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September 16, 1972 - Image 11

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Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, September 16, 1972 Saturday, September 16, 1972






4 ,




Word coming from Republican
campaign headquarters has it
that the nation's number one
football fan will not in this most
- sensitive of years engage in
partisan football activity. This
loss must be deeply felt by the
brave and devoted soul who for-
ayed into the night with calls to
football coaches, around the
land; who watched the game
when citizens asked his action
on mundane matters in Novem-
ber, 1969, and finally who has
been known to engage the youth
of this country in discussions
about the use of the wing T and
other goodies whenever oppor-
tunity knocked.
It will be a bit of a shame for
him because this will be a great
season to interfere with. College
teams seem stronger and faster
than in any time in recent mem-
This season will see no mid-
night phone calls by the defeat-
ed 1960 Presidential contender
to the East's leading team,
Penn State. Led by genuine

Heisman candidate John Huf-
nagel at quarterback, the Nit-
tany Lions seem the class of the
E ast. Bolstered by the excellent
Joe Paterno recruiting and 35
returning lettermen, Penn State
will place juniors Tom Douches
and John Cappeletti in the half-
back slots of Lydell Mitchell
and Franco Harris.
October 28 should be the date
that will decide the football su-
premacy of the East when the
Mountaineers of West Virginia
and up and coming squad run
straight into Penn State.
The former California senator
will surely miss instructing SEC
teams on the finer points of
gridiron play. In one of the finer
conferences in the country only
four teams are not bona fide
contenders. Ole Miss and Ala-
bama are the prohibitive favor-
ites with LSU and Tennessee not
far behind.
The Rebels, which have ,the
toughest schedule in the confer-
ence, bring. with them 17 start-
ers from last year, 10 of whom
manned the aggressive offense.

/ I
" Blue Denim-Super Slims,
Bells, Straights
" Corduroy Jeans-Pin Whale,
l arstU9$hop AT

Don Bunce, who has not indicated his Presidential choice, flings the ball in last year's Rose Bowl. The
Pacific Eight race, which offers the Rose Opponent to the Big Ten, is just one of the exciting races
that the losing candidate in the 1964 California gubernatorial race will not interfere with.

With the dual use of Norris
Weese and Kenny Lyons at
quarterback, it could be said
that the Rebels will be yelling
all season.
The Crimson Tide will take to
the air more this year, espe-
cially with the keenly felt loss
of Johnny Musso taking some
dazzle away from the running
game. But with Terry Davis re-
turning at quarterback the foot-
ball will take a skyborne turn.
Pity the ex-red baiter's posi-'
tion in the SOUTHWEST CON-
FERENCE! He can't pick up
Alex Bell's device and get eith-
er Darrel Royal or Frank
Broyles and tell them how their
Texas or Arkansas team should
handle themselves for the big
clash. For the first time the
boys from new found friend
John Connally's state find them-
selves in a tough position to re-

tain the title which they have
owned for the last five years.
The Razorbacks look like this
year's champs and their first
rate, quarterback Joe Ferguson
promises to be around to help
them cash in on theirspre-season
notices. With swif ties like Jon
Richardson and Dickey Martin
to haul in Ferguson tosses, jubi-
lation is high in Little Rock.
Hopefully for Arkansas partisans
the inconsistency and lapses in
concentration which haunted
last year's model will be gone.
The Longhorns, the usual king
of the crowd, had position prob-
lems. So many transplants were
tried in spring practice that one
would have thought Christian
Bernard rather than Darrel Roy-
al was in charge. Al Lowrey,
once a secondary man, will try
his hand at the delicate quarter-
back slot, in Royal famed wish-

Ah, the misfortune of running
for office in a year when the
BIG EIGHT has what could be
the three best teams in the coun-
try. No congratulatory calls to
Nebraska or Oklahoma or Colo-
rado. Except for some key
losses by all three squads, the
stock casts of characters will be
returning to make the Big Eight
once again the leading confer-
ence in the country.
Colorado is loaded with talent
from last year's squad. Charlie
Davis, who one observer called
the proverbial greased pig, leads
the powerful offense, aided by
the presence of an imposing
frontline. The Buffalo defense
will not sag either as safety
John Stearns and linebacker Bud
Magrum are likely to insure.
The Nebraska Cornhuskers
lost Jerry Tagge and Jeff Ken-
ney, but no team in the Big
See THRILLS, page 15

