Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Where have all the voices gone? 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1972 Mafia defies courts WHEN THE Colombo shooting triggered a string of Mafiosi related murders in New York, the killings were reported in the media as being signals of thei gra- dual demise of the Mafiosi. But far from declining, the underworld seems to be entrenched in society now as well as it ever was. Underworld connec- tions within the cour.ts are very strong. indeed, 'according to an investigative study done by the New York Times. The study revealed that the rate of dismis- sals and acquittals for racketeers was five times that for other defendants in state courts of New York. And if the figures from the New York courts are even remotely indicative of other state court systems, it is no won- der the country is faced with serious law enforcement problems. Witness a case arraigned in the court of New York Judge Charles Marks: CARMINE PERSICO, listed by the Jus- tice department as a captain in the Mafia family of Joseph A. Colombo, Sr. was indicted on 37 counts of extortion, coercion, usuary and conspiracy. Judge Marks refused to set a trial date and granted the defense 25 adjournments. During that time the prosecution's star witness disappeared. He was last seen being escorted into an auto by a Persico bodyguard. After a three year delay, an- other judge, who finally heard the case, dismissed all charges against Persico. He, also refused to allow the press to cover the trial.' Unfortunately the Persico case was not an isolated incident in the New York courts. It is sadly ironic that the same court system which quickly convicts ad- dicts for petty crimes may on the same day allow the ringleader of heroin deal- ers to go free. And until such corruption can be elimi- nated, court systems will remain far from solving some of the country's most pressing enforcement problems. -JIM REUS By MARK DILLEN A PERVERSE notion is finding current popularity among the mass of American people. On the nation's campuses this vogue has become a way of life, threatening to prove concomitantly suspicions that universities don't reflect or lead society, but rather distort and exaggerate-those aspects which at- tract the intellectual in us. , Stu- dents are engaged by and in the University, there seems only one course, and this seeming lack of alternative gives one security to act decisively, unafraid of being mis- taken. Assured by past failures that they could not change things if they tried, young people n o w assume there is no need to change (or if they do recognize such a need, think there is nothing they can do). Though our predecessors in this "nexus of ideas" may not have had the answer, they seemed to be asking some of the right ques- tions. Yet now the local political debate over What To Do is being replaced with the retorts, So What? and Who Cares? And the unanimity of thought in response to s u c h questions is not very reassuring; no one cares. Except maybe t h e President. And George McGovern. And other candidates for office. WHAT IS THE cause of this at- titude of futility and pasive accept- ance of our social problems as an immutable given? Should we real- ly evenbe concerned about it? To the. latter question I'd only respond with a list of some of the crucial problems that prompted the mass involvement of young people only a year or two ago: The War, Ecology, Racism, Sexism, Inflation and Unemployment. All still exist; some have increased in serious- ness. They're just being ignored by all but a handful. A few stalwarts lamely speak of issues being "defused." Perhaps, but I prefer to think those who favor chance have "defused" them- r have, it's because heretofore white instititions were scared to death to begin with, and the demand to in- crease black enrollment had the effect of increasing the size of the interest group.) YOU'D think we'd learn. But just last week, a small group of student-types, mainly women, made the traditional diag-to-Administra- tion Bldg. trek to demand money from the University for child care centers. Fine. Every working pa- rent in a people-oriented society should have a place for their child while they are working (yes, at- tending class is work!). In fact, all working parents deserve this. But the reality is that this society is not people-oriented so much as it is consumer oriented. Unless your complaints are punctuated with dollar signs, you may as well be silent if your group is small. We should not suppose that the way tohmake the University - or any other local institution, - re- -sponsive is a series of piecemeal demands made in succession that will, taken in sum at a future date, result in total change. "The Uni- versity has many constituencies," President Fleming is fond of telling freshmen initiates, and he's right. As a state-supported institution, it is perfectly logical that the Uni- versity power structure should ldok to Lansing and the consciousness of the whole state for directions on how to serve "art, science a n d math." Then faculty, then s t u- dents. We may not be "nigers" yet, dents. We may not be "niggers" yet, but we're certainly low on the scale. Thus, if we really don't like be- ing silent; we can either become the monied