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January 21, 1973 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 92 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 21, 1973 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

if' you see iiei s happenu call 70-DAhN
On their toes
There's one thing that can be said for the police department
-they're on the job and +he fire department's job, too. When a
fire started in a trash can in City Hall late Friday night, police
managed to extinguish the blaze before fire fighters arrived on
the scene in full gear. The blaze, which caused extensive dam-
age to the fifth floor, started when a smoldering cigaret caught
fire in a huge garbage can.
Happenings .. .
The St'ldent Anthroposophical Society is sponsoring a lecture-
demonstration on the new art of speech (based on Rudolf
Steiner's spiritual science) tonight at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
Room in the League . . . Anne Bobroff and Lisa North, Choco-
late Almond caucus candidates for the HRP mayoral and second
ward city council nominations will discuss their candidacies
with interested people at 12:30 this afternoon in the HRP office
. . . Women's Community School courses begin tomorrow. Call
763-4186 for details . . . and for men, the upcoming week is the
Fraternity Open House sponsored by the Fraternity Cooperative
Council. Take a look from 7-10 p.m. each evening.
Mock Inaugural held
LANSING--About 100 anti-war and anti-Nixon student demon-
strators staged a mock inauguration at noon Friday for "King
Richard of Milhouse" on the steps of the state capitol. The
students, mostly from Michigan State University, crowned
"President Nixon" with a football helmet and presented him
with a plastic airplane they designated a B52 bomber. The
demonstration ended with a symbolic execution of half a dozen
war protesters. Earlier in the day someone dribbled two bottles
of ketchup on the front ,steps on the capitol and stuck an anti-
war note on the front door.
Divorce, American style
DETROIT-It took Daniel Borg about three hours in court
to get a divorce. That was about 30 minutes more than his
marriage lasted. Borg said he had courted his fiancee for more
than a year before they were married in September. When the
couple got to their honeymoon cottage, Borg testified, he told
her she could forget about another man with whom she had
been friendly. To his surprise, the new Ms. Borg indicated
she did not intend to forget the other, saying she had agreed
to marry Borg just to make the other man jealous. Wayne
County Circuit Judge Victor Baum said the breakup was the
quickest he heard of in his 16 years on the bench.
Role reversal
SEATTLE-A tavern owner has put a bare-chested male
dancer on stage in an effort to prove that a law against topless
female dancers is a form of sex discrimination. Tavern owner
Frank Colacurico staged his male dancer Friday after Superior
Court Judge James Dore refused to issue an injunction to stop
police from enforcing the no-topless ordinance. "They let males -
do it. Why can't females?" Colarcurico asked. Topless dancing
had thrived here since April when a judge ruled that it was
a form of expression protected by the First Amendment. But
last month, the police chief announced that, because a Dec. 5
Supreme Court decision upheld the right of states to regulate
entertainment in establishments serving liquor, his officers would
again enforce the 1966 no-topless ordinance.
'Obscene' tango?
BOLOGNA, Italy--Marlon Brando, French actress Maria
Schneider and Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci were indicted
yesterday on obscenity charges for their film "The Last Tango
in Paris." Although Italian film critics labeled it as being one
of the best productions since the end of World War II, the
film was banned in Italy last month by a Rome judge after
being shown in the capital for almost a week. Justice sources
said particular objections were raised to a scene which de-
picted "unnatural intercourse." The film concerns a love affair
between a middle-aged, down-at-heel American living in Paris
and a young French girl.
On the inside
Staff writer Kathy Ricke looks at campus suicide on
the Editorial Page . . . Can you believe Michigan lost
the basketball game? Sports writers Marc Feldman and
Bob Heuer analyze the game on Page 11 . . . Ark performer
Bruce Phillips is reviewed by Diane Levick on Page 3.
The weather picture
It's time to bundle up again. Cold weather has returned

bringing with it the possibility of snow today. The high
may reach 35 with the low predicted for about 20. The
skies will remain fair to partly cloudy.

