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September 16, 1972 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-09-16

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Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Rich people's party

PRESIDENT NIXON just can't imagine,
publicly, what he has done to deserve
such fervent support, but he definitely
is the candidate of big business. Only
myopia can describe the view that the
moguls' support is not based on "spe-
cial consideratio'ns" - considering the
cheerful outpouring of speeches, testi-
monials, and greenbacks into the Nixon
Editorial Staff
PAT BAUER ..............Associate Managing Editor
ROSE SUE BERSTEIN ....Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY .................Editorial Director
MARK DILLEN ......................Magazine Editor
LINDA DREEBEN ........Associate Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS ....... . .............Managing Editor
LORIN LABARDEE ...............Personnel Director
ARTHUR LERNER ..................Editorial Director
JONATHAN MILLER .,...............Feature Editor
ROBERT SCHREINER ..............Editorial Director
GLORIA SMITH .........................Arts Editor
ED SUROVELL ..........................Books Editor
PAUL TRAVIS ...........Associate Managing Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin Jan Benedetti,
Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller,dTed
COPY EDITORS: Diane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Charles
Stein, Marcia Zoslaw.
DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Jim
Kenteb. Marilyn Riley, Nancy Rosenbaum, Judy
Ruskin, Paul Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink-
enberg, Becky warner.
risinger, Matt Gerson, Nancy Hackmeier, Cindy
Hill, John Marston, Linda Rosenthal Eric Schoch,
Marty Stern, David Stoll, Dris Waltz.
Photography Staff
TERRY McCARTHY.............Chief Photographer
ROLFE TESSEM ......................Picture Editor
DENNY GAINER ..................Staff Photographer
TOM GOTTLIEB............. ....Staff Photographer
DAVID MARGOLICK ............Staff Photographer
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
BILL ALTERMAN............Associate Sports Editor
BOB ANDREWS....:.........Assistant Sports Edtor
SANDI GENS................Assistant Sports Editor
MICHAEL OLIN ..........Contributing Sports Editor
RANDY PHILLIPS .......Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDTORSr Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus, Chuck
Drukis, Joel Greer, George Hastings, Bob Heuer,
Frank Longo, Bob McGinn, Rich Stuck.
Halvaks, Roger Rossiter, Theresa Swedo, Debbie
Business Staff
Business Manager
BILL ABBOTT ..........Associate Business Manager
HARRY HIRSCH..............Advertising Manager
FRANCINE HYMEN.............Personnel Manager
DIANE CARNEVALE ..... . . :....Sales. Manager
PAUL WENZLOFF......... ..Promotons Manager
STEVEN EVSEEFF'..............Circulation Manager
1iam Blackford, Bob Davidoff, Jim Dykema, L'Tanya
Halth, Sherry Kastle, Karen Laakko, Dave Lawson,
Patti Wilkinson.
ASSISTANT MANAGERS: Ray Catalino, Linda Cole-
man, Sandy Fienberg Nelson Leavit, Sheila Martin.
Susan Morrison, Sharon Pocock, Ashish Sarkar, Pat
Saykilly, Alan Weinberger, Carol Wieck.
Today's staff:
News: Robert Barkin, Dove Burhenn, Sara
Fitzgerald, Diane Levick, John Marston
Editorial Page: Mark Dillen
Photo technician: David Margolick