class of '84 or find a new philosophical and political base with which to build a real Movement. The choice is really ours, isn't it? N Is this where we're headed? selves. It should be obvious that the Movement - (its title always promised more unity and commit- tment than was ever there) - is now disintegrated; special interest groups are the trend. OK, we re- spond. Women will handle t h e struggle for abortion reform, and child care; blacks and other minor- ities will fight against racism and for equal rights, etc. But unfortun- ately, one or two-issue groups are easy targets for co-optation into the institutions they are trying to change. A social institution - like a university, for example -"can easily make concessions when pub- lic attention or controversy threat- en, and later, when the interest group has been "defused," make the changes meaningless through bureaucratic stalling and altera- tion. RECITING EXAMPLES in this community can be almost painful. Student power turned into SGC, a ridiculous group of lackeys stu- dents voted to give a dollar p e r term from each student; academic reform became dozens of boring- as-hell committees working so slowly that by the time a proposed change was instituted, the students who yelled for it had either grad- uated, given up, or forgotten what they were yelling about; and sex- ual equality became some neglect- ed memo in the bureaucratic bow- els of HEW. (Blacks may have succeeded in bucking this trend, but if they Martial-law oppression As GOVERNMENT officials in the Phil- ippines reported- yesterday, life was "proceeding normally". Just what had happened to evoke this announcement of business as usual? In response to a vaguely defined 'Communist rebellion" President Ferdi- nand Marcos had declared martial-law, shut down all newspapers, radio and television stations, seized all public utili- ties and transportation, and incarcerat- ed many opposition political leaders and suspected Communists. Life was indeed, "proceeding normal- ly". These actions typify the sort of things that have precipitated discon- tent and bitterness among the masses of Philippines poor, who are weary of vio- lent oppression of attempts to reform a corrupt regime, and are increasingly finding violence the only path open to them. In a country that claims to be a de- mocracy, how can- the leadership expect to command the loyalty and faith of the citizens when they expropriate powers not granted in the national constitution Today's staff: News: Cindy Hill, Tammy Jacobs, J i m Kentch, Paul Travis Editorial Page: Lindsay Chaney, Marty Stern Photo Technician: Terry McCarthy Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor PAT BAUER ............Associate Managing Editor ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ....Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY...............Editorial Director MARK DILLEN ..................Magazine Editor LINDA DREEBEN .......Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ...................Managing Editor LORIN LAI3ARDEE .............Personnel Director ARTH-UR LERNER ..... ...........Editorial Director JONATHAN MILLER ...............Feature Editor ROBERT SCHREINER ..............Editorial Director GLORIA SMITH .....................Arts Editor ED SUROVELL . ........................Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS ............Associate Managing Editor and suppress all political opposition, even that in duly elected public office? In addition to decreeing ,martial-law, Marcos has announced "sweeping gov- ernmental reorganization", which he claims will improve the lot of the poor. Such promises from mouth of Marcos are to be taken with a grain of salt. It is not the first time such "reforms" have been instituted and doubtless won't be the last. Such stop-gap measures do nothing toward realizing the goal of Philippine democracy- and can only temporarily prevent open rebellion among an op- pressed, poverty-stricken people. Real re- form will never take place as long as the endemic violence and corruption in Philippine government continues una- bated. -JOHN CLEMENTS Prrinciple-less THE RECENT revelation that Washte- naw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey is boycotting a towing company because it refuses to put his campaign posters on its property shows a vindictive childish- ness. Though the action may not be in a strict sense illegal, it is in the highest sense unethical. This is not the first time in this year's campaign that Sheriff Harvey has been charged' with using his county position for political gain. He has been accused of using a county truck to distribute campaign material and forcing his depu- ties to put Harvey bumper stickers on their cars. These accusations are serious, and point to a lack of feeling on Harvey's part for basic principles of fair play- in fact they show a heavy handed misuse of his position as sheriff of Washtenaw County. --DAVID BURHENN LSA graduation study: a worthless effort? By JAY RISING IN THE LAST week, the office of the dean of the literary college has announced the formation of a "blue ribbon" commission to study ''graduation requirements'' for LSA. The fifteen member group is charged with studying distri- bution requirements, language re- quirements, admission