7 Sunday,. September 17, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Sunday,~- . .--:. Setme 17 92TEMCIA AL PaIe Three INTERVIEWS for membership to the board of the ANN ARBOR FILM COOPERATIVE will be held Sunday, September 17, at 164 East Quad at 8:30 p.m. We're looking for OFFICE SPACE-Call 769-7787 ' 3 DAYS Left of Sale at, WAHR'S BOOK STORE 316 S. State St. Absolute Clearance 10,000 BOOKS LEFT, PAPERBACK AND HARDBACK SUPPLIES, SHELVES -EVERY THING MUST GO- Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Sat. x 0 (BORDER'S BOOK SHOP IS COM ING ) A Wh By DICK BARNES Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - The cast is getting so crowded and the chronology so complicated that Democratic headquarters bugg- ing affair now reads like an E. Howard Hunt spy novel. That's fitting, since mystery novelist, o n e t i m e intelligence agent and former White House consultant Hunt is a chief char- acter in the drama, which is three months old today. Democratic presidential candi- date George McGovern has seiz- ed on GOP ties to the affair as a campaign issue and top Repub- licans, including President Nix- on, have denied any high-rank- ing involvement. in the break-in. For readers who missed some of the chapters, here is a run- down on the chief players and episodes in the affairs in which federal grand jury indictments, against seven persons were re- turned Friday: The Watergate Five: Not anti- war activists, but rather the Washington label pinned on five men who were arrested June 17 inside the posh Watergate office building headquarters" of the Democratic National Committee. They were caught with crisp $100 bills and electronic surveil- lance and photographic equip- ment after an alert private building guard spotted a door lock taped open. They first gave aliases, but r )'s Who later turned out to be James McCord Jr., Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzales, Eugenio Mar- tinez and Frank Sturgis. The plot thickened the next day when an Associated Press check of public campaign fi- nance records disclosed that McCord was the well-paid se- curity coordinator for the Com- mittee to Re-elect the President. The other four were Cubans now living in Miami. E. Howard Hunt: Notations found in notebooks belonging to two of the suspects brought Hunt into the picture. He had been working as a Nixon White House consultant and was exployed by a public relations firm located a block from the executive man- sion. In earlier years he had par- ticipated in various Central In- telligence Agency operations and had written more than 40 spy and adventure novels - some with characters whose names bore striking resemblance to the aliases used by the Wat- ergate Five. Hunt, McCord and some of the Miamians had work- ed together with the CIA at the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. For a time after his name en- tered the case, Hunt dropped out of sight. But he eventually emerged to face the grand jury which indicted him and to clean out his desk at the public rela- lations firm which fired him. Wearing sunglasses and with straw hat brim pulled down, Hunt on one recent occasion hid in an empty office and then ran down a street to avoid newsmen. G. Gordon Liddy: The one- time Treasury, one-time White House official was working as chief counsel for the finance com- mittee of the Committee to Re- Elect the President. But he' was fired when he refused to an- swer FBI questions about the break-in. Subsequent disclosures h a v e indicated that Hunt and Liddy were elsewhere in the Watergate complex when the Watergate Five were arrested. The pair re- portedly dashed to a motel acrosse the street and cleared out moni-J toring equipment which was be- ing used in connection with elec- tronic surveillance of the Demo- cratic headquarters. Liddy, too, was indicted. Lawrence O'Brien: Democratic national chairman at the time of the break-in, he is now chair- man of Sen. George McGovern's presidential campaign. O'Brien says investigators have found his_ ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE needs Set De- signers for the 1972-73 Season. If you are inter- ested in designing one of the following, Anthing Goes, The Lion In Winter, Thieves' C a r n i v a l or Prime Of Miss Jean Bro- die, call Alice Crawford -'afternoons, 769-0005, eves. 663-8864. guide to