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September 23, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-23

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See Editorial Page


Sir iau


Sunny, warm with
showers tonight

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 15 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 23, 1972 en Cents

Eight Pages


void s





n i-busin






DETROIT W) - More than 600
cases involving oharges of dis-
crimination against women are
threatened because a judge has
ruled the Michigan Civil Rights
Commission doesn't have jurisdic-
tion over sex bias.
"It is this court's feeling' that
the powers of the Michigan
Civil Rights Commission . . . does
not include the subject of dis-
crimination by sex," ruled Wayne
County Circuit Court J u d g e
Charles Farmer.
Judge Farmer's ruling, handed
down Sept. 12, was based on the
commission's investigation of a
complaint filed by Nelda High, of *'
Flint, in May, 1968.
The commission investigated and
said High's e m p 1 o y e r, K-Mart
division of S. S. Kresge Co. had
purposely excluded females from
management posts.
The Commission requested a list °
of names of persons who had been 1 ?!
admitted to the manager-trainee . .
program since High was denied
acceptance, as proof of discrimina-
tory practice.
Then the case went to Circuit
Court with the Commission enter-
ing a petition to have access to the
full names, and dates of hire of I};t
persons admitted to management Y}
training since May 20, 1968. yt
Attorneys for the retail firm r}£-.f':
challenged the, commission's juris-
diction over cases charging sex .
Farmer agreed with the retail '". . .
firm. The judge argued that since r". ...
the words "sex discrimination"
were not in the title of the lawBu ie
creating the Civil Rights Commis Busies
sion, nor in- the title of the Fair Houseboats crowd a South Vi
Employment Practices Act, the City of Hue. The city is still t
commission has no powers in this tyo e. The ity
field. the west and north.
Jean King, a local attorney ac-
tive i women's affairs,de staffed SINCE PHASE II:
commission is "so undetffed .J1,
and so choosy that the fact that
they can't handle cases of sex
discrimination won't be missed." C o st of i
She added that women still have
the recourse of appealing to the
Equal Employment Opportunity 1
Commission, but that they face a
case backlog which could delay a u y rn g L P
hearing as much as half a year.
Obviously this ruling has serf- WASHINGTON (AP - The cost
ous implications," said Commis- living rose 2.9 per cent in the fir
sion President Martha Wylie. "The year of President Nixon's wag
Commission has not decided what price controls, and some 50 milli
action it will take but I expect we rank-and-file workers gained th
will decide next week," she added. biggest boost in purchasing powe
The Commission has interpreted on record, the government sa
its powers to deal with sex bias in yesterday.
jobs from the Fair Employment A White House spokesman sa
Practices (FEP) Act, which was the administration was on targ
amended in 1966 to cover sex bias in its fight against inflation, whi
Assistant Attorney General Mi- spokesmen for Democratic Pres
chael Lochman said the Commis- dential nominee George McGo
sion's duty was to absorb respon- ern disagreed.
sibilities previously covered by the "Price developments over th
FEP when it was created year provide solid evidence of pr
Local statiors argue
over air freq-uenJ.1cy


Sen.BGeorgeRMcGovern (D-
S.D.) blasted President Nix-
on's anti-busing stance yes-
terday morning in a speech
before union leaders in De-
"With the exception of his fail-
ure to end the war," McGovern
charged, "there is no darker chap-
ter in the presidency of Richard
Nixon than his exploitation of the
emotions surrounding busing."
"Now, rather than face up to
the consequences of his failures, he
is using the busing issue for cheap
political purposes in the most cyni-
cal and demagogic way possible
to divert attention from his re-
cord of indifference," he said.
McGovern voiced his conviction
that busing was an issue that be-
longed in the courts, rather than
on the campaign trail.
"He (Nixon) knows, as we all
know, that his appointee - (Su-
preme Court) Chief Justice War-
ren Burger -- held that busing,
under certain conditions, is a per-
missible, if undesirable, remedy
for unequal educational opportun-
ity, to be used as a last resort aft-
er all other remedies have failed."
The Democratic Presidential can-
didate's pro-busing statement
came in resoonse to challenges by
Republican leaders to declare how
he would vote when the Senate
takes up the measure.
'"Nixon. is using the issue to ob-
scure his total failure to check the
rapid slide in the quality of our
nation's- schools," he said.
McGovern assailed administra-
tion indifference to the conditions
in inner city schools.
"For four years," McGovern
said, "Richard Nixon has prac-
tised a particularly malignant kind
of neglect toward schools. Three
times in three ye rs he has vetoed
desnerately-needed funds because
-he seemed to sav - while we're
never too broke to find a spare
billion for a few' extra missiles for
Southeast Asia, we can't afford
textbooks and schools for the chil-
dren of our country."
Joining McGovern on the plat-
form were Sen. Edmund Muskie
(D- naine), State Attorney Gener-
A Frank Kellev and Detroit Mav-
or Roman Gribbs, and about 20 De-
troit area union leaders.
Muskie, who has been accom-
nanving McGovern for the past
three days, continued his support
as the two journeyed to Roches-
ter, N.Y. where they addressed an
enthusiastic street rally of 7,000
yesterday afternoon.
In Rochester, as in Detroit, Mc-
Govern refuted a campaign speech
by Sniro Agnew in which the vice
president asked why the Demo-
cratic nominee "doesn't have the
same amount of compassion for
the hundreds of thousands of South
Vietnamese who have been pur-
posely and consciously exterminat-
ed in one of the most ruthless acts
of aggression ever recorded in in-
ternational history?"
"Don't you dare challenge my
patriotism or my loyalty!" was
See McGOVERN, Page 8

