See Editorial Page
.:Y e
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXII1, No. 160 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 20, 1973 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
to reach
Prof. notes
Wilbur Cohen, dean of the education school and former secre-
tary of Health, Education, and Welfare, said yesterday in testi-
mony before a congressional committee on consumer economics,
that the new Nixon- administration budget would have an ad-
verse impact on virtually all aspects of society. "In all my 38
years of budgetwatching, I have never seen such a poor set of
budget justifications sent to the Congress," said Cohen. Another
well-known University personality, economics Prof. Gardner
Ackley, former chairman of President Johnson's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisors, again advocated yesterday "a permanent ma-
chinery for the continuous monitoring of wages and prices and
for moderating their rate of increase." Ackley spoke to the New
York chapter of the American Statistical Association.
Chess returns
The only rated. tournament in the state this weekend will
be played right here in Ann Arbor at the Campus Inn on Huron
at State St. Registration for the Mark's Coffeehouse Open will
be held from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m., tomorrow morning, with rounds
at 10, 3, and 8; and Sunday at 10 and 3. There is a $400 prize
fund with a $15 entry fee. Local Master David Presser is di-
recting the tourney.
are highlighted by the year's final fling-a sock hop with
the notorious Jimmy and the Javelins plus Chastity and the Belts,
in the Union Ballroom from 8:30 p. m. on . . . If you're into quiet-
er entertainment, Rive Gauche will present contemporary and
folk singer Lorre Weidlich at 8 . . . Chamber music at the music
school's recital hall, and/or tenor John Hall at the Stearns Bldg's
Cady Hall, both at 8 p.m., if you think classical . . . Those with
an interest in Cuba can lunch at the International Center from
12-2 and hear Sandra Levinson, co-editor of "Venceremos Bri-
gade." Levinson recently returned from Cuba. If you can't make
the luncheon, but still are interested in Cuba, try the New World
International Film Series "Cuban Film Festival at 6 and 9 p.m.
in the UGLI multi-purpose room. Levinson will be there, too .. .
For a mere 75c, you can see Humphrey Bogart in the "Caine
Mutiny," at E. Quad Aud. at 8 or 10 (go tomorrow if you can't
make it today).
Radical chic
SAN FRANCISCO - If Tom Wolfe could see the "radical
chic" set now? No longer is it "in" to entertain Black Panthers,
according to Texas millionaire H. Ross Perot, but now it is
.POWs. Perot is throwing a $250,000 party for ex-POWs from
North Vietnam's Son Tay prison camp and the Green Beret
commandos who made a futile effort to rescue them 30 months
ago. Perot is paying for the Green Berets to be flown to San
Francisco- from bases around the world, and POWs from hospi-
tals around the US. Everyone who is anyone will undoubtedly
be there.
On the inside.. .
Arts page features a dynamite foto of "The Last
Tango" . . . the Sports page offers Roger Rossiter's insights
into the Boston Marathon . . . and the Edit page had Jon-
athon Rose's explication of the intricacies of tenant rights.
A2's weather
Today's going to be a good Friday. Good for watching
thunderstorms, enjoying pre-summer heat (Max. 72-77, Min.
57-62) and humidity while looking for that ray of sunshine
(you might even find one). Mid-latitude cyclone "Lisa" will
be bringing thundershowers our way and keeping the week-
end warm while she moves very slowly north-northeast
through Nebraska. Well, say happy .summer Bill, ok Den-
nis, . . . $SIGNOFF.
IM bldg.
I scusse
Black A c t i o n Movement
(BAM) demands adopted as
University policy three years
ago will not be met by the fall
deadline, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Allan Smith
announced to the Regents
The Regents also discussed the
various plans submitted for ex-
panded recreational facilities dur-
ing the first day of their monthly
Support for the BAM demands
touched off a massive student
strike in March, 1970. The central
issue of the demands was a ten
per cent black enrollment goal by
the 1973-1974 academic year, and
services to aid the newly enrolled
minority students.
The University agreed to meet
the demands.
Yesterday, however, the admin-
istration projected a total black
enrollment of 8.6 per cent for the
fall-1.4 per cent short of the goal.
Total minority enrollment - in-'
cluding American Orientals, Amer-
ican Indians, and Chicanos-is pro-
jected to reach 10.8 per cent.
