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September 13, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-13

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5k t


Humid with a chance
of thunderstorms

Vol. LXXXI II, No. 6 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

address en





passes 1






DETROIT - Presidential
candidate George McGovern
brought h i s campaign to
Michigan yesterday, as he
joined Sen. Edward Kennedy
(D.-Mass.) for an afternoon
rally in Detroit's Kennedy
An enthusiastic crowd of some
10,000 people heard McGovern
evoke the memory of the late
President John Kennedy - who
4 stood in the same spot twelve
years earlier, also trailing Richard
Nixon in the polls.
. Kennedy's presence on this cam-
paign swing, which will take Mc-
Govern to several major northern
industrial cities, was clearly in-
tended to help McGovern cash in
on the Kennedy appeal to work-
ing people, particularly organized
{ tabor.
Most of McGovern's remarks
were directed towards this work-
ing class audience, as he attacked
the Nixon administration for its
close ties with business.
"I will win this election with the
support of people who make their
living by honest toil, not through
tax loopholes," McGovern pro-
Many union officials were on
hand at the rally, and both UAW
President Leonard Woodcock and
Vice-President Douglas Fraser ad-
dressed the crowd. A $50,000 con-
tribution by the union to the cam-
AP Photo paign was also announced by Mc-

before election
!Compromise with House
required for final action
WASHINGTON {M - The Senate yesterday by a vote of
63-20 passed a major bill which will allow the federal gov-
' ernment to share its tax revenues with states, cities and
counties for the first time on a no-strings basis.
The bill, one of President Nixon's priority items; was
sent to the House which passed a different version June 22.
If House and Senate conferees reach a compromise on
the bill promptly, the first funds will go out to eligible
states, cities, counties and townships by late October, before
the Nov. 7 presidential election.
The most important difference between the House and
Senate versions of the bill is in the formula for distribution

GEORGE McGOVERN grasps the outstretched hands of some of the 1
troit's Kennedy Square yesterday to hear him atta:k the economic p


of the funds.
The Senate bill, as compared
with theHouse version allocates
~. ~ ~ more money to the less-populous
states, but within the states, the
central cities fare much better
than the suburbs.
Seventeen of the urban indus-
trial states would get less money
: . 'under the Senate formula, 33
smaller states more.
Sen. Russell Long (D-La.), floor
manager for the bill, succeeded in
fighting off all attempts to change
the formula to help the big
He won defeat also of nearly all
other amendments, including some
wily Photo by DAVE MARGOLICK which would have put restric-
0,000 people who gathered in De- tions on use of the money.
olicy of President Nixon. Opponents of the bill contended
it is foolish to embark on such a
costly program at a time when
the federal governmentfaces a
deficit upwards of $30 million in
the present fiscal year.
They argued also that some lo-
tfc 'Wcal officials would fritter away the
money on political or self-serving
j projects.
Sponsors of the measure said
that the fiscal situation of the
flstates and cities has deteriorated
to the point that they hardly could
survive without this federal help.
David Schaper. According to Scha- However, the foes countered
per the motion is "patently illegal." that the total disbursements, on
"It violates the constitution," he the average, would be only 4 per
said. "It (the motion) has the ef- cent of the budget of the state or
fect of negating the referendum local government unit.
passed last year on funding. A In many cases, the budgets in-
simple motion can't do it." crease by more than 4 per cent
Schaper said that a suit will be a year so that little or no local
filed in Central Student Judiciary tax relief can be expected, they
(CSJ) as soon as possible. CSJ is contended.
the judicial branch of SGC. The Senate and House bills each
SGC President Bill Jacobs said poie$96blonnstaight
I G rsdn Bl aossIrevenue-sharing funds over five
that "the motion will be thrown rnears h
out by Thursday." -e-.--

Seattle yesterday, during a brief s
S. Viets f
SAIGON (P - South Vietnamese
marines stormed into the Quang
Tri Citadel yesterday and battled
communists in what likely will be
one of the longest and bloodiest
battles of the Vietnam war.
About 400 communist troops kept
up stubborn resistance from bunk-'
ers inside the fortress as South
Vietnamese forces attacked from
the north, east and south.
CMeanwhile, marines outside the
Citadel's walls were closing off
North Vietnamese avenues of sup-
ply and reinforcement.
One marine battalion southwest
of the fortress has been blocking
the communists' river supply route.
In addition monsoon rains have
swollen the Thach Han River west
of the provincial capital helping to
cut the Citadel's normal lifeline.
Marine spokespersons have re-
ported "im o d e r a t e" casualties,
claiming many communists were
surrendering without a fight.

