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April 19, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-19

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*iri i lau


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXII, No. 159 Ann Arbor, Michigon-Thursday, April 19, 1973 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages








Regents retrn


The Regents are back in town today for their monthly
series of meetings and a number of rather significant items
are slated for discussion. A tentative tuition increase of some
five to seven per cent, a request for an additional $9 million in
state aid, a report on the Opportunity Program and proposals
for a set of new intermural facilities top a heavy file of
W her e have they gne?
Former campus radical and Chicago Seven defendant Rennie
Davis has apparently found a new cause to believe in. Davis
will appear in Hill auditorium on April 24 to speak on his in-
vestigation of the Guru Maharaj Ji. The Guru is the 15 year-old
spiritual leader of the Divine Light Mission. According to Jeff
Stevens of the Divine Light Information Center, Rennie became
involved with Divine Light around the time of the signing of the
Vietnam peace accords in Paris. The Guru, it seems, is also
involved in seeking a path to world peace. On their information
leaflet the mission quotes Davis as saying, "The appearance
of the Guru Maharaj Ji on this planet is the most staggering
event in the history of the world."
'Lend me your ear
Speaking to a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
University prof. Anthony Muraski reported that according to his
research, most people are right-eared when it comes to hearing
speech sounds presented to both ears. Muraski used 40 test
subjects here at the 'U' in conducting his experiments. The news
was taken hard by the southpaws of the world, who have been
fighting for years to overcome right-handed oppression. The
SLF (Southpaw Liberation Front) had no comment on the find-
Agala event
What is bound to be the most glamorous social event of the
season is the first and possibly last annual Arts School Prom
to be held Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Union ballroom. Competing
for the attention of the massed artiste socialites will be such
diverse people and happenings as Radio King and His Court
of Rhythm, a Prom Beauty Queen (not sexist, it's open to men)
a dance contest, a roller skating demonstration and a lot of
decked out Art students. "It'll be a shower of stars," explained
drganizer De De Denada, well known Ann Arbor socialite. Tickets
are on sale in the A&D Bldg. lobby from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. thru
Friday, and at the door.
Happenings .. .
.. .are led off today by the last Future World's Lecture.
Paul Tarnoff, an environmental designer, will speak on the
science of creative writing intelligence at 3:00 p.m. in Aud.
3 of the MLB . .. recently elected Democratic Councilwoman
Carol Johes (D-Second Ward) will address the Lunch Box Forum
today at noon in the International Center. Her topic will be:
A Minority of Two, What It Can Do . . . looking ahead to the
weekend there will be a final sock hop Friday night at 8:30
in the Union Ballroom. Jimmy and the Javelins and Chasity and
the Belts will provide the entertainment.
Born loser
CHICAGO - Joe Condon is one of those people who doesn't
know when to quit. After being acquitted on charges of disorderly
conduct, Condon walked into the court's parking lot and dis-
covered a set of keys for an expensive limousine. The temptation
was simply too great for Joe, and he decided to take the car
on a quick joyride. The car, it turned out, belonged to Judge
John Reynolds, the man who had just acquitted Condon. When
he discovered his vehicle was missing, Reynolds sent police
out after Condon who was nabbed at a nearby gas station. Condon
is due back in court soon on a charge of auto theft. The judge
will of course be none other than John Reynolds.
4. On the inside . .
the Arts Page has Richard Glatzer writing on the
controversy surrounding the film "State of Seige". . Jean
King writes about impending abortion legislation on the
Editorial Page . . the details of the Tiger victory ap
pear on the Sports Page.
A2's weather.
No jive, today's going to be limp and liquidy. We'll
have scattered showers throughout the day due to storm
system "Karen" moving south of us toward the north-
east. Expect late spring temperatures with highs of 67-72
and lows tonite of 53-58.

