s4w MWuimt ai + Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Protecting your rights as a reporter 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1973 In support of Pirgirn E FIRST YEAR of PIRGIM has not been, a productive one on this cam- pus. The students who supp'ort the or- ganization financially have thus far seen little in the way of return on their in- vestment, largely because PIRGIM's pro- jects have been statewide.- It would be unfortunate; however, if many students now proceed to take out any negative feelings towards PIRGIM by declining to fund the organization when they pre-register for classes. A year is not a long time, especially when it comes to establishing an organi- zation of such wide ranging activities as PIRGIM. It is the opinion of this news- paper that PIRGIM has still got a long way to go before they fulfill the goals for which they were established. ONE MAJOR REASON for PIRGIM's. current unpopularity may be that the organization is too altrustic. It is all very well to work on projects as they have in the out-state of Michigan, -but it is students at the University, not resi- dents of the whole state, who are paying for PIRGIM. This altruism has given PIRGIM a low visibility on campus, and what visibility there is has given it some negative con- notations. But along with our disappointment at the results to date, we also feel hope for the future. PIRGIM promises to spend much more of its time looking into the problems of consumers here in Ann Ar- bor. , ALTHOUGH PIRGIM's c a m p a i g n against deceptive gas station adver- tising resulted in new guidelines from state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, we can now expect locally based consumer in- vestigations, comparative s h o p p i n g guides and consumer warnings which can really save us money. PIRGIM has promised The Daily that they will begin to provide a weekly gro- cery price survey for the city. We feel that this type of action is correct if PIR- GIM's future success is to be .realized. We urge students to fund PIRGIM when they preregister. At the same time we urge PIRGIM to concentrate their ac- tivities locally where they probably have a better chance to help the students and the Ann Arbor community. By JONATHAN ROSE This article is a general guideline. You should get legal advice for specific in- formation relating to your case. Legal Aid for University students is at 418 Michigan Union. 665-6146. The' Tenants Union is at 1528 SAB. 761-1225. LANDLORDS AREnotoriously overzeal- ous in assessing as "damages", items which should be considered "normal wear and tear." You are not required for in- stance,. to pay for painting walls that are somewhat marred, or for replacing furni- ture that is worn. On the other hand you are responsible for repair of a wall that was smashed by a hammer, orwfor repair of a new couch that you burned with a cigaret. (If the couch is old and worn already you may not be responsible for the damage).. This article will discuss how to get your damage deposit back, how to evaluate the value or damages you have done, and how to get a rent reduction for code violations. GETTING YOUR DAMAGE DEPOSIT BACK There are several ways of getting your security deposit back. One is to have. an honest landlord and to do no damages. That is the most difficult way because you are giving your landlord the right to eval- uate the damages. Another way is to sue for its return. There is a small-claims court in Ann Ar- bor which you can use without a lawyer. The filing fee is five dollars. Go to sixth floor of City Hall and they'll give you forms to fill out. It usually takes about two months before the case is heard. If you win, you get a judgment for the filing fee as well. Collection or judgment is a hassle if the landlord doesn't want to pay, but you can do it. Another way is to sue with a lawyer. The advantage is th'at you might have a case against your landlord for damages on code violations as well, and you can have a trial by jury. Jurors are often tenants. You can get legal advice as to which type of suit is best in your case. A preferred way to get your deposit back is to deduct it from the last rent payment that is due. This is by far the easiest method and should be utilized in all cases when you feel that the landlord might withhold your deposit. This may technically be a breach of lease but it's a sound and legitimate tactic. If you are subletting for the summer, it will require the cooperation of your subten- ants. If you withhold your last month's rent the landlord may give you an eviction notice. ("7 day notice to quit for nonpaymedt of rent"). Ignore it. If you've only withheld one month's rent he's probably bluffing, and in any case he can't evict without taking you to court. Giving you this notice is pro- bably