z d Ii £i~gn IMal Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Smog control by gas rationing in L.A.? AI 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973 ew ailties propose THE PROPOSAL to build a new intra- mural facility on North Campus is welcome on a campus that is in desperate need of new athletic facilities for stu- dents. It is no secret that intramural facili- ties at the University are in short sup- ply. Waterman and Barbour gyms are old, ready to collapse, and eventually will be torn down. The present IM building cannot adequately handle student de- mand for recreation, even with the help of Waterman and Barbour. The problem is intensified by the time demands of physical education classes and intercollegiate sports. Intramural and recreational facilities for women are especially restricted. Students on North Campus also have the added hassle of catchifng the bus (plus an additional walk at night) to use the IM building. Hence the proposed new facilities will come none too soon, and will be pre- sented to the Regents today. They are strongly urged to pass the proposal. HOWEVER, THERE are some problems with the proposal, the major one being funding. The proposed North Cam- pus facility will cost an estimated $3.5 to $4 million. Tentative plans now call for students to bear the cost of the build- ing with a tuition hike of five dollars per term, for an estimated twenty-five years. Included in the package proposal are plans to move the hockey rink and team from the inadequate Coliseum to more spacious Yost Fieldhouse. This would in- clude remodeling of the Coliseum to add basketball, handball and squash courts, and construction of -a pre-fab addition to Yost housing indoor tracks and tennis courts. The Athletic Department will finance these moves. Perhaps students should pay for some if not most of the North Campus facility, since they will use it the most. However, students are now paying five dollars per semester in tuition to pay for Crisler Arena, which gets very little student use. Even with the new additions, more IM, facilities may be needed in as soon as five years especially after Waterman and Barbour gyms are gone. Students should not be expected to bear the costs with continuing tuition hikes. OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY m e t h o d s of funding have been mentioned as possibilities. Beer sales at University athletic events were suggested. Perhaps more plausible is the use money from the faculty's fringe benefit fund. After all, members of the faculty do use intra- mural facilities, and such facilities are fringe benefits. But all these funding questions can be resolved in the next few months. What is essential now is that the Regents ap- prove the athletic package as a whole and not split the issue, approving only the Central Campus construction. Stu- dents have waited too long for action to be put off again. -ERIC SCHOCH By WILLIAM ALTERMAN America has many awesome natural phenomena, including the Grand Canyon, the Rockies and the Mississippi River. But one re- markable phenomenon is brought to you courtesy not of Our Crea- tor, but rather by his wonderful creations and their funny four wheel inventions. I am, of course, referring to that most macabre of visual sights, smog. And not just any old smog but the beautiful vis- ion seen only in Los Angeles. For nowhere is the sight as enthral- ling as in that non-too-windy city where someone driving around the surrounding hills has the dubious pleasure of either looking up at the crystal sky or down at the murky gray below. In between an impenetrable floating membrane separates the two. All of this is nothing new, b u t headlinest inthe newspapers ear- lier this week implied that some- thing is finally being done about it. Specifically, William Ruckelshaus, head of the federal Environmental Protection Agency announced an anti-smog program for the area which 'would include an up to 80 per cent reduction in vehicle traf- fic in L.A. The proposal also in- cluded tough anti-pollution require- ments for automobiles. But the ma- jor recommendation was the ra- tioning of gas. However, before any of you get the impression that the Nixon ad- ministration has finally seen the light vis-a-vis the environment, sev- eral factors should be pointed out. First of all, Congress in 1970 pass- ed the Clean Air Act, which set up rigid standards for EPA. These standards were to -be met by 1975 according to the act. As usual, little was done except in the way of requirements for auto- mobile anti-pollution devices. The City of the Angels had long since passed the point of no return and no one seriously expected the dead- line to be met. No one that is except the smog- who are well on their way to the American dream of two cars, are not likely to pay for so-called soc- ial costs. As the perfect example, L.A. has consistently voted against in a s i transit clans while continuing to nave over the city. And every year for much of the summer they give thanks to their own stupidity by forming those attractive smog clods. Under which the inhabitants are forced to stay inside