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January 20, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-20

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See Editorial Page


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For details, see today .

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 20, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Bottoms up
Although SGC meetings may be enough to drive its members
to drink, nobody ever thought something would be done about
the situation. But now, thanks to Bullshit Party's Dave Hornstein,
relief is in sight. Hornstein has proposed that an SGC meeting
take place "on the second floor of Dominick's," with SGC
picking up the tab for all drinks consumed by Council members
and presumably large crowds of spectators. In order to get the
meeting "started in the proper spirit," Hornstein states, "all
SGC members should begin it by downing at least one Harvey
Wallbanger." If the attempt to re-locate SGC meetings doesn't
work, Hornstein has an alternative: provide a keg of beer at all
Trespassers prosecuted
University officials plan to prosecute three "prowlers" who
had set up housekeeping in a historic mansion owned by the
University. Evidence that David Allen of Xenia, Ohio and
Teresa Moers and Victoria Crofton, both of Ypsilanti, were living
in the house was found by the caretakers. Sheriff's deputies
investigated and found stereophonic equipment, food, books, an
electric guitar, and a .30 caliber rifle inside the house. The
century-old white frame building was built by Judge Samuel
Dexter, one-time University Regent. It was donated to the
University by his granddaughter in 1950. Called "Dexter House,"
it is listed in the National Registry of Historic Homes and was
once the post office for the village of Dexter. Could it be that


Women 's studies


Colleges and universities around the country are
moving to establish degree programs in women's
studies. Here at the University, a women's studies
program is in the formative stages and is at pres-
ent awaiting approval by the Literary College's
(LSA) executive commitee.
The executive committee, a group of LSA college
professors who help set school policy, received
early last semester, a proposal from the Commit-
tee for Women's Studies (CFWS) calling for the
creation of an interdisciplinary major in women's
studies by the fall of 1973. Committee approval
is needed if such a program is to be set up.
Executive committee member, History Prof.
Raymond Grew believes the proposal will soon be
a reality. "The idea in principle has really been
accepted. Now there are issues which have to be

ironed out." he said.
He cited organization, administration and bud-
getary concerns as the primary problem areas.
Other colleges and universities across the coun-
try have already included women's studies pro-
grams in their curriculum. The most notable of
these are the University of South Florida, State
University of New York at Buffalo, Richmond Col-
lege and Sarah Lawrence College.
The CFWS proposal called for the creation of
such a program because it would, among other
things "foster interdisciplinary research and
teaching about women; design and implement
courses in women's studies; and raise the aspira-
tions of women students about their lives, roles,
models and evidence of the University's commit-
ment to affirmative action."
Although Grew was optimistic about the eventual

outcome of the proposal, he was unable to predict
when the final draft will be completed.
Funding for the program has constituted a ma-
jor problem. CFWS has a planned budget for 1973-
74 of $76,300 to cover salaries and other expenses.
But administrators claim that because of recent
budget cuts, money is tight.
There are currently 12 courses being offered un-
der the heading of women's studies, The courses
are found in various schools and departments
throughout the University and include one inter-
departmental course: Introduction to Women's
The introductory course is described as "begin-
ning to explore the myths about women, their
socialization, their individual and collective re-
sistance.' The course is taught on a voluntary-
basis by faculty members from various depart-

ments, led by a half-time teaching fellow.
According to Lydia Kleiner, a member of CFWS,
after this semester the course can no longer be
given on a-voluntary basis.
Kitty Sklar, a lecturer for the University's Intro-
duction to Women's Studies course, sees women's
studies programs as cutting across departmental
lines. "It encourages both new research and new
teaching, in addition to new courses." she said.
Women's studies "provides a focus for all the
new scholarship and research that is going on
across disciplines in this area," She continued, "it
would be a place where interdisciplinary courses
would be offered for undergraduates, something
that is a great rarity and badly needed."
CFWS has also planned other projects related to
women's studies. The curriculum committee is
discussing a mini-course before the curriculum en-
See WOMEN'S, Page 8


David, Teresa, and Victoria were just
liked to get into their work?