The newest plans for utilizing business
support is a Nixon campaign dinner
scheduled two weeks hence in Detroit's
Cobo Hall. Such luminaries as Henry
Ford II; Edward Cole, president of Gen-
eral Motors; Lynn Townsend, board
chairman of Chrysler; and Roy Chapin;
board chairman of American Motors will
co-host the festivities.
Those in attendance will cough up
$1,000 each to hear Nixon and Vice Presi-
dent Agnew. Republicans w e a 1 t h y
enough to dole out such sums for one
meal must be the same crowd who tossed
in hundreds of dollars per person to
"make the scene" at a Republican pre-
convention party in August.
DESPITE ALL this attention from the
industrial giants, the administration
is very sensitive about reports that it has
favored big business at the expense of
labor Cost of Living Council Director
Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that
such remarks were "fantasies," since
"prices are being held down more than
Yet Rumsfeld did not discuss the oil
depletion allowance, broad tax credits, or
industry's soaring rate of profit com-
pared to the tortoise like pace of real
THE REPUBLICANS have everything
going for them this fall - the opin-
ion polls and chests of campaign trea-
sure. Indeed it makes one wonder why
they bother to be crooked, if in fact the
smelly business of Watergate is con-
firmed as a GOP stink.
Editorial Director
Soviet saga
WHILE THE President was closeted in
the- Kremlin and Soviet newsmen
and officials were charming the Ameri-
can press over caviar and vodka, the tele-
phones of such well-known dissident So-
viet liberals as physicists Andrei Sak-
harov and Valery Chalidze were discon-
nected for the duration of the visit.
Jewish activists were either called up for
military duty or simply arrested and kept
in detention until after his departure to
insure that there would be no untoward
On the day President Nixon left Mos-
cow, after his widely viewed television
address to the Russian people and sev-
eral televised signing ceremonies in the
Kremlin, shoppers were literally locked
in stores or research institutes along
Leninsky Prospekt while his motorcade
made its way to the airport.
September 1972

Crime: A
"The first civil right of every American is ous crin
to be free from domestic violence. And that year is
right must be guaranteed in this country . . . failure o
Time is running out for the merchants of candidat
crime and corruption in American society. The cnia
wave of crime is not going to be the wave of
the future in the United States of America In the
. . . Our goal is justice-justice for every seen th
American." - Richard Nixon, acceptance one of t.
speech at the Republican NationalaConven-
tion, 1968. posed t
"The large American city has become like an crime. C
armed camp." - The New York Times, Janu-
ary 24, 1972. sure is
clash w
HOSE WHO remember the 1968 Presi- proven
dential campaign should recall the "law has beer
and order" image of Richard Nixon - the study of
man who called for "a militant crusade
against crime" because "the right to be
free froi domestic violence has become THE
the forgotten civil right." town Lai
Justice c
This was the candidate who said just was inv
over four years ago, "It is too late for more of a tote
commissions to study violence. It is time dants w
for the government to stop it." bia cou
It is therefore not only legitimate but al- afctually
most necessary to ask, what has the ac- detentioi
complishment of the Nixon Administration the cour
been in the field of crime and violence?A
Late last month, Attorney General Rich- And x
ard Kleindienst presented the latest statis- quote Se
tics on crime in the nation. Owing to the time an
fact that there was only a seven per cent preventi
increase in crime last year, according to were co
FBI records, Kleindienst said he was "en- approva
couraged by the trends." In Ma
were rot
Murder-up 11 per cent. Aggravated as- violation
sault-up 10 per cent. Forcible rape-up that a
11 per cent. Robbery-up 11 per cent. Only were ev
for crimes against property was there a victed.
slight decrease in the rate of increase.
Jus a
And yet, the New York Times reports Justa
that "This is likely to be a useful election- sault on
year statistic to the Republicans." This bit York toc
of information comes but seven months A repor
after they had reported, "Shopkeepers and this we
ordinary citizens fight gun duels with hold- Nelson1
up men and intruders in their homes. The to the p
streets are empty at -night, cab drivers which it
huddle behind bulletproof shields, and some
of the world's largest corporations protect the most
their property and employes as though not pro
they were under siege." aftermat

