I tJt.J~ JSA I L..JL.. a., I..JI, piLl ma IF ,,r -w- I M4 MIvt..M~iN ULI.T Tht.irc.r,4n%, Amr;f 1,6 16-71"' i II4IursaJy, r r'q[i -I , i t: 51, m Daily Classif ieds (Continued from Page 5) PERSONAL SIGN UP FOR MIXED LEAGUES. SUM- MER RATES 40c. UNION LANES, OPEN 11 a.m.-12 mid. MON-SAT. CC 159 EU ROPE '73 * Paris * Spain 0 *Vienna-* Italy * *. Studio Arts* LANGUAGE ART THEATRE FILM COOKING PHOTOGRAPHY CERAMICS, LITHO, SCULPTURE AND MORE Applications Accepted Now!v' Center Foreign Study * Still has openings & limitec; scholarships For new '73 program handbook and y Application Contact CENTER FOR FOREIGN STUDY A Private Educational Organization 207 Michigan Theatre Bldg. (on Liberty, above Marilyn Shop) 662-5575 cFtc UNIQUE, JEWELRY DESIGNS. Award- winning artist-craftsman. Bands, stone setting, etc. Fairly priced. Stu- dio 484-0854 or 434-0055. BOARD EXAM 'T'UTORING Enrollment for Kaplan Tutoriiig courses now being accepted for the upcoming LSAT, MCAT, DAT exams. For infonmtion and enrollment call 313-354-0085. c Ft c ' XEROX AND OFFSE f Fast, low cast duphecating, COPY QUICK~ 1117 S. University 7R9-nWh~ INTRO-ACT: Personal Growth Work- shop for Teachers. Su~pport Group to explore values and feelings as a teacher. Fee. Call Richard, 662-4826.. 99F160 LIKE CURRY. volleyball, conversation with inter esting people? Room and / or board at an international coop. ,Spring and Summer terms. Call Tomn or Carol. 761-7435. 17E41 LIKE CURRY, v olley ball, conversation- with interesting people? Room and/ or board at an international co-op. Spring and Summer teris. Call 'Tom or Carol, 761-7435 17E01 MISCELLANEOUS LOWEST CLOTHES prices in town. FORGOTTEN WORKS, weekends 10- 6, 410 N. 4th Ave. Antique Village. 78M160, BUSINESS SERVICES STUDENT MOVER,. light moving in< VW bus Low rates. Call 763-6620. 28J160 ___ SUBLET SUBLET NEAR CAMPUS, modern two-bedroom furnished apartment, air-conditioned, paved off-st ret parking. Available May 1. $155. 1-767-4000 beore 5 1- 629-5512 after 6. 34U159 OWN ROO0M SUBLET: Great location corner Hill and State), call 662-6653 or 761-4338 ANYTIME. Cheap. dUlSO SPRING-SUMMER 4-man i-level, AC, and kitchen, $60/no. 662-9330 5711151 SUB3LETr MAY-AUG. Spacious 2-drm. apt. Furn., near campus, fully ca- peted, air cond. Was $255, NOW $165, 800 Fuller No. 2, Call 769-9489 or 971-2645. 58U59 DOUBLE ROOM in 2-drm. apt. with A/C, dishwasher, disposal, frepla"e. the works. 662-3429. dUlso JULY-AUG. Sublet. 4-6 man apt. 3 huge bdrms. All modern conveniences, Great location, Price neg. Call per- sistenty 763-6598. 6U59) SUBLET MAY-AUG., fall option. I- bdrm, apt, furnished. AC, free um- eredl parking. Spacious. Reasonable. State-Packard area. Call 761 -1537, 5 U59 LUXURY SUBLET: Ige room in i-level 4-man, Only one other roommnate. In- cluodes water and heat, Features sag carpet, balcony, dishwasher, disposal. push-tone phone, A1C, two baths Reasonable, May-Aug. -Call Steven, 769-7489 persistently. 53U 159 HOUSE ~ MAY-AUG. 2 bedrooms available. Near Arboretum. 5 ruin, walk front campus. Call 665-0015. 22 U 159 FEMALES WANTED for modre sub- let on campus. AX. 769-0081. 10U59 PARADISE FOUND. Double room in licuse lMay-August. Close to camnpus. Rent negotiable. 663-1095. 29U 15 OWN ROOM, August only. Older Apartmnt On Campus, 176-0081. 