history buffs who really

..by far the biggest event today will be the inauguration,
broadcast over national television. Be sure to watch as Richard
Nixon makes good his threat of "four more years." . . . Students
for Educational Innovation will be sponsoring a drug education
seminar in 126 East Quad from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your
own lunch . . . Eastern Michigan University will be holding a
five section workshop on "open" and "alternative" education at
EMU's Boone Hall. A $2.00 registration fee will be charged.
GOP head named
WASHINGTON-George Bush, President Nixon's choice for
Republican National Chairman, was unanimously elected to that
post yesterday by the Republican National Committee. Rush,
Texas oil tycoon and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for
the past two years, replaces Sen. Robert Dole of Kansas. Among
Bush's goals in his new position is ridding politics of its image
as a "grubby business."
Meir meets the Pope
Israeli Premier Golda Meir's visit to the Vatican last week
was not all sweetness -and light. There were "moments of ten-
sion," Meir said in an interview published yesterday in an
Israeli newspaper. She said the meeting got off to a bad start
when Pope Paul asked her why the Jewish people were fierce
rather than merciful in their own country. "Your Holiness," Meir
replied, "Do you know what my earliest memory is? A pogrom
in Kiev. When we were merciful and when we had no homeland
and when we were weak, we were led to the gas chamber." Meir
said that throughout the meeting she was struck with the feeling
that "I was saying what I was saying to the man of the cross,
who heads the church whose symbol is the cross, under which
Jews were killed for generations." In general, however, Meir
said she was satisfied with the meeting, and called it "a historic
Seale runs for mayor
Bobby Seale has switched from revolution to working within
the system. The Black Panther Chairman formally entered the
Oakland, California mayoral election race this week, predicting
a landslide victory for himself in the April election. Jobs for
minority citizens will be his major campaign issue. "People have
a right to a job without a skill," Seale said. He proposes a "2.3
million dollar slush fund" to provide the needed jobs. Chicago
Seven defendant Seale became nationally known four years ago
when he and six others were accused of conspiring to cause a
riot at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
She was a teenage war bride
South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu took a vaca-
tion from war and politics yesterday to participate in his
daughter's wedding. Nguyen Thi Tuan Anh, 18, was married in
two ceremonies: a traditional Vietnamese Ceremony in her home
and a Roman Catholic Mass in Saigon's cathedral. Her new
husband, Nguyen Tan Trieu, is the son of the millionaire director-
general of South Vietnam's airline. The couple met while they
were studying in Europe. They will continue their studies at
the University of Pittsburgh. Thieu's daughter as an under-
graduate and her husband in the graduate school of international
affairs. While the couple's honeymoon spot was not officially
disclosed, sources said that they would spend some time in Viet-
nam's highland resort of Dalat.
Pre-Inaugural madness
Secret Service spokesmen reported late yesterday that they
were on the trail of at least one, possibly two, young men
headed toward Washington, supposedly to kill President Nixon.
One of the men, said to be about 20 years old, spoke to a
barber in HarriLon, Mich., saying that he was going to the
inauguration and was going "to assassinate that son-of-a-bitch
if I get a chance." He said he had three guns in his Volkswagen
microbus. Officials in Saginaw township later saw a powder
blue microbus matching the description of the suspects' vehicle
headed south on Michigan 84 with two long-haired youths inside.
On the inside
The Editorial Page chronicles how students feel about
Nixon's second inauguration . . . Bob McGinn previews the
Michigan-Purdue basketball game on the Sports Page . . .

First step
taken on
'IM bldg.
The University's Board of
Regents took the initial steps
for new intramural facilities
yesterday in their regular
monthly meeting.
The action ,taken in the form of
a resolution, was the highlight of
an otherwise uneventful meeting.
The Regents also reaffirmed their
policy of having periodic informal
meetings that are closed to the
The resolution directed Ion Can-
ham, University athletic director,
and Wilbur Pierpont, vice-presi-
dent and chief financial officer to
recommend architects who would
undertake planning studies and
cost estimates for:
-A major new intramural fa-
cility to be located on North
-The conversion of Yost Field
House to a year-round ice-skating
-The construction of an addi-
tion to Yost Field House to house
track facilities, indoor t e n n i s
courts, and other appropriate ac-
tivities; and
-The remodeling of the present
ice rink (the Coliseum) to house
intramural and recreational activi-
ties such as basketball, various
court sports and related activities.
After these studies have been
completed the proposals will be
considered by the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics and the
Advisory Committee on Recreation,
Intramural and Club Sports (ACR-
If these bodies approve the pro-
posals, they will be brought to the
Regents with additional informa-
tion concerning the cost estimates
and source of funding.
The Regents, however, made an
explicit statement that no con-
struction of any of the facilities
can be undertaken until the plan
has been finalized.
Athletic Director Canham said
that he was "encouraged" by the
Regent's action. "It is the logical
and reasonable way to do this (in-
crease the facilities)," he said.
"We would have to get the plan-
ning done anyway, so we might as
well do it now."
Later in the meeting, the Re-
gents issued a statement announc-
ing that they would continue their
policy of private informal ses-
sions. The statement referred to
the State Constitution and Regent-
al Bylaws which require that "all
formal sessions shall be open to
the public."
Regent Gertrude Huebner (R-
Bloomfield Hills), who read the
statement also commented that
"the University's legal counsel ad-
vises us (the Regents) that all our
meetings are entirely proper."