dismal record

crease of what the FBI calls "seri-
nes' to just under six million last
merely one statistic indicating the
of the Administration to live up to
e Nixon's promises.
past three years, we have also
e failure of preventive detention,
he key Republican measures pro-
o deal with the rising rate of
Outside of the fact that this mea-
of doubtful legality owing to its
ith the precept of "innocent until
guilty," - preventive detention
n proven unnecessary by a detailed
its effects in Washington, D.C.
STUDY, conducted by the George-
w School and the Vera Institute of
of New York City, reveals the law
oked against only 20 suspects out
al of more than 6,000 felony defen-
ho entered the District of Colum-
rts during the first ten months
aw. Of the twenty, only ten were
ordered detained and five of these
in orders were later reversefd by
while, the Justice Department, to
en. Sam Ervin, (D.-N. C.) "wasted
d energy in a fruitless effort at
ve detention," some real crimes
ommitted with .the direct or tacit
d of the White House.
y, 1971, over 12,000 demonstrators
)unded up by capitol police in open
of the law-attested to by the fact
mere fraction of those arrested
er brought to trial, much less con-
few months later, the armed as-
prisoners at Attica prison in New
ok the lives of over 40 individuals.
t on the Attica incident released
ek concluded that New York Gov.
Rockefeller should have first gone
prison before ordering the assault,
self was organized poorly, utilized
t risky type of firepower, and did
vide for medical attention in its




"I don't understand how people can say they still don't
feel safe from crime. Since I've token office I find many
more instances when I feel safe-like when I'm inside
the White House, or inside the Florida White House, or
inside the Cagifornia White House, or .. .
YET, THE REACTION of the President dominated Supreme Court as well as the
to the events at Attica was to congratulate less-than-trustworthy behavior of top Nixon
the governor. officials - witness the ITT affair and the



In a more comprehensive analysis, of the
Nixon Administration's activities concern-
ing crime and public order, it would be

Watergate caper.
Here, we may herely note that four
years later, in Nixon's words, "We hear


proper to mention the actions of the Nixon- sirens in the night."

Term paper sales idea
finding new converts


In reaction to the success of var-
ious term-paper writing companies,
I discovered several profit-mind-
ed organizations had banded to-
gether to form one catch-all cor-
poration - Students Unlimited.
Here is one of their advance not-
Students, do your University
troubles stop with papers? Of
course not. For your benefit, and
in the interests of higher learning,
we have created Students Unlimit-
ed. We start where other compan-
ies stop. Our motto: University
in a nutshell.
Choose from our huge stockpile
of experienced class attenders and
rent a student to attend your lec-
-$5/hour for English lectures
-$10/hour for Political Science
-And many others. (Sorry, no
philosophy lectures. We must pro-
tect our employees.)
Pick from our unlimited supply
of bright-eyed students to attend

your recitation:
--$3 for each page of notes tak-
-15c for each yawn, to m a k e
your teaching fellow believe it's
really you.
-$1 for each question asked.
Choose from our experienced
stockpile of shitslingers:
-Only $5 for each fifteen minutes
or fraction thereof for remaining
after class for a "chat" with your
profesor or teaching fellow.
-As low as $20 for an office visit
**Our slingers are well versed
in traditional asskissing: " W h a t
are you doing your dissertation
on?" as well as innovative tech-
niques: "I think Genet is more
interested in homosexuality, don't
Disgusted with your dormitory
or apartment? Choose from v a s t
storage of "residents" and f o r
$30/week rent a resident to oc-
cupy your room while you live
someplace else.
**Other special services:

-Choose from our stockpile of
"studs" to sleep with your g i r 1-
friend or boyfriend while you study
or rest.
-Select from our wide selection
of "sons" and "daughters" to call
home once a week to assure Mom
and Dad that you are fine, and
"working your tail off!"
-Or our fantastic Blue P1a t e
Student - For $3000 you can have
one of our experienced "students"
attend the university for you and
maintain a B- average, while you
work or live in a different city.
We don't stop with papers! Check
with us first. Remember the Uni-
versity in a nutshell - Students
**Soon to be offered:
-Ghost writers for the Hopwood
-"Patients" to take your al-
lergy shots for you
-"Weepers" to cry their way
into closed courses for you
-Short-haired bullshit artists to
attend your job interviews for you
(will wear ties at extra cost).

