s Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY t-ridgy, Apeil,20;'1973. 1-ridoy, Aoril 2O~ 1973 ti egrocery prices Volunter for the Public Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) have compiled a price survey on a standard market-basket of goods at the following Ann Arbor area stores (ranked in order of cast): Senate lear itgs set foil new secrecy 1bilI WASHINGT(:)N uP) - A Senate panel plans hearings early n e x t mointh on controversial proposals to tighten federal laws covering the disclosure of classified documents and information involving national defense. Store: Location: Meijers Thrify Acres, Carpenter Road Great Scott, Carpenter Road ASP, Maple Village Wrigley, Maple Village Kroger, Broadway Kroger, Packard Kroger, Arborlanid Wrigley, Washtenaw and Stadium Wrigley, Stadium and Liberty Kroger, Westgate Priece: Themac of the proposed legis-; Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-Maine), $20.94 charging it could be used to bring criminal action against newsmen. 21.0)6 A chief sponsor of the bill disputed' that. 21.32 The proposals are embodied in four sections of a 336-page admin- 21.54 istration bill to revise and codify 21.54 federal criminal laws, a project started more than six years ago. 21.55 It was introduced by Sens. John McClellan (D-Ark.) and Roman 21.65 Hrus'ka (R-Neb.) as leaders of the! 21.65 judiciary subcolmmittee on crini fin al laws and procedures. 21.79 Hearings on the sections t hi a t deal with classified' and defense in- $21.52 formation are due soon after Conl- gressIreWtrs from11 its Easter re- 21.87 cess oil April 30. properly kept secret and that dis- closure would not harm the patio:: i1 defense. 1-ruska called M uskie's state- !ninents totally unwarranted. The Nebraska Republican is preparin; a detailed memorandum in reb~ut- tal, denying MVuskie's interpr--La- tion of the bill. The sections on classified in.; formation differ from present law in that disclosure by government employes to anyone, not just fr fo-eign agents or Communist organ- izations, would be a felony. In addition, the government world not have to prove that the information had been properly classified. The penalty for disclo- sure to foreign agents would be up to seven years' imprisonment. Disclosure to others would be pun- ishable by up to three years in jail. Subcommittee lawyers said the effect would be to underwrite with criminal penalties the oath federal employes take to uphold the law. "'The issue is breach of the classification system,'' one Senate aide said. I T! Cliff's Notes put you inside the heavy stuff.-.the novels, plays Wp- and poems that can "r add real meaning wr HNA M L ET to your life if -understand theme, Cliff's Notes can help. Ecology.. were working on itt During the past 14 years Cliff' Notes has used over 2,4400000 tons of paper usi recycled pulp. More than 200 titles available at. ULRICH'S BOOKSTORE INC. 549 E. UNIVERSITFY ANN ARBOR, MICI-I. 48104 IVth. SALE!I thanks to your response, continues thru April. 1O0% OFF on all hardbound BOOKS and 78 phono records Wooden Spoon Used Books 200 N. 4th AVE. OPEN WED:-SUNDAY NOON -6 769-4775 FOR THE SOUND OF THE TIMES S Used reconditioned units $59.95 ct your UNIVERSITY CELLAR 9-1 0 Weekdays; 11-5 Saturday A&P, Plymouth Road A&P, State and Stadium Vescio, Liberty and Stadium 21.99 21.99 22.16 22.57 23.15 Muskie has said those pro6i tons amount to a national secret act, and called it an administr, Lion attempt "to stifle the flow official information to the public. Hec said if the bill becomes la as it stands, "a reporter w1, catches the government in a lip who uncovers fraud, who uneartl examples of monumental wvash could go to jail,'' even if he shoe ed that the information was in A&P, East Hluron is- Cyr SSPoEI o I A.A 'AMFS STORE 207 E. Liberty of* ,w *F tv-* .ws- *n ~ n $ . I* The Rem the T*pg : / k * r * w1fiYs.: t MFt ~~: n *i * { 4 r t tie <~ o c *' ~ +f :ax + t ",~ d B £ : saw *L 4F 4r'k ' H i *T T *.. .. r . . Esc U . _..r.. ."..r T G c.°tf^^af F f- F / KaF K aF K # aRaKaK / R 11 Y 1i. It,7Kat.M K i..Y.:11 X..Y.L ICai.aLikYY . t -r-.-r'T T °T TTTT TFTT FFTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TT'N' M MP' FFfitT'. dung ito *T .~ .1.. 41'y .-T4. ' 'f 4.k T UST }. ur" $359 T tK . < .J . , - W~f4: .' r> r ,,aau4: $359 3594. f ts . E 'y~f,. 'J 4: ! k JJ4 .n 4 i J w{ 'y~4 . " . y4: y. 4 r :n - yIQ '~ v'A I F..... U4 4:4: .a A Step into Summer 'HUAR C 0 0 0 mlH E!R K "HUAR CH E" by *NAVY *WHITE' Sandier o CHESTNUT * NATURAL A, (FULL, SIZES AND ONE WIDTH) $900 at. }. >