Reuter Science Editor
LONDON-An expert on diets who stumbled
across two sensational discoveries about man's
evolution is heading back to South America and
the scene of his still-disputed triumphs.
Dr. David Davies, of London's University College,
said yesterday his return is a matter of urgency
I because of the risk that other teams-amateur or
professional-will take over his secret storehouse
of anthropological treasure in the .mountains and
valleys of northern Ecuador.
Davies has so far uncovered two areas of major
scientific interest:
-A valley called Vilcabamba ("The Sacred
Valley") where people live to well over 100 years
despite a diet that includes between two and four

cups of rum a day and the smoking of 40 to 60
home made cigarettes.
-A fossilized skull, which he nicknamed "Fred"
which seems to put back the clock on man's
advent in the Americas by at least 20,000 years.
Davies is due to fly to Quito, Ecuador, today to
consolidate his research.
At a news conference yesterday, he admitted
that both his finds have been challenged to some
extent within the scientific community.
But he said the remarkable age of the Spanish-
descended inhabitants of Vilcabamba valley was
supported by their Roman Catholic. Baptismal
Certificates, making them among the few true
examples of "age-known specimens." A lifespan
of 100 is regarded as unexceptional there and he

has met and talked with still-active men of 123 and
140 years of age.
And exhaustive scientific tests have dated the
skull, found in a limestone strata not too far
away, as being at least 28,000 and perhaps 40,000
years old, he said.
Studies indicate that "Fred" was an early
primitive, part Neanderthal, part Cro-Magnon
man, who apparently died when a volcanic erup-
tion destroyed the side of the lake that was his
center of existence. The skull was found buried
amidst the remains of prehistoric animals.
"Fred was a very rare animal in South Amer-
ica," Davies said yesterday. But he was not alone,
and it could well be that man developed there
independently and that. this continent, as well as
Africa and perhaps Australia, was a "cradle" of

"I'm going back to look for Fred's grandfather,"
he said.
He had already found a skull that appeared to
be older than Fred's but had not brought it back
with him from Ecuador he said.
During his six month expedition he also plans to
check out reports that there were -valleys in
Ecuador where the Vilcabamba experience was
reversed-"where a man of 37 looks like a man of
67, -and people grow old very quickly."
"Between the two, I may be able to find some-
thing which may be of help to our present way
of life in western civilization," Davies said.
He planned to question the long-lived people of
Vilcabamba very closely about their diets. So
far, he had established that it was a low calory
diet, about 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day.
See OLD, Page 12





One dead
in Harlem
holdup try
By AP and Reuter
NEW YORK - New York
police shot and killed one of
the FBI's "ten most wanted"
men during an abortive hold-
up at a Harlem bank yester-
The dead man's two accomplices
surrendered after more than 100
police ringed the bank. ,They held
30 bank employes and customers
hostage inside the bank during a
tense hour-and-a-half negotiations
with police.
FBI officials. identified the dead
bank robber as Mace Brown, 30, an
escaped murderer.
None of the hostages was in-
"They treated us very nice," one
of the hostages said of the two
surviving gunmen, Herman Holi-
day, 33, of Newark, N. J., and
Frederick Kelly, 26, of Manhat-
tan. The pair was charged with
robbery and attempted homicide.
Holiday and. Kelly gave them-
selves up to a television, newsman
and a policeman, whom they ad-
mitted to the bank specifically to
negotiate their surrender.
"They were trembling, they
were scared," a police spokesman
said of the bandits.
Brown, who escaped from the
District of Columbia prison last
Oct., was convicted of murdering
an important witness in a major
narcotics trial.
He was placed on the FBI's most
wanted list shortly after his es-
The mid-morning drama began
when two bandits entered the
Chase Manhattan Bank branch in
central Harlem and announced a
A woman walking past the bank
noticed the robbery in progress and
alerted.police. As the first squad
cars arrived at the scene, Brown,
who was ' stationed as a lookout
opened fire at the officers and was
killed in the shootout.
Another man, a bystander, was
slightly wounded when struck by
a bullet.
The other two gunmen barricad-
See SHOOT-OUT, Page 12

*8 aides
By AP and Reuter
criminal charges in the bug-
ging of Democratic Party
headquarters seemed immi-
nent y e s te r d a y following
President Nixon's abandon-
ment of past blanket denials
that White House aides were
Charges against one or more ma-
jor figures in Nixon's entourage
could come within a week, govern-
ment sources said.
Nixon, in a dramatic announce-
ment Tuesday, said there had been
major developments in the, investi-
gation of the scandal, and ordered
that no past or present senior
member of his administration
should be immune from prosecu-
A spokesman for the President
said Nixon's past statements de-
nying any White House involve-

AP Pholo

Ihtnik holId-uJ) squelced
One of the FBI's ten most wanted men lies dead yesterday during an abortive bank hold-up attempt in Harlem as two policemen
take cover behind a car. Two armed companions later surrendered after holding 30 persons hostage for more than an hour.