lest they breathe in the pollutants and gasp their last. Of course, stupidity is not a pre- requisite for such misfortune. For 16 years Washington, D.C. h a s wanted a mass transit system and for years a single congressman, a close confidant of the highway lob- by, was able to effectively block one from being started in "the last colony." In economic terms the problem is very simple. In our society peo- ple attempt to minimize their costs. Thus they make no attempt to pay the so-called "society costs," those items which are available to everyone and therefore debted to no one specifically. This includes the use of such resources as air and water, and such facilities as mass transit. In the former, in- dustries simply pollute the t w o without bothering to clear it be- cause its cheaper, while in t h e latter case such facilities are sim- ply not built. Combine this ple- thora of private consumption, with a free tag on air and water re- sources and presto, you have a very dirty country. Sooner or later America is go- ing to realize that burgeoning pri- vate consumption (i.e. automo- biles) combined with starving the public sector (i.e. mass transit) is going to be halted. But until such mentality takes over, the g o a d people of LA. and elsewhere will continue to breath in what.their chromium-plated cars excrete. William Alterman has been to Los Angeles and knows. IS ' ged in cities of nearby Riverside and San Bernardino which sued in the federal courts for EPA to make known their plans for smog con- trol. The courts agreed and Ruck- elshaus and Co. were required to reveal what would bring a solution to Southern California's plight. Thus Ruckelshaus, "with g r a v e reservations," proffered the gov- ernment's plan of action, but not before he had made it clear that he didn't really think they would be enforced or that he had t n e power to enforce them. But even if Ruckelshaus w e r e serious, the problems involved are much more fundamental than just putting a temporary ban on pri- vate transport. The problem arises of just who is responsible for see- ing that pollution is kept to a min- imum? Ruckelshaus implies that it is not the business of the fed- eral government to enforce these standards. But if left to the states and municipalities it is clear that powerful local interests can make, or break, decisions: Reaction from California to Ruckelshaus' decision seemed generally to rotate around the idea that "well,, we must bal- ance off the social costs with the private costs in jobs and expensive anti-pollution devices." And nine times out of ten the local govern- men is going to find that business means more than clean air. Only the federal government is im- mune from local pressures and only the federal government has the necessary facilities and auth- ority to really solve the more fun- damental problems. These problems include reloca- tion of industry and allocation of resources toward social environ- ment areas such as mass transit and "clean" fuel plants. L.A's transit problem is a long and in- glorious one that is repeated all across the country. Way back in the 1950's when the federal high- way program was in its infancy, someone had the bright idea to pay for these roads with "users" tax, one to be placed on gasolines. Thus all that money you pay in gasoline taxes is required by law to gi toward highway construction, a n d not a penny for mass transit. Na- turally the money-starved c i t i e s which have their highways paid for via the government are not like- ly to plan mass transit systems. And just as naturally the citizenry, Policy: An eye for an eye? WITH THE INCREASED number of airplane hijackings in 1972 and the possibility of even more in 1973, the Nix- on administration has taken a rather hardline position concerning punishment of hijackers. Atty. Gen. Richard Klein- dienst said several weeks ago that the administration endorses the mandatory death penalty for skyjacking and other "cold-blooded, premeditated" federal crimes. He failed to enumerate these crimes, but others, including Nelson Rockefeller, have suggested that dope pushers be included as well. It appears that the rationale behind Kleindienst's statement is that the pun- ishment must justify the seriousness of the crime. A hijacker jeopardizes the lives of, hundreds of people, just as a pusher often destroys the lives of many, including innocent children. It must not be forgotten, however, that hijackers and pushers are often very sick people. Many pushers are addicts who turned to deal- Today's staff: News: Prakash Aswani, Jan Benedetti, Laura Berman, Penny Blank, Sue Stephenson, David Stoll, Paul Travis Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner, Kathleen Ricke Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith Photo Technician: David Margolick ing as a means of supporting their hab- its. Addiction is a disease that can be cured. Psychological help, not the death penalty ,should be the punishment for such serious federal crimes. The reaction to Kleindienst's state- ment was strong. Since the administra- tion now seems to be retreating some- what