policies, grading requirements, and several other important matters. The LSA Student Government has been invited to participate in the work of the commission. Spe- cifically, it has been asked to appoint one of its members.How- ever, the LSA Student Government finds itself obliged to refuse to take part in this proposal. The govern- ment has been compelled to take this step becausemthepestablishment of this commission as it is pres- entlyenvisaged,'is not in the best interest of the students of LSA. The logic which inspired this proposal seems, on its face, to be admirable. The comprehensive na- ture of the commission's work seems to imply that it is expected to formulate a wide-ranging and well integrated proposal to effect needed changes in LSA. For those who are familiar with the history of reform efforts in the literary college, however, the actual impact of the commission is likely to be counterproductive. The size and complexity of the commission's task is staggering. Though a full academic year has been allotted for the commission to do its work, Eugene Nissen, sec- retary to the LSA Administrative Board has admitted that the June 30, 1973 deadline may not be met. Anyone familiar with the, opera- tion of similar, though far less am- bitious projects; in LSA, will tes- tify to the almost incredible op- timism suggested by this schedule. AND IT SHOULD BE made clear that after this lengthy period of deliberation,. there is no guar- antee that any commission pro- posals will be accepted by the fac- ulty since the commission is mere- ly an advisory body. The upshot of this is that every issue important to the members of the LSA community will have to await the recommendation of this commission. During the past year, for example, both the Student-Fac- ulty Policy Board and the Com- mittee on the Underclass Experi- ence (CUE) made significant pro- gress in developing proposals on grading. The considerable amount of time, effort and iny the case of CUE, money lavished on these ef- forts will have been wasted if the grading question, is, as proposed recycled for further study. Most importantly, however, the commission endangers the progress that has been made on the most basic issue facing students and the literary college as a whole. The central effort of the LSA Student Government since its in- ception has been to gain for stu- dents their proper role in the de- cision making of the college. This role should be one of an equal to the faculty, not a minority or advisory voice. This struggle has not been an easy one, but a few advances have been made. Most notably, of course, is the Student - Faculty Policy Board. Created to contain equal num- bers of students and faculty, the board was to "debate any matter within the jurisdiction of the fac- ulty" and have the power to "ini- tiate and introduce before the fac- ulty its own proposals and legis- lation."% ESSENTIALLY THE BLUE rib- bon commission assumes for it- self the jurisdiction of the Policy Board. Although the commission is to be only temporary, it sets a precedent for arbitrary removal of any or all matters from the hands of the policy board. Not only does this destrov the board's abil- ity to function, but it also negates the concept of a permanent, equal, and institutionaly recognized role of students in decision making. The LSA Student Government has worked amicably with the ad- ministration and particularly with Dean Rhodes. The dean has ex- pressed what seems to be a sin- cere desire for reform, and the government has whole - heartedly cooperated in the past. The inter- ests of harmony, will not, how- ever, be allowed to override the interests of LSA students and the future of the college. We expect the administration to respect the position of the government; that on this point, we will not com- promise. Nonetheless, the administration has implied that if the LSA Stu- dent Government refused to ap- point tstudents to the commission and deny its support,.students will be recruited from other sources. It is difficult t6 believe such a blatant violation of student rights is contemplated. The LSA Student Government is the only constitutionally authorized body which may speak on behalf of LSA students. Its members have been popularly elected, and no ad- ministration fiat can similarly le- getimize the role of any student with whom they might choose to stock their "blue ribbon" commis- sion. Jay Rising is the President of the LSA Student Government. .4 y ,, s Letters to The 11 Fleming attacked To The Daily: THE FOLLOWING is a copy of an openletter to President Flem- ing: It has become apparent that the University of Michigan has some unhealthy plans for Ann Arbor's health care system. The recent af- filiation agreement between St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (SJMH) and the University of Michigan Medical Center (UMMC), planned University facilities for family planning and the planned UMMC- Washtenaw County health center, all point to a take-over of this community's health facilities by the state university in Ann Arbor. The consequences of this take- over are clear. Even now, the peo- ple of Ann Arbor must struggle to have their health needs met by SJMH, a hospital which consid- ers itself community - oriented. With the responsibility