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January 19, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-19

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See Editorial Page


Sir iAa

:43 i
a i

For details, see today .

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 90

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 19, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

if you see news happen cal 76-DAILY
Commissioners OK resolution
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners has approv-
ed a resolution supporting local groups working toward peace in
Southeast Asia. The resolution, passed by a 10 to 5 vote Tuesday
night, also calls on Congress to "assert its constitutional powers
to end all United States military involvement in the war." Copies
of the resolution will be sent to all members of the state con-
gressional delegation.
Convocation for peace
The Interfaith Council for Peace is holding a Convocation
for Peace tonight at the First United Methodist Church. Partici-
pants will meet at East University and South University at 7:45
tonight in the area where buses will leave for Washington. They
will then proceed with lighted candles to the First United Metho-
dist Church for meditation, prayers and singing. A film of the
November 1969 March Against Death will also be shown. The
event is part of a nationwide Inauguration of Conscience spon-
sored by Clergy and Laity Concerned and American Friends
Service Committee.
Happenings .'. .
. ..Keep in mind that today is your last chance to request
the pass/fail option for courses this term. You may drop and
add courses through next week . .. Guild House is sponsoring a
buffet luncheon at noon today. Prof. Richard Edwards will speak
about "Traditional and Contemporary Arts in China" . . . you
can also make reservations at Guild House for tonight's Mexican
Dinner . . .
Corona convicted
FAIRFIELD, California - Juan Corona was convicted yes-
terday of 25 counts of first-degree murder in what has been
described as the biggest mass-murder case in modern American
history. Corona, a Mexican citizen who had worked as a farm
labor contractor, was convicted of murdering 25 migrant farm
workers whose hacked and stabbed bodies were found during
the summer of 1971 buried in shallow graves in fruit orchards.
The jury of 10 men and two women deliberated for seven days
after the 14-week trial.
Blackmail motive suggested
WASHINGTON-The prosecutor in the Watergate trial said
yesterday that blackmail may have been part of the reason for
wiretaps planted by Republican agents in Democratic headquar-
ters. Asst. U.S. Atty. Earl Silbert, arguing in appeals court for
admission of wiretap evidence in the district court trial of James
McCord Jr. and Gordon Liddy, was asked by one of the judges:
"Is the government interested in whether this information would
be used to compromise these people?" That is a euphemism for
blackmail. Said Silbert: "We think is it highly relevant to lay
a factual foundation so that we can suggest that is what they
were interested in. Why else would a wiretapper doing some
political wiretapping be interested in information that was per-
sonal and of a private and confidential nature?"
Leary escorted home
RIVERSIDE, California-Dr. Timothy. Leary, former Har-
vard lecturer and "drug advocate" returned to the United States
yesterday escorted by two agents from the U. S. narcotics bu-
reau. In addition to the drug smuggling and prison escape
charges he facts, California authorities yesterday filed a 76 mil-
lion dollar back tax claim against Leary's cult, the Brotherhood
of Eternal Love. 46 members of the Brotherhood, including
Leary were indicted here last year on smuggling and conspiracy
charges. Leary, however, was in Switzerland at the time after
escaping from a California prison in ,September, 1970, while
serving a one to 10-year prison sentence for possession of drugs.
He was spotted by federal narcotics agents when he turned up
in Kabul, Afghanistan this week. Afghanistan authorities placed
him under house arrest while the state department organized
his extradition.
Breakfast in bed
NEW HAVEN, Conn.-About 900 Yale freshmen, bleary-eyed
and book-ridden on the last day of final exams, were given a
special treat yesterday-breakfast in bed, complete with cigars
for the men and red carnations for the women. Dining hall work-
ers and some 60 student volunteers teamed to deliver juice,
scrambled eggs, home fries, sausage, bagels, cream cheese and
coffee to the freshman rooms. Freshman John Andrews of Con-
cord, Mass., said he originated the idea while mulling over the
question: "Who's the most uptight people around here?" The
answer, he said, was evident: freshmen at exam time. William
Hickey Jr., an assistant director of dining halls, said the idea
was welcomed by the Yale administration because "we're in-
terested in this monotony-breaking thing."
On the inside