from this position. Asst. Atty. Gen. Roger Cramton told the Senate aviation subcommittee that capital punishment should be limited to "certain well-defined situations" of air piracy such as loss of life or when the crime has been commit- ted "in an especially heinous, cruel or de- praved manner." Cramton reasoned that a hijacker that faces death on his re- turn will not be motivated to return the plane to safety. [)ESPITE CRAMTON'S statement, it is doubtful whether the administra- tion will ever eliminate the death pen- alty entirely. The legal system in the United States is apparently regressing. America in the twentieth century is re- sorting to nineteenth century punish- ments. Capital punishment, regardless of the crime committed, is a useless waste of life. The majority of persons guilty of capital crimes are sick, and should be helped, not killed. In this day and age "an eye for an eye" is not an appropriate policy. -DENISE GRAY Le t ter To The Daily: ARCH BOOTH (Daily, January 13) suggests that readers ask their "friendly neighborhood socialist" if the economic problems which plague Russia are not evidence that government control of the economy is not the answer. Mr. Booth has accepted and ped- dled a premise which has long been proved false, namely, that Soviet Russia is socialist or com- munist. Russia is neither socialist nor Marxist according to criteria which Karl Marx, himself, estab- lished well over a century ago. Marx pointed out that there is no socialism where there is a political state or where there is a wage system. Russian "Communists" have not only perpetuated the poli- tical state but have continued its despotic functions, namely, as an instrument of class rule. The wage system prevails in Russia, a clear indication that Russian workers are exploited in the same way, even if not to the same extent, as are workers in the so-called free world. AN INDUSTRIAL democracy based on the social ownership and control of the industries and use- ful services is the only sure way to "straighten out the economy." Then industrial-occupational repre- sentation will replace representa- tion by geography. We will then participate on the job daily in the decisions which affect our lives most, the production and distribu- tion of the means of life and of the enjoyment of life. We will also elect representatives on an industrial-' occupational basis to deal with the matters of production and distri- bution at the local, regional and ; national levels. We will then have replaced a government of, by and for the capitalist class with a gov- ernment of, by and for the people. -Ralph Muncy Jan. 14 Orson Welles episode To The Daily: IT MAY BE recalled that fifteen months ago the SGC council cham- bers were enlivened by the pre- sence of a young but forceful per- sonality in a two hundred dollar tailored Fifth Avenue suit, well set off by a razor-styled haircut and a heavy but stylish black mus- tache. From beneath his mustache there issued an announcement, in cultured but slightly oily tones, not of the arrival of THE GODFATH- ER at the Michigan Theatre, but rather of a proposed settlement between Student Government Coun- cil and the Orson Welles Film So- ciety. You may also recall that the Or- son Welles Film Society was eas- ily the most blatant and profitable fraud ever perpetrated on this com- pus, involving personal profit, sto- len prints, illegal advertising, in- timidation and sabotage of other campus film groups, and g r a n d larceny in the form of the looting of a university audio-visual equip- ment storeroom. It therefore seem- ed strange that their abovemention- ed lawyer could ever hope to offer SGC a deal which they couldn't refuse, because to do so he would have to talk down, or at least around, the voluminous file on the activities of the Orson Welles mas- termind, which had been brought to light by a certain intrepid and fearless Daily reporter. But Lo! what was their response, these shrewd politicians of ours? They were in fact so flattered that a lawyer had been sent to appease them, that they allowed him to ne- gotiate with them over powers which they already had. SGC at this point certainly had the right and the power to halt all activities and to seize whatever operating funds remained in a student ac- count which they considered to be View on socialism in Russia fraudulent, but the bargain which was struck called for the graceful withdrawal of the Orson W e I I e s Film Society, after they were al- lowed to fulfill their "obligation" to present the dozen remaining films on their schedule, as they had a presold audience (of less than 10 per cent) due to their unique marketing policy of 'season tickets' a device most certainly intended to keep the corpse breathing a while longer, should the game no longer prove to be worth the can- dle. So that instead of suffering even one small part of the embarrass- ment of exposure, or the inconven- ience of being bounced out of school by an irate dean (which even 10 per cent of the charges against them, if verified publicly by SGC, would have brought down on their heads) the Orson Welles banditos