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September 21, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-21

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Thursday, September 21, 1972


Page Seven

Thursday, September 21, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

Michigan Union Bowling

Peace course.

to seek solutions

North Viet grasp on
Quang Ngai tightens

By GORDON ATCHESON proach to the problem of achieving orous way we look at physical ed about the project.
L EAGU ES NOW FORM I NG While the world wrestles with a warless world because the cur- science problems." The lecture-discu
the Arab-Israeli conflict, twenty riculum tries to avoid ideology and Singer acts as an advisor to the uses the Arab-Israeli
University students are grappling rhetoric. The students attempt group, but sees his duty as provid- case study. The goa
LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP with it here. making arguments for world peace ing guidance -only when necessary is to present sever
The research is being done in through reason and evidence, and "to help legitimize and to pro- solutions of the pre
Poliitcal Science 491-also called Dick Ross, student organizer for tect the students from mindless which will be publis
OPEN 11 am. Mon.-Sat.; 1 p.m. Sun. Introduction to Peace Research: the program, believes the objec- bureaucrats." form at the end of
Methods and Models in the Quest tive of the course is "to get away According to Singer, the stu- Singer thinks the
for a Warless World. from the traditional propagandizing dents chose the curriculum and studies is excellent fi
New this year, the project was and subjectivity that has charac- are developing it in their own way. course, but cautions
developed and isbeing run almost terized the social sciences and Until recently the Univesity has stand inteation
e P :W-0 entirely by students. The partici- give the students some idea of the offered few' undergraduate courses ber of differentacas
pants hope the course will, in some field of peace research." in peace research. Ross and Singer discussed.
' ~~~way, replace the Center for Re-I Political science Prof. David both have theories why. dsue..
search on Conflict Resolution, Singer adds that the basis of the Ross states "at the University -"The important thi
LeatherCoats which was discontinued at the course is "the idea of starting to there is an established hierarchy students get a chan
LeatherdT *~University over a year ago. look at social problems in the in traditional political science that to absorb, manipulal
The course is unusual in its ap- systematic, disciplined, and rig- has chosen t neglect peace re- gitate ideas and
FUR and PLAIN COLLARSsearch." nger continues "t
atST D UM RE T UR NTI Snfeinge believes there exists thetobgnapygt
STADIUM RESTAURANT eing that serious social problems they have picked up.
a dZ I U A are not susceptible to scientific Once the course w
analysis, and the reluctance to get Ross encountereds
CrTT fF "i338 S. State into something that might be poli- problems. He explai
tically harmful to a social scien- dents who take intr
SGREEK MENU tist's career; and we have our sci courses are turn
every Tuesday & Thursday share of careerists here." we have to turn th
When asked to comment on before we can get to
At R O IM M IESE IL Singer's and Ross' theories, Prof. In addition, Ross r
A A4E dily Harold Jacobson,schairman of the students expect stude
uru.Un rsolyicas: 7 a.m.-2 lca science department, said' to be bull-shitting
40 ous: am.- am.INDULGE YOURSELF! "it wouldn't be productive at the this is a rigorous co
everyday N moment to comment on this." He rrently o
_____-did say, however that he was pleas- Introduction t Peac

ssion course
J conflict as a
d of the study;
al "workable"
sent situation,
hed in journal
the term.
use of case
or this type of
that to under-'
)nflict, a num-
ses shouldbe;

SAIGON /P)-North Vietnamese
forces tightened their hold yester-
day in Quang Ngai Province in an
apparent attempt to counter South
Vietnamese victories on the Quang
Tri front.
Meanwhile, in Quang Tri City,
President Thieudisclosed that he
would not ask for an extension of
the special emergency powers
which he used to "act fast for,
order and security" after North

si ice S'mday, despite the efforts
of more than 1,500 government de-
South Vietnams-se troops trying
to recapt-re high ground west of
the town, known as Dragon Hill,
have made little headway against
withering 105mm howitzer fire
from one of their own guns seized
by the North Vietnamese.
Meanwhile, in Quang Tri City,
communist shellfire prevented

ng is that the Vietnam invaded the South in Thieu from entering the Quang Tri
ce not merely March. Critics claim he had used Citadel. The shellfire also blew up
te, and regur-
hey are going
" "I don't need to be a dictator," said Thieu, "I

was underway, do not need to extend the powers."
some student

ns "many stu-
oductory poli-
ed off, so that
hem on again
'ealizes "some
nt-run courses
sessions, but
ne section of
e Research is
t semester the
-ed again, and
courses are

" rn.


being conducted. Nex
course willrbe offer
several related

the special powers to eliminate
the loyal opposition as well as sub-
versive elements.
"I don't need to be a dictator,"'
said Thieu. "I do not need to ex-
tend the powers."'
Attacking just before dusk,
enemy infantry and sappers broke
into a government ranger com
pound on the northernedges of
Ba To district town and fierce
fighting was reported continuing
after nightfall.
One field informant said the 400
South Vietnamese defenders- were
still holding part of the compound
with the aid of air strikes, .but'
they were outnumbered by more,
than a batallion of North Viet-
The communist forces have al-
ready captured Ba To and now
threaten two more district towns'
in southern Quang Ngai Province,
both on coastal Highway 1.
Mo Duc, officially labeled as
"contested" after five days of
fighting, is surrounded by up to
1,000 North Vietnamese regulars
and main force Viet Cong. In-
formants said about 200 enemy'
troops have infiltrated the town


n. (trier, fr. to sort out, screen)
1. Name given to front line advance medics in World War I who
surveyed battle casualties and directed the sorting of injured and
dead to appropriate medical facilities. 2. Health Service's new
fast treatment system.

