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September 12, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-12

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split: HRP. rejects

Stating that there is room in the party
for differences of opinion, the Human Rights
Party Sunday made its first official com-
ments on the decision of the Rainbow People's
Party to withdraw support for HRP's fall
The statement was not intended as an
appeal for reconciliation according to party
spokesmen, but rather was an attempt to
clarify the differences between the two
groups and set straight some of the criticism
levelled at HRP by the Ann Arbor Sun, the
RPP paper.
In the Sun's September 1 issue, RPP
spokesmen explained their decision to split
with HRP for the fall campaign, ending an
alliance which began some nine months ago.
The split, for now, only applies to this fall's
campaign, as RPP officials affirmed their
support for the HRP platform and the party's
current office-holders.
The immediate reasons for the break center
around the results of HRP's August 24 con-
vention, but spokesmen for both groups con-

cede that more fundamental questionsabout
the nature of the party and its constituency
were really at the heart of the split.
According to the Sun, the August nominat-
ing convention was dominated by a "narrow-
minded, ego-oriented, ultra-leftist faction of
the Human Rights Party, which would ignore
the interests of the people in order to satisfy
their own dry intellectual lusts."
RPP representatives were particularly in-
censed by the decision of the convention,
not to nominate a candidate for the office
of sheriff, blaming what they call the "liberal
opportunism" of the party for that action.
They also accused certain party regulars
of employing "parliamentary tricks and sin-
ister maneuvers" in an attempt to silence
RPP viewpoints.
In their Sunday release, HRP spokesmen,
explained that the decision not to run a
candidate for sheriff was made only after
the two people who had been considered for
the post were forced to withdraw for per-
sonal, not political reasons. The charges of
parliamentary chicanery were also denied.

The main thrust of the HRP statement,
however,dealt with the conflicting ideas
held by the two groups about the party's
direction and constituency.
RPP members feel that the party's atten-
tion should be focused on street people and
"freeks," a position HRP finds untenable.
HRP, according to the statement, feels
that the party should appeal to social and
economic groups rather than simply age
groups, with particular emphasis on the
laboring and oppressed classes. They further
disagree with RPP's emphasis on issues like
rock and roll and marijuana, which they
see as rather trivial in the overall political
In effect, the two groups represent two
rather different lifestyles, each viewing the
other with a certain amount of suspicion and
HRP has tried to establish itself as a
serious political party with a well-defined
ideology and a system of tight party" disci-
pline. The Rainbow People on the other hand
reject such restrictions and are more inter-

People's charges
ested in matters relating to the youth culture.
HRP campaign manager Steve Nissen in-
dicated, however, that the loss of RPP
support would have a minimal impact on
the campaign.
"The party can still win in November
without the support of RPP," commented
Nissen. "They supplied only about one per
cent of the workers for the city council cam-
paign last spring, and they were really only
involved in Genie Plamondon's race in the
third ward."
Nissen admitted that RPP did aid in the
publicity aspect of the campaign and lent
the party $750 out of a total budget of $5,000.
He added that money would not be as hard
to raise in this campaign, since the party
had established itself as a credible political
However, according to the Sun, HRP can
not possibly put together a broad enough
coalition to win in November, without sup- :>
port from the elements of the community Steve Nissen
RPP represents.

John Sinclair

See Page 8

_ _ _ __


.:43 tly

More rain
and cooler

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 5

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September '2, 1972

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


in W

accuse Stans
terjrnte case

Study c









_ ___. __.._-- __.-.v__.®..._

crats yesterday asserted that-
former Commerce Secretary
Maurice Stans supplied $114,-
000 in Republican campaign
funds to finance the activities
of the men who broke into
Democratic National Commit-}
tee headquarters last June.
The allegation came in an
amended complaint in the Demo-
crats' invasion-of-privacy suit filed
yesterday. The complaint was re-
jected on a technicality by the
presiding judge but was expected
to be ref iled correctly today.
The new complaint added Stans,
finance chairman for the Commit-
tee for the Re-election of the
President, and Hugh W. Sloan Jr.-
former committee treasurer-to the
list of defendants and upped the
request for damages from $1 mil-
lion to $3 million.
- Sians has denied any knowledge
of diversion of campaign funds toI
the break-in attempt.
The allegations were contained }
in an amended complaint filed inx
the Democrats' civil damage suit'
stemming from break-in last June .
17 at the Democratic party head-
quarters in the Watergate Office
The complaint alleged that Gor-
don Liddy and Howard Hunt, for-'
mer White House aides, and James
McCord, former security chief for Driver Ray Caselli hits the wat
the Committee for the Re-election land, Calif. Caselli escaped inju
of the President, "from time to sible internal injuries when his
time . . . as commanding person-
nel of the political espionage squad
visited the listening post to check FIRST READING:
up on the squad's progress."