were allowed to laugh up their sleeves while they sent their . latest Temporary Acting President around to the auditor's office to an- nounce his retirement and the re- cent mysterious theft of the pro- ceeds from their recent screen- ing of WOODSTOCK in the s a m e breath. IT SEEMS BOTH a foregone and a forlorn conclusion that.the Great Lesson to be learned from the Or- son Welles episode is that in cases of petty (though ambitious) fraud, Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Letters should be typed, double-spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Direc- tors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. o ltics if I had to start earning less than that again.'" AND FINALLY, we'd like to see just one announcement of a posi- tion on a subject that read some- thing like this: "LANSING - State Sen. Jane Doe today caine out in strong op- position to the annual hunt for baby seals in Canada, saying the annual slaughter of the seals is "despic- able." "Doe, a member of the State Appropriations Committee, admit- ted the seal question doesn't really have anything to do with the Mich- gan Legislature. But, she said, it it 'a moral issue that cannot be evaded by those in public life.' "Anyway,' she continued, 'it's a lot safer to talk about baby seals than it is to get into talking about where existing restrictions against personal profit and illegal adver- tising have failed, additional legal- ities are not the answer. The cur- rent proposal for the licensing of campus film societies may dis- prove this admittedly pessimistic outlook, or it may not, and instead rr I merely demonstrate for a secor.- time that the only way to deal with such a group is to kick it just as hard and as far as possible, and to note the direction of the bounce. -Rick Cummins, Pres. Cinema II Jan. 9 Giveaway' By DONALD SOSIN One of those wonderful, personalized giveaway offers arrived in my mailbox the other day - "Win Two New Homes or $100,000.00 cash, or guaranteed income for life." proclaimed the envelope. Inside were half a dozen memos and brochures screaming my good fortune at haviig been chosen to participate in this venture, and each, piece of paper had been carefully computerizedly personalized, like the Readers Digest Sweepstakes that said something like, "Yes, you, Ebeneezer Snark, owner of two cars (one a four-door sedan with a missing hubcap - we know all about you), can win fabulous prizes -with absolutely no obli- gation!" Well, this was the same deal, from the Publishers Clearing .House, as a promo for magazine subscriptions.tBut in personalizing the bro- chures, my name was charmingly misspelled, and curiously, the same way it had been misspelled on the Democratic National Committee ma- terial I received last fall. Thus, the following: Important Message for THE SISIN FAMILY IN EARLIER GIVEAWAYS ... Glenn Forbis ........ .............won $100,000.00 Pearl Patton ....................won $ 87,000.00 and with an entry and luck, you may win Top Prize, too. You could head our next big winners list like this: DONALD SISIN .................... $100,000.00 It could happen . Entering this giveaway could be the best thing THE SISINS ever do A fabulous prize, YES - we will award it, AND THE SISINS MAY WIN IT. * * * * This raises two questions in my mind: 1) If I win, do I have to have my name legally changed, and 2) Do I have to acquire a family in order to be eligible? "there's nothing that says a little "first time" luck can't rub off on DONALD SISIN, too." Well, whoever Sisin is, I wish him luck, and maybe there'll be some first-time luck left over for the real me, DONALD SASIN. Donald Sosin is a music critic for The Daily. "MM I Appointment By ROBERT BERG candidates was exhausted. ONE OF the phenomena of the "'I guess he'll have to do capitol scene is the constant governor said, 'After all, it outpouring of news releases an- really that important a job nouncing the appointment of some- for the salary we were offerit one to a position or the candidacy can't expect just anyone to ju of someone for a post or the posi- it. I don't think he'll emb tion of someone on some subiect. us. Inevitably people are appointed because they are "highly qualified" MAYBE SOME day a can and "bring a fresh approach to the will announce his candidacy job" or something like that. Posi- way, though no one should hc tions are taken on "vital" prob- or her breath: lems "which have a great impact "LANSING - State Rep.J on the future of this state." Smith today announced hist Not once is somebody handed a dacy for re-election to the s job because no one else wanted has held for six years, it. Never does a political figure re- "Smith has compiled an lease a position paper "because I age record during his past want some publicity on this thing." terms, holds no leadership With these thoughts in mind, we tion and doesn't sit on any offer a few sample news releases tigious committees. that will never be seen but would "I o,' the t isn't b and ng you mp at wrrass didate y this old his John candi- eat he aver- three posi- pres- cI f- ei' -~ ~ - .t I X i'~Th~~J- ,, ,I 11