Staff writer Robert Burakoff takes a peek at the Nixon
inauguration on the Editorial Page . . . Daily film critics
have a thing or two to say about weekend movies on the
Arts Page . . . Page 7 features a Chuck Bloom feature on
swimmer Tom Szuba . . . Don't forget to check Page 8 for
the winning lottery numbers.
The weather picture
We all knew the mild temperatures couldn't last-and
we were right. Today's forecast calls for rain and showers
early in the day. The rest of the day will be mostly cloudy
with falling temperatures. Tonight will be cloudy and colder
with temperatures in the low 30s. It may even snow.

U.S., Hanoi


date for final
p Peace attempt
By AP and Reutert
KEY BISCAYNE, FLA.-The White House announced
yesterday that Presidential Advisor Henry Kissinger will re-
turn to Paris Tuesday to complete the text of a peace agree-
ment with North Vietnam.
White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler in a terse state-
ment said, "Dr. Kissinger will resume private meetings -with
(North Vietnamese) Special Adviser Le Duc Tho and Minister
Xuan Thuy on January 23 for the purposes of completing the
text of an agreement."
Ziegler stressed that his announcement had been agreed
upon jointly with Hanoi-indicating that both sides felt
they had now, reached the point where the final language
of a peace agreement could be drawn up.
Observers felt confident that to- j.

Daily Photo by RANDY EDMONDS
Just for kicks
Moving so fast their limbs are a blur, instructors of Tae Kwon Do demonstrates their prowess for University students last night at
Barbour Gym.


community roles debated

With the topic, "The Univer-
sity and the Washtenaw Com-
munity" as their focus, a group
of panelists met last night for
the third and concluding debate
in the series of "State of the
University Debates" being spon-
sored this week by the Program
for Educational and S o c i a l
Change (PESC).
The series has provided a
unique opportunity for critics of
the University to publicly chal-
lenge University officials. The
three sessions have also demon-
strated the wide range of opin-
ions thattare held on the subject
of the institution's social role.
Jack Hamilton, director of
University relations, took the po-
sition that the University really
has no major committment to
the surrounding community.
"The funds that support this
University," Hamilton argued
'come equally from the state
and federal government. The
University then in no way can
be considered a county institu-
This position of social neutrali-
ty is similar to the one taken by
other University officials, in pre-
vious debates, particularly Vice-
president for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith. The position was
also strongly contested by many
of last night's panelists.
Hank Bryant of the Black
Economic Development League,
argued that the University has
actually had a number of nega-
tive social effects on the sur-
rounding community.
Bryant criticized the Univer-
sity for "depressing the wages
of the entire area," citing fig-
ures which showed that persons
holding the same job in Washte-

naw County were paid less than
their counterparts in nearby
Wayne County.
The role of University Hospital
was another area covered in the
discussion, and the positions ex-
pressed on this subject, in many
ways represented the dichotomy
of views held by the panelist.
"This county has the highest
per capita ratio of doctors, den-
tists and psychiatrists in the
country," commented public
health Prof. Irene Butter.
"But it isn't reflected in the
health care people in this county

Butter added that a majority
of the cases handled by Univer-
sity Hospital involved people
from outside the county.
Hamilton defended this con-
dition, commenting that the hos-
pital was not meant to be a
county facility.
Psychology Prof. Dick Mann,
a frequent critic of the Univer-
sity, directed most of his com-
ments to what he called "the
academic failures of the Univer-
"Students are taught and en-

couraged to develop a sense of
remoteness, isolation, even ar-
rogance towards the commun-
ity," Mann stated. "They be-
come conditioned to the point
where they can walk through
poverty and not even notice it."
Echoing a similar statement,
City Councilman William Col-
burn, warned that many Univer-
sity professors had, in the course
of their work, come to view com-
munity people as mere subjects
for their experiments.