Kissinger returns to
Paris next Tuesday
By The Associated Press and Reuters
South Vietnam indicated yesterday its remaining reservations about
a North Vietnamese-United States peace agreement were diminishing.
Formal announcement of the Saigon government's consent to the
agreement was withheld, as final technical negotiations over an
accord continued.
Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam told reportersthat a ceasefire
was very close but he said some terms of the peace agreement still
needed clarification. He denied reports that a ceasefire might come
within the next 24 hours-before the inauguration of President Nixon.
Government sources reported that a ceasefire would be signed
before the Tet Lunar New Year which falls on Feb. 3, although no
specific date was given.
The semi-official Saigon Daily Tin Song, reporting the departure
of a government military delegation to Paris, said it would take part
in technical meetings "in order to complete the military details for a
ceasefire scheduled to be implemented on the occasion of Tet."
In Washington President Nixon began a final round of discussions
with Henry Kissinger before his foreign policy adviser returns to Paris
to finish up the peace agreement with the North Vietnamese.
Gen. Alexander Haig, President Nixon's emissary, meets with
President Nguyen Van Thieu again today to lay the groundwork for
completing the peace agreement in Paris next week.
"We are quite close to a conclusion," Lam said.
Kissinger is due in Paris on Tuesday to continue his top-level talks
with the north's chief negotiator Le Duc Tho. Their secret discussions
are reported to have produced tentative agreement on the shape of the
main peace accord, with Saigon still uneasy about some aspects.
However, South Vietnam's reservations about an agreement are
less serious than the torrent of objections with which it greeted the
publication of the first draft of the North Vietnamese-United States
accord last October.
Diplomatic sources said that South Vietnam feels now that it has
pressed its case as far as possible and that its main demand for the
See S. VIETNAM, Page 8
Washington expects




Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
150 PROTESTERS MARCH to the First Methodist Church at State and Huron in a demonstration
against the inauguration and recent bombings in North Vietnam.

Credit by

exa mination?

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - A b o u t 20,000
persons are expected to protest
against the inauguration of Presi-
dent Nixon here today.
A flock of anti-war groups and
the President's inaugural commit-
tee have both put the final touches
on planning for their respective
attempts to gain the nation's atten-
The National Peace Action Coali-
tion (NPAC) and the Peoples
Coalition for Peace and Justice
(PCPJ), organizers of the coun-
ter-inaugural protest against Nixon
predicted yesterday that over
40,000 demonstrators would arrive
in the city by this morning.
But most observers, including
District Police officials, placed
their estimates considerably lower
-at about 20,000.
NPAC and PCPJ have planned a
massive "march against death"
to proceed this morning from the
Lincoln Memorial to the Washin-

riots stemming from the demon-
strations. In addition, 2,000 troops
have been moved into the Wash-
ington area and the local National
Guard is on alert-a total of over
10,000 District and federal law en-
forcement officers.
Mike Myerson, a PCPJ press
aide, said yesterday the presence
of so many police might tend zo
inflame the protesters. But police
officials promise their men will
"attempt to act with the utmost
See D.C., Page 8
Ann Arbor
lobby in D.C.

Not until next semester

Literary college students elated
by the possibility of credit by
examination may have to wait
until next semester before any
department offers a course un-
der the new program.
When t h e Literary College
(LSA) faculty approved credit by
examination at their January
meeting they endorsed the pro-
posal in principle only. The mea-
sure was termed an "enabling

motion" permitting each LSA de-
partment to designate which
courses would qualify for credit
by examination.
To date individual departments
have done "almost nothing"
according to several department
chairpersons, towards specific
implementation of the program.
A number of thorny questions
must be answered by LSA as a
whole before individual depart-
ments can begin to tailor their

own programs.
LSA Dean Frank Rhodes met
Thursday with department chair-
persons to begin hammering out
basic guidelines.
Most department chairpersons
felt that credit by examination
will appeal only to a small num-
ber of students with outstanding
abilities or unusual experiences.
For instance, a prime candidate
for credit by examination might
be a laboratory chemist with
years of experience before com-
ing to the university.
It is unlikely that many LSA
courses will be routinely offered
for credit by examination. In
most cases students will have to
petition an academic counselor
and the department if they be-
lieve they are qualified to take
an exam. According to Associate
LSA Dean Charles Morris, de-


0~lV~l lde.11V " V "'Y a11 By DAVE BURHENN
ton Monument. Upon reaching theBU
monument ground the demonstra- Special to The Daily
tors will hear speeches by Senator WASHINGTON - This city is
Phillip Hart (D-Mich.), Father awaiting an onslaught of high
Phillip Berrigan, Representative s c h o o 1 bands, and Republicans,
Bella Abzug (D-N.Y.) as well as monumental traffic jams, and some
other war critics. 20,000 persons who plan to demon-
The NPAC-PCPJ march, how- strate against the Vietnam war,
ever, will not be the only counter- today, Inauguration Day.
inaugural activity in the city to- Included in the masses of anti-
day. The Vietnam Veterans Against war protesters are some 12 bus-
the War plan a march to the Lin- loads from Ann Arbor, plus an un-
coin Memorial from Arlington Na- known number who are arriving
tional Cemetery at 10 this morn- by car.
ing. While most demonstrators left
In addition, members of Stu- yesterday, an advance delegation
dents for a Democratic Society arrived here Thursday night, their

'Talks unveiled'

North Vietnamese negotiators

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