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September 19, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-19

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Lw igaui

:4 atID

Partly cloudy, slight
chance of rain

Vol. LXXXIIf, No. 11 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 19, 1972 len Cents

Ten Pages




meet in Hanoi
Associated Press Special Correspondent
HANOI - A motorcade of 1950-model Russian Volga
sedans rushing through the darkened streets of Hanoi, a hur-
ried walk through a dark courtyard of the headquarters of the
People's army, soldiers in pith helmets standing quietly by.
Up a flight cf steep wooden steps past a crush of televis-
ion photographers and then almost alone in a simply
furnished dusty room.
It was journey's end for two determined American women
who started out a week ago from Dunedin, Fla., and San
Diego, Calif., on a trip halfway around the world to personally
bring home their released prisoner of war Navy pilots.
Minnie Lee Gartley was first through the door Sunday,




patting at her graying hair,
TU forced
to, vacate
its office
Student Government C o u n c i
officers last night moved th
Tenants Union (TU) out of it.
smaller office in the Student Ac
tivities Bldg. into the group'
larger office.
The move came after SGC tol4
TU it would have to vacate the
smaller office by last Sunday, s
it could be turned over to the Com
mittee to Re-elect the President.
SGC officers contacted Cynthi
Churchill, who -is listed with SG(
as a member- of the TU steerinj
committee, to supervise the mov
last night.
"I don't know anything about th
issues raised over the weekend,'
she said in reference to rU charge
of "political harassment" leveler
at SGC.
"I was only concerned for the
equipment and belongings of TU,'
she added. "I wanted to make sure
they were put in the ocher offict
and not just dumped out in the
TU spokesperson David Raaflaul
had pharged earlier that SGC Waf
trying "to kick us out all together.'
"We're suffering political retali
ation of the highest order," he said
Raaflaub was unavailable foi
comment last night.

her eyes alive with expectation.
- Past two soldiers at the door,
a cameraman and there he
was-her tall blond son, Navy
Lt. Markham L. Gartley.
"Better looking than I remem-
bered him after five years apart,"
she said.
Gartley blinked. Then he felt his
mother's strong arms around his
Keyed up for a. week he said
later: "Itwasralmostunreal,not
1 quite as traumatic as I expected."
Slim, pretty Olga Charles had al-
e ready dashed by and embraced
:s her husband, Navy Lt. Norris
Charles.bThey had not seen such
s other for 10 months and Mrs.
Charles would not reveal what she
whispered in his ear in this first
e moment.
o Standing nearby was Air Force
i Maj. Edward Elias, who up to the
previous evening had thought either
his wife or father would make the
a trip. Cora Weiss from New York
C who had helped to arrange his re-
g lease walked up to him.
e The official reception was ready
to begin and it was only a special
e concession by military authorities
that had allowed the women to
s meet first briefly with their loved
Mrs. Bartley and Mrs. Charles
e stood quietly behind their men as
each stepped forward to the mic-
e rophone and made brief state-
e ments, then pandemonium as Mrs.
e Charles shoved through the press
and television crews to cuddle her
husband and Mrs. Gartley found!
b her son at the edge of the room.
~ Back to the motorcade, past a
small group of Vietnamese civil-
ians who cheered at the gate. Then
a banquet in Hoa Binh Hotel and
r a long talk into the night with
members of American peace group
- who came over to escort them
e home and with a few journalists.
But not for the Charles,' who
excused themselves early. Mrs.
it Charleshad a tape to play to her
husband from their 3-year-cold
,jdaughter and so they walked hand
in hand up the twisting stairway of
the old hotel to the "Honeymoon
- Suite."

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
A tree for ROTC
Dean Robert Williams and Air Force Colonel Marvin Grunzke ceremonially plant a spruce tree outside
the ROTC building yesterday to commemorate 25 years of Air Force officer education at the Univer-
sity. The ceremony, which was attended by about 50 uniformed cadets, passed without incident under
the vigilance of two University security officers.
draws.2,000to Hill

City Council last night
amended its marijuana ordi-
nance to make the penalty for
possession, use or sale of the
drug identical to that for a
parking violation.
The vote was 6-5, with the coun-
cil's four Democrats joining the
two Human Rights Party (HRP)
members to give the amendment
the margin of success. All five
Republicans opposed the amend-
The ordinance, which already
provided for a fine of only $5 for
marijuana related offenses, was
modified to include a provision
aimed at curbing the sentencing
power of the city's two district
court judges.
HRP members on council had
feared that the judges would in-
clude in their sentences terms of
probation for those found guilty
of Violating the law. They sought
to clarify the law to enable of-
fenders to simply mail in their $5
fine without necessarily having to
make court appearance.
The amendment also allows
judges to defer sentencing of of-
fenders, a technical move aimed
at- allowing cases to lapse and the
offender to escape having a drug
conviction on his or her criminal
It was unclear last night, how-
ever, whether future marijuana
cases will ever come before a
judge, as under the amendment
offenders can supposedly dispose
of cases simply by pleading guilty
and paying the fine.
The marijuana ordinance was
originally passed last May, and at
the time was. hailed by its Human
Rights Party sponsors as "the
closest we can legally get towards
It has yet to be tested in court,1
however, and some observers have
speculated that the city's normally3
conservative district court judges