SMinorities also reported
grouped in bottom posts
A University-funded study released yesterday reports
that 13 per cent of the professional and administrative (P&-
A) staff are paid less than what the study calls "minimum
The study, performed by the Robert H. Hayes and Assoc.
Inc. management consulting firm, reports that female P&A
employesreceive lower salaries within given salary levels and
are clustered in lower levels than male staff.
i' Minority staff are also clustered in lower levels than

white employes, but general-
ly receive equal salaries with-
in classifications, the report
It recommends .that the Univer-
sity spend $322,000 to restructure
its salary classification system and
bring salaries up to proposed mini-
Before the Hayes report can be
implemented, it must be approved
by the Regents and then reviewed
by several groups, including the
Commission on Minorities, Com-
mission for Women, Academic Af-
fairs Advisory Council, and oper-
ating managers.I
Personnel M a n a g e r Edward
Hayes says he expects the report
to be approved with only minor
In order to restructure the salary
classification system, the Hayes re-
port recommends that the current
4,500 P&A job classifications be
condensed into 544 proposed posi-
tions. The report places each of
these new positions into one of 21
proposed salary grades.
It also suggests merging all
P&A staff into one system of job
classification rather than the cur-
rent system separating the aca-
demic and non-academic staff.

AP Photo

Flags flyingy
Flagbearers enter the Olympic Stadium at Munich last night be-
fore 80,000 spectators, in ceremonies that marked the closing of
the 20th Olympic Games.
u o I
U.S jets smash key
N. Viet nk to South
SAIGON P--U.S. jets smashed the strategically important
Paul Doumer Bridge within the city limits of Hanoi in one
of the mpst intense raids of the war on the North Vietnamese
capital, the Air Force claimed yesterday.
In the ground war officers reported the threat to Hue
had been ended with the smashing of a North Vietnamese
division that had menaced the old imperial capital in the
northern front.
It was the first significant victory claim on the northern
front contrasting with the government's failure to recapture
Quang Tri north of Hue.
The bridge (said to carry all
traffic from the Chinese frontier
to the demilitarized zone) suffered
its heaviest damage of the war in
raids Sunday said an Air F orce
- Three spans were destroyed and
three damaged by F4 Phantom
jets using 2,000-pound laser-beamed By CHRIS PARKS
bombs the Air Force announced. A Daily News Analysis
Navy A7 jet was shot down by a Thousands of young people floc
SAM missile 14 miles southwest of Spann Memorial Field for the
Hanoi on another mission. 'Ihe Blues and Jazz Festival last wee
pilot is listed as missing. Most came to enjoy two days
Since the start of me enemy of- rights of some of the finest blue
fensive last March 30, 90 U.S. air- jams available.
craft have been reported lost over A few, however, had a rath
North Vietnam. There have been
98 airmen listed as missing with reason. They came to sell hard dr
37 of them. known to have been ly methaqualone (quaalude), PCP
captured. sedatives (called downers)-to t
Troops of South Vietnam's 1st .
Infantry Division also hold vital They entered the park in spit
high ground west of the two out- spicuously placed sign at the
posts-where the North Vietnamese reading: "No Dealing-Anyone
had placed 122MM artillery guns ing dope will get the bum's rush.

Race boats crash
ter as his boat crashes during a high speed race Sunday near Oak-
iry, but another driver, Vern Amaral, suffered a broken arm and pos-
craft collided with Caselli's.
rouncil passes

Kennedy, In
Detroit today
Democratic Presidential candi-
George McGovern and Senator Ed-
ward Kennedy (D-Mass.) will be
featured speakers at the McGovern
rally today.
The rally, sponsored by the
Michigan Labor Committee for Mc-
Govern, is scheduled to be held
4:30 p.m. at Kennedy Square, De-
Staffworkers in McGovern's De-
troit campaign headquarters were
unable to comment last night, on
the size of the crowd expected or
on the text of the Senators'
Spokespersons in McGovern's
office said yesterday they antici-
pate sending 10 busloads of people
to the demonstration.
Kennedy has accompanied -Mc-
Govern on a whistlestop campaign
tour throughout the Midwest this
Rides for the rally can be ob-
tained by calling the local Mc-
Govern headquarters at 761-9804.