the only hassle you'll get. Congrat- ulations, you've just recovered your damage deposit. In the unlikely event that your land- lord starts an eviction case against you in court, take the summons to a lawyer, legal aid, or the Tenants Union as soon as you get it. They will help you do a counter suit for the damage deposit and possibly for code violations. Almost all cases are settled outside of court to the tenant's advantage because as soon as you file your countersuit the land- lord will wish he never started the case. That too-thin wall or lack of screens or faulty whazzit is a breach of his legal obligations to you. HOW TO ASSESS DAMAGES TO APARTMENT If you do damage the apartment, the landlord will try to charge you the cost of repairs or replacement. This may be- an excessive charge. For example, if your dog destroys a table which costs $100 to replace you may not have to pay $100, un- less it was practically brand new. You should only pay the current value of the used table, or the cost to repair, whichever is less. If you throw a can of red paint at a white wall during a party, you only have to pay what the landlord lost as damages. This may be much less than the cost of painting, and it might be zero. If the apartment looked like a garbage pit before you rented it, or if you've just added some art to a wall which is already decorated in the same "style," the landlord would not actually lose any rent because of your contribution. If on the other hand the wall that you decorate is in a 5th Avenue type apart- ment, the landlord will probably have to re- paint it. To assess the damage, use the following formula: ask how long it has been since the wall was last. painted, and how often it is painted as a routine..,Tf. it is going to be painted this year anyway, your damages are zero. If it is painted every two years and it was just painted before you moved in, you have deprived the landlord of half the use of the previous painting, and you owe him one half the cost of painting the wall. DO YOU HAVE A CLAIM AGAINST THE LANDLORD? In determining whether you owe the landlord money for damages, or whether you should pay the entire lease rental, you should determine whether the.landlord owes you money. Michigan law permits you to deduct.rent if the premises are in need of. repair. or not up to code standards. If thetlandlord tries to evict you for nonpayment of this :rent, the need for repairs is a valid defense. If you had no heat for a week, or if there were roaches, or flies because of lack of screens, or if the walls were paper thin and afforded no privacy, you might be en- titled to deduct a substantial sum. If there was only a leak in a pipe you might be entitled to only a few dollars. During the Tenants Union strike a few years ago, rent deductions ranged from $25 to over $1,000 for an apartment for a year. Jonathan Rose is an attorney for the University office of the Washtenaw Coun- ty legal aid services. A G' 4 11 Letters:* Book burning a success A belated Nixonturnabout BECAUSE OF HIS previous attitude on the Watergate bugging, it was fairly surprising when President Nixon an- nounced that he had "discovered" that several White House aides might be in- volved in the incident. Of course, the fact that Nixon aides might be involved in the case was not very surprising to us. The. Washington Post and others printed several stories last summer and fall in which aides as far up as right-hand-man H. R. Halde- man were implicated. At the time, the Nixon administration -through its mouthpiece Ronald Zieg- ler--called the Post stories fabrications based on rumor and innuendo. At the same time, President Nixon seemingly took no action to determine the truth of the charges - while his aides took mea- sures to obfuscate the matter through such methods as lying to acting F.B.I. Director Patrick Gray. Either the President thought that the issue would dry up and blow away, or else he was totally convinced that his aides were completely guiltless. He was either fooling himself or being fooled. But scandals do not dry up and blow Tod ' staff: News: Robert Borkin, Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Mike Duweck, Cindy H i Il, Tommy Jacobs, Sue Sommer away, especially when those at wlom the charges are directed refuse to try to clear themselves. President Nixon can hardly be con- gratulated for opening up the investiga- tion and allowing his aides to be ques- tioned by Sen. Ervin's committee, for he should have opened up the investigation when news of the Watergate bugging broke into the news. Nixon's earlier state- ments giving blanket executive privilege to all White House staff-which he now describes as "inoperative" -- must make him uncomfortable. BUT HE SHOULD never have felt com- fortable, and we suspect that he is not going to feel any