1311 15 DOUBLE ROOM. Ideal for couple or 2 fr iends. Share kitchen & bathroom,' Behind SAB. Available May 1. Fall option. 663-6572, 36U159 MAY - AUGUST - Spacious 2-drm. in, house, furnished, AC. 761 -0331. 86U 159 RENT -. spring and summer $115. Fall option. 3 nn. apt .... very lar~e iing room and kitchen in furnishedc apt. House, corner Hill and Forest Call Susan Rae (769-2680 Apt. No. 5 84U159 JULY - AUG. - Air cond., furn. c- ficiency onf campus. 769-0845 atter 5 8U 159 MAY-AUG. 1 bcrm. turn, apt. A C. balcony laundry, and parking, I block froim campus $120. 66-54:. 94U 15 OWN ROOM ini basement apt. Nice area $40. 761-6947. 95U1 NATURAL FOODS COOP, Double and Sinalie for summer,' chea p andieatih- ful, Thor. 764-6919, Laura 764-695. 96U 19 1 BEDROOM;' 2 beds; delightful many extras; 321 S. Diviion; 663-3545. 97 U 159 WANTED: ONE girl to share bedroom in apt. $40 no. 764-5863 or 764-7909 9U 158 3 BEDROOM BI-LEVEL. A/C., disposal, covered parking, locker stoia, 5 m in. from campus. 1 mm., from Campus Corners. Rent neg. Call per- sistently 665-5268. 727 Packard. 99U59 HOUSE CHEAP sublet or May-May lease or will share, 4 bedrooms, keep high 665-6146; 663-0302 Jonathan. 32J 151 3-4 BEDROOM house or part, close to campus, newly refurnished carpeted, May-August, 764-4688 o' 764-4682 03115 ROOM F'OR ;3: in 4 bedroom Apart- nient. $5, and utilities 761-429. 38 U 159 SUMMER SUBLET in Albert Terrac" available. Will take substantial loss on 2-bdrm 2-a/c luxury ilevel aart- titeit with balcony located across from Ab. Please call Strike at 665- 2840 persistently. 4611159 GOOD DEAL, 2 bedroom furnished Apt 3 or 4 people. Aval May-Sept. Air coedit. - parking - laundry - 5 miin tG campus. $60 Ipersot. Fall opt ion. 76-1105. , 0U59 1 OR 2 persons: cloe to campus; park- ing fall option; quiet; good neig - hors, 663-4633. 09U59 SUB.ET: 2-bdrum apt, in old hose. Renti negotiable. Call 663-4361 or 662- 0487. 111159- I HR£E BRDUM. modern alt.,ac, dish- washer, disposlon ami'ps 665-5241 Negotiable, dUIS59 BIG ENOUGH FOR 5 CHEAP ENOUGH FOR 2 CORNER THOMSON/~WILLIAM FREE LAUNDRY, A/C. GOODIES MAY-AUGUST, 761-3836 1'7 Ui15 NEED SUB3LET srn 3 girls wil pay $120, mo. Calil 764-8869, 764- 8871. 764-8874. 82U159 SUBLET ONE ROOM, 1, 2 persons or, couple, Moderii Bi-level apt. A/C. all facili- ties. On cam~pus. Call 769-0438. 78U159 HUGE 7-ROO0M alitiii old house. Dishw aster. Higlhest offer over 4150. 761-6989. 79U159 SUBLETI MA"Y thin July. modern 2- bdrn. apt. A, C. furnished or unfurn- ishedl, rent tiegotiable. 663-2905. 75U 150 STLAY COOL for the surntner in mo- deci furinishedci pt.. 2 air conds., dis&hwasher, 2 miii. froni campus, 761 -3537. 63 U159 SPACIOUS 2-bjdrmi. well-furnishledrlapnt. in Albert Terrace with 2 A/C's, dish- washer, I1' baths. Call 665-7029. 65U 159 MAY-AUG. 2 hlrui.. 4-mnt, furnish- ed, modern alit.. A/C, great location. 761-6206 anytimre. 68U159 3-1BDRM. place near IM facilities, May- Aug. 769-; 583, 73UI39 SUBLET SUBLET SERVICE 'o ' aintain a list of our pr'esent tenants wishing to suiblet their apartments for summer. Contact us for further information. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT., INC. :317 E. HURON 663-4101 cUte MAN TO SUBLET own room in furn- ished 3-bdrm. apt. On campus. May- Aug. Negotiable. 663-0681. 