Pat Wilson, an undergraduate ad-
missions counselor who has work
ed with the program, blamed the-
failure on a number of factors.
"This is a selective institution," C
said Wilson. "We cannot and will
not take every minority student
who applies."
She claimed that the minority
students have a slightly higher
attrition rate" that makes it dif-
ficult tV project enrollment quotas
In addition, she reported that.
some universities - especially
Wayne State University - have
returned to a system of scholar-
ship awardedamore on the basis of
academic achievement than on fe
See REGENTS, Page 7 Co
r o irrr rnrn nnnr"rrr ur rr n rr rrr rrr i nrrr rrrrrrirnrrn rwrn. r
2 citycops
charged with
assault in $5
million suit
Local cab driver and sometime folk singer
Joseph Harrison yesterday filed a $5 million
lawsuit in Federal District Court charging
two members of the city police force with
assault and battery and false imprisonment.
Harrison, in a personal interview, said
patrolmen Jay Brooks and Walter Willard
"brutally attacked me without provocation."
In the alleged attack Harrison's left wrist
and little finger of his right hand were
broken, after the officers reputedly beat him
to the floor of his front porch.
Willard and Brooks were investigating a
complaint that Harrison and several friends
violated an anti-noise ordinance by playing
excessively loud music during a jam session
on the evening of April 11.
Around 8 p.m. the officers came to Har-
rison's home and warned him he was dis-
turbing the peace. Harrison said he adknowl-
edged the warning and went hack inside.
Shortly afterwards Harrison stepped out
again and the police ordered him to approach
their car.
"I asked them to come up on the porch
since I had no shoes on," Harrison said.
See SUIT, Page 12
{ Mitchell
and Dean
WASHINGTON () -- Atty.
Gen. Richard Kleindienst an-
nounce+ yesterday he has
withdrawn from the Water-
gate investigation because it
involves friends and asso-
ciates. His announcement fol-
lowed reports that President
Nixon's campaign deputy ac-
cused John Mitchell and John
Dean III of planning the
Democratic party bugging.
The charge that Mitchell and
Dean helped the Watergate plan-
ning were attributed to Jeb Ma-
gruder, formerly the No. 2 man in
the Nixon campaign organization.
Dean, the President's official
lawyer, did not respond directly
but told newsmen he will not be-
come a scapegoat in the case. His
statement apparently took the
White House) by surprise. '
The allegations were published in
yesterday's Washington Post.
Kleindienst, who replaced Mit-
chell as attorney general when
Mitchellsbecame Nixon'scampaign
director, said he turned the probe
over to Asst. Atty. Gen. Henry
Petersen because it "relates to
persons with whom I have had
personal and -professional relation-
"It would be entirely inappro-
priate for me to exercise control
over the sensitive matters beiag
developed by the Department Pf
Justice,"sthe attorney general said.
Sources close to the Senate's
Watergate investigation say the
Justice Department plan to seek
grand jury indictments against
eight present and former Nixon
administration officials and em-
The New York Times last night
said Mitchell has told friends he
attended three meetings at which
bugging the Democratic party's
Watergate headquarters was dis-
cussed, but he rejected the plan
at all three meetings.
G. Gordon Liddy, a convicted
conspirator in the case and Mag-
ruder- attended all the meetings
with Mitchell, the Times said.
Mitchell was quoted by the Times
as telling friends he rejected the
idea of bugging the Watergate
suite of the Democratic party upon
hearing of the plan at the three
Two of the meetings took place
d on Jan. 24, 1972, and Feb. 4, 1972,
while Mitchell was US. attorney
general, the Times said.
in The Times said Mitchell was now
taking the position that his rejec-
tion of any bugging attempt of the
s Democratic headquarters meant
that subsequent efforts to eaves-
drop on the Watergate suite was
against his wishes.
Harrison gestures with his bandaged hand
market sla
9 1
Today is the last day of classes
for this term. Today is also the
last day of classes for all those
who came here during the last
year of the turbulent sixties. For
the class of '73, who saw the
Bookstore Sit-In and the BAM
strike, this is the end. Today is
also the end of The Daily for this
term. The Daily will be back
May 9, but the seniors won't.
Their epitaph: Everything was
beautiful and nothing hurt.
or this year's
WASHINGTON (UPI) - The super-tight job market of the lastl
years is beginning to loosen up a bit, according to the Carnegie
mmission on Higher Education. But spring college graduates still
't do nearly as well as their counterparts a decade ago, who could,
k and choose from numerous job offers.