A former high-level N i x o n
aide has. said that former Atty.
General John Mitchell approved
and helped plan the Watergate
bugging operation, the Wash-
ington Post reported early this
In a story quoting several
White House sources, the Post
said Jeb Magruder, f o r m e r
deputy chief of the Committee
to Re-Elect the President, told
federal prosecutors last Satur-
day that both Mitchell and
White House counsel John Dean
engineered the bugging of Dem-
ocratic national headquarters
and later arranged to buy the
silence of the seven men con-
victed in the bugging plot.

Seale gains spot, in

upeom ing


mayoral runoff race

OAKLAND, Calif. JP - Black
Panther chairman Bobby Seale
ran a distant second in his race
for mayor of Oakland, but won a
run-off with incumbent John
Reading, who fell only 84 votes
short of a majority in unofficial
returns from Tuesday's nine-way
In nearby Berkeley, a moder-
ate - liberal coalition came from
behind to edge out radicals for
three of four council seats and

win control of city government.
But Berkeley voters approved
several radical - sponsored city
statutes, including one designed
to halt arrests of marijuana users
in the city unless approved by
Although Seale, 36, ran a dis-
tant second to the 55-year-old
Reading and received less than
half the votes of the incumbent
conservative business executive,
he topped the field of eight chal-

lengers to win a place on a May
15 runoff ballot.
Reading was smiling and con-
ciliatory to Seale in his post-
election statements. He told sup-
porters the results "made me re-
alize that it is worth it.".
Speaking of Seale, Reading
said, "When the Panthers were
on the 'down with the police bit,'
I was very much against them.
But now I think they have chang-
ed. I intend to talk to Mr. Seale
and see if, even though we are
worlds apart on many things, we
can find a common ground to,
work together:."
Scale did not make any public
Oakland city hall observers
said before the election that the

best Seale could hope for was to
win a runoff with Reading. But
Seale had predicted that he
would be swept into office with
an overwhelming majority.
Final, unofficial totals were
Reading 55,342, or 49.92 per cent,
and Seale 21,314, for 19.26 per
cent. Otto Green, a liberal black
businessman, ran third with 17,-
460 votes.
in his campaign for mayor of
Oakland, Seale put aside his
beret and leather jacket, donning
a neatly pressed business suit,
immaculate shirt apd tie to
stump for votes in the approved.
manner of the establishment.
Scale scoffed at those who
doubtedhis ability to project the
See SEALE, Page 9

ment in the bugging scandal now
were "inoperative."
Meanwhile Gordon Strachan, a
former aide to White House Chief
of Staff H. R. Haldeman, was seen
for the second, straight day in the
office of federal prosecutor Earl
Silbert. Strachan wouldn't discuss
the purpose of his visit.
Some accounts have accused
him of helping set tip a political
espionage ring for the Nixon cam-
A federal grand jury also sub-
poenaed Frederick LaRue on short
notice yesterday. LaRue held a
high place in President Nixon's re-
election campaign.
News reports have quoted inves-
tigative sources as saying he
helped direct a coverup of the
break-in and wiretapping at Demor
-. cratic national headquarters last
year and handled $70,000 in unre-
ported campaign money, the pur-
poseofwhich is unknown.
See NEW, Page 9

Study shiows declinle
II deceptive gas ads
A sampling of 119 gas stations statewide by the Public Interest Re-
search Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) shows that 85 per cent are com-
plying with new state guidelines banning deceptive advertising, PIR-
GIM announced yesterday.
According to PIRGdM coordinator Roger Telschow, the names of
the 15 per cent that still violate the new standards "have been turned
over to Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley for legal action."
The new guidelines had been established by. Kelley March 22
after PIRGIM presented evidence of widespread deceptive advertising
by gas stations throughout the state.
rmj,,,foi. rn.nnt,ty l, ,vr.rnrAa rc.cterdv 3inve tand whether


student aid

WASHINGTON oP)-Congress passed an emergency money
bill yesterday that would provide $872 million in federal aid
to help students attend college this fall.
The bill, passed by voice votes in the House and Senate,
directs President Nixon to continue the existing student aid
progranis instead of putting most of the money into a new
:ne, as he had requested.
The bill also seeks to free an additional $85 million in aid
to school districts affected by federal activities, which the
diniistration has impounded.
The Department of Health, Education and Welfare an-


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