better once the con- gressional investigation publicly begins. We cannot see how he can help but fol- low through on his promise to fire any staffer subsequently indicted. Richard Nixon is first and foremost a politician, so it is no surprise that he announced White House cooperation on- ly after Republican congressional pres- sure and rumors that GOP campaign contributions were drying up. Partisan politics had much to do with Nixon's refusal to admit any possible White House.connection with Watergate, and that delay has darkened the cloud of scandal around 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We doubt the cloud will be en- tirely removed no matter what results from the investigation, no matter how many White House aides are fired, At least we will now know what hap- pened last spring at the Watergate Hotel, who planned the operation and who gave the final permission. It is about time. To The Daily: IT IS A SHAME when women have to burn a copy of a book to get the subject of medical mal- practice against women into the public eye: The book-burning was a last desperate attempt and a successful one, to bring the at- tention of doctors all over the na- tion to an urgent issue which they have heretofore refused to ack- nowledge. The response to the Ibook - burning from middle-aged women in particular has been tre- mendous. Letters and phone calls have poured into Advocates for Medical Information, urging us to insist that newspapers focus on the CONTENTS of the burned book and the heal-damaging instructions it gives to aspiring doctors con- cerning treatment of women. Our action has opened discus- sion in medical communities across the country on ' the revision of medical textbooks which prejudice medical students to believe that organic illness in women is ac- tually emotional and that, rather than being medically treated, they should be referred to psychiatrists instead. In its efforts to focus on the burning rather than the hide- ous quotes in the book, the me- dia has censored us whom they accuse of censorship. In its likening of the book-burn- ing to Hitler, the media has over- looked the fact that Hitler con- ducted medical experiments on people, just as doctors at major hospitals quietly conduct medical experiments on women without their knowledge, and with the re- sults of inducing fatal disease. Why is the media upset about our dam- aging our own property, and not upset about the number of phy- sicians who perform unnecessary operations on women every year? Congratulations to Advocates for Medical Information for sacrific- ing itself at the stake. Following is a statement from a middl, aged group of women: President Fleming's remarks were outrageous by the omissions; it is distressing that the president of a "prestigious campus" should condemn your symbolic book-burn- ing tactic (which, indeed, contri- buted to Dr. Willson's royalties and deprived no future readers of the book) and yet not be disturbed by the distorted, political remarks in a purportedly scientific textbook. I am equally distressed that the president did not remark "in hor- ror' about the Nixon-like tactic Dr. Willson is choosing - of hid- ing and saying nothing when the heat is on. Aren't scholars ac- countable for what they write? Doesn't the dean of the medical school require some sort of answer when his faculty members are challenged? To quote Mr. Louis Graff, is this a "free exchange of ideas and opinions"? And we all might question Dr. Willson's good mental health when we read his opinions about the normal sex act and rape. --Kay Weiss April 19 Power axis To The Daily: THE ANN ARBOR News and its reporters, Robin (sic) Fleming, The Michigan Daley (sic) and its editors and writers, and o t h e r such ilk consistently misread local political actions. Their perspective is confused: (1) because of their position of power, the power to have their opinions published; and (2) because they must rely upon their own resources for their analysis. Their traditional failure to see clearly was demonstrated once again in regard to the recent book burning. Being themselves in the power elite, and taking such power for granted, the people and organiza- tions described above are unable to distinguish between the oppressive policies of people with power and the acts of resistance by the vic- tims of oppression. On one side we have privileged class (read pro- fessors), white, adult, straight males and their allies reinforcing a system that dehumanizes the vic- tims of that system and with all the machinery of that system at their disposal; and on the other side there are the victims, inhibit- ed and repressed, who have only a very limited means of reacting against their oppression. To com- pare the actions of one group with that of the other is an absolute ab- surdity. Those