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September 15, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-15

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Feature Editor.
The honeymoon is over for County Sheriff
Douglas Harvey and his old pal, Under-
sheriff Harold Owings Jr.
After four years of close cooperation in
.the administration of the sheriff's depart-
ment, both men are now engagdd in a bit-
ter struggle for departmental supremacy,
with their battleground November's general
Harvey, who was originally elected as a
Democrat, is running this year on the
American Independent Party ticket. Ow-
ings will appear on the ballot as the Re-
publican candidate and Frederick Postill, a
former deputy fired by Harvey for "in-
subordination," is running as a Democrat.
It is a struggle marked by deep divisions
within the department, charges and coun-
ter-charges and enough drama to ensure
that the sheriff's race is the most closely

watched in this year's round of local elec-
And it is a struggle made all the more
ironic by the fact that Owings is a Harvey
appointee, personally selected as the sher-
iff's right hand man.
But whatever kinship there may once
have been between Harvey and Owings
has vanished now.
Shortly before 2 p.m. yesterday Harvey
summoned Owings to his office for a dress-
ing-down in front of top-ranking depart-
ment officers Inspector Irving Hollis and
Captain Chester Wilson.
According to Owings, Harvey was "up-
set" over an article Owings had written
for "The Advisor," a weekly newspaper
that appeared- on the newstands Wednes-
In the a'rticle, which appeared side-by-
side with articles by both other candi-




dates, Owings suggested sweeping reforms
in the administration of the sheriff's de-
His article read, in part, "Unfortunately,
the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Depart-
ment has been without an effective 'cor-
porate styled' chief for the past eight
years. It should be no surprise that the
crime rate has risen so drastically under
the present sheriff's type of administra-
"He took it as a personal slam," Owings
Exactly what transpired in the meet-
ing is a matter of conjecture. Owings
was reluctant to discuss it in depth. Harvey
refused to discuss it at all.
All that is certain is that it was a stormy
affair, as anyone within shouting distance
of Harvey's office could attest.
Harvey denied, nonetheless, that the

meeting was heated. When a reporter
pointed out that the noise could be clearly
heard outside his office he cautioned: "You
shouldn't have your ear so close to the
By the end of the day Owings was talk-
ing of resigning - though hedging on when
he might decide for sure - and complain-
ing that he was no longer wanted by Har-
"He'd like to fire me," Owings said.
"But he doesn't have the balls to do it,"
Harvey first told a reporter that the in-
ternal squabble was "none of his business."
But then he went on to dispute Owings'
contention that he would like to fire him.
"If I want to fire someone I'll fire 'em,"
Harvey insisted.
So, by last night Harvey and Owings
could agree only on one thing.
Neither of them likes Postill.

Doily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM

Harold Owings

See Editorial Page

YI e

Si iArn


Sunshine, changing
.to showers

Vol. LXXXIIf, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 15, 1972 len Cents

Twelve Pages


Senate yesterday -approved
the U.S. - .Soviet interim
agreement on offensive arms
limitation after adopting an
amendment calling for equal-
ity in long-range offensive
weapons in any future agree-
Final passage of the five-year
agreement was by an 87-2 vote.
The Senate previously accepted
56-35 the controversial amendment
by Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.),
which had held up Senate action
for more than a month.
The Jackson amendment, back-
ed by the Nixon administration,
calls upon the President to seek
equality in "levels of intercon-
tinental strategic forces" in ne-
gotiations for a permanent arms
limitation treaty.
Intercontinental strategic forces
refer to offensive weapons only.
The Senate rejected several ef-
forts to imodify the language of
the Jackson amendment to pro-
vide for future negotiations on the
basis of "overall equality."
Although the Jackson amend-
ment differs only slightly in word-
ing with the others proposed, there
is actually a significant difference
between the two sets of resolu-
At the present time, the Soviet
Union holds a lead over the United
States in offensive weapons, but
in terms of total nuclear capabil-
ity the reverse is true.
Thus, by calling for parity in the
field of offensive weapons with no
mention of other weapons sys-
tems, the Jackson amendment will
be particularly unpalatable to the
Soviet Union, as it will leave them
in an inferior position in terms of
P overall nuclear strength.
This argument was put forth by
Senators William Fulbright (D-
Ark.) and Stuart Symington (D-
Mo.) who offered the opposing
Symington said that insistence
upon numerical equality in spe-{
cific weapons - ICBMs, subma-
rine - launched ballistic missiles,
and intercontinental bombers -
"jeopardizes any real prospect of
a permanent nuclear understand-


approved Pres.
. takes






Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
OFFICERS TANYA PADGETT AND WILLIAM DENEAU, two mem bers of the newly-created campus police force, chat yesterday with
students on the Diag. They are two of the ten officers assigned to th e campus unit.