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
SENATOR GEORGE McGOVERN greets st~ate Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley as Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-Maine), and Detroit Mayor Roman
Gribbs (in background) look on. McGovern flew into Detroit to meet with blacks and union leaders.

MANILA (41) - President Ferdi-
nand Marcos decreed martial law
in the Philippines yesterday night,
hours after his defense secretary
escaped an assassination attempt,
government sources reported.
There were unofficial reports of
gunshots on the state university
campus, a center of leftist ac-'
tivism. All university classes were
ordered suspended and govern-'




s as usual
etnamese river in the old imperial
ranquil in spite of heavy fighting to

ment offices were closed. Police
shut down 411of Manila's news-
papers and its major broadcast-
ing stations.
A metropolitan spokesman said
today that three senators of the
opposition Liberal party and a
newspaper columnist were arrest-
The government sources who re-
ported the declaration of martial'

Liw said Marcos signed his order
late yesterday. There was no of-
ficial announcement.
Violence, crime and political un-
rest have been building up on the
Philippines, a nation of islands
crowded with 35 million people,
many of them dirt-poor. Bombings
and other terrorist strikes in the
Manila area have killed one per-
son and wounded at least 20 oth-


In rises,
wer higher
gress toward the goal of reducing
the rate of inflation to the 2 to 3
per cent range by the end of this
year," said Marina Whitman of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisors.
"The American housewise knows
that this claim is patently false for
those items directly related to
raising a family-such things as
meat prices, shoes, and housing
costs," retorted Lawrence O'Brien,
McGovern campaign director.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics
said the 2.9 per cent rise in av-
erage prices of food, clothing,
housing, transportation, medical
care and recreation the past year
compared with a 4.4 per cent hike
in the year before federal controls.
The report said food prices rose
.3 per cent including a .9 per cent
hike for meat - in August and
were up 3.8 per cent over the first
year of Nixon's controls.
Paul Jennings, president of the
AFL-CIO International Union of
Electrical Workers and a McGov-
ern supporter said the figures were
misleading. He said they include
the three-month period of Nixon's
Phase 1 freeze that preceded the
more relaxed Phase 2 controls.
"That's playingsa little bit of a
game," Jennings told a news con-
The inflation rate in the nine
months of Phase Two was 3.3 per
cent the government report said.
McGovern aides said if prices
See LIVING, Page 8

Hexachiorophene sales

ers in the last two months and
Moslems have been battling Chris-
tians on some of the nation's is-
The arrested senators were iden-
tified as Ramon Mitr, Ramon Dio-
kno and Benigno Aquino, Jr. The
columnist was Maximo Soliveq of
the Manila Times, one of the eight
English-language papers closed
down. The police spokesman did
not say why the four were ar-
Earlier, assassins tried to kill
Defense Secretary Juin Enrile as
he drove home from work. He said
he escaped because he was riding
in a security vehicle following his
official car, which was the tar-
get of shooting from another car
that sped away.
The government launched a mili-
tary campaign against the Maoist-
oriented New People's Army in
July after authorities reported in-
tercepting a ship carrying arms
and supplies for the rebels.
Government forces also have
engaged in periodic fighting with
the armed bands of Moslem raid-
ers who are feuding with Chris-
tians in remote areas.

halted on open

and Drug Administration (FDA)
announced Friday it will ban non-
prescription sales of hexachloro-
phene (HCP), the widely used
germ-fighter recently described
as potentially fatal to babies.
Nearly 40 babies in France
were killed this summer by acci-
dentally large doses of the anti-
bacterial chemical in talcum

Uganda raids Tanzania
in third attack this week

powder, the FDA said.
Recent University of Washing-
ton studies had linked weaker
HCP solutions such as market-
leading pHisoHex to brain dam-
age in premature infants.
The regulatory action was cri-
ticized as precipitous by the lead-
ing manufacturer and "tragically
tardy" by a Ralph Nader asso-
ciate who rang a public alarm
4ast November.
First patented in 1941 and com-
monly used in hospital nurseries
to prevent skin infections, hexa-
chlorophene's popularity broad-
ened in recent years to wide-
spread use in an estimated $250
million worth of cosmetics such
as feminine hygiene sprays,
aerosol deodorants, toothpastes
and hair sprays. U.S. consump-
tion of HCP in 1970 was estimated
at four million pounds.
Under the new order, to go into
effect formally next Wednesday,
emulsions containing 3 per cent
IICP and baby products with
more than .75 per cent can be
sold only in drugrstores ifapre-
scribed by a doctor.
Any baby powders with more
than .75 per cent must be re-
called,tas wellas other infant
products of that strength in
supermarkets, the FDA said.
The chemical can be used as a