62U158 LARGE I1-BDRM. for 2 or couple. Great loc., bale. a;'e. prkg. May-Aug. Reg. X190, now 5140. 663-5677. 76UI59 OJOI BOURGEOIS DELIGHT, MAY- AUG.: 2-bdrm,,-furn,, pool. A/C. d~w., big discouiit. 665-8949. 02UI59 SENSUOUS 4-MAN APT. Albert Terrace No. A6. A/C. parking, dishwasher, iear Arb. Rent negotiable. 663-3694. 86U159 BEAU SrIFUL modern apt., A/C. dish- washer, furnished, balcony, excellent location, ideal for summ~er' price nie-i gotiable. 665-9898. 97U159 S UMMER SUBLET, swimming pool, very large studio apt., all utilities CILASS IC 3-BDRM., apt. 100 yds. from IM Bldg. May-Aug. $165, 665-0701. 96U159 SUBLET: "T{REE an house bedroomI1s, r, baennt, washer, carpeted, living roomi. 761-1028, 'w "two dIry er, 18U 159 FEMALE NEEDED to share large two bedrooni apt. Ist floor & basement in house. Washing machine. Sue 662- 7517. 1713158 NEAR, SHARE tiouse, own bedroom. female. $55, May 668-7289. 72U 159 PLUSH Lairge 2 bedroom modern Iaparent with A'C;. oii camnpus, call 761-6300. Rent niegoltable, 71 U159 SUMMER SUBLE'T, lgc. 2- bdrmn. apt. 628 Packard, No. 5. 761-3931. dUISO SUBLET: May-Aug. Three bedroomis, air conditiouing, two balIconies, park- iiig. Stop by 848 Tappan No. 8 oir call 769-4022. dU I59 OWN ROOM ini house. M,\ay-August. June-August, $40-460 mo. 412 Thomup- wson St. Call 769-3184 dirimiertlime. 49U 159 SUBLE' Tfr May-June: beaut ifiul house near Buiriis Park, Negotiable terms. Jim. 665-4720. 27U] lu 1-2 WOMEN ineedied. Spacious sunny roomi iiintiOcapartiment near camm- pus. Recasonmable. Naoimi, 663-7182. 24U 1591 GRADUATING DECEMIiR? Spacious 2-bdrn., lcgin., dugrm .. furnished aipt. ott camOpus. Startin: May 15. 662-2366, 2iUI59 FANTfASTIC 2-aimn, great localtion. May-Aug Fall option. '769-U837. 19U 159 GRIEAT' ONE T3ISR\t1. rapt. 2 brlrm. elf., fern itn yard. park-itng. nearcbytetisi, IM Bldg. 710 McIinley, 769-43"15. 32U 159 MUST' SUBLET large 4-umart apt. May- Aug. with utilitie:, extras. Near cam- pus. Negotiable. 665-6256. 3713159 SUBLET EIERITAGE HOUSE. My-Ag. 4-man. $160/mo. Will dicker. 769-6997. 829 Tappan, No, 203. nuf said, 35U159 rWO BEDROOM plus sleeploft. a 'c, close to campus. 662-3445. 30U159 2 BEDROOM: 3-4 manl apt. Air condi- tioning, near Central Campus and IM Building. 917 Packard, No. 1. 761- 3198. Price negotiable. 33U159 FEMALE GRADS: Single room in large house. Call 663-5507. 43U 159 MAY-AUGUST SUBLET. Fall option. Modern furnished 2BR ar'c. Reason- able, Call 662-2246 persistently. 27U159 500 BLOCK MONROE Across from South Quad 2 apartments in house CHEAP-663-3675-anytimie EFFICIENCY to sublet. Spring and Summer or Summer. $80. 1462 Uni- versity Terrace, Apt. 216. 662-1920 after 6 p.m. Married couples only. 67U158 $45/MO.. May-Aug. - Albert Terrace. Dishwasher, Disposal, Parking. Shag carpet, lie' baths, beautiful. Call 763- 6784, Tom or Chuck. 6BUT59 SUMMER SUBLET: May-August 2 girls. On Thompson, 769-5821, 87U159 MAY-AUG. 1-bdrm, in 2-bdrm'. modl. jaireonditioned apt, behind Rack-ham. Parking. Laundry, $55. 769-7438. 5BU 1.55 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY-remodeled efficiency, excellent campus location. air-conditioned at $100.00 per month, Fall option at $165.00, 663-4101. cUtc SUMMER SUBLET July-Aug., huge 3- bdrm. bi-level, spacious, sundeck, ac, parking, good location best offer. 769-4891. 71 U155 SUMMER SUBLET-2 -bdrm., furnished or unfurnished. Negotiable. 