N ew




Almost a year after Gov.
William Milliken forced the Uni-
versity to seek an alternative
plan for police protection, the
special. University unit of the Ann
Arbor Police Department offi-
cially began operating this month.
The unit-which will eventual-
ly include 23 officers-is respon-
sible exclusively for the campus
At the present time there are

approximately ten officers , pa-
trolling the campus. However,
Frederick Davids, director of
University safety, is not satisfied
with this number.
"We're not getting the cover-
age we need," he says. "We're
somewhat disappointed with the
slowness (of the city) on coming
up to the terms of the contract."
According to Davids, the Uni-
versity formerly had an arrange-
ment whereby the city supplied

police and fire protection on cam-
pus. In return, the University
paid for 18 per cent of the city's
total police and fire budget.
This arrangement, unique in
Michigan, was abruptly ended a
year ago when Milliken, in re-
sponse from other communities
seeking the same kind of pact,
decided that the Ann Arbor-Uni-
versity agreement must end. He
slashed the University's budget
The University was faced with
several possible alternatives in-
volving police protection. A reg-
ular campus police could be set
up, run and administered by the
University; or cooperation cpuld
continue with city police on a
new basis.
The city, faced with its own
budgetary crisis, wanted to con-
tinue its affiliation with the Uni-
After negotiations, according to
Davids, a formal agreement was
reached with city officials stipu-
lating that the city would set up
a special campus unit of the po-
lice, with all salaries, fringe bene-

forme d
fits, etc. paid for by the Uni-
versity on a "services rendered"
The cost to the University,
once the program is fully opera-
tive, is estimated at about
$410,000 a year.
A fair amount of sentiment
against the campus police unit
was raised when it was pro-
posed. Becauserthecoperation is
under the overall command of
city Police Chief Walter Krasny,
many felt that the University
would lose some of its autonomy.
Krasny's -responsibility for the
unit's activities also led to ques-
tions about how the officers
would handle a situation like a
building take-over or demonstra-
Formerly, on such occasions,
, police came on to campus only
when called by University ad-
ministrators. Krasny, interview-
ed yesterday, says that in such
a circumstance, "determinations
would be made jointly between
University administrators a n d
city officials . ."
See 'U', Page 12

University President Rob-
ben Fleming has been named
to the board of directors of
the Chrysler Corporation, It
was announced yesterday.
Fleming, who will assume the
post Sept. 30, said last night he
will turn over to the University
any money he gets as a board
member. Exactly how much mon-
ey this will involve is not clear-
since Fleming will be paid accord-
ing to the number of meetings he
No specific plans for how the
money will be spent have been de-
termined. Fleming says, however,
that it may be turned over to a
scholarship fund, since no large
sums of money will be involved.
Fleming said last night that he
was contacted "some weeks ago"
about taking the post, but delayed
his decision to accept until Uni-
versity lawyers checked out any
possible conflict of interest situ-
ation arising from the appoint-
"I have explored the possibility
thoroughly and can see no conflict
in any dealings the University
would have with Chrysler," Flem-
ing commented.
A conflict of interest could arise
if the University had either stock
in Chrysler or contracts with the
large corporation. In each of those
cases, both the interests of the
University and Chrysler would be
Fleming now represents both
Vice President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Wilbur Pierpont said
last night that the University "may
own a few shares of stock given to
us as gifts," but that the Univer-
sity holds no significant stock in-
terests in the corporation.
An investment analyst for the
University, Norman Herbert, said,f
"With regard to investments, I;
feel fairly confident that we do'
not hold any Chrysler Corp. stock."1
Herbert added there may be con-s
tracts with Chrysler in various
areas of the University, but thatF
such "contracts fall outside thet
concerns of his office."r
A highly-placed source said lastt
night that Chrysler "had been af-
ter Fleming for years." c