, I



More money for a dubious election





In case you hadn't noticed, Stu-
dent Government Council (SGC)
has joined the ranks of the estab-
lished bureaucracies. "Our" stu-
dent government has committed
the grand sum of $9,000 for two
SGC elections in the coming aca-
demic! year.
Consider the cost this way: If
the voter turnout is similar to
last year's--when only 15 per cent
of the students voted - each bal-
lot will be mailed, processed and
tabulated at a cost of approxi-
mately one dollar per voter. In
contrast, the recent city election,
which presumably has more bear-
ing on our lives, cost less than
fifty cents per vote.
The cost of running the SGC
circus has skyrocketed. Two years
ago $4,125 was enough for an elec-
tion. Last year, it was $7,129. But
now, with bigger and better plans,
it will cost $9,040. This is over a
125 per cent increase in only two
The rising costs come while
participation in SGC elections is
plumetting. The spring election of
1971 has a turnout of 33 per cent.
30 per cent voted the following fall
and in the most recent election
there was a meager 15 per cent
David Schaper, SGC treasurer,
said that the new election system
was "the cheapest way to have a
secure election." This raises ques-
Why was last year's election one
of the most controversial in SGC
history, even though the cost was
..ary in s.ahln ha of ho nrvi,

were so contested that the results
had to be examined by Central
Student Judiciary (CSJ). CSJ fin-
ally decided that the charges of
fraund were not adequately sub-
stantiatedeand the election was
The new system involves the
mailing of identification stickers
to all 30,000 students on campus.
The mailing, at first class rates,
will cost about $2,400. The poten-
tial voter will then put one stick-
er on his registration card, which
will also be mailed. The other
sticker will be "stored" on the
voters ID card.
Ballots will be distributed all
over the campus. According to
Schaper, there can be no fraud be-
cause the ballot will be valid only
when a sticker is attached.
The voter will be able to mark
the ballot in the "comfort" of a
classroom and then drop it off at

a ballot box when finished. A fur-
ther check against fraud will be
a receipt taken from the voter at
the polling station.
All this for the meager cost of
$9,000, which Schaper says "is
worth it" for an "honest election."
The cost, says Schaper, have
grown due to aynumber of factors.
First, there has been inflation. But
the 15 per cent rise is insignifi-
cant to the 125 per cent rise in
election costs in the last two
There are other costs involved
in running the elections. SGC pays
up to $50 of the campaign costs
for each presidential campaign
and up to $30 for each council
member costs. According to Scha-
per, this enables students "with-
out financial means" to run for
office. However, a candidate must

garner a set minimum of the vote
to get reimbursed.
In addition, there is an elec-
tions director who receives $200.
for his services and four assistants
at $50 per person. This is the first
year in which four assistants will
be used. Previously, there was
only one.
With costs rising all around us,

it would not be surprising that an
SGC election might cost more now
than two years ago.
But a 125 per cent increase in
the name of security is a bit too
much to swallow. Not only must
we now examine the effective-
ness of this election process but
also its worth.



Letters to The Daily

.. 'i ?'
s, II

Anon anon
To The Daily:
IN THE Sept. 7 Daily CUL-
TURE section I saw Anon describ-
ed as "the English department's
annual journal." Although t h e
magazine has many friends, con-
tributors and past editors assoc-
iated with the English department,
Anon is not exclusively affiliated
with any department in the Uni-
We welcome submissions of fic-
tion, poetry and art from anyone.
We begin accepting material for
our April issue in November. Our
editorial address is:
444 Mason Hall
-Warren Jay Hecht
Sept. 7

would have mentioned that t h e
University's executive officers
turned the plan down on July 6.
The proposal was not killed out-
right, however. So, it is s tl i II
possible that a flat fee for health
care services will eventually be
instituted, entitling students to use
virtually all Health Service facil-
ities at no additional cost.
-Rob Bier
Sept. 7
(et involved--
write your reps!
Sen. Philip Hart (Dem), rm.
253. Old Senate Bldg., Capitol
Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep),
Rm. 353 Old Senate Bldg., Cap-
itol Hill, Washington. D.C.

-- ~.j 51 I~MI4J~ ~Jfi~1 W~


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