See Editorial Page
C, C
For details, see today .
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 18, 1973 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
~ if ,yuu see news happen call 76-DAILY
On to Washington
The Student Government Council yesterday gave $500 to
the Counter-Inaugural Committee to help finance rides to Wash-
ington this weekend. SGC also decided to send their lawyer,
Tom Bently, along just in case of trouble. Momentum seems
to be building on campus for the demonstrations. Alice Lloyd
allocated $300 to help pay for rides, East Quad gave $200 and
Mosher-Jordan $150. Organizers hope to send about 1,000 Ann
Arborites to start off the next four years. In fact, Mayor Robert
Harris is riding on a bus to the demos.
They're back
Our hard-working Regents are in town again this week for
their two days of meetings. At 1:30 today, they will have a meet-
ing about the legal implications of holding closed meetings. The
meeting will, of course, be closed. At 3:00, they will hold an-
other meeting on the first floor of the Administration Bldg., this
one dealing with the proposed North Campus intramural build-
ing and the University's budget woes. For a change of pace,
this meeting will be open to the public.
'They're gone
The ranks of student politicos has decreased somewhat with
the resignations of Curt Steinhauer as Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent of the Student Government Council (SGC), Victor Gutman
as Director of Student Organizations and as Legal Secretary to
SGC lawyer Tom Bently. Gutman was also Elections Director
during the last election. Rumor has it that long-time student
government hanger-on and master computer programmer for
SGC elections, John Koza, has also resigned from Rackham
Student Government. Koza could not be reached last night
More housing info
Yesterday we indicated that if you sign a new lease before
April 1, 1973 you would not be protected under the new law gov-
erning security and damage deposits. But all residents and fu-
ture residents of University housing will not have io worry about
it. Housing Director John Feldkamp said yesterday that new
housing contracts written by the University will not ask for de-
posits. The high cost of complying with all the new regulations
designed to protect tenant deposits would have been too much
Feldkamp said. So the University ended damage deposits. .....
Happenings ...
. . . include The State of the University Debate over The
University and Washtenaw County at Aud. B, Angell Hall, 7:30
an International coffee hour at the Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill
St., 9:00 . . . a talk by Mahatma Parlokanand Ji of the Divine
Light Mission about "the inner peace and happiness available
through Sant Ji Maharaj, the 15 year old Perfect Master." Nat.
Sci. Aud. 7:30 . . . a discussion with Nellie Varner, Affirmative
Action Director, sponsored by Michigan Women in Science. Men-
tal Health Research Institute, room 1057. 8:00 . . . an another
Human Rights Party meeting at the Ann Arbor Public Library
at 7:30. Discussion will center on guidelines for the up-coming
primary . . . a Lunch Box Forum sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Democratic Party. at 603 E. Madison at noon. Second Ward
Chairperson, Tom Wieder, will discuss The Political Conse-
ences of the Ne*! Ward Boundaries . . . at 7:30 will be a Ten-
ants Union meeting in 1528 Student Activities Bldg. . . . at the
same time is an Student Government Council meeting in Homer
Health Lounge in the Union.
Hitting at war contractors
EAST LANSING - The City Council has again approved
guidelines which would determine the best bid in city contracting
on the basis of which bidding company has done the least
amount of contracting with the Department of Defense. The pro-
posal, which was passed late last November, was challenged
and sent back to an ad-hoc anti-war committee for clarification
of the guidelines last month. The guidelines were re-adopted 3-2
and take effect immediately. However, no bids for city con-
tracting are presently being considered, according to Assistant
City Manager Arthur Carney.
Marcos keeps control
MANILA-President Ferdinand Marcos signed into force yes-
terday a new constitution which gives him sweeping powers to
govern the Philippines indefinitely. At the same time he post-
poned indefinitely the formation of an interim parliament and
said he would continue martial law for as long as necessary.
Marcos signed a proclamation ratifying the new constitution
after citizens assemblies throughout the Philippines and com-
posed of all Filipinos over the age of 14, had overwhelmingly
voted approval of the charter.