day's announcement meant Nixon
had secured the approval of South
Vietnamese President Nguyen Van
Thieu for the final terms of the
peace plan drawn up by the United
States and North Vietnam.
Ziegler refused to predict how
long Kissinger's round of talks
with the North Vietnamese would
last, but the general expectation
here was that peace would be pro-
claimed within the next two
Government sources in Saigon
said Thieu and his National Se-
curity Council had agreed to thed
terms of a ceasefire. They saidd
it would be signed within the nextt
two weeks and could be in effecta
shortly before the Lunar NewV
Year, starting Feb. 3.a
However, Hanoi's announcement
differed from the U.S. statement
in referring to "the agreement"
rather than "an agreement." The
North Vietnamese have demanded
that the United States sign with-a
out major revisions the agreementd
drafted in October.P
Major parts of the Octoberv
draft were unacceptable to the Sai-t
gon government, and Ziegler's
reference to "an agreement" ap-h
peared to indicate a break witht
the October text could be expect-i
Asked later about the differencet
in language, Ziegler said, "The in-a
tention of both is the same. Thereh
is no substantive difference."
Communist officials in Paris
could not be reached for comment.
Ziegler was asked about specu-
lation that the United States ande
North Vietnam might declare a
ceasefire in Vietnam before Nix-r
on's inauguration Saturday for hisF
second term.
"There has been an awful lot
of speculation along these lines,"t
he said. "I am not prepared tot
address that speculation as I havet
not been prepared to address anyI
speculation, right or wrong.
"President Nixon's objective ist
to end the fighting and restore thet
peace in Vietnam as soon as pos-
sible by- means of a negotiatedp
settlement," he said.
His use of the words "end thet
fighting" was seen as ap indi-
cation that Nixon had decided not
to declare a unilateral cease-firet
until final agreement is reached.'
Ziegler said Nixon spoke byt
telephone for about 40 minutes with
Kissinger today and had been re-
ceiving reports from his special
envoy to Southeast Asia, Gen-
eral Alexander Haig.
Haig, who is explaining the sta-
tus of the peace negotiations to
Southeast Asian government lead-
ers, will return Saturday to Sai-
gon, where he has already hadf
several hours of talks with Presi-
dent Thieu.f
Diplomatic sources here said
they believed Haig had sent op-
timistic reports to Nixon on<
Thieu's willingness to accept the
terms of a ceasefire and peace1
Kissinger, who returned to Wash-
ington after six days of talks with
the North Vietnamese in Paris
last week and discussions with
President Nixon here, will leave
Monday for Paris.

Govt. calls
troops for
WASHINGTON ()-Although the
Nixon administration said yester-
day it does not anticipate trouble
during the President's inaugura-
tion tomorrow, some 2,000 soldiers
and Marines have been -ordered to
Washington to help police contain
any antiwar demonstrations.
"The only thing we're concerned
about is the potential for violence,
said a spokesperson for the Justice
Department which asked the Pent-
agon to bring in the troops. "We
don't see any. We're taking the
people at their word that there
will be only peaceful demonstra-
Antiwar-demonstration organizers
have said they expect from 20,000
to 50,000 protesters at the Wash-
ington grounds. Several other
groups are planning smaller ac-
tions, some ,of which may involve
attempts at disrupting the parade
between the Capitol and the White
The Justice Department spokes=
person said the government expect-
ed between 10,000 and 30,000 dem-
onstrators but refused to say who
made the estimates.
Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst
has held meetings the past three
weeks involving all segments of
the government concerned with
tomorrow's parade. The last was
held Wednesday after which the
Pentagon received a letter, re-
quired by law, to bring the mili-
tary in to stand by in case of
The riot-trained troops include
Marines from Camp Lejeune, N.C.,
and Army paratroopers and mili-
tary police from Ft. Bragg, N.C.,
and Ft. Meade, Md.
A Pentagon spokesperson said
there has been no decision to com-
mit the troops and it is hoped that
they will not have to be used.
Some 7,000 military personnel are
involved in ceremonial activities
but will hive nothing to do with
disturbances or crowd control.
At Nixon's inaugural in 1969,
some 20,000 soldiers and police,
including out-of-town e x p e r t s
known for their ability to spot pick-
pockets, con men and psychopaths,
formed the tightest security ever
for the inauguration of an Ameri-
can president.
The soldiers, however, remained
on stand by.
"The threat of disorder and vio-
lence in 1969 was much greater
than this one," said the Justice
Department spokesperson.
A District of Columbia Police
Department spokesperson said no
out-of-town specialists have been
asked to attend tomorrow's cere-