stays solid-
How do you possibly follow
an act that was number one in
almost every possible category?
That's the problem facing t h e
masterminds behind the Mich-
igan defense this year.
In 1971, the Blue defenders
ware just about the stingiest
anywhere. Besides dominating
all Big Ten statistics, the star-
st:dded lineup headed by All-
Americans Mike Taylor and Tom
Darden found itself right at the
top of the national rankings, too.
The Wolverines were the tough-
est in the country to score upon,
yi Ading a mere 6.4 points per
contest. They were also the hard-
est team to rush against, anl
overall they ended up second in
the U.S. in total defense.
However, gone from that im-
movable object cast are seven
starters, so the rebuilding work
is cut out for head coach Bo
Schembechler and his defensive
assistants. With key injuries com..
plicating the situation and one
1971 starter being shifted into
a new position, it turns o u t
that new men will man eight of
the eleven spots, includingga 11
four deep backfield posts.
But Schembechler knows that
his team cannot aford to slip at
all defensively if they are once
again to dominate the Big Ten
and place high in the national
"Over the past three years,"
he says, "there was no better
defense in the country" Phan
Michigan's, "and this year we
must perform similarly." And at
least at most positions, it ap-
pears that Schembechler h a s
found very competent replace-
ments for his graduated warriors.
The Wolveriens find themselves
strongest on the interior line,
with at least six experienced let-
termen returning for the t h r e e
positions, including two regulars.
At middle guard, senior Greg
Ellis returns from a strong 1071
season as a regular. But Ellis
will be pressed by another sen-
ior two-letter man, Walt Sex-
ton, who is built more along the
lines of Henry Hill at 5-11, 200.
The other returning starter, is
Fred Grambau at one of the
tackle spots. Grambau, a senior,
is the heaviest of the Wolverine
linemen at 6-2, 234.
Meanwhile junior Dave Galla-
gher will take the place of grad-
See DEFENSE, pg 7, column 1


THE EVER PRESENT Dave Gallagher (71) fills up a hole against UCLA. Gallagher, a junior, was
named a Sophomore All-America for his brilliant play last season.
Bo, company gird for season


Except for minor changes, the
same staff which brought you a
Mivchigan championship in the
Big Ten last year will be at the
helm this year for the Maize and
Blue. Led by Head Coach Glenn
"Bo" Schembechler, who is be-
ginning his fourth season as Wol-
verine mentor, the staff hopes to
improve upon last season's per-
formance. Schembechler hopes
to improve upon his .909 confer-
ence winning percentage, the
best in the Big Ten.
As a result of Dick Hunt-
er's decision to retire f r o m
coaching and enter private busi-
ness, a shuffling in the coaching
lineup was made necessary.
Hunter served last year as de-
fensive backfield coach.
To fill the gap former defensive
end coach Gary Moeller will
move backwarsd to the last line
of defense and instruct the de-
fensive backs. Taking over Moel-
ler's spot is the jovial George
Mans. Mans, who last year serv-
ed in the capacity of offensive

line coach, was instrumental in
the development of a series of
outstanding Michigan pass snat-
chers. Jack Clancy, Jim Berline
and Jim Mandich were among
those who received their school-
ing from Mans.
Tirrell Burton, last year's
freshmen mentor, will begin his
third year of Michigan coaching
with his first term with the var-
sity. Burton, if you're following
these changes, will be assuming
Mans spot with the offensive
ends. Burton, twice an All-Mid-
America conference halfback at
Miami of Ohio suffers from no
lack of experience in the new
Burton's replacement with the
frosh will be Dennis Brown. Mich-
igan football fans will note t h i s
is the same Dennis Brown who
was the Big Ten total offense
leader in 1968 and lead the Wol-
verines to an 8-2 mark that year.
Following his graduation in 1969,
Brown served as a graduate as-
sistant to Schembechler in the
1970 Michigan campaign.

Hawks hope for improvement

The only thing that can be
done after disaster strikes is to
pick up the pieces and start re-
building from the bottom up.
For Iowa head coach Frank
Lauterbur, the 1971 campaign
wrought a plethora of misery
and even without the benefit of
Federal aid, this year's Hawk-
eyes should sport a competitive
spirit while seeking the road to
Despite the loss of tailback
Levi Mitchell, who holds the
all-time Iowa rushing record,
Dave Triplett who was the lead-
ing receiver in 1971, and All-
America cornerback Craig Cle-
mons through graduation, Lau-
terbur is confident that both the
offense and defense appear more
advanced than at the same time
last year.
Not only have the veterans
gained more experience at many
of last year's weak spots, but
1 Lauterbur has recruited many
fine freshmen and feels they'll
provide much competition for the
starting roles.
Offensively, the Hawkeyes'
main problems focus upon the
line and quarterbacking.
The 1971 signal callers, Frank
Sunderman and Rob Fick, will
be transplanted at tight end and
tailback, respectively, leaving
senior Kyle Skogman and soph-
omores Bobby Ousley, Scott Mil-
liken and Brad Trickey as the
leading candidates for field gen-
gener al.
However, Lauterbur was very
pleased with Skogman's perfor-
mance in spring-practice and
currently he is rated the num-