Court acts
to force
Court Justice William Douglas re-
fused to block a school busing de-
segregation plan for Las Vegas,
Nev. yesterday.
Douglas ruled the so-called
Broomfield Amendment does not
apply to the desegregation or-
dered by a federal judge for some
30,000 elementary pupils in 52 of
the city's schools.
The decision blunts Congress'
attempt to halt court-ordered bus-
ing in school desegregation cases.
Earlier this month Justice Lewis
Powell Jr. also held that the
amendment, enacted last June, did
not apply in an Augusta, Ga., case.
Whether Douglas' ruling will
send the children to their class-
rooms or not was unclear. Al-
though other public schools open-
ed on schedule in Las Vegas Sept.
6, the children affected by the de-
segregation orders of U.S. Judge
Bruce Thompson have remained
at home while the school board
fought in courts to overrule him.
In their brief to Douglas for a
stay the board officials had the
support of the Justice Depart-
ment, which suggested Powell had
erred in refusing a similar request
from Augusta officials.

corn at the Pike Place Market in An unidentified New Jersey
top-over on his four state trip. man carrying a rifle was arrested
by Detroit police about an hour be-;
HEAD: fore the rally. . G C t
11EAD'0Investigating officers said they
found the man to have a rifle,
1 a handgun and a hunting knife. , ti
Neither gun was loaded, according
to officers, but the man did have
three rounds of ammunition for
the handgun and a single round By ROBERT BARKIN
for the rifle in his pockets. Student Government Council
0 C itau The man was arrested for arm- (SGC) voted last night to request
ed robbery, but police said the the Regents make the collection of
are reportedly encountering. tough charge may be changed after fur- their mandatory student fee volun-
resistance from the North Vietna- ther investigation. tary. The constitutionality of the
mese still entrenched inside the The candidate repeated his measure became an immediate
fortress. pledge to end the war within 90 question.
The North Vietnamese captured days of his election, and for the The 6-2 vote, if approved by the
Quang Tri on May 1, completing most part the speech was fairly Regents, would make the fee op-
their conquest of South Vietnam's typical of McGovern's campaign tional. The tuition fee now is $1.
northernmost province. Yesterday's addresses. No mention was made The motion stated several rea-
attack was part of a massive South See DETROIT, Page 10 sons for the action.

re quest


f undiI


According to its authors, Keith
Murphy and Bill Krebaum, the mo-i
tion says SGC does not "contribute
to the educational goals of the Uni-
versity," has a "lack of support"
from the student body, should not
be a "duty or 'obligation, but,
rather, a matter of choice."
In addition, it stated, "a volun-
tarily-funded SGC would be a more
responsive tool of the student will."
The question of legality was im-
mediately raised by SGC Treasurer

Vietnamese counter - offensive,
launched on June 28, which was
aimed at winning back the pro-
vin cial capital.
The shelling and fighting in the
city has been heavy since then,
and casualties have been heavy on
both sides. But the Saigon govern-
ment reported no appreciable pro-
gress or major setbacks until to-
day. l
In other action north of Hanoi,
U.S. Air Force fighter pilots shot
down three Soviet-built MIG inter-
ceptors yesterday.
The U.S. command'reported no

Newly enfranchised youth now
included on Washtenaw juries

Krebaum said his main reason
for the adtion was "philosophical."
"A student doesn't have to sup-I
port a government that's been im-
posed by the Regents," he said.
"SGC should be a voluntary stu-
dent government for student's who
want it," he said. "We shouldn't

City Council eases
day care restrictions

The battle for Quang Tri is still American losses in the MIG bat-
far from over, however, as both ties. But spokespersons said some
sides continue to hurl artillery American planes were downed over
shells into the Citadel. The marines the North while on other missions.

