RICH PEOPLE'S PARTY See Editorial Page 5kO 4 A& att 43 49 A-MAIZE-ING High-70 Low--55 Mostly sunny Vol LXXXIII, No. 9 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 16, 1972 len Cents Eight Pages Regents cut goe pay request; key job to Doily Photo by DAVE MARGOLICK One of the 'Marching, (Wo) men. of Michigan' Prof named affirmative action chief By MERYL GORDON Political science Prof. Nel- lie Varner yesterday was named as the University's first affirmative action direc- tor. Varner was among five women recommended by a search com- mittee composed of members of the Commissions for Women and Minority Groups. The announce- ment was made by President Rob- ben Fleming at yesterday's Re- gents meeting. "I know the job will be chal- lenging," Varner said, "since it is not easy to deal with institution- alized 'systems' of hiring and pro- motion that have the 'effect' of excluding a disproportionate num- ber of some groups, in this case, women and minorities." Varner will be responsible for working with the Department of Henth, Education and Welfare (HEW) on the University's affirm- ative action program, and further defining the program so that it complies with relevant laws and regulations. Two years ago, HEW chargedJ that the University discriminated on the basis of sex in its employ-- ment practices. Subsequently the University submitted an affirm- ative action plan, but it 'has not yet been approved. Varner will also act as the Uni- versity's liaison to the Commis- sions on Minority Groups and Wo- men, to find out what they feel the program needs. According to Fleming, "She will act with the authority of the Of- fice of the President. And in the implementation and review of theI affirmative action programs, t1e assistant to the vice president for= academic affairs and the person- nel director will be responsible to her." Varner Board asks 5.5 per cent salary hike The Regents yesterday vot- ed to request a limited 5.5 per cent increase in fac-ulty sala- ries from the State Legisla- ture this year, despite a strong recommendation by the executive officers for a 7.5 per cent pay hike. The board then added a request for a 1.5 per cent increase in fringe benefits, proposed by Pres- ident Robben Fleming as a com- promise to the original recom- mendation. The request for the pay increase was part of the total appropriation request for the 1973-74 fiscal year approved by the Regents yester- day. While the exact size of the re- quest has not been finalized, it will call for an increase of at least $21.3 million over current levels of state funding. The appropriations request also calls for an additional $12.6 mil- lion for revised instructional pro- grams and $3.3 million to cover inflationary increases. In addi- tionarequest for $24 million for capital outlay projects will be sub- mitted to the state. In an unusually lengthy public debate, the Regents expressed the view that the Phase II guidelines, which call for maximum salary increases of no more than 5.5 per cent, should be followed by the University. Only Regent James Waters (D-Muskegon) v o t e d against the figure. Regent William Cudlip (R-De- military troit), noted that the state appro- disparag- priations request should be "rea- listic and reasonable in terms of what the Legislature could be ex- econciling pectedto allocate." upposedly He added, "I don't believe in pons and going to Lansing with unreason- able requests with the intentions 73 to 5of bargaining." But Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs Allan Smith coun- said Sen. tered that the pay increase was s of the reasonable. He claimed new Phase II guidelines may be in effect by war-end- the time the Legislature considers et. the request next spring. See REGENTS, Page 8 Women By JAN BENEDETTI The raucous strains of "The Stripper" blare sover the loudspeaker. While the band forms a skirt's outline, the announcer says, "all those in favor of raising the 1972 skirt length higher, say aye." The outlined skirt hem moves further up the outlined legs, until the announcer interrupts, in a falsetto voice, "Wait just a minute. There'll be no exploitation of sex on the football field. Let's lower that skirt, boys." When the University Marching Band performs this half-time show today, it will mark the opening of the ranks of the "Marching Men of Michigan" to wo- men. And though Director of Bands George Cavender still refers to the band mem- bers in practice as "gentlemen," the wo- men seem to be adjusting to their new role. "I joined the band because it's a great organization and because 1 like to march," says one woman member. "We're treated just like everyone else." However, another woman disagrees. "It seemed like Cavender' didn't want us in the band. He has been giving some take the field girls .a rough time, he makes a special point of yelling at some of the girls in front of everyone." A male adds, "Cavender definitely did not want the girls in the band, but now that they're in he's trying to make the best of it." Cavender himself refused to speak to reporters yesterday. According to several band members, the director told them he wanted no publicity until after today's game. "He says he wants to give the women a chance to prove themselves," one member explains. Though the band's no-women restric- tion was removed in July, 1971, there were no women in the band last year. The School of Music catalog still states that the band is open to "qualified men." A wording change to include women has never been made. School of Music Dean