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January 19, 1973 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-19

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Page Six


Friday, January 19, 1973


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cagers disappoint

Although it might be too early
for an eulogy, the once proud
basketball team of Ohio State
has fallen upon some hard times
during the first half of the cur-
rent basketball season.
The Buckeyes, picked by most
to challenge Minnesota and
Michigan for conference laurels,
have stumbled and fumbled their
way to a mediocre 6-6 record so
far with little hope for a com-
plete turnabout of form.
Ohio State has also lost both
of its Big Ten encounters to
Michigan at home and a road
test against Indiana last Satur-
day. Although two losses don't
put any team out of the run-
ning, the inconsistency and in-
ability of the Bucks to play up
to their capabilities for more
than short stretches of games
have piled up entries in the loss

This Weekend in Sports
BASKETBALL-PURDUE at Crisler Arena, 2:00 P.M.
WRESTLING-at Indiana
SWIMMING-at Michigan State
GYMNASTICS-at North Carolina
BASKETBALL-at Northwestern, 9:00 P.M.

50-44, but victories for OSU and
points for Luke Witte have been
harder to come by since the in-
cident last January.
After that victory, Ohio State
owned first place in the Big Ten
with a 4-0 record but the Bucks
stumbled the rest of the season,
dropping four of their last ten
games for a second place finish.
Witte's play seemed to be af-
fected by the trauma of Minne-
apolis as he had been averaging
19 points per game prior to his
mugging and sunk to under 15
after it.
Despite this dropoff in per-
formance, few fanatics around
Columbus had doubts that Witte
would return to his best form

6-1 senior guard had his best
scoring night of the season
against Ohio University with 31
points and a 28 point afternoon
in the Michigan defeat.
Witte, on the other hand, has
not exactly been the dominating

force at center that he has
shown himself to be in the past.
The 7-0 senior was the victim of
the "mugging" in the infamous
brawl in Minneapolis last year
at the Ohio State-Minnesota
game The Bucks won the game,

this season, but the fans have
been disappointed. Witte's scor-
ing has not only fallen off still
further to just over 10 points
per game but his rebound aver-
age is an anemic 7 per game.
Although OSU Assistant Coach
Robert Burkholder was at a
loss to pin down the source of
the Buckeye problems, he said
Witte's ineffectiveness, that had
him riding the bench for a while,
was a major reason for the
team's dismal showing. "Witte's
stats speak for themselves",
Burkholder said.
Witte is not the only Buckeye
suffering from a deflated scor-
ing average. D a n Gerhard,
Hornyak's running mate at guard
was an 11.3 points per game
scorer last year but his norm
has fallen to a 6.2 level.
Although Fred Taylor has been
getting some scoring from his
forwards, Wardell Jackson and
Bill Andreas, the corner men
have been unable to pick up
Witte's lack of production in the
pivot. The 6-7 Jackson has fall-
en to just 8.3 points a game and
a 39 per cent shooting percent-
Andreas, also 6-7, has been a
pleasant surprise for the Buck-
eyes in his first varsity season,
hitting 60 per cent of his shots
Statistics and scoring averages
do not tell the story of Ohio
State's problems. The team has
most of its personnel back from
its fine teams of the past two
years. However, the enthusiasm
in certain key players for the
Bucks is missing since last Jan-
uary's events. OSU" might re-
cover this year, but it's doubt-

Big Ten leaves Wildcats behind,
losses darken optimistic future




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Usually invincible before the
home crowds at St. John's Arena
in Columbus, the Bucks have al-
ready lost twice in these friendly
surroundings. The loss to Mich-.
igan was not totally unexpected
although the Wolverines usually
have trouble in Columbus, but
losing to such lesser lights of
college basketball like Virginia
Tech at home leads one to sus-
pect that more is wrong with
the Buckeyes than a lack on con-
Boasting one of the best 1-2
punches in college basketball
in Allan Hornyak and Luke
Witte, Ohio State expected to be
in the thick of the battle for the
Big Ten crown and a national
Hornyak, who devastated Mich-
igan in the past with his marks-
manship has continued in his
role of high scorer, averaging
close to 24 points a game. The
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By BOB HEUER Wildcats' woes. The upgraded qual-
Every conference needs a door-I ity of Northwestern basketball is
mat. A chronic weak sister, seem- nevertheless apparent in their play
ingly in existence for the express and the "vastly improved" tag is
purpose of taking punishment, the not entirely unfounded.
laugher every team needs to ease The 'Cats narrowly missed ending
the burden of the championship Marquette's homecourt win streak,
dogfight. bowing to the Warriors 89-85 in
The Big Ten need look no further overtime on Dec. 27. Defeats by
than the pleasant Chicago suburb less than seven points also came
thantheplesan Chcag suurbat the hands of Dayton and Ohio
of Evanston, Ill. to find its sucker. U.atthe arso
With an enrollment of 6,600, min- U. in the early going.
iscule by Big Ten standards, eThe Wildcats' first two con-
Northwestern University has long ference games both ended in
beenrfodder for the conference losses, to Michigan State and
powerhouses. PrLe
And the 1973 campaign has the teading the attempted charge
look of frustrating sameness for to respectability is 6-2 guard
Wildcat supporters. The 'Cats have Mark Sibley. In his third year
engineered only two winning sea- as a regular, Sibley paces the
sons since 1960. But as always, team in scoring with a 19 point
optimism abounded at the start of average, the only player on the
the new year. Four regulars re- team to hit double figures for
turned from last year's 5-18 squad, the year. Sibley has averaged
along with two promising sopho- 20.5 in the first two league out-
mores and a heralded JC transfer. ings.
A "vastly improved" team had After Sibley, the talent thins out
been forecast by hometown scribes. considerably. Rick Sund and Kevin
Apparently, someone forgot to Kachan have both seen duty at
tell them that the rest of the Big the other guard spot. Sund,senior
Ten is at least as vastly im- and co-captain with Sibley, switch-
proved as they are. The result ed from forward where he started
has been a 2-9 getaway for the last year. Kachan, a 6-1 junior
Wildats, withtheir foes racing seems to have gained the inside
by as if to make the 'Cats ap- track on the job since conference
pear motionless. play began.
Only wins over St. Joseph (Ind.) The Wildcats' front line if noth-
last Monday and Western Illinois ing else, ofes plent of ize.gCen
in December have lightened the Dtroi werWallaceahailings fro
ball at Denby High, holds down the
center spot.
"James has excellent quickness
Theta Chi for his size," says Coach Brad
TG Snyder of the 6-10 Wallace. "We're
counting on him to be the intimida-
tor we need as well as a strong
Friday, Jan. 19 rebounder."
The forwards, Greg Wells and
dance to Walrus Bryan Ashbaugh rank behind
Sibley in the scoring department
and Drink Up with 9.7 and 9.5 averages re-
9 P.M.-12 MIDNIGHT jspectively.
A dominant board man has
"WE'D CIKE TO MEET YOU" failed to emerge from this trio,
doubtless one cause of consistent