On the inside .. .
... features a collection of musical tidbits on the Arts
Page by The Daily's Arts Editor Gloria Jane Smith . . . a
serious look at the smog problems of Los Angeles graces
our Editorial Page thanks to staff sports writer Bill Alter-
man . . . a stirring description of last night's battle between
Michigan and Michigan State's hockey teams by Robin
The weather picture
It's gonna be another warm one today folks. The high
is expected to be around 50 with the low only going down
to about 40. It should remain somewhat cloudy today with
a slight chance of rain during the day and tonight. Enjoy
it while it lasts.
Green I
mus t lave
HeavyU.S. str
By The Associated Press and Reuters
SAIGON - American warplanes
attacked communist p o s i t i o n s
throughout South Vietnam yester-:>::
day in the highest number of
strikes in over a month.>
The U.S. Command reported that
fighter-bombers logged 311 raids in
the South during the 24-hour re-
porting period ending yesterday
U.S. B52s flew 90 strikes in South
Vietnam during the same period,
dropping tons of explosives on=
North Vietnamese troop concentra
tinstaging areas and supply = -
All bombing, shelling, and min-
ing have been halted 'over the <<
North by President Nixon. But an
increasing number of air strikes
have been flown over the South,
along with continuing air opera-
tions over Laos and Cambodia.
B52 strikes in South Vietnam
were flown yesterday from the
northernmost province of Quang
Tri to the southern Mekong Delta.
But most missions were reported
over two hotly contested areas:
the Saigon River corridor north-
west of the capital and Quang Tri
Province just below the former
demilitarized zone.
The targets in both cases were
troop concentrations, supply dumps.
and staging areas. U. S. Air Forcer
jets also reported destroying two
trucks and a tank northwest of
Quang Tri City.
Meanwhile South Vietnam's Pres-
ident Nguyen Van Thieu and his
top officials yesterday dampened.
reports of an imminent ceasefire
in the Vietnam war.
Nixon's special envoy, Gen. Alex-
ander Haig, had another hour-long
meeting with Thieu to hear South On a small farm north of the city
Vietnam's latest attitude towards owner is grown up now," says ti
a ceasef ire.
SDiplomatic sources said South
Vietnam's decision on a halt could REPS. TO MARCH:
'have been delivered to Haig, but R P .TC hr a oimdaeidcto
there was no immediate indication
hit S.
Dunn says,
not earned
Assistant chemistry Prof.
Mark Green, who was sus-
pended from teaching Oct. 9
for showing anti-war slides to
his classes, has been denied
tenure. His appointment will
be terminated at the end of
Winter term, 1974.
In a Jan. 11 memorandum from
Thomas Dunn, acting chemistry
department chairman, Green was
no.tified that the tenure committee
reviewing his case could not "find
reasons sufficiently compelling to
make a case to the Executive
Committee of the LSA College for
your promotion and tenure."t
Green said that he has sent a
copy of the memo to his attorney,
law Prof. Rqbert Burt, and will
consult with him before deciding
whether to appeal the decision.
According to literary college
guidelines, Green may still appeal
to LSA Dean Frank Rhodes and
the LSA Executive Committee,
Dunn said.
Dunn's memo also added that
the committee felt Green had not
maintained his "initial vigorous
program" in research and had
only been "minimally satisfac-
tory" in the arenas of teaching
and service to the Department.
In disputing the tenure commit-
tee's findings, Green said that with
regard to his research, he had pub-
lished "more than the average
number of papers" in "highly - re-
spected" journals and that last
summer he had been awarded a
large, three-year research grant
by the National Institutes of.
Green added that he had copies
of student evaluations of his teach-
ing from his last two courses,
which showed "very,tverygood"
"I don't understand how they
didn't give me tenure," Green said
last night of the decision. "For
whatever reasons it happened, the
reasons in the letter don't per-
While a chemistry professor who
has read the report said yesterday
the anti-war slide show was not
explicitly mentioned, Green said,
"I'm sure it (the show) didn't do
me any good."