Doily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
A YOUNG ARTIST puts the finishing touches on his latest master-
Money woes plague
local child care unit

Lawsuit filed against O'Brien;
Stans asks damages for libel
WASHINGTON () - President lion, charging abuse of the court
Nixon's chief fund-raiser, Maurice> process in connection with the
Stans, filed a $5 million libel suit original O'Brien suit.
yesterday against Lawrence 0'- For technical reasons, the court
Brien, campaign manager for did not accept the amended O'Brien
Sen. George McGovern. complaint, t h o u g h proceedings
The action in U.S. District Court which could lead to its official'
was the latest move in an escalat- s filing are pending.
ing war of words and writs center- Stans, in his complaint yesterday,
-ing around the June 17 Democratic said that since the amended
headquarters bugging and break-in O'Brien complaint had not been
case. filed, it "at the time of its publi-
Stans, a former Secretary of cation amounted to nothing more
Commerce, has been drawn into than a press release."
the so-called Watergate Caper be-
cause Republican campaign funds In related action yesterday, State
turned up in the bank account of ty. ichard Gerstem oftMiai
one of five men arrested in the formally charged one of the five
break-in. O'Brien and the Demo- suspects in the break-in at Demo-
crats have been hammering away cratic National Headquarters with
at the issue. fraudulently notarizing an endorse-
In his suit, Stans charged that Maurice Stans ment on a $25,000 Republican cam-
O'Brien "falsely and maliciously" paign contribution.
A~~erti saiden Bernar Barker, ffie
accused Stans of a number of said, "It looks like the Republicans Gerstein said Bernard Barker,
criminal acts despite the fact that are going to have one diversionary 55, a real estate broker nabbed by
O'Brien knew the accusations were tactic a day to take public atten- police last June 17 mside Wash-
false. tion away from this outrageous act nhi ov

Faced with the prospect of a
financial crisis, the University's
Child Care Action Center may be
forced to close soon unless it re-
ceives funding from the Univer-
But administration officials who
have been contacted by the cen-
ter's staff maintain that there is
no University money available for
the project.
The center, which provides day
care facilities for the children of

to assume OSS

40 student and University staff
families, currently uses a Univer-
sity building but receives no finan-
cial aid from the University.
S Parentsmust pay either 60 or
75 cents per hour depending on
their income with the rest of the
center's money coming from pri-
vate donations
Several people connected with
the cented, however, dispute the
University's claim that no funds
could be made available.
"They could scrape together the
money if they wanted to," says
Barbaranne Branca, one of the
center's two paid teachers.
"President Robben Fleming has
discretionary funds for things that
are politically important," adds
Roger Mills, the center's adminis-
trator. "We just don't have the
political power base."
Mills feels that the only way to
obtain part of the discretionary
funds - University funds that are
not delegated to any specific pur-
pose - is to put political pressure
on Fleming.
Branca, disputing the Univer-
sity's funding priorities, com-
ments, "Day care, unlike sports,
is non-profit. I'm sure there's some
connection," he says.

Eas (hope
Associate Managing Editor
The Regents today are expected to
announce the appointment of Tom Easthope
as assistant vice president for student serv-
ices, The Daily learned yesterday.
Easthope will fill the position vacated by
Charles Kidd, who resigned last summer.
Kidd's duties paralleled those of the vice
president for student services with special


Sthis term. The policy board is a student-
faculty board which works jointly with the
vice president for student services to over-
see the operation of OSS.
The policy board had scheduled a meet-
ing during which Easthope's appointment
was to be discussed, but because of sched-
ule conflicts, the meeting was cancelled.
It was learned last night, however, that
Henry Johnson, vice president for student

to handle the fiscal responsibilities of OSS
"which he has handled very competently."
Most board members contacted last night
said they felt that Easthope was an ex-
cellent choice for the job. As one board
member put it, "He was really the only
logical person. He is very familiar with
the operation of OSS, 'with the people in
OSS, and he has the confidence of Vice
President Johnson."

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