Bomb threats and cold rains
couldn't dampen the spirits of
over 2,000 people who turned out
to cheer the performers of "Cele-
bration - Woman isdFree" Sun-
day night at Hill Aud.
The show of skits, songs and
speeches marked the official
start of the campaign for pas-
sage of the state's abortion re-
form referendum Nov. 7.
Proposal B would allow "a li-
censed medical or osteopathic
physician to perform an abortion
at the request of a patient if the
period of gestation has not ex-
ceeded 20 weeks. Currently
abortions may only be perform-
ed to "preserve the life" of the
pregnant woman.
Following an evacuation and
unsuccessful search of the audi-
torium for explosives, the show
began two hours late with songs
and plays by feminist perform-
Then "Ms." Editors Gloria
Steinem and Margaret Sloan
brought the audience back to the
business of getting the abortion
referendum passed.

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
LLOYD FAIRBANKS (R-Fourth Ward) opposing the revisions to
the city's pot law.
Council tables HRP
consumer ordinances
City Council last night deferred consideration of three
Human Rights Party-sponsored amendments to the city code
aimed at establishing strict new consumer standards for
local retailers.
The three proposals called for compulsory -unit pricing,
dating of products and nutritional labeling of all foodstuffs

Steinern -Sloan

But SGC Treasurer David
per, who sent the eviction
to TU, denied the charges.


"We're just refusing to gran
them special privileges," he main
tamed. The remaining TU office
he said, should be large enough
for the group.
TU also contended that the de
cision to allocate the office to the
Committee to Re-elect the Presi-
dent was made without a quorun
of SGC members present. There
are 13 members on SGC, but only
six were present last Tuesday
' when the vote was taken.
Schaper, however, said council
had the right to vote on the mattei
under a provision of Robert's Rules
of Order which allows decisions
to be made without a quorum f
they require immediate action. The
decision has to be ratified at the
next meeting that has a quorum,
according to the rules.
SGC's meeting is scheduled foi
TU is a student organization con-
cerned with such problems as land-
lord-tenant disputes, low-cost hous-
ing and rent freez violations.

Steinem called for "reproduc-
tive freedom and an end to gov-
ernment interference in that
freedom." According to Steinem,
this includes the establishment
of free abortions, the repeal of
birth control laws and an end to
the involuntary sterilization of
those in prisons and mental in-



; .

U' consolidates prmed

school in new six-year program,
By JUDY RUSKIN ing the two programs rather than dent, Mark Yost.
The University has initiated a merely shortening either one of "The classes, particularly chem-
new program which will enable them was the major concern. istry, are taught differently," he
students to earn their MD degree A few universities have accele- continued. "They use the 'Keller
in six years instead of the tradi- rated MD programs reducing the method.' There are no lectures,
tional eight years by combining number of years to six. However, you go completely at your own
undergrad a n d medical school this often has been "achieved pre- pace."
courses. oiat bycmrsin ndI
The program is known as Inte- dommantly by compression and The program was originally plan-
compaction of the pre-medical por- ned for five years, but according
flex for Integrated, Flexible Pre- tion of the education, usually at to DeMuth, six years is now con-
medical/Medical School Curricu- the expense of the humanities and sidered the standard length of time
lum e the liberal arts," DeMuth said. until graduation.
While developing the program, "Society needs physicians who
Dr. George DeMuth, associate are able to attack problems using
deanfor academic affairscat the the techniquesofthehumanistas
medial shoolsai tha comin-wel~l as those of the scientist," he --1V f ei f

Sloan focused on the additional
problems a black woman faces in
defining her role in society.
"We have nothing to validate
our self-images other than some
old pancake boxes," she said,
referring to pictures on Aunt
Jemimah mixes.
Actress Candice Bergen also
spoke, in her first public appear-
ance on the issue of abortion re-
Speakers,,singers and theater
groups all stressed the view that
women should be able to "con-
trol their own bodies," instead of
having decisions about abortion
handed down by parents, chur-
ches and legislators.
Cookie Cirello, a feminist folk-
singer from New York, opened
the shows with songs she had
composed and sung on the streets
of Miami Beach during the po-
litical conventions.
The Streetcorner Society, an
eight-person theater group from
Michigan State University, drew
two standing ovations with their
presentation of "The Woman
Play." A series of short skits,
See ABORTION, Page 7
4t hav ove~r