outside the power estab- lishment cannot be compared with those inside it. From their position of publication power, the Fleming- Daley-News partnership (adminis- tration-news producing complex) is forever condemned to failure, to being unable to distinguish be- tween those who control the media, who can fully express and therebv enforce their prejudices, and those who are disenfranchised and must suffer under them. -Donnie April 18 Film groups To The Daily: IN EARLY March of this year all non-subsidized, all-campus film grougs began meeting and the Un- ion of Film Organizations w a s formed. Membership in UFO is open to any non-subsidized, all- campus film group showing on a regular basis. The UFO is con- cerned with co-operation in ad- vertising, scheduling of auditor- iums and negotiations with com- mercial film distributors. In this spirit of co-operative self regula- tion we will investigate any com- plaints about ticket fraud, personal profiteering, and interference with the operations of our member or- ganizations. --Ann Arbor Film Co-op Cinema Guild Cinema II Friends of Newsreel New World Film Co-op April 15 Swingers To The Daily: IN REGARD to the letter from Mary Howard (Apr. 16) concerning Swing-Match, I would like to com- ment on several inaccuracies. First of all, Swing-Match d o e s not involve itself with wife-swap- ping. The type of people who sub- scribe to our service are intelli- gent, interesting and liberated, they are not the type prone to act or think in such a sexist, possessive manner. Swingers, unlike swap- pers, consider the sexual relation- ship a part of the friendship, not the entire purpose. Swingers are friends, wife-swappers a r e ac- quaintances. Secondly, our questionnaire, while explicit, is not obscene. The ques- tions indicate areas of interests" without being detailed. However, in recognition of the highly interest- ing and unexpected differences be- tween Ann Arbor swingers and those from other areas of- the country, we are in the process of changing the questions and enlarg- ing the. areas of interests. When it is in use it will indicate a broader range of compatability than our current form. I suppose it is not to be totally unexpected that Ms. Howard is upset, however her letter indicat- ed that she is not aware of the uniqueness of swingers in Ann Arbor. Perhaps if she would at- tempt to look into the local groups and discard all her misconceptions e about wife-swappers and swingers she would find this uniqueness plea- santly enjoyable. --Kristin April 18 Thanks To The Daily WITH ALL THE hoopla sur- rounding graduating seniors, we'd like to recognize a far greater achievement. Professor Arthur W. Bromage, of the political science department, is retiring after 43 illustrious years at the University of Michigan. We consider Mr. Bromage an unequalled authority in the field of municipal government. In ad- dition to teaching, he has been a councilman in Ann Arbor, an as- sistant to four different governors, an active member of the National Municipal League, and an invalu- able charter consultant to numer- ous cities. "My chief concern is that I'll miss my students," he said. "Be- ing in the game for 43 years, one gets habituated to classes, stu- dents, and the success of college generations. It's a major part of my life. Although I've written var- ious books and over 100 articles, the satisfaction doesn't compare with that of my relationships with students here and after they grad- uate." We would like to thank Mr. Bro- mage for his outstanding service to the university, and express' our deepest sorrow concerning his re- tirement. It is indeed unfortunate that the academic community is being robbed of such a scholar at the expense of a foolishly con- trived compulsory retirement reg- ulation. We wish him the best of everything in the future. -Pam Goodman Michael Kern April 17 Tenure To The Daily: EACH OF US has read the let- ters and articles in T'le Daily concerning the tenure issue in the English' Department. Each of us has also had Prof. Mullin for two different courses during two dif- ferent semesters. He represents true excellence in teaching, and is honstly concerned for each of his students. As undergraduates (one of us is a freshperson, so this is especially true for her) teaching ability like this is rare in a uni- versity this size. Hopefully, Mr. Mullin will see this and keep it for his resume, wherever he goes next. The job of a school is to teach, aid it is obvious that Mr. Mullin is very proficient at this. It may be ex- pected of all professors to teach, but not all can. Yet the bores and intellectual snobs who manage to publish are kept on the staff, and again the students''right to an education for which they pay dear- ly is subjugated 'to the prestige of the institution. "Publish or per- ish" must