for health care placed in the hands of a state university, community h e a lt h needs will be subordinated to teaching and research: functions which the UMMC must carry out above all else. It is also clear that the people of Ann Arbor are powerless to in- fluence or change the decisions which are now being made about the health care system with which they must live and for which they must pay. It appears that the ad- ministration of both hospitals are most content making decisions be- hind closed doors. These decisions are then released to the public piecemeal and well after the fact so as to get as little feedback as possible from concerned commun- ity members. The "representa- tives" of the community on SJM- H's Community Advisory Board (CAB) reflect only the big-money, corporate interests of this region. hospital, you have the responsibil- ity to place their health needs above all else. However, as the president ofca state university, you have the conflicting responsibility to maintain teaching and research as the priorities of the UMMC. Your willingness as a member of the CAB to allow the UMMC to as- sume its new community functions is living proof that both responsi- bilities cannot be met simultane- ously. In light of this conflict and its unhealthy results, we, the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Medical Committee for Human Rights, de- mand your resignation from the Community Advisory Board of St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. We ask that in all current and future negotiations pertaining to the health care facilities of the people of Ann Arbor, you reflect more upon the impact which your secret dealings have on the lives of those people and less upon the power, prestige, and profits which they may bring. -Eric B. Schoomaker and 10 others Sept. 25 Anti-abortion To The Daily: I'D LIKE TO comment on John Steele's letter representing the views of "students in' defense of life" toward the abortion issue. He feels he has solved the un- solvable question: "At what time does life begin?" He knows human life begins at conception because "many doctors" have gone on re- cord favoring this position. Doc- tors are entitled to their own opin- ions but they don't have the last words of eternal truth., Many of us think the sperm and egg are also forms of human life. If this is true, then we are all guilty of killing human life through ./ I Requirements To The Daily: AS AN INCOMING freshman I would like to ask the sophomores, juniors, and seniors why they have tolerated the language and distri- bution requirements? Why, on the progressive campus of the Univer- sity of Michigan, does such an archais and out-moded rule exist which requires that to receive a bachelors degree one must take a language? Of what use is Italian to a pre- med student? Can physics be of any use to a future poet? The B. G.S. program is not a viable alter- native to these stupid requirements because it does not allow one to concentrate. The time to act is now - the longer something ex- ists the harder it is to abolish it. The 1 a n g u a g e requirement should be the first goal. Lets put pressure on those who can change this unfair requirement. -David Lambert, '76 Sept. 25 Putting ol' Sol to work poses many problems 4 By DAVID FRADIN RECENTLY during a qne-hour Deriod a storm occurred on the surface of the sun that produced enough energy to meet the United States' demand for electrical pow- er for 100 years at the present rates of consumption. The ques- tion remains, however, whether mankind can gather and use the sun s energy on earth. Some sci- entists have suggested erecting large solar panels in orbit to col- lect the sun's energy without wea- ther inerference and beaming 'the energy to earth by microwaves. Is the idea feasible? Do we need a source of energy other than fos- sil fuels? Upon examining where t h e United States' energy supply comes from one finds that over 75 per cent from oil and other fossil fuels. Quite clearly a finite source of fossil fuels will dry up under the pressures of infinite de- mand. In fact, the day may not be too far away when we will drive up to the gas pump and have to pay one dollar per gallon. An alternative source of energy must be found. Nuclear breeder re- actors- are an interim solution. Thermonuclear fusion is a po- tential long-range solution. Solar power is another. THERE ARE THREE major problems with solar power. First, the sun must be thoroughly re- searched and understood. This is being done today through the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Ad- ministration's (NASA) P i o n e e r spacecraft. Second, solar cells must become much more efficient. Today, solar cells convert only about 10-15 per cent of the light energy reaching them to electric energy. Already many aerospace com- panies, such as Northrup, Grum- man, and North American Rock- well are conducting basic re- search in improving the efficien- cies of solar cells. Third, a cheap- er way must be found to put solar cells and energy-transmitting sta- tions into orbit. NASA's Space Shuttle, a reusable rocket that can put satellites into orbit and shuttle them back to earth to be- used again, may go a long way towards reducing the cost of erecting so- lar power stations in space. A 4 Al m am 6