the Watergate plot telephone was tapped for at least several weeks prior to the break- in and that his confidential poli- tical conversations were moni- tored and transcribed daily. A Miami commercial film pro- cessor says negatives of s o m e papers from O'Brien's office were brought to him for developing by two of the Watergate Five. O'Brien has sued the Watergate Five for $1 million in civil dam- ages and is currently trying to amend the suit to increase dam- ages to $3.2 million and add sev- eral Republicans to the list of de- fendants. He has called the af- fair "outrageous political espion- age" and is helping McGovern push it as a major campaign is- sue. John Mitchell: The former at- torney general was head of Pres- ident Nixon's re-election c a m - paign at the time of the break- in. He resigned two weeks later after his wife, Martha, threat- ened to leave him if he did not get out of politics. She made veil- ed allusions to the Watergate af- fair but has refused to elabor- ate on what, if anything undis- closed, she knows about it. The Mitchells lived in an apartment at the Watergate complex at the time. Hugh Sloan Jr.: The 32-year-old Princeton graduate and former White House staffer was treas- urer for the Nixon finance com- mittee at the time of the break- in. He quit a few weeks later be- cause, he said, his wife was preg- nant. She kept working at her White House job. Sloan left his post following dis- closures that $114,000 worth of campaign contribution checks had passed from the Nixon com- mittee to the Miami bank account of Barker - one of the break- in suspects. Sloan had handled all the checks. Kenneth Dahlberg: This indus- trialist and Nixon midwest fund raiser had obtained a $25,000 cash contribution from Dwayne* Andreas, a Minneapolis soybean magnate. Because Andreas, a former supporter of Democrat Hubert Humphrey, wanted to re- main anonymous, he tried to make his contribution b e f o r e April 7. On that date, a new fed- eral law went into effect requir- ing disclosure of the names of political contributors of $100 or more. Dahlberg took the cash on a Miami golf course, then convert- ed it to a cashier's check at a Boca Raton, Fla., bank, a n d bought the check to Nixon head- quarters. Roy Winchester: Several days before Dahlberg brought his check to Washington, Winchester, a vice president of Pennzoil Corp. in Houston had brought a suitcase full of $700,000 in cash, checks and securities to the fi- nance committee office late one night. Nixon fund raisers in Tex- as collected the money just ahead of the April 7 disclosure dead- line. Robert Allen: The president of Gulf Resources and Chemical Co. in Hoiston, Allen was Nixon's Texas fund-raising chairman. His firm was the client of a Mexico City lawyer named Manuel Ogar- rio Daguerre. The suitcase of funds carried by Winchester in- cluded four checks worth $89,000 drawn on a Mexican bank, made out to and endorsed by Daguerre. The four checks, along with Dahl- berg's, were the five that wound up in Barker's bank account. William Liedtke: President of Pennzoil and Nixon's southwest finance chairman, he helped col- lect the $700,000 and was ap- proached by Allen, who said he could raise United States money in Mexico for the campaign. Maurice Stans: The former secretary of commerce quit the Cabinet to become Nixon's chief fund raiser. He was instrumental in the Nixon campaign, raising about $10 million ahead of the disclosure deadline. He has re- peatedly refused to say from whom the money came, contend- ing that in some cases he didn't know and that in an event the donors had requested anonymity. eral Accounting Office. His ac- countants investigated the checks and other elements of Nixon committee finances and found both apparent and possible viola- tions. One assertion was that the committee had not received the $25,000 Andreas contribution in time to avoid the disclosure law, but had failed to report it.. Ano- ther was that $350,000 in cash in Stans' safe had not been pro- perly accounted for. Edward Williams: The noted trial lawyer has supervised the Democrats' civil suit. In re- sponse, the Nixon committees have filed a $2.5 mililon s u i t against O'Brien charging malic- ious abuse of federal court pro- cesses. And Stans has sued O'Brien for $5 million, claiming he was libeled by accusatipns that