Dunn said that he would not
comment specifically on the rea-
sons for denying Green tenure, be-
cause he said it might hamper
his ability to find a job elsewhere.
Chemistry Prof. Richard Law-
ton, the only identified member of
Green's tenure committee, said
that, "I don't feel its appropriate
for me to comment. What's in the
report will never be discussed."'
Lawton was referring to the fact
that the report is confidential, ex-
cept to other members of the
chemistry faculty.
Green said last night that he had
been tipped off as to the commit-
tee's decision last month when he
had received his teaching assign-
ment through May, 1974. v
" 'The course I'm teaching for the
next year and a half is considered
See GREEN, Page 8
Horsey set
y, small, shaggy Goldie frolics with a few friends yesterday in the springy weather. "Poar Goldie yr
the farmer who takes care of the horse. "She doesn't really get ridden much anymore."
-,0 era f
of wnat tni aecison mign ve
A government organ, the Tin Son
newspaper, yesterday quoted a
leading progovernment senator as
saying that important demands by1
South Vietnam still had to bea
dealt with before a peace settle-
ment is reached.
Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam
said in a radio interview that al-
though "peace is very near" the
Saigon government refuses to sign
any Vietnam peace agreement that
mentions the Viet Cong's provi-
sional revolutionary government.
Lam said U.S. and North Viet-
namese experts continuing nego-
tiations in Paris have virtually
completed work on military mat-
ters, including the proposed ex-
change of prisoners, an in-place,
cease-fire and international control
The White House continued its
no-comment policy.
Lam was interviewed in Saigon
on Tuesday by French correspon-
dent Claude Bonjean. Extracts of
the interview were broadcast by
the privately owned Radio Luxem-
Thieu's official Saigon radio
hinted that a cease-fire was near,
declaring, "No wars go without
an ending day, and the war of
Vietnam cannot evade this law.
Sooner or later an agreement will
be signed to end the war .ui."
I But it accused the communist
side of planning to resume the war
after a cease-fire "when conditions
permit, after the total withdrawal:
of U.S. forces."
200 members of Congress to
boycott President's inauguration
and wire Service. Reports
Over 200 members of the House
of Representatives are expected
to boycott President Nixon's in-
auguration to protest his Viet-
nam and domestic policies, Con-
gressman Don Edwards (D-
Calif.) said yesterday.
When asked if any of the mem-
bers of Congress would be ac-
tively protesting, Edwards re-
plied, "Oh yes! Quite a number
will be marching and protesting
on Saturday and Sunday."
Edwards, who has served in
Congress for 10 years, said,
"There is a new feeling of frus-
tration and anger in Congress."
If the "conservative guess"
turns out to be accurate, it
would mean that nearly half of
the 432 current members ofthe
House will be staying away from
the ceremonies Saturday after-
noon on the steps of the Capitol
Also, 17 Republicans-includ-
ing some who have previously
supported the administration's
war policies-sent Nixon a letter
declaring "We implore you to
forego any resumption of large
scale bombing" if the current
negotiations break down.
Meanwhile, two more antiwar
events have been scheduled.
The first event consists of a
march, sponsored by Vietnam
Veterans Against the War. It will
be separate from a larger march
being planned by the National
Peace Action Coalition and the
People's Coalition for Peace and
The veteran-sponsored march
will start at 11 a.m. EST Satur-
day, an hour before President
Nixon takes the oath of office
and two hours before the inaugu-
ral march is due to begin.
Officials of the veterans' group
(as have the sponsors of the
main march) said that every ef-
fort will be made to keep their
march peaceful.
Both marches will start at the
gates of Arlington National Cem-
etery across from the Potomac
The main march plans to hold
a rally on the Washington Monu-
ment grounds that will last most
of the afternoon, but the veter-
ans' march will culminate in a
treaty signing ceremony near
the Lincoln Memorial.
The protesting congressmem-
bers will join the veterans at the
Lincoln Memorial at 1:30 p.m.,
Edwards stated.
