falk-said they asked for evidence
to back up the charge. This evi-
dence, they assert was displayed
Monday shortly before the group
left for ' Peking and afterwards,
Moscow, en route to the United
Their schedule calls for a fur-
ther stopover in Copenhagen and
arrival in New York tomorrow
night. The antiwar delegation said
this route was chbsen to keep the
three released pilots out of U.S.
military hands on the way home.
As described by the delegation,
the nearest thing to an "electronic
device" seemed to be material for
a radio receiver.
This correspondent did not see
the display. I had accompanied the
antiwar group from New York, and
had attended various' heetings
with the three released POWs and
See N. VIETS, Page 6

CAPTURED AMERICAN PILOTS, most of whom were shot down over North Vietnam this year, speak at a press conference in Hanoi
Monday. The pilots met with members of an American peace group, who were there to escort three other POWs home. From left:
Cmdr. Eugene Wilbur, Lt. Karl Lugan, Capt. George Allan Rose and Capt. David Hoffman.


First in a series
Cable TV-a revolutionary idea
in television-was scheduled to
begin transmitting in Ann Arbor
It didn't.
The current obstacles to the
inception of cablecasting involve
construction and technical diffi-
culties. It will be at least an-
other two weeks until cablecast-
ing begins.,a


de laye d

"The system just doesn't work
right. Unfortunately, we don't
know what's wrong," says Robert
Shaw, general partner of Mich-
igan Cable TV.
He explains that there are bad
splices and connections which
could rust during the winter.
However, they are difficult to
locate within the 90 miles of feed-
er cable which have been strung
on telephone poles in the south-
east part of Ann Arbor.

The first 500 subscribers were
supposed to be "on line" by La-
bor Day, but various difficulties
have necessitated several delays.
The company has also had
problems with the contractors in-
stalling the various hardware
necessary for the cable system.
"At least they're consistent-
not one of them ever comes
through," says Shaw. So cable
TV will probably not be available
on central campus, where under-
ground utility wires cause extra
problems, until winter. All of
Washtenaw County should be
hooked-up within a year.
Cable TV, also known as CATV
(for coaxial television) is a sys-
tem whereby the TV viewer is
supposed to receive a perfect
picture, regardless of location.
This happens because the TV
signals run through a cable, sim-
ilar to a telephone or electric
line, as opposed to being sent
through the air.
This permits a cable operator
to bring in stations from fairly
great distances with the use of
one central antenna.
The system being installed in
Ann Arbor has the capabilityto
carry up to 80 TV and/or radio
stations at the same time, but
only 20 television channels will
be offered when transmitting be-
gins. These will include all of
the Detroit stations' (UHF and
VHF), Windsor, Lansing, Toledo,
a local station and four public
service channels.
Programming will include 24-
hour news, weather and stock
market reports. All Michigan
football games will be shown on
a delayed basis.
Programming on the public
service channels will be open to
all community groups and indi-
viduals. Free channels may be
provided for local schools and
government. There are questions
to be answered, however, as to

how these channels will be regu-
lated and financed.
Cable TV became a real pos-
sibility in Ann Arbor in June,
1970 when the City Council grant-
ed a monopoly franchise to Mich-
igan Cable TV. Since then, it has
taken several years to raise the,
necessary f u n d i n g, including
more than half a million dollars,
for the initial' hardware.'
TOMORROW: Problems of pub-
lic access CATV.

Senate. vote crushes
WASHINGTON (0-The Senate yesterday voted down a
four-month deadline for withdrawal of U.S. troops from
Indochina and passed a $1.8-billion foreign-military-aid-bill
on its second try.
The 45-42 vote striking the end-the-war amendment
from the bill reversed two previous Senate votes this year.
The aid bill was passed 46 to 41 yesterday after adoption
of an amendment by Republican Leader Hugh Scott of
Pennsylvania increasing its total from the $1.55 billion
approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to $1.82

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
A worker installs a cable unit.

The amount is still $431 million
less than requested by the Nixon
administration and $311 million less
than voted by the House.
The bill now goes to a House-
Senate conference to work out
compromises on the money author-
ization, and a dozen other non-
money differences.
Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.) led
the fight against the Indochina
troop-withdrawal' deadline and of-
fered the motion to strike it from
the bill.
He called it "impractical, un-
workable and a delusion."
Stennis, chairperson of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee,
argued that under the Constitution
"the power and responsibility of
ending any war rests with the
Sen. Edward Brooke( R-Mass.),
chief sponsor of the fund cutoff
for U.S. military action in Indo-
china conditioned upon release of
prisoners of war, countered that
Congress has constitutional respon-
sibility concerning war and peace.
"We are still endangering the
lives of 36,000 land troops in Viet-
nam," Brooke said, "We are still
1nin ni.nte nnr nl nnPn W IATa or

SGC paper,
to report
A new campus information
source, the Michigan Student
News, has been established and
will appear in your mailbox within
a week.
The weekly publication plans to
"cover the major events within
the various school' governments
and councils and campus organiz-
ations," said Editor Mary Conelly
last night. "But we don't intend to
become spokesmen for the factions
within those groups."
The -newsletter is financed by
contributions from 18 governments
and organizations with about 40
per cent of the initial funds com-
ing from the Student Government
"Our major problem is the lack
of staff," said Conelly last night
after surveying the disappointing

Fleming discusses grading, child care

On the inside
On the Sports Pages you'll find Michigan's latest
standings in the football poll, a feature on the
Michigan line by sports writer Bob McGinn, and the
infamous Gridde Pickings column; the Editorial Page
today considers the saga of SGC member "at large"

Questions fired at President Rob-
ben Fleming by listeners during
last night's broadcast of WUOM's
"Symposium '72" covered a range
of topics including pass-fail grad-
ing, proposed child care centers,
hospital expansion and his recent

or federal government to help usI
support child care centers."
When Student Government Coun-
cil President Bill Jacobs suggested
that funds be drawn from the
ROTC finances, Fleming responded
that the action might cause a with-
drawal of financial support from

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