Nixon e






By the Daily's Washington
special To The Daily
ond inauguration of President
Richard Nixon went off as
scheduled yesterday despite
the loud protests of some 50,-
000 demonstrators.
The anti-Nixon demonstration,
sponsored by the National Peace
Action Coalition (NPAC) and the
People's Coalition for Peace and
Justice (PCPJ), was the biggest
Washington has seen for several
But the massive rally was as
peaceful as its organizers had pre-
dicted, as only 18 protesters were
1 arrested.
A separate demonstration, by
some 2500 members of Students
for a Democratic Society (SDS)
and the Youth International Party
proved a bit more active. SDS and
Yippies skirmished briefly with
police on several different occa-
sions, but no arrests were made.
The only real threat of a serious
flareup in the demonstrations oc-
curred late in the afternoon, when
several hundred protesters at-
tempted to join the end of the
inaugural parade just before it
passed the White House reviewing
Police quickly contained the de-
monstrators, who had blocked a
major intersection. Most of the 18
arrests were made at this point.
The official inaugural ceremony
witnessed by 300,000 onlookers
went off with split second preci-
sion - such exactness in fact, that
much attention was diverted to the
more dramatic actions of the anti-
Nixon protesters.
The NPAC - PCPJ noon march
went from the Lincoln Memorial'
to the Washington Monument.
According to organizers of the
Ann Arbor Counter - Inaugural
Committee about 2500 Ann Arbor-
ites participated in the demonstra-
The procession was called a
"March Against Death." Demon-
strators carried coffins and signs
depicting "atrocities" committed
by Nixon during his first four
years as President.
Some tension momentarily flar-
ed as the demonstrators argued
whether or not to burn fences,
flags and whatever fuel was avail-
able at the base of the Monu-
ment. Only several campfire-like
blazes were set, however.
While at the Monument, the
demonstrators heard speeches by
major war critics. The speeches
were led off by Rep. Bella Abzug
At 11:00 a.m., Vietnam Veter-
ans Against the War began a sep-
arate march from Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery to the District
War Memorial. The focus of the
demonstration was to urge the
United States to immediately sign
the peace treaty with the North
The SDS-Yippie rally was the one
the Washington police worried
most about, even though it attract-
See 50,000, Page 12

PRESIDENT NIXON takes the oath of office yesterday for his second term from Chief Justi
a tobrief Nixonon
tialks;fierce fg tigc

Speaks of
at home
dent Nixon, delivering his sec-
ond inaugural address, declar-
ed yesterday that the Vietnam
war is ending with honor and
that "we stand on the thres-
hold of a new era of peace in
the world."
In some respects, the 17-minute
oration shared with his first in-
augural address emphasis of
searching for peace.
As he cited foreign policy
achievements to yesterday's chilled
audience at the Capitol-with spe-
cial attention to his Peking and
Moscow journeys-Nixon seemed
to echo his words of four years
"The greatest honor history can
bestow is the title of peacemaker.
This honor now beckons Amer-
ica .
The 60-year-old President never
specifically mentioned Vietnam or
Indochina or the secret Paris peace
talks that are to resume Tuesday.
However, he did say this is a time
during which "America's longest
and most difficult war comes to
an end."
Nixon did not elaborate but, at
another point, spoke of the Vietnam
war as one in which the United
AP Photo States has fought "to help others
ce Warren Burger. resist aggression." And he said
Americans should be proud of "our
steadfastness for peace with
Through such initiatives as ac-
cords with the Soviet Union and
the opening of dialogue with main-
p ec land China, through steadfastness
in Vietnam, Nixon said, "We have
made a breakthrough toward
S creating in the world what the
world has not hadbefore-a struc-
merely for our time, but for gen-
2,000 rounds of artillery and mor- erations to come."
tars at South Vietnamese marine The "theme" of the Nixon mes-
positions and made ground assaults sage was an exhortation to self-
in several locations. reliance by other nations and by
In Paris, American and North individual Americans.
Vietnamese legal and language ex- Rephrasing a familiar passage
perts held another session yester- from John Kennedy's 1961 inaug-
day to work out details for use in ural address, the President said.
the event a peace agreement is "In our own lives, let each of
signed, a U .S. spokesman said. us ask not just what government
'The meeting was held at the will do for me, but what can I
Saint-Nom-la-Breteche home of U. do for myself.
S. industrialist Milton Berzin. "In the challenges we face to-
The meeting lasted five hours. gether, let each of us ask not just
A spokesman for the U. S. peace how can government help me, but
delegation said afterward there how can I help."
were no plans for a meeting to- As for his unseen audiences in
day. other lands, Nixon said:
Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho "We shall do our share in de-
See HAIG, Page 12 fending peace and freedom in the
--world. But we shall expect others
to do their share.
t "The time has passed when
America will make every other
nation's conflict our own, or make
every other nation's future our
" responsibility, or presume to tell
& eIthe people of other nations how to
manage their own affairs."
As Nixon spoke, being interrupt-
tran, but cannot predict whether ed nine times by applause, oppon-
the voters will approve the mea- ents o fthe Vietnam war demon-
sure. strated in the capital city.
sCr. CAs he did four years ago, Nix-
City Council member Bruce Ben-, on took note of dissent, saying:
ner (R-Fourth Ward) takes issue "Let us again learn to debate
Swith Simsar and Harris. "I shud- our differences with civility and
der to think of the proposed sys- decency. And let each of us reach
tem's cost," he says. "Any tran- out for that one precious quality
sit system has to be in balance government cannot provide - a
with the city's financial situation.' new level of respect for the rights
Benner questions the need for and feelings of one another - a
a dial-the-ride service in the new new level of respect for thei mdi-
transit system. He predicts that vidual human dignity which is the
See VIABILITY, Page 7 See NIXON, Page 12