Maasab develops flu vaccine;
testing needed before release

D aily Science writer
According to medical sources,
the only safe insurance from this
year's flu epidemic is to flee from
civilization. But for those braver
souls that remain, there may yet
be some relief.
Although it is still in the experi-
mental stage, scientists at the Uni-
versity's School of Public Health
have recently developed a vaccine
for the London flu. Its development
may speed up the production of
vaccines for other types of flu as
"Our results are encouraging,"
reports epidemiology Prof. H. F.
Maasab, who developed the vac-
cine. "We hope to have a license
for general use of the vaccine in
two years."
The new vaccine is currently be-
ing tested for safety by labora-
tories of the Michigan Department
of Public Health in Lansing. After
it is approved, the vaccine will be
returned to the School of Public
Health here. It will then be tested
for effectiveness in human volun-
teers, under the direction of Prof.
Fred Davenport, chairman of the
Department of Epidemiology.
First isolated in England in 1972,
the London flu is a variety of theI
more common Hong Kong flu. Pub-
lic health officials have warned
that half of Michigan's population
will succumb to the flu, which is
most dangerous to the elderly and
to those with serious respiratory
ailments. At present, there is no

process called genetic recombina-
tion. He used an attenuated form'
of the Hong Kong virus, which is
genetically similar to the London
variety, as his base. He then cross-
ed the weakened Hong Kong va-
riety with a normal London virus,
and thus developed a London strain
with the weakened Hong Kong
Production of the right kind of
hybrid virus involved repeated
testing, since the combination of
properties between the two strains
of virus was fairly random in every
trial. Maasab and his co-workers
used mice and ferrets (weasel-like
animals which succumb to human
types of influenza) to test each new
hybrid for its ability to infect.
To insure that a new hybrid was
attenuated, they also used genetic

"markers" visible in the test tube.
For example, only the attenuated
virus could be killed by acid. Each
type of virus had a unique colony
Maasab found temperature sen-
sitivity the most valuable marker.
Attenuated hybrids are destroyed
at high temperatures. Maasab
pointed out that this enables the
vaccine to grow in the nose, where
temperatures are relatively low
but not in the throat and chest,
where flu viruses do their greatest
Maasab and his co-workers were
the first to devise a genetic method
of attenuating the flu virus.
"The practical applications of
this method are our own," Maasab
said. "But the theoretical basis


'U' prof. cites China s advances
By ZACHARY SCHILLER ture cultural and economic contacts be-
Economics Prof. Alexander Eckstein tween the two countries would increase.
said at a press conference yesterday that He added that his group's proposals for
China is "committed to ipiprovement of cultural projects, including a U. S. tour by
relations with the United States as rapidly the Peking Opera, were under Chinese con-
as possible." sideration. However, he declined to elabo

Eckstein recently returned from a trip
to China with a delegation of the National
Committee on United States-China Rela-
tions. The committee, which was organized
to -r-m-P >>H ,man dna of rChineecul-

rate on particular projects because they
are currently being negotiated.
Eckstein said he found China "much
more industrialized" than he expected,
both in nrhn and rural areas. Each of

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