Allen Britton said this summer the omission was "a pure slip up. It never occured to us that any- one read the catalog." Summer orientation leaders this year, however, encouraged entering freshmen women to audition for the marching band. "In my group, we gave a big rap en- couraging women to try out, says Mary Griffin, an orientation leader. "It was pretty common among the rest of the leaders too. All the women that we knew who tried out were accepted." An orientation leaflet sent to incoming freshmen also listed the audition times. Many of last year's male band mem- bers doubted the ability of women to "keep up" with the marching. As one said, "A girl would just never make it. They'd never be able to lift their legs as high as we do for any period of time." "On the first day of practice," he added, "the guys couldn't even take it. Four guys threw up right there on the field." This year, a vestige of disapproval of the break with "tradition" still lingers in the minds of some male members. "It just seems that things are not the same." says one male. But the performance of the women this year seems to have changed many opinions. "It doesn't make any difference hav- ing women in the band," says one mem- ber. "They're bdtter than a lot of the guys." And another adds, "Everyone watches the girls in formation to see if they keep up with the rest." "They do." Prof. arner END-THE-WAR DEBA TE: Senate passes arm procurement fund WASHINGTON {P) - The Senate passed a $20.9.billion procurement authorization yesterday after some floor debate ing the loss of an end-the-war provision. The compromise version arrived at by conferees r different House and Senate versions determines how much s may be appropriated for research, development, new wea equipment. Since the House acted Wednesday, the Senate vote of sent the bill on for the President's signature. Members of the Commissions on Minority Groups and Women yes- terday expressed satisfaction with Varner's appointment. Education Prof. Laura Williams, a member of the search commit- tee and the Commission for Wo- men said, "It seemed to me that she was a person who combined knowledge of the political system -which a person in this position needs to know - and a person who we seemed to feel could handle herself under situations of pres- sure." "She's also dedicated to foster- ing change for minorities and wo- men, and she combines represen- tation of both in her own person," Williams added. "I am reluctant not to oppose" the conference report, Alan Cranston, (D.Calif.), but "I recognize the weaknes Senate's position against the House position." The House had no end-the-war provision and defeated a ing rider to another bill as the procurement conferees m .GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION: Seven indicted in Watergate case WASHINGTON (,P"-A federal grand jury yesterday indicted seven men, including a former White House consultant and two! recent employes of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, on charges of breaking into the Democratic National Headquarters to steal documents and plant bug-: ging devices. The eight-count indictment, re- turned in U.S. District Court here came almost three months after five of the men were arrested June 17 at a break-in of the Demo- cratic headquarters in the Water- gate office building. "We have no evidence that any others should be charged," said' John Hushen, spokesman for the Justice Department. Named as defendants were Gor- don Liddy, former counsel for the Committee for the Re-election of the President and before that a White House aide; Howart Hunt, a former White House consultant and described as a friend of Liddy; zalez, a Miami locksmith also de- scribed as an associate of Barker. Of the seven men involved, onlyl Liddy and Hunt were not arrested at the scene of the break-in. Subsequent disclosures have in- dicated that Hunt and Liddy were elsewhere in the Watergate com-1 Alex. The pair reportedly dashed James McCord Jr., former CIA to-a motel acrossthe street and Y employe and security coordinator cleared out monitoring equipment for the Nixon campaign committee, which was being used in connec- and Bernard Barker, president of tion with electronic surveillance of a Miami real estate firm known the Democratic headquarters. gain information from the head- Public health Prof Shirley Pike, quarters. It said the defendants b health oSisiken placed wiretaps and electronic sur- a member of the Commission on veillance devices to monitor both Minorities, c mme nted, "I'm telephone and oral communica- pleased. I think she has the ability tions. The conversations were to do a good job." transmitted to a room in the Varner has been a faculty mem- Howard Johnson Motor Lodge ber since 1968. Before assuming across the street from the Water- full-time teaching responsibilities, gate, it said. she served for three years as a Maximum penalties for the special assistant to the dean of counts range from five years im- the literary college. In that posi- prisonment and $10,000 fine to 15 tion she helped develop a full cur- years imprisonment. riculum in Afro-American studies. She also has served on the State Thetr al wou indst icatCo tules Board of Education Advisory Coun- hee triswouldstart.nCourthrulescil on Title IV of the 1964 Civil here say it should begin within 60 Rights Act, which was designed ,to days--which would be just after help local school districts in de- the presidential election. segregation efforts. Otherwise, the bill was notable for