a South Vietnamese ammunition
dump within sight' of Thieu's car
as he was driving southward on a
highway to visit other marine posi-
tions. He canceled two proposed
stops because of the artillery bar-
rage and was picked up by a U.S.
1J 'I9,ET N
.The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official pu'bwation of the Univer-
sity of Mic iigan. Notices should- be
409 E. Jefferson., before 2 p.m. of
the d-v preceding publication. and
by 2 p.m. Friday tfor Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
riot acce'pte l for publication. For
more information. phone 764-9270.
Mental Health Research Institute:
'N. H. Neff, Nat'l Inst. of Mental Health,
"The Metabolic Fate of the Blogenic
Amines." 2059MHRI, 3:45 pm.
Engineering Job-Hunting Seminar: I.
C. Pfeiffer, IBM, "Where to from 'State
U?" Residential Coll. Aud., 4 and 7 pm.
Computer Film: "Use of the Teletype
in MTS." Seminar Rm, Comp. Gtr., 4,
4:45, 7. 7:45, & 8:30 pm.
Residential College Renaissance Dra-
ma Films: "Othello," - British, 126
Residential. Coll., 7 pm.
Computers, Fortran IV and MTS: B.
Carnahan, "The FORTRAN IV Pro-
gramming Language," Nat. Sci. Aud.,
7:30 pm.
Geineral Notices
Attention students: Sept. 22 is last
date for Fall Term when Registrar's Of-
fice will: a) accept Student 100 percent
Withdrawal Notice for refund purposes.
(Excluding $50.00 disenroilment fee);
b) allow refund for the student who
reduces hours of course credit.
P eac er o St -vice
3200 SAB
CEIVING DEGREES in '72 '73: If you'll'
be looking for full-time job after grad-'
uation, GRAD II computerized job op-
portunity matching system might help.
It's free. Stop by or call for more in-
formation, Deadline: Sept. 28.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Students interest-
ed in working for Environmental Ac-
tion lobby group in Washington D. C.
for Fall or winter Term. No pay but
good experience for students taking
time off from school. Stop by for more
TION: A tentative list of Grad
Schools & Organizations planning to
have reps on campus now available in
this office. Stop by and pick up a vopy.
Undergrad Political Science Assoc.
Gen. meeting Sept. 25 7:30 PM 429 Ma-
son Halo.
Michigan women in Science. Sept. 21
8:00 PM 296 Phys. Astron Bldg. All wo-
men students and staff in natural and
social science dept. welcome.

Order your MICHIGAN DAILY sUscrip these
ridiculously iow prices (SAVE up to 33% from the
newsstand price) now, and be sure to get every issue
of THE DAILY delivered to. your OWN PERSONAL
RESIDENCE by the shy little trolls we call our carriers
(if you live in the campus area).
If you don't live close to campus, don't despair! You can still get
THE DAILY, the SAME DAY it's published, by those shy BIG trolls
known as the U.S. Postal Service .(Same day service in Washtenaw
County only).

TRIAGE is ac
medical clinicd
problems suchc
fill, etc. Theya
a physician isa
saving waitingt

consultation and examining system in the main
designed to sort out patients with quickly handled
as a cold or flu, those needing a prescription re-
are directed to a special, three-room unit in which
able to move quickly from patient to patient, thus



' 1

Friday, October 6, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. is the
deadline set by.law for persons to register
to vote in the November 7 Presidential
If you are already registered to vote in Ann Arbor, but have
moved within the City, you should file a change of address with
the City Clerk's office at- City Hall. A convenient way for vot-
ers to file a change of address is to mail their voter I.D. card
to the City Clerk's office with the change of address informa-
tion filled out in the space provided on the card.
Voter registration or change of address activities may be
accomplished by coming in person to the City Clerk's office
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Clerk's
office is located on the second floor of City Hall, 100 N. Fifth
In addition to City Hall, deputy voter registrars are now
available to process new voter registrations and changes of ad-
dress at the following locations and times:
1 Ann Arbor Public Library, 343 S. Fifth Ave.-Monday
through Friday, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays,
1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2. Forest Hills Community Center, 2351 Shadowood Drive-
Monday through Friday, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
3. University of Michigan Campus, located at the "Fishbowl"
(between Angel-Mason Hall) or on the Diagonal, depend-'
ing upon the weather, Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Approximately 15 to 20 other voter registration sites in all
areas of the city are being organized in addition' to those listed
above. The exact locations and hours for these sites will be
publicized in the near future.
7...- - ,. -,:.i ,-- of

Free Inst uctions
Pocket B'liards
7 p.m.-9 p m
Michigan Union
Free Exhibticn
Steve Mize ak, Jr.


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