665-3551 after 5. . 652U 159 2-BEDROOM APT., May-August on Mc- Kinley, furnished, with attic, yard. fall option. 663-2670. 88U159 CAMPUS: large, clean, furnished frr 1 or 2 girls. 761-1932. cute LARGE ROOM IN APT. FOR '1-2 PEOPLE. CHEAP. CALL JOAN, 665- .3182 PERSISTENTLY. 91U158 MOD. A/C 2-bdrm. apt. with balcony, rent negotiable. 663-0386. 06U159 1 FEMALE NEEDED to shatre a large double bdrm, in spacious apt. in second floor of old house. Great lo- cation. 663-1655. 03Ul158 SUIMMER SUBLET. 4-man apartment, near hospital. $140 mo. 769-8795. 96U 158 SPACIOUS 2-BDRM. furnished apt. Great location, May 15-Aug. 21. 769- 2843. 89U159 SUMMER SUBLET: Mod. apt. 2 floors, spiral staircase, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, balcony, A/C. I1 hi?ck from Diag, 769-1726. 93U1I39 2-BDIRM. furnished hilevel. A C, bal- coic, dishwasher, parking. 761-2807. Rent the suicker. 912 Forest No. 21. 84 U158 OWN RZOOM. Well -equiiipped, furnished, cool, 3 odrut. apt. 545/mo. May-Aug. all or part. 665-6219. 83U159 2 PEOPL.E tor tioderni I-bdtm. apt. I block fronm campuits. A ,C. sprinig' summer 665-8176. 81U159 GARGANTUAN 4-MAN _.act thru August sublet -- HERITAGE HOUSE. No, 303 829 Tappan St. 2 air condiiotters. dishwasher~, launidr~y, parking lot. brick walls. 2 balcoimies, Cdisposaiil. ?180 or best offer YOU MIUST SEE 11! 761-3264 80U 159 SPRlING: 4th roommate for modern a4 c apt. Rent negotiable. Call'Ruth, 7'69-6696. 87U 159 INCR'EDIBL.E DE'AL: modern 2-bdrm., hi-level for May-Auig. A C. dishwash- mm, balcony, parking, great landlord. S4ublet 1 bdrmn. or wAhole place. 663- 0194.d6U 158 HENRY TKItSSINGER mlight grab this 2 or 3 pe r:onf urinshed apt. before you dt,, beca+use we'll negotiate our $140 per utio. suiblet May- Aug. or July- Aug. Air condit., parking, close to (uiips1Packard at Thompson). Hur- ry, 66:5-9374 eves, dUI58 EXTREMELY ANXIOUS to sublet. Great location 2 minutes from earn - pius. 4 rooms including bath, $90 for a sitigle andI 8100 for a dlou~ble. C411l 761-2592 d U 158 2-MIAN EFFICIENCY near campus. $ urnisher, modern. May-August. 662- 6624. 54U158 1IGt7E1!N 2-bedrooin apartment. Air- conditioning mdisiiwashber, balcony,. etc.: reiit negotiable. May-August. 665-4628. 32UI59 SUBLET OWN ROOM for rtiran. May-August in imoderi, a "c 3-in near E. Untix,& Packarmt. Call 19)4-6,3-6257 after 12. 1lOU 159 FURNISHED a r~ dts. 761 -9555. 2 BEDROOM A C.,itear 761-2572. F URNISH1-ED, fromt Dia-. 769-0021. E11 I Bledrootm. on canipus parking, tent negotiable. 316U 159 2-:3 imant Summtner Suiblet. fined center. *140 nieg. 19U158 A 'C. efficiency. 2 blocks Call between 5 & 7 p.in_. cent negotiable. 63U158 'TWO BEDROOMS of a 5 bedroom liousc,'apt. for retit fronm May-Aug. Fully furnishecn. event kitceni para- phernialia. L~ocated across time street fr'om thle Friezc Bldg. Conies with driveway. Call 769-5814. CIU158 MAY-AUGUST: The Lodge-extremiely pltush mioderni 2-bdrni. apartmient, a,'c. 2 balconiies,.rnegotiable, 663-4821. SUMMER SUBLET. Junle-Aug. Modern 2-bdrm. furnished. air cond. apt., Walnutt St. Cloye to campus, hospital. 764-1121. 769-0260. 94U159 MAY-AUG.---Just one h~r. left, in spas- ciotis houtse near park. campus, Sgt. Peppers. lF'ront porch, sleeping porch. mioic. 