will refuse to recognize its legality. sold within the city.
Both the judges, S. J. Elden and Unit pricing, a system currently used in New York City,
Pieter Thomassen, have declined tells the consumer how much of a product he or she is
to comment on what they will rule --- - -- _- -- .getting for each penny spent.
when the time comes for them to: The amendments were deferred
sentence an offender. to0 because council members felt that
The first case brought under the Gythe amendment could run into con-
new law, against University stu- flict with federal laws regulating
nterstate commerce.
dent William Robertson, is cur- While Mayor Robert Harris said
rently pending in Judge Thomas-: he was in favor of increased con-
sen's court. Robertson was ticketed Dick Gregory, black activist, au- sumer protection, he and all four
in July. thor and comedian, will speak at Democrats on council voted with
PoeIetrtmorwngta two of the five Republicans to defer
About a dozen other cases have Power Center tomorrow night ast sertnvRpbian dfr
Abou a ozenothr caes avethe first speaker in a series spon- consideration of HRP's measure.
yet to come to trial. sored by the Council onBlacksCon- Harris said he wished to allow
Debate on the amendment last! cerns (CBC). time for the city attorney to
examine the proposed'measure.
night was similar to that on pre- Gregory is well-known as a civil Joining with HRP council mem-
vious occasions when moves have rights and anti-war activist and bers Nancy Wechsler (Second
been made to liberalize the city's was an independent write-in candi- Ward) and Jerry De Grieck (First
drug laws. date for President in 1968. Ward) were three Republicans,
He. is the first of a list of speak- William Colburn (Third Ward), Ed-
Republicans spoke s t r o n g 1 y ers that will include Jesse Jackson, ward Hadler (Fourth Ward) and
against the measure-fearing it Julian Bond and Richard Hatcher Bruce Benner (Fourth Ward).
would turn the city into the "drug this semester, and others next Colburn explained, however, that
capital of the state"-while HRP term. he voted with HRP only so he
and Democrats spoke equally According to one member, CBC could help try to defeat theordi-
strong in favor. is an organization designed to "fos-n epubenandotherLy
ter understanding and awareness Republican councilman Lloyd
Persons arrested for possession and hopefully arrive at solutions to Fairbanks (Fourth Ward) spoke
of marijuana under state law- the problems confronting our so-: strongly against the amendments,
which prevails outside the city ciety and our University." claiming that if such measures as
limits of Ann Arbor-can be ailed nutritional labeling were imposed
j d Tickets are on sale for $1.50 at on merchants "every citizen in
for up to a year and fined up to the Union and Powers Center, for Ann Arbor would be shopping out-
$1,000. tomorrow's 7:30 p.m. show. I side of the city."

Fleming has jobs in
-UAW and Chrysler
By CHARLES STEIN union arbitrator.
When President Robben Fleming David Klein, president of the
takes his seat on the board of di- UAW Public Review Board dis-
rectors of Chrysler Corp. Sept. 30, agreed with this position, however.
he will be in the unique position "I don't see any possible con-
of holding posts with both the auto flict of interest," said Klein. "Our
industry and the United Auto panel deals exclusively with un-
Workers Union. ion cases and has nothing to do
For, in addition, to his duties with the auto industry itself."
with the University and Chrysler, A spokesman for the UAW con-
Fleming is a member of the UA- cmrred with Klein's statement.
W's Public Review Board. The Fleming was unavailable for
board, a public panel not direct- comment on the matter.
ly affiliated with the union, serves F l e m i n g ' s appointment to
as a kind of Supreme Court to Chrysler was announced I a s t
which intra-union cases may be Thursday by the corporation. He

The program cuts much dupli-4
cation of courses between the un-
dergraduate and graduate level.,
he continued.
For example premedical students
are required to take organic chem-
istry, while as medical students
they must take biochemistry. Un-
der Inteflex the courses are com-
"The course removes most of the
industrial oriented material from
the organic chemistry, the part!
which was irrelevant to most med-
ical students," DeMuth saia.
There are currently 50 freshman
in the Inteflex program. They were
selected from about 600 applicants
and have an average high school
grade point average of 3 81
"During the screening process,'
said Dr. Colin Campbell, a mem-
ber of the admissions committee

'discrimination issue

Managing Editor
About 35 persons picketed the
Flame, said to be a gay bar, on
Washington St. Saturday night
from midnight until about 2:30
a.m., demanding that its owner
stop a l1 e g e d discrimination
against "drag queens."
The demonstration was plan-
ned by a group of Gay Libera-
tion Front (GLF) members, but
"other gay people, who do not
generally come to GLF meet-
ings" were present and picketing,
according to Jim Toy, GLF mem-
ber and the University's Gay
Student Advocate.
Also nresent w e r e several

license and room to dance, bet-
ter music," and "no selective
harassment o r discrimination
a g a i n s t people by Harvey
(Blanchard) or other employes."
Blanchard, who says he is
"looking into" a dance license,"
maintains he does not discrimi-
nate. "I have barred a couple
of people because of their he-
havior in the bar, not because
they're gay," he said.
He added that he ordered peo-
ple dressed in drag out of the
bar because "there were only a
few, and they were going into
the women's john."
He said he is checking into the
law with regards to transvestites


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