ber one quarterback with Ousley
considered his back-up.
The Iowa running corps in-
cluding seniors Craig Johnson,
Frank Holmes, and Dave Har-
ris is rated solid and with some
sound offensive blocking could
provide the Hawkeyes with a
real scoring threat. Johnson and
Holmes both took runners-up
honors to Mitchell in rushing and
will take on the responsibility of
compensating for his departure.
During the Big Ten football
luncheon in Chicago this sum-
mer, some of the reporters kid-
ded Lauterbur about the phy-
sical dimensions of his linemen,
who had the speed, but not the
size and weight to make their
presence felt.
In an effort to rectify this
shortcoming, Lauterbur h a s
shifted several of his defensive
linemen to the offense and will
welcome the return of tackle
John Muller, who sat out last
season with an injury after be-
ing selected on the all-Big Ten
team in 1970.
The two defensive transplants
are Murphy Anderson (6-2, 227),
who saw action at defensive
tackle and linebacker last year
and right guard Ernie Rober-
son (6-1, 240), also a defensive
tackle in 1971.
The receiving department .also
underwent a major transforma-
tion with Triplett and Mitchell,
last year's top two pass catch-
ers, departed. Sunderman, who
lost the quarterbacking job be-
cause of his limited mobility for
an option offense will be used
along with Ike White, another
defensive outcast, at tight end.
Junior Brian Rollins, who
caught 13 for 131 yards last year

will return as the starting wide
On defense, the Hawkeyes will
try to make their 1971 perform-
ance a mere skeleton in the clos-
et. The resistance to opposing of-
fenses was as porous as swiss
cheese without the cheese, as
Iowa allowed nearly five touch-
downs to each foe.
The line is rated big and ex-
perienced but the linebacking
Last year: 1-10, 1-8 in con-
ference, 10th place
Key Players: Frank Sunder-
man, te; Frank Holmes, rb;
Bill Windauer, ot
Outlook: Rebuilding is in order
for last year's doormat
and secondary is questionable.
Joining ends John Farrell and
junior Dan Dickel, and right
tackle Mike Dillner will be
tackle Bill Windauer (6-3, 245)
and middle guard Jerry Nelson,
(6-0, 225), both out last year with
With Clemons now in the pro
ranks, the Hawkeyes' defensive
b a c k f i e l d must start from
scratch once again. Free safety
Charlie Cross is a returning
starter, but he is surrounded by
Lauterbur feels his squad "has
a better understanding and
should be ready to tackle the
1 9 7 2 campaign".' However,
against one of the best balanc-
ed league in years, his expected
improvements had better take
form rapidly, for unfortunately,
understanding is not the best
weapon to lead a team out of
the conference cellar.

Moving to the Ivy League for
a season, Brown served as Dart-
mouth freshmen coach last sea-
son before moving back to the
friendly confines of Ann Arbor.
As the freshman coach usually
does the bulk of scouting for the
varsity, Brown's familiarity with
Big Ten customs and personel
should stand him and the team
in good stead.
The remainder of the staff is
exactly the same as last year's
- Jim Young remains the de-
fensive coordinator and coach of
the linebackers. The defensive
formations and their coordina-
tions and signals fall under his
domain. Second in command,
Young assumed head coaching
duties when Schembechler was
stricken with a heart attack on
the morning of the 1970 R o s e
Jerry Hanlon, a teammate of
Burton's at Miami, is the offen-
sive line coach. Connected with
Schembechler since 1966, Hanlon
has been remarkably successful
at developing good linemen. His,
work this season with converted
end Paul Saymour could very
well determine how strong the
Michigan line will actually be.
Serving, in a sense under Han-
lon, is Larry Smith, the interior
offensive line coach. A graduate
of Bowling Green and another of
the Miami bunch Schembechler
brought with him, Smith, too,
will be involved in the Seymour
Frank Maloney, the defensive
line coach, is a former warrior
for the Maize and Blue. A guard
and linebacker, he earned t h e
Fielding Yost Award for profic-
iency in scholarship and athletics
at Michigan in 1961.
A one time starting quarter-
back at Ohio University, Chuck
Stobart is perfectly prepared for
his job as defensive backfield
coach. Stobart, who like most of
the staff came with Schembech-
ler from Miami has coached
some fine runners throughout
their varsity careers. Billy Tay-
lor and Glen Doughty, are among
his charges now vying for pro-
fessional positions.
Schembechler came to Michigan
after spending six scasons at
Miami of Ohio where he estab-
lished a reputation for producing
fine defensive teams in compil-
ing a 40-17-3 record and captur-
ing two MAC co-championships.

HARRY BANKS (20) streams through against the Midshipmen in last year's contest. Banks will be
lack again to push the Middies and the west of the Wolverine opponents from his setback position.

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