The commission's report on "Graduates and Jobs: Adjusting to a
w Labor Market Situation" and its informal telephone survey in
rch of several dozen colleges and universities drew several specific
clusions about this year's job market for college grads-most
peful, but some discouraging. The report, however, emphasizes its
w that a college education is still worth it.
Among the brighter conclusions:
-Prospects are good for persons entering health care fields, par-,
ularly for highly specialized nurses and medical doctors;
te a to open up
'o11ege graduates
-Prospects generally are favorable in accounting and in salaried
managerial positions;
-Community colleges are having good luck placing graduates it
law enforcement fields and students with technical training in such oc
cupations as lab technician;
-The sharpest increases in the number of job offers to graduate
this spring are in engineering, in contrast with the 1970 situation wher
unemployed engineers were going orb welfare; and
-Job prospects are improving in public administration.
11owTor.the Ca__news:_TT_
Now for the bad news:
-Prospects are least favorable for students preparing for teach- Ves
ing occupations in elementary and high schools, with the exception of
bi-lingual teachers in areas with concentrations of Spanish-speaking "
>students; M M
-The job outlook for new PhD
lea d s to ;olders is dismal, even .into the'
ea s to 980's, especially in physics andopen
modern languages, with economics
.. n ,r olyV slightly better off: and
Natural gas leakage
evacuation of northe
rn village
eous, bubbling craters spreadI
through this tiny Northern Michi-1
gan town yesterday in a chain re-,
action that forced the' evacuation'
of all its residents.
The craters ranged from "tea-
cup size" fissures to full-fledged
sinkholes measuring up to 25 feet
wide and 15 feet deep. Some took'
on a geyser-like appearance, shoot-
ing muddy water six feet above
ground level.
State officials were investigating
the possibility the craters were
spawned by a nearby oil drilling
The situation continued to worsenj
and Grand Traverse County au-
thorities said they may ask Gov.
William G. Milliken to declare a
state of emergency.
"I've been here 15 years and
I've never experienced anything
like this." said Undersheriff Jack
Although at first baffled by the
situation, officials eventually be-
gan to trace the craters to the oil
"At this point we don't know how
to assess it," a spokesman for the
Michigan Department of NaturAl
Resources (DRN) said in Lansing.'
"We suspect, but I emph'asize
that we only suspect, it comes
from escaping gas from an Ameri-
can Oil Co. (AMOCO) well there
which is being drilled below Wil-
liamsburg in Whitewater Town-
The spokesman, basing his state-
inent on reports from DNR investi-
gators on the scene, was referring
-Job opportunities are not too
good in the social service profes-
Some miscellaneous Carnegie
Commission conclusions:
-Women will have fewer teach-4
ing opportunities than in the past,
but more opportunities in health
care; and
WASHINGTON p) o- The United
ktae provsosedofterviegt
cease-fire agreement, saying North
Vietnam has failed to live -up to
all parts of the settlement.
In separate announcements yes-
terday, the Pentagon and the
State Department said mine-clear-
ing operations by the U. S. Navy
iin North Vietnamese waters has
to an AMOCO operation 31 miles .-College educated black wo- beenhalted and the chief Amer
beenn tecie mr
south of the town. Local sources men have hit the jackpot in all delegate to a joint U.S.-NorthN
said the oil well was capped at fields, as employers seek to make namese economic commission
8 a.m. adjustments to achieve greater mi- been called home from Paris.
AMOCO officials were not avail- nority representation on their pay- By pulling Maurice Williams
able for comment. rolls. See U.S., Page 7
r nnr rrr rr
Jacobs takes
Student Government Council appeared to
be on the verge of disintegration last night
as President Bill Jacobs cancelled the last
scheduled SGC session and took personal
control over plans for next week's new all-
campus election.
SGC's already shaky campus credibility
was damaged by March's all-campus vote,
which was heavily defrauded and soon de-
tor, said last night that Jacobs' action "can
in no way be considered. official" and in-
dicated that he might seek to stop the new
Jacobs, who earlier said only that the
meeting was cancelled because he "couldn't
make it," could not be reached for com-
metit on the legal status of his move.
Dunaskiss also indicated that ex-Treasurer
David Schaper was "running things with