By ERIC SCHOCH though she was unable to provide about the new young jurors. require all students whether in-
aynEICxaHcCHth nuhms eras.a pt tr ourgJugerE. terested or not to have to support By DAVE BURHENN
For the first time since they an exact number. 14th District Court Judge Ed- The Ann Arbor City Council
were given the- right to vote, young - Despite the fact that 18 year olds ward Deake told, The Daily he was acted on two other controversial
people between the ages of 18 and have been registered to vote for "more than agreeable" to the ad- In other business, a issues Monday night in addition to
21 are serving on juries in Wash- more than a year, they have not dition of young people to council ws etunder the directio considering amendments to then
tenaw County. been included in juries in Wash- pool. He added that the young f city's pot law.
On Monday, 390 jurors were tenaw County until now, due to the people might have different out- ' By a six to five vote, council
sworn in for two month terms in method, by which jury lists are looks on different types of trials, Gill said the purpose of the Ijdecided the Zoning Board of Ap-
14thDisric Cort,15thDisric drwn.such as marijuana cases, and they minority council is "to foster un- peals no longer needed to approve
Court, and Washtenaw County Cir- Whn ' might often be more strict on derstanding among the students to the establishment of day care
Court A eng tou Vir iWhen the 18 year old vote was young people than the older jurors. achieve common objectives." He centers in residential neighbor-
Nckeuit clerAccording asVigin established, it was arguedmtattthe Ithink they will probably be very also said that the council will en- hoods.
Nckl, clerk of the Washtenaw subsequent influx of masses of I fair and will listen." able (SGC) to be "representative The ordinance, which provoked
County Jury Board, "several" such new voters called for a suspension of the student body and minori-
young people were sworn in, al- of the rules governing jury selec- Assistant County Prosecuting At- fties." and twohours of acrimonious debate
tion. At that point, however, county torney Thomas Shea was more SGC also voted to ask the Re- cil members and the audience,
officials argued that it would be cautious in his prediction of the gents to eliminate the present should make it much easier to es-
both impractical and of question- effects of the new jurors. policy of purchasing a subscription tablish day care centers in the city
able legality to draw up new jury "We'll just have to see over a to The Daily for each faculty at large.
lists immediately. period of time," he said. "What member. Many older residents, feeling
Enough jurors for an entire year effect they have will depend on Much of the meeting was run that the establishment of the cen-
are randomly selected from voter who they are, and how the older ! under the emergency rules of ters would mean lower property
registration lists by the Washtenaw jurors affect them. There are just Roberts' rules of order because of values and make their neighbor-
County Jury Board each May. The too many variables. How it affects lack of a quorum. Three SGC mem- hood noisy with children, attacked
juries drawn in May then begin our own tactics, it's really too bers were pot present and one, those supporting the new ordi-
serving in September. I early to say. We'll see after a few Bill Dobbs, walked out after an nance.
hung juries." argument with another member. Supporters of the ordinance re-
Approximately__ n 3,000 ..people 4nave.

plied that the centers were es-
sential for children whose par-
ents must work. Local realtors
presented a statement that main-
tained day care centers would in-
crease neighborhood property
Council members again ran into
controversy over proposed pay in-
creases for district court judges.-
The judges are paid $19,500 by the
state. .,Ann Arbor currently sup-
plements this amount by another
$9,500, making the pay total $29,-
Because the current case load
of the judges is reportedly one of-
the highest in southeastern Michi-
gan, an additional $2,000 raise of
the city pay supplement was pro-
HRP objections notwithstanding,
the raises were approved, 9-2, with
I all Democratic and Republican
council members voting yes.

Approximately 3,000 people have
registered to vote in Ann Arbor
alone since last May's primary,
and none of them will be eligible
for selection for jury duty until
next May.



Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
Jane smashes ick at party

It was not until last May that 1l 1111 19(
18 to 21 year olds were included
in the voter registration lists given
Ito the Jury Board. By JAN BENEDETTI
Earlier in the year a few scat- President Robben Fleming is expected to
tered attempts were made to chal- announce his choice this week for the key
lenge Washtenaw County juries as post of affirmative action director, according
unrepresentative, but those at- to informed sources. Five women, including
tempts were not successful for three blacks, have been recommended by a
various reasons. search committee composed of members
Three of the challenges to juries from the Commissions for Women and for
earlier this year were filled by, Minorities.

o choose


Tate and Political Science Prof. Nellie Var-
ner. De Joie, Tate and Varner are black.
Several observers connected with the com-
missions expect Fleming to select either
Nordin or Varner, since both women are
from the University community.
DeJoie is the director of the Human Rights
Council at the University of Wisconsin. She
works as the executive administrator of af-
firmative action programs for the university


cants and finalized the list of candidates last
Fleming, however, is not bound to select
one of the recommended candidates. We
have no reason to believe our recommenda-
tilons won't be recognized, but, on the other
hand, we have no reason to ,think that they'll
be final either," says Shirley Pyke, chair-
person of the search committee.
HEW's Revised Order No. 4 requires that
private federal contractors appoint a single
nfficer to nversee affirmative action plans.

Special To The Daily
SOUTHFIELD-Middle-aged businessmen and
their wives outnumbered radicals at a Human
UP-1t t7 -. TTD ) FAm ~ ,. x4,1 tr

paneled Evergreen Room, the spectators spent
the first hour of the meeting chatting, drinking
and waiting for Jane.
Just as they were finishing their third drink and
stfjrtinf- to get retl9es se nfinallv arrived.,


attorneys David Goldstein and Don
Koster. In Goldstein's case, charges
against his client were dropped1

The director, according to a job descrip-
tion, will monitor the University's affirmative
nrin rnanmn,,',fnr inmn n n imil nnnritins



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