By AP and UPI
SAIGON-Gen. Alexander Haig
Jr. wrapped up his peace consulta-
tions here yesterday and flew to
South Korea on his way home.
Ie will brief President Nixon
today on what the U. S. Asian al-
lies think of the proposed Vietnam
peace agreement.
Haig, Nixon's special peace en-
voy, held a 30-minute meetingwith
President Nguyen Van Thieu -
his thirddwith the South Vietna-
mese leader in a week - before
emplaning for Seoul. The brevity
of the meeting was interpreted as
a sign that most major disagree-
ments on the peace terms have
been dissipated.
A spokesman at the U. S. Em-
bassy said Haig spent the night in
Seoul, and will confer with Presi-
dent Chung Hee Park today, then
fly on to Washington to report to
Besides South Vietnam, Haig
visited Cambodia, Laos and Thai-
South Korea apparently was add-
ed to his itinerary because of the
35,000 Korean soldiers still sta-
tioned in South Vietnam. These
troops would withdraw along with
the 24,000 remaining Americans
under terms of the peace agree-

ment believed drawing near.
Meanwhile, in the Indochina war,
fierce and bloody fighting was re-
ported in two far-flung regions of
South Vietnam as Saigon's troops
battled with North Vietnamese to
occupy the best positidns in an-
ticipation of an early .cease-fire.
The South Vietnamese command
claimed 421 North Vietnamese
soldiers have been killed since
heavy fighting erupted Thursday
near the former demilitarized zone
and in the Saigon River corridor,
far to the south.
During the same period ending at'
noon yesterday, the command said
the South Vietnamese have lost
57 killed and 157 wounded in the
two battle areas.

The U. S. Command reported
that American fighter - bombers
logged 353 strikes during the 24-
hour period ending at 8 a.m. yes-j
terday. Many attacked in support
of the South Vietnamese ground
B52s, the command said, flew 30
missions during the same report-
ing period. Each B52 mission gen-
erally comprises three planes,
making a total of about 90aone-
plane strikes.
The fighting in Quang Tri re-
volved around a North Vietnamese
attempt to gain control of a strip
of land 13 miles south of the old
demarcation line between the two
Vietnams at the 17th Parallel. The
North Vietnamese fired up to

proposal remains in

Although the Ann Arbor Tran-
sit Authority (AATA) has come up
with a plan for a new transit
system, there remains a serious
question as to whether the city
will be able to fund it.
The system - dubbed Comtran
- would combine a dial-a-ride ser-
vice with an express bus network,
giving patrons door-to-door trans-
portation, according to Arthur Sim-
sar, an AATA consultant.
The problem is that Comtran re-
quires an initial investment of two
million dollars for the purchase of
68 new buses and garage facilities.
The city has applied for a $2.4
million federal grant to defray
these costs. But it must provide
one third of the funds, or $800,000
itself. Simsar says he is not sure
how the money will be raised, al-
though he believes "the city could
issue a bond."
The initial investment, however,
is not the only possibleroadbloc
facing the new plan. For the city
must also maintain an estimated
annual operating budget for the
system approaching two million

gasoline tax will provide enough'
funds to cover Comtran's operating
"We must have the millage in-
crease to go ahead with the transit
system," Simsar says. He adds
that he is very optimistic about the
amendment's chance for approval
at the polls.
"The proposal provides a g o o d
public transit system," says May-
or Robert Harris. Harris says he
believes the millage hike is neces-
sary for the city to institute Con-
Study i
By The Daily's Washingto
soecial to The Daily
WASHINGTON-Washington y
city of contrasts.
Anti-war demonstrations and th
ment of a presidential inaugurati
sometimes conflicted to produc
electrified the air in the nation's
While an estimated 300,000 peop
sylvania Ave. to watch the my
t'. r O ni iirninr +C h +tr'n~

R sc.
n Bureau
esterday was a
he normal excite-
on combined and
e a tension that
ale jammed Penn-
'riad bands, drill
+itrnter the inanos-

hizo phrenia
traditional white plywood stand, Yippies ran helter-
skelter through the grounds of the nearby Supreme
Court Bldg., taunting hundreds of police officers
deployed to contain them.
Yesterday was also a day of small incidents and
vignettes that transformed the otherwise cosmic
occurences into more personal if no less- incredible
The Yippie demonstration was predictably the
most surreal event of the day. It featured a giant
r!,t tnnned with the hea of Richard Nixon. Yin-

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