perish, before we are left without beautiful people like Professor Mullin in our colleges and universities. Good professors, like good wines and Rolls Royces, improve with age. Theyare all three also ex- pensive, but worth the price. Un- fortunately, through clear fault of its own and recognizable error, the English Department of the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts of the University of Michi- gan loses the benefits of a great teacher. Moreover, it is the stu- dents who are robbed. Karen Maltter Nursing '7b Suzanne Rivard Education '73 Libels strikeout To The Daily: ACCORDING to Sunday's Daily, The Libels won the game. Those slabs will go to any length, To preserve an ounce of fame. The sports staff is illiterate, Made up of such vain men. They had to lie about the games, Which were won by, CBN. In Reality WCBN 18 Libels 0 (That is zero - nothing -shut out!) WCBN s Libels 4 -The Staff of WCBN April 16 tiCle because of a desire to rob the Arabs of their land. Perhaps if the Arab governments . would redue their cries for Israel's destruction, Israel would no longer fear the Arabs in their land. The Palestinians are tragic vic- tims of a centuriesld conflict. They are pawns of the Arab gov- ernments who use them to distract their own populace from their prob- lems at home. The Palestinians' fate is not in Israel's hands, however, it is the Arab governments who have the power to accept Israel's right to exist and eliminate their pledge of its destruction. It is thea that Israel will feel safe to revise her policy. Mr. Mendenhall calls I raeli e- forts to obtain money fortheir cause "an eaborahw:Am.- x i It r x Editorial Page; Kathleen Schoch, Martin Stern Ricke, Eric Arts Page: Richard Glatzer, Mara Shapiro Photo Technician: Stuart Hollander r_,, .0A *I Readers respond to Israel ar To The Daily: DAVID MENDENHALL'S recent "Look at *Israel and the Palestin- ians" unfortunately .was a look through distorting 1 e a s e s. His claim that the Kibbutz system is based on the cheap labor of foreign idealists is such an ob- vious lie that it is laughable. He is careful not to say which Kib- butzim he has visited or whether he visited any at all. Mr. Menden- hall refers to "the systematic de- struction of hundreds of Arab vil- lages by the Israeli army from 1948 to the present." But he does not publish the list of these vil- lages. Yet he neglects to mention that every single Jewish settlement which had the bad fortune to fall into Arab hands in 1948 and 1949 was destroyed and its inhabitants expelled. Does he have a double murder and intimidation - at a time when the Jews did nothing more aggressive than draining swamps and planting trees on land they had bought. from the Arabs. Then there was the massacre of the Jewish men, women, and chil- dren in Hebron in 1929 and the looting and destruction of many Jewish villages. There were no Arab refugees then to serve as an excuse for those acts of violence. But I am sure that Mr. Menden- hall will be able to justify all of them.. The Palestinian Arab leader at that time, Grand Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, we'nt to Berlin during World War II. He visited Ausch- witz as the guest of SS chief Himm- ler where he was priviliged to wit-' ness the mass murder of Jews. He constantly agitated for a speed-up in the murders. found by direct negotiations be- tween the two sides, and this the Arabs refuse to do. -Ernest Fontheim Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering April 18 = To The Daily: "A LOOK AT Israel and the Pal- estinians" by David Mendenhall in the April 17th edition of The Daily should be retitled "A look with one eye closed at Israel and the Palestinians," for he possesses no understanding of the Israeli point of view. Mendenhall's first sentence states, "The Arab - Zionist conflict in the Middle East is now over SO years old." This week is the Jew- ish holiday of Passover, w h i c h commemorates the flight of the ews fmrom rvf ellaver ,2(Ma the American Indian. The J e w s had been residing on what Menden- hall calls Arab land centuries be- fore Mohammad's -birth, before the concept of an Arab state was even a dream. It was Babylonians, Assy- rians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, and Englishmen who forced the Jews from their land and who scat- tered them throughout the world to face such genocidal attempts as the Crusades, the Inquisitions, and Nazi Germany. The American In- dian found the only way to remain alive was to stay on his own re- servation; the Jew knows that the only hope for his continued sur- vival is a Jewish land in which he will not be subject to the whims of the ignorant. ISRAEL IS not the military-in- dustrial complex Mr. Mendenhall S t.Tti f ; na rl. ;s ft ,h .% ..I . . - fl--WARN hi ffvwy-oHp W pp-W- I