EMU suspends 122
not living in dorms

preservative in cosmetics and
drugs up to .1 per cent if no
other substitute is available.
Existing supplies of other HCP-
containing infant products may
be sold, the FDA said, but fur-
ther manufacture and shipping
must stop.
See U.S., Page 8



NAIROBI, Kenya (A') - UgandaI
staged another bombing raid oni
Tanzania yesterday as African an-
xiety mounted over what form
Tanzania's response might take.
Kenya announced it intends to stay
out of the conflict building up be-
tween its East African partners.

Two persons were killed and 17
injured in yesterday's raid on
Mwanza, on the southern shore of
Lake Victoria, the Tanzanian Ra-
dio reported.
President Julius Nyerere andj
Prime Minister Rashidi Kawawaj
of Tanzania were reported consult-

A confrontation before the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) may be brewing between Eastern Michi-
gan University's (EMU) radio station WEMU and the Uni-
versity's own WCBN.
WEMU would like to expand its broadcasting power but
to do so they would have to switch their frequency and
convince WCBN to also switch frequencies.
WCBN has refused to switch because they feel the new
frequency would cause interference with a Lansing television
.-....-__......+., The problem centers around the
frequency of 89.1, which is the only
j high-power IFM station frequency
'ars 'open at the moment. If WEMU
switched to 89.1 and expanded its
power it would smother WCBN at
89.5 and a Plymouth station at
non-union 89.3.
A solution has been proposed by
WEMU: Move WCBN from 89.5 to:
88.3 and move the Plymouth sta-
lettudon from 89.3 to 88.1. Although the
Plymouth station agreed, WCBN
The University's Housing Policy stal11d until some reception tests
Board voted unanimously on could be made.
Thursday to continue a boycott by The results of the tests, accord-
residence hails of non-union let- ing to Fred Remley, technical di-
tuce. rector of the University broadcast
Four members of the board, in- services, showed that "the inter-
cluding Housing Director John ference caused to WJIM-TV (chan-
"'Pi-Mlrm . rn nel 6) on that frequency was suf-

The air attack was the third ing.
Uganda has staged since an "ex- President Idi Amin of Uganda
ile force" based in Tanzania reported fighting yesterday nightj
crossed over into Uganda last Sun- against invaders from Tanzania
day. C and the Tanzanian government
The exiles are believed to be E said one of its border towns was
loyal to ex-Uganbiean President bombed by a Ugandan warplane.
Milton Obote, ousted by President earlier in the day.

Any day now, 122 freshmen and
sophomores at Eastern Michigan
University (EMU) will be receiv-
ing letters of suspension for not
complying with a university rule
requiring them to live in dormi-
The letters were sent out yes-
terday afternoon.
The rule was established in 1949,
but has not been enforced for many
years due to overcrowding in the
dormitories. "The dorms were
crowded, so yob couldn't force stu-
dents to live there," Ralph Chap-
man, head of the EMU news bu-

Idi Amin last year.

See UGANDAN, Page 8


reau said. "The rule was not strict-
ly applied because it couldn't be
strictly applied."
Last spring, however, EMU's
Office of Student Affairs an-
nounced it would begin enforcing
the long-standing rule as of this
term. The rationale is that enroll-
ment this year is lower than usual
so there is space in the dorms.
"The residence halls must be
self-liquidating," Chapman explain-
ed, "and they must be filled to be
According to Chapman, the list
of 122 students was narrowed down
from a list of approximately 2,500
freshmen and sophomores living in
non-university housing.
All but the 122 were found to
have some justification for an ex-
1 emption to the rule, Chapman said.
Freshmen and sophomores who are
over 21, are married, or are veter-
ans are exempt from the rule, he
The remaining 122 had no ap-
parent justification for an exemp-
i tion, Chapman explained, and are
therefore considered "violators."
"They will remain suspended un-
til they comply with the housing
policy," he said. To -comply, they
must go to the housing office and
either sign a contract for a dormi-
tory room or file an application
for an exemption.


Varner names

progra m


"My ultimate goal is to eliminate my job," says
Affirmative Action Director Nellie Varner, the
highest-ranking woman in the administration.
Varner was selected by President Robben Flem-
ing last week for a key post: monitoring the Uni-
versity's affirmative action programs for women
and minorities.
itrl- T--- t-ha - 1 frm rn rrfrP tqt

with sex descrimination in its employment prac-
tices. An affirmative action plan, including goals
and timetables for the increased hiring of women
was then formulated. The plan has not yet been
approved by HEW.
The Commission for Women was then created
to serve as a watchdog for the program, while the
Commission on Minority Groups was formed last
year to review the University's program for mi-

.v~ ....... ..... 4

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