defeat. Wells leads the team,
averaging 8.6 rebounds a game.
Ashbaugh and Wallace have
grabbed 7.1 and 7.7 rebounds
per game, respectively.
While Northwestern's rebounding
has been mediocre, their shooting
has been downright pathetic. The
Wildcats' opponents have outshot
them so far by ten full percentage
points, a remarkable 49 per cent,
to a meager 39. This statistic points
not only to poor shooting, but also
to a weakness in the defensive,
catagories. With their opponents
consistently hitting half their shots,
Northwestern has had too much to
make up on offense.


Eight killed at Jabbar home;
Cardinals select new mentor
By The Associated Press
0 WASHINGTON - Police said five persons were shot to death
and three children were drowned yesterday in the Washington head-
quarters of a Muslim religious sect.
A police spokesman said it appeared two of the shooting victims
were children. The scene of the slaying is a home formerly owned by
Milwaukee Bucks basketball star Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
Two persons were shot and wounded, one critically, police said.
The bodies of three children were found drowned in a bathtub, they
added. A police source reported the bodies were badly mutilated.
Jabbar, in a telephone interview from Milwaukee, said the kill-
ings must have been done by "lunatics . . . that's the only explana-
Jabbar was in Milwaukee with the Milwaukee Bucks basketball
team for which he stars. A spokesman for the team said Jabbar was
"obviously shaken."
Neighbors reported they saw four men running from the home,
and police said they recovered a .38-caliber pistol.
" ST. LOUIS - The St. Louis Cardinals dipped into the college
ranks yesterday and named veteran Don Coryell coach of the National
Football League club succeeding Bob Hollway, who was fired Dec. 8.
The 48-year-old Coryell, who spent 15 seasons at the college level,
directed San Diego State the last 12 and compiled a 104-19-2 record em-
bellished by three perfect Aztecs marks.
* * *
" BOSTON-Former National League slugging star Orlando Ce-
peda was signed yesterday by the Boston Red Sox of the American
League to a one year contract. The Red Sox will probably use the
former St. Louis Cardinal and Atlanta Brave as their designated pinch
hitter according to the ruling recently enacted in the American League.
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only one-half of one per cent this year)
and fraternities are no longer the "so-
cially in thing to do," they now have an
opportunity to be much more diversified
and attract those men who see their
value and want to be members.
The fact that today's undergraduate
member is an individual who joined the
fraternity because of its real value in-
stead of its superficial social status we
have a better fraternity. This new fra-
ternity man is making needed changes
within the fraternity. One of the most
important changes which has been made
has been the abolition of the "pledge."
In addition to doing away with the
term pledge and his status in general,
we've developed a new program for pro-
moting the growth of the individual. In
this program we've tried to stress the
traditional values of our fraternity:
friendship, small - group living - learning
atmosphere. a sense of belonging, indi-
vidual growth, and worthwhile human
experiences. We offer a comprehensive
orientation to our fraternity and its pro-
grams, leadership development, a beau-
tiful and inspiring ritualistic experience,
and a continuing human development
program as a fraternity member.
Prior to the ritual, an individual is
known as an Associate Member. This is
the period of time when his fraternity

meetings, voting, committee member-
ship, and generally helping to run the
Many things, especially the superficial
ones, have changed in Lambda Chi
Alpha. Through the years we have been
very successful at adapting to change
and we don't plan to stop now. Our pur-
pose is and always has been to guide
young men toward improvement as in-
dividuals t h r o u g h involvement with
others. Honest friendships have resulted.
Time has proven that people who ser-
iously learn to be honest friends within
small groups such as fraternities will
also be better friends to all their asso-
It may be that you have misunderstood
the value and purpose of fraternities. If
you want to understand better why we've
been an integral part of higher educa-
tion in North America for almost two
hnudred years, talk to a member of
Lambda Chi Alpha. He believes in what
he's doing.










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