eliminating for a year, at least, a start on a second * Safeguard' antimissile defense network. This would have been to protect Wash- ington as allowed under the Mos- cow treaty. Administration requests for a start on a new submarine-launched missile, a speedup in the Trident sub program, continuing the B1 bomber, and a fourth nuclear-pow- ered aircraft carrier were all ap- proved. Meanwhile, the House has pas- sed the actual appropriations em- bracing the procurement bill and other armed services costs. The total for this, which excludes ano- ther $2.5 billion for military con- struction, is $74.6 billion. The House bill included a con- troversial appropriation to e n d KP and clean-up duties in the arm- ed forces. Opponents of the mea- sure said it would cost $275 mil- lion. Voting against the authorization bill were Sens.eWilliam Fulbright (D-Ark.), Mike Mansfield (D- Mont.), Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), Harold Hughes (D-Iowa), and Fred Harris (D-Okla.). TROTTER HOUSE Ypsilanti suit calls for dorm voter registration By CINDY HILL Thomas Purmont, president of the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) student body, yesterday filed suit against Ypsilanti City Clerk James Ashby to claim equal access to door-to-door voter registration privileges for dormi- tory residents. The suit, filed in the Washte- nam County Court by Ann Arbor attorney Perry Bullard, also names EMU students James Kerr and Steven Scovel as plain- tiffs. The suit calls for a court order directing Ashby to authorize vol- unteer assistant registrars to renew door-to-door voter regis- tration in the dormitories, as well as throughout the rest of the city, until the Oct. 6 deadline for voter registration for the November elections. P u r m o n t, representing the Ypsilanti students, claims Ash- by's failure to authorize door-to- door registration w i t h i n the dormitories during a month-long voter registration drive was "certainly unequal." The drive was held from Aug. 9 to Sept. 9, when most EMU stu- dents were not attending the uni- versity. Purmont said that Ypsilanti city government "has gone into door - to - door registration quite blindly." "They should have looked at this more objectively and pro- jected what would happen," he said. "This was not an equal ap- plication of the law." Ashby, responding to the suit, explained that a Dec. 1 deadline for the re-organization of pre- cincts under a new city charter has put "a lot of workload" on his staff, making a more exten- sive voter registration drive for See SUIT, Page 8 as Barker Associates. The 9thers were Eugenio Mar- tinez, an employe of Barker's firm; Frank Sturgis, described as an as- sociate of Barker, and Virgilio Gon-I Barker's name also has surfaced in connection with the alleged de-' posit of $114,000 of checks intended for Nixon's campaign .fund into his bank account. A Justice De-! partment spokesman said the cam- paign fund is being reviewed by a separate branch of the Justice Department which was not directly involved in investigating the Water- gate break-in. Reports say Citadel ret ake ;7 . V ie l In Miami Friday, Barker pleaded innocent to fraudulently notarizing a $25,000 Republican campaign SAIGON (Am)-South Vietnamese that marines held about half the check when he had difficulty cash- marines seized control of the Cita- Citadel and were slowly killing the ing it. del and the rest of the provincial last of a North Vietnamese gar- The White House refused com- capital of Quang Tri for the second I rison that seemed determined to ment on the Watergate indictments time this week, U.S. officers re- fight to the death. but leading Republicans issued ported yesterday. U.S. officers noted that while statements afterward. Clark Mac- The Viet Cong claimed, however, typhoon weather would hamper air Gregor, Nixon's campaign director, in a broadcast its forces still held support for the marines today, it and Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.), the Citadel. also might deny escape to the national GOP chairman, demanded Meanwhile, President Nixon's cornered communists or reinforce- apologies from Democrats for what security adviser Henry Kissinger ment across the Thach Han River. they called "wild and slanderous" held another secret meeting in It would make it more difficult for and "unfounded" a 11 e g at i o n s ,- . -, - , - ,-the Nort-h Vie tn m,,eto mn' . -. Center works to help blacks adjust By MARILYN RILEY "Going to school involves more than getting a piece of paper that tells what books you've read," says T. R. Harrison, re- cently appointed director of Trot- ter House, the University's black student center. For the black student who is new to the University, going to school may involve a "cultural ..bnnlr 11nrrnrdinn *nto nrricnn ing," he said. As director of the new Trotter House at 1443 Washtenaw, Har- rison hopes to "coordinate all the resources and, services, we have in all parts of the University" in order to establish a centralized aid center for blacks. Trotter House would be such a place since it would contain satellite offices of all the organi- zations involved in black student ing black student is the "discom- fort he experiences in the dorm," where he is surrounded by peo- ple with different backgrounds and interests, who may not un- derstand his special financial or social problems. Trotter House provides the needed space and relaxed atmos- phere where the black student can talk to others about any per- sonal, academic, or social prob- j in-