769-51317 aft em 5, week-cdriansy- ti. e97U 159 1-BDRM., bi-level, May-Aug., A/C, parkinig, res .mngr., $130/month, 731 Packar~d, 662-2881. 851U156 SUMMER SUBLET MODERN APARTMENT'S We have many camtpuis I- and 2-bed- multi apartments available for the sutmmer. Beautifully futrnished, air- conditiotted, large balconies. For in- formation, call 668-6906. cute SPRING and or SUMMER: modern 4-5 thani hi-level: furnished, air-condi- tioined. etc. Close to campius and Arb, Call 769-0212. 45U 137 CHOICE LOCATIONS at Reasonable Rates Oime andTi lwo Bedrooms ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. 1010 S. lain 769-2800 cU to MOIDERN two-bedlroom. May-August su~blet. ,lishiwashier. A. C. disposal, bal- cony. Great location. Reasonable, 665-9898. 56U3144 SUMMER SUBL3ETr for Nv oti. Own i room. 545 month. Ma y 1-Aug. 2.5. Near campus. 662-9733. 0OU159 SPRING-SU 'MMrER SUBLET": 2-bedroom apt.. remut location. balconies, park- ii . amir-conmdi tioned. petsa optitonal. Only 1 left. From $150/mo. STRAT- I-ORD API. -631 S. IForest. 761 -1840 or ft 3-2239. 39U160 THRtEE BEDROOM large inodernalit. a c, furn ishieti, dish washer. parking. 2 baths. Packamrd-State, spring amid/ ar summemr. Rein, negotiable. 769- 3504. 07 UI60 RELIABLE ABORTION SERVICE Clinic in Mich.---1 to 24 week pregnancies terminated, by li- censed obstetrician tymecolo- gist, Quick services will be ar- ranged. Low rates. CALL COLLECT (216) 281-6060 24 HOUR SERVICE Sound System Problems? IN THE MARKET FOR NEW SOUND EQUIPMENT? OUR AD- VICE IS UNBIASED, PROFES- SIONAL AND FREE. We KNOW what CAN'T Be Repaired TAPE RECORDER SPECIALISTS INC. is the finest equipped Audio Service Company in Washtenow County and we're located right here in Ann Arbor. Be it a tape recorder, amplifier, or a high quality FM tuner, you can ex- pect the best from TRS. For es- tablished quality repair service, backed by a full 90-day war- ranty, see us at 300 S. Thay- er St. in the Bell Tower Hotel across from the side of Hill Auditorium, OR CALL 663-4152 W, " ao a-9- m~C~ A -I a,-0 p Oo00~OO I r _r 4 (n) W ;C .AAC Z. x - o ("0' 70 =C a Il1 1 1 - p SULET: 1-3 women, modern apt. A, C. Close to campus. Sauna, laundry fa- cilities. 665-7334. 0 U 158 1 F'EMALE for Modern 2-bedrooni apt. Own room hi-level, A/C, dishwasher. red-shag carpeting. May-Aug. Call 663-6461. 16U 159 LARGE 2->3IC r l pt.. Bumns1 Mas'- Aig., r,:7vable rout.. 0870, 769-1010Q after tt p Park area. Call 685- 7:113 159 1MUST SUB! 1' ias-At . mn'ed 1 for :-ata. i\I omermm, A C. dltwmms-hcr. steal for $30. 663-6329 pcmi:n-itttly. 66U 159 MOVEt~liN ONE- BD:RIM, pt . (ea l ra- iou, Available NMac-Au,. Cisp 9 mo. 'i69-5295, 720 S. Stumite No 10C. Call carry imoriing o' tttitier. 9f;C1:3 FFFltIC. APTI.:1' urn mhed. close to mi pus. Avail. NOW, Jtune-Au'., July,- Atug., F~all o1pt10m. Call 764-292'5 ,rft.cm 10 si..13.i H-ALF PRICE! Ma -Aug(m Need Iliale to Fhare modiern svmci ots apt. Fuimi., cfntral A' C, 1laurryroom. 5Sminmute WaM Iito cm in iIs, All til es inchltded in remit. Regmular )SJt. F'or sumnwmr $47.50. 662-0765. 601U159 3-I3DRSIii~inl'otire -Mmy to Aug. Sublet. 769-4298. J'15031 \S.bNE -IP PIE 110}3 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6054 Specializing in Silver & Turquoise Jewelry& Antiques Open 11 :00-5:30 Daily TOMORROW NIGHT April 20--8-12 p.m. LORRE WEIDLICH and DAVID MOULTRUP -performing folk, country, and contemporary songs 50c ADMISSION NI/E A&GA UC(4H E 1024 HILL ot East University GREAT VIEW across from ARE! May- Aug. sublet. 