The Washington Post reported
Monday the account-came from a
man who identified himself as the
principal monitor of the telephone
taps in operation from late May
until June 17.
The Post did not identify the



law amendment


- I

Federal investigators and Re-
publican campaign officials de-
clined comment on the story.
Stans issued a statement last
night saying: "Mr. O'Brien's al-
legations against me are a scur-
rilous pack of lies and he knows it.
They amount to nothing more than
a contemptible maneuver to use
the court for his own political pur-
poses .. .


An amendment to Ann Arbor's
marijuana ordinance that would
make payment of the $5 fine for
use and possession of marijuana
like the payment of a parking
ticket was passed on first reading
six to five early this morning by
a volatile City Council.
The amendment, which will not
become part of the city's mari-

According to the report, women
juana law unless it is passed on offenders of the law. However, lo- comprise 70 per cent of the people
second reading next week, provides cal judges have threatened to put who are below the proposed mini-
that those who plead guilty of vio- violators on probation. Sentencing See REPORT, Page 10
lating the city ordinance may pay in the first case is scheduled for

rs plague BluesA

eked to Otis
Ann Arbor
and three
es and jazz
er different
P, and other
hose in at-
e of a con-
main gate
caught sell-
" And they

The result was the worst downer overdose
problem yet seen at a local concert.
Downers in general and quaalude in par-
ticular have been an increasing problem over
the last year in the city's street community.
With downs there's really
nothing we can do. If it's bad
enough we have to take them
to the hospital."
According to some medical authorities the
quaalude is addictive and withdrawal can be

and otherc
The com
fact festiva
they turned
vend beer t
Until last
confined to
ations. Acc
ly free ofd
At the b
During a
the crowd,
sumed duri

their fine to the district court Friday.
clerk's office as "full and complete The granting of probation means
satisfaction of liability," thus mak- that the offender must regularly
ing an appearance before a judge report to a probation officer. It
unnecessary. has been speculated that failure to
The current ordinance, passed comply with probation laws might
this summer, carries a $5 fine on mean a jail sentence of up to one
-However, City Attorney Jerold
Lax last night said that judgesI
could only impose the original sen- A
tence of $5. Univ
The proposed amendment specif- pere
iclyprohibits the levying of Rese
F e s tiv a "robation or any other punitive or cine
rehabilitative measure" but would afte
downers with alcohol. permit a deferred sentence to be Th
bination can result in a coma-a levied.tere
al promoters had in mind when normal prerogative of the accused, than
d down a lucrative opportunity to would defer sentence for a certain rent
to their customers. period of time. If at the end of viru
t weekend, use of the drug seemed this time, the accused has not been Dr
individual and small group situ- arrested for any other crimes, sity
ording to Drug Help workers, the charges may be dropped. sitw
series of free concerts were most- When the issue came up for dis-
cussion, Councilman J e r r y De A
Grieck (HRP-First Ward) said, "In stra
lues festival-especially Saturday Ann Arbor we have tried to de- ing
problem surfaced with a ven- criminalize as best as we legally inn
could, the use, possession and sale tory
long, warm day pushers worked of this weed." A
dealing downers of every de- Councilman John McCormick (R- duce
TsFourth Ward) said to De Grieck the
These were subsequently con- that "Your statement, Jerry, is fens
ina theday-o--ften with heer or i.1 c, .

new vaccine developed at the
versity may soon win the
ennial fight against influenza.
,earchers hope that the vac-
will be distributed nationally
r it passes safety checks.
he vaccine can be adminis-
d as a nose spray rather
n as an injection in the cur-
ly used vaccine. The spray,
ybrid strain ofd aliving flu
s, has been developed by
H. Massab of the Univer-
's School of Public Health,
vas announced yesterday.
ccording to M a s s ab, the
in combines the outer cover-
of "wild" flu virus with the
er RNA core from a labora-
y-bred variety.
harmful protein growth pro-
ed by the outer covering of
virus triggers the body's de-
se mechanisms exactly like a
.+ - .ih- + n r niai

Live virus used in
newest flu vaccine

terializes, because the core of
the virus, responsible for repro-
duction of the organism, prod-
duces offspring incapable of
causing the virulent "disease.
The antibodies produced by the
body as a defense against the
flu "attack" remain active and
prevent further infection for at
least a year.
Manufacture of the vaccine is
faster and more economical than
previous flu vaccines composed
of dead virus.
A live virus vaccine also pro-
vides greater protection to the
nose and throat, the area where
flu virus enters the body.
The laboratory - bred v i r u s
strain is grown in eggs from se-
lected disease-resistant chickens.
A harmless (attenuated) virus
strain, created by gradual ex-
posure to a temperature of about
77 degrees is "recombined genet-
ically with a virulent natural


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