Bart Savage, national coordi-
nator of the veterans, said at a
news conference that his group
is staging its own protest be-
cause it doesn't want its peace
message lost in theatrics.
The peace treaty the marchers
will sign is the draft made public
last October when Foreign Af-
fairs Advisor Henry Kissinger
declared peace was at hand.
Savage said he thinks the latest
speculation that peace is near
is no more likely to be true now
than it was then.
"It's just a sham to keep peo-
ple away from the demonstra-
tions," he said.
The second newly planned
event, which congress members
also plan to attend, is an inter-
faith religious service called an
"Inauguration of Conscience,"
that will take place on Sunday
at 2 p.m.
According to Edwards, the
theory behind the Sunday "In-
auguration of Conscience" is "to
get us back to where we'should
be with regard to wars and hu-
man behavior."
Henry Niles, an official of
Business Executives Move for
Peace, one of many organizations
sponsoring the Sunday religious
service, said at another news
conference that even if a cease-
fire is achieved, peace in Viet-
nam is a long way off.
"The only hone for peace lies
in Congress cutting off funds for
the war and limiting the Presi-
dent's power to carry on an un-
derlgred war," he said.
"WP fear A may beheading
tion unless our security is
Another antiwar religious serv-
ice will be held Friday night in
the Washington National Cathe-
dral. It will feature a musical
mass for peace directed by com-
poser-conductor Leonard Bern-
stein and is intended as a coun-
ter-event to the playing of Tchai-
kovsky's war-like "Overture of
1812" at the official inaugural
concert the same night.
At the other end of the spec-
trum, the calendar of events for
Saturday include:
-11:30 a.m.-Beginning of the
inugurai ceremony;
-1:15 p.m.-Beginning of the
inaugural parade up Pennsylva-
nia Avenue;
-9 p.m.-Inaugural ball.
New administr
ator 'humanizes'
By REBECCA WARNER and says he goes to talk
Paul Wasson spent three years in state prisons twice a week. On a visit
on charges of running a numbers racket. In his day, Wasson was greete
new position in the Washtenaw County Jail ad- mates while he joked a
ministration, Wasson is complimented by both "I know what it's like
inmates and officials for "humanizing" the jail. myself,". Wasson says.
Newly-elected Sheriff Fred Postill hired Wasson feeling for the place ar
in fulfilment of a campaign promise to provide people." Wasson claim
a civilian jail administrator who would help from the inmates thems
improve jail conditions. novations in jail procedi
m- -1..n t hifisthl r k andt heivt former The jail's cook, a "tr
to each prisoner at least
to a dormitory cell Mon-
ed enthusiastically by in-
nd brought news of mail
because I've been here
"You've got to have a
rd how to talk to these
s he can "learn a lot
selves" about needed in-
ustee" - a prisoner al-
G'U' attacked in1 debate
onminority students
By PENNY BLANK the Commission for Women, voiced
Frustration resulting from the the need for open admissions and
University's attempt to be the financial aid to women and mi-
"great equalizer" of the society norities in University graduate and
and its failure in that role was the professional programs. She said
primary focus in last night's de- that their application was discour-
bate "The University and Minor- aged by lack of funds.
ity Students." Romani pointed out the positive
At the second PESC (Program direction that the Opportunity
for Educational and Social Change) Program has taken since it was
sponsored debate, minority group started nine years ago. His figure
members were in the majority. of $3,400,000 allotted for this fis-
The audience of over 70 people was cal year in the program's scholar-
largely composed of Native Amer- ships was met by an audience
icargeyhcamposdGayNLiberation- member's challenge of the Univer-
icanss, Cicano, Gayet sity's $86 million stock portfolio.
ists, blacks and women. W y nt u eth tf rt e u e o
Representing the University's "Why not use that for the use of
side of the issues of minority re- .the minority students? he asked.
1 a c r n Goodman said that in 1962 there
monom,:: YS«>°
Er' mmamme