2-bdrm., 2 A/C. bi-lev., balcony, Albert Terrace. $160/mo. 769-2338, anytlie, 67U159 TRY US! Beautiful 2-bdrmi. apt. in house. Spacious, fully carpeted, fire- place, chandelier, parking, and a cozy breakfast nook,. 3-4 man, reasonable. Hill and S. Forest. Guaranteed love at firt uSlot1t 709,70. *Mu MAN NEEDED! Must go! Nice, nice apt,, a/c, only $30/mo, Forest at Oak- land. Call 761-8475. 03U159 FURNISHED, m-odern sttudio. May-Aug, Swimming pool, a ir-conditioninig. Close to Arb, North Camipus. Bus. 662-2831. 04U 159 EFFICIENCY for sublet, 1215 Hill1, No. 1. Call 769-8353. 09U 159 ONE BDRM.. sacius, cool ;apit. ut ished. Near cam~pu. May 15-Auig. 31. 663-9631. 13 U159 SUMMER SUBLET : 2-man. 2 blocks from .Digag. AIR-CONDITIONED. One bdrm., carpeted, furnished, free laun- dry facilities, ample storage and! space. Price neg. Steve or Ra.ndy, 769-6270. 48 U159 SUBLET: 2 girls needed. mnodrln. A,/C, 4-man, May-Aug. 769-5832, Kris or Connie. 29U 159 CAMPUS, cheap aind imgotiuble. Ownt room in apt., furnisahed. 2 left. tji mer. 663-0681. 31JUl59 OWN ROOM in house. $45;miio, Packard near State, Woinan only. Juni~e, July, Aug. 761-6510. 42131 59 MANSION APT. 3-4 mitan CHEAP! P Kingsley and Division, 769-9575. 061159 MAY-AUG. SUBLET, 4-man apt. nearI campius. Furn., A/C, laundry, paitkirug,1 bale. $140/mao. 769-8459. 41 U159 I i sa isi s ww THE JOY OF LEARNING THROUGH AN IMAGINATIVE ART OFEDUCATION: THE WALDORFSCHOL by ALAN, HOWARD Lectutoemfou- the Antlinooosonhicol Society of North America A Lecture Plus the Film j ~"The. Experience of Learning" Thursday, April 19-8:00 p.m. Rackham Amphitheater .... z ' Nuclear ower Scholarships Avillable NOpWI __ ,! LARGE HOUSE, amity for' surmter. Double paiffcI. Call 665-0590. 2 rooms left. 01, single tacou- 8113150 Nassau licacl.IlBag It May seem' to be the irost expensive beach bag you'll ever own, until you open it up. Inside is a week of adven.- ture under the wartn Nas&sia.unl. Fly froinTWinldsor to/0Nassc on a 1'Otm-trip, inon-slot) jet, and en jOP SCHOLARSHIPS PROVIDE: I. TUITION 2. BOOKS 3. FEES 4. $100.00, MO. ALLOWANCE Successful Applicants Must: 1.Have an exceptional academic record. 2. Have completed two semesters of calculus and physics. 3. Have attained Sophomore or Junior standing. -4. Be physically qualitfed. I 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. Seveni nights at timeNMontagu Beach Hotel ( dou bie accomi- rnod~tiomist Your days in thme st)onm the Mouitagu's pm'Sate bheml. T wo locals a day in theelhot el dininmg moomi Services of a hour eoscart. WecueadTranjpportatiott N'ttweetiafirport inc4 hotel A discount t h bas and gift shps Comiplimentary meals anid bar in -flighlt. The following are the Windsor. Sell them for CASH Completion of the Bachelor's degree leads to a commission as an Ensign in the United States NAVY with a specialty in Nuclear Power, Surface or Subsurface, and postgraduate training at the Navy Nuclear Power School. INTERESTED APPLICANTS SHOULD CONTACT: /'E U 1 1 n 1A 1 1 L \ f1 v AfrwrX nso n M ft11U4"s 8A /1 04 wAV M- Al kligttNI). 551 Nassau flights, 1Flight No- 5159 sh 1 de parting from 6 R-6.8r Dates S 5-5.12 5111 a; 1