O'Brien made in a docu- ment which U.S. District Court has not yet accepted as an amendment to O'Brien's original suit. Henry Rothblatt: A New York lawyer who was prominent in one of the My Lai trials, he is de- fending the break-in suspects in the civil suit and is one of sev- eral lawyers defending them in criminal proceedings. Earl Silbert: He is the assist- ant U.S. attorney who directed the grand jury investigation of the case. The indictments re- turned Friday all dealt w i t h breaking into the Democratic headquarters, electronic surveil- lance and conspiracy. The hand- ling of the $114,000 was not a subject of any of the eight counts. Under District of Coium- bia rules, the trial is supposed to begin within 60 days. Mitchell O'Brien Dial 662-6264 At Stpte and Liberty OPEN 12:45 SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 k bdor1 e.so he'd wom wih mo, -rhonanrn nA e wcm ® ~LR " PcARAvSIONmmuu Today's staff: News: Pat Bauer, Jan Benedetti, Morty Stern Photo technicians: Karen Kasmauski, Terry McCarthy UNDERGRADUATES AND GRADUATES interested in intercollegiate athletic competition JOIN THE U of M VOLLEYBALL CLUB If you desire participation in a physically demanding, fast and hard-hitting game, try our olympic-style power volleyball. Post- ing a 113-39 record last year and winning several tournaments, the club offers you the chance to play good ball and a chance to win. All that is needed to join is a willingness to learn and work hard. Come and join! ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING! Thursday, September 21, 7:30 P.M. Faculty Lounge, Union For additional information, call Andris Freivald, 764-4850 When the disclosure about the five checks in Barker's account became public, Stans said he did not know how the checks got there. He also denied he had di- rected any scheme to route cam- paign contributions through Mex- ico so they could be "laundered" - divorced of any identification with their source. Liedtke, however, told investi- gators for the House Banking and Currency Committee that he had asked Stans whether there would be any problems in bring- ing money from Mexico and was told within 24 hours that it was "okay to bring the money to Washington." Stans has continued to maintain he knew of no plan to transfer money from contributors to Mexico and then to the finance committee. He has not specifi- cally commented on a conversa- tion with Liedtke. Sloan told the House Banking investigators that he turned the five checks over to Liddy to be converted to cash. He said Liddy did not produce the cash until several weeks later and that the $114,000 total had been reduced by somewherebetween $1,000 and $2,500. Sloan said Liddy explain- Ed that a check-cashing fee ac- counted for the difference. No one explained why the checks hadn't been cashed at the com- mittee's regular bank. Phillip Hughes: He is head of the Federal Elections Office, part of the government's Gen- Williams I I SHOP THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Miss J warms up to winter in the canvas boot topper bordered, collared and cuffed with acrylic shag, lined with pile and clip-latched over a zipper closure. It's Jolee's 40-inch length of vvrather-repellency and downright fashion pizazz! Rose or natural with white. 5-13 sizes. $55. 4JAW *,1*, q '-6 "I5. /. z Iy,} 'l.. /1/1/ Ilol I I SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- lgan 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day throughSunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other states and foreign). tii Have a flair for artistic writing? If you are interest- ed in reviewing drama, dance, film, poetry, and music, or writing feature stories a b o u t the arts: Contact Arts Editor, c/o The Michigan Daily. ret ton in Moaern Cooling* Ending Tues., Sept. 19th SHOWS AT 1:30-3:20-5:10-7:05-9 P.M. "In spite of what a grouchy, self-consciously iconoclastic An- drew Sarris may write in the Arts section of the Sunday Times, I feel woody Allen is the funniest guy in movies today, and I doubt that I'm in the minority. So naturally I had expected Play It Again Sam to be the funniest movie so far this year. And, naturally, it is." By RICHARD GLATZER Mich. Daily ;:f .>t -:' : f1, F + -.. F. I } i i I :> un. (Mat. & E~ve.), Feb. 11 <; s yti 1 i '.----,.SdbC0O 4S1 ... ,... . ... ... r .^5 1...