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April 18, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-18

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V~ ArtIean ailui
Ei ghty-two years of editorial freedom
Editedcland managed by studerts at the University of Michigan

Keeping people poor and


420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Mi ch

News Phone: 764-0552


Funding the new TM facilities

THIS WEEK the Regents will consider
and in all probability give final ap-
proval to plans to fund and construct
-at last-new intramural athletic facili-
ties on -this campus.
The real issue facing the Regents,
however, is not whether to build the fa-
cilities but rather how many should be
built, When, and most crucially of all,
who will pay.
This hot potato has been batted back
and forth between the executive- officers
and the Advisory Committee on Recrea-
tion IntramUrals and . Club S p o r t s
(ACRICS) for the last month or so. The
result has been a plan which calls for
construction of two buildings-one on
North Campus and one on Central Cam-
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief


...Feature Editor
.....Associate Arts Editor
.Chief Photographer
...Magazine Editor
Editorial Director
.....Editorial Director
............Arta Editor
. ... .City Editor
Executive Editor
..Editorial Director
.....Books Editor
.Picture Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager

RAY CATALINO .... . . . Operations
DAVE LAWSON ,...........,....Advertising
SANDY FIENBERG ..............Finance
SHERRY KASTLE ...........Circulation
JIM DYKEMA ... .. ...Sales & Promotions'


DEPT. MGRS.-Caryn Miller, Elliot Legow, Patti Wil-
l inson
ASSOC. MGR.-Joan Ades, Linda Coleman, Linda
Qycowsk+i, Steve LeMire, Sandy Wronski
ASST. MGRS.-Chantal Banctlhon, Roland Binker.
Linda Ross, Mark Sancrainte, Ned Steig, Debbie
STAFF-Ross Shugan, Martha Walker
SALESPEOPLZ-Deva Burleson, Mike Treblin, Bob
Fisher, Debbie Whiting, Alexandra Paul, Erie
Phulips, Diane Carnevale
Photography Staff
DAVID MARGOLICK .......... .Chief Photographer
ROLFE TESSEM ....... , ... Picture Editor
KEN FINK .. .... .... Staff Photographer
THOMAS GOTTLIEB........,...Staff .Photographer
STUART HOLLANDER ........ Staff Photographer
STEVE KAGAN ......... . Staff Photograp her
KAREN KASMAUSKI . Staff Photographer
JOHN UPTON ....... Staff Photographe
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Managing Sports Eitor
BOB YcGIN.......... ...Executi e Sports ]editor
CHUCK BLOOM ..,., . ,. Associate Sports. Editor
JOEL GREER ..... Associate Sports Editor
RICH STUCK .............Contributing Sports Editor
BOB HEUER .............Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, George
Hastings, Miarcia Merker, Mark Ronan, Roger Ros-
siter, Theresa Swedo, Robin Wagner.
STAFF. Barry Argenbright, Jeff Chown, Clarke Cogs
dil, Brian Dening, Leba Het, John Kaler,
'Mike Lisull, Mike Pritula, Bob Simon.

We certainly need. at least -two new
buildings. However, the current plan,
which has received ACRICS' blessing,
would call for a per term student fee of
jN VIEW of the anticipated tuitio hike,
an increase in housing rates and the
general cliib in the cost of living, such
a tax on student would be burdensome,
prohibitive and unacceptable.
Worse, it is completely unfair.
When new facilities for varsity ath-
letics are needed, somehow the money
always seems to be there. There is mon-
ey for artificial turf, money for stadium
renovations, money for almost anything
and everything Athletic Director Don
Canham needs or believes he needs.
But intramural athletics do not garner
headlines in the statewide newspapers
nor do they bring in television money
nor do they seem to promote generous
contributions from fat cat alumni. All
they do is provide recreation for the tens
of thousands of students on this cam-
pus who were not fortunate enough to
receive one of Canham's "free ride" ath-
letic scholarships.
So'when this campus' crying need for
new intramural facilities is pointed out,
the reaction is, "Fine. We'll start build-
ing as soon as students come up with
the money."
JT'S TIME to call a halt to this "soak
the students" attitude.
Student Government Council and the
Rackham Student Government have
both gone on record as opposing the im-
position of, a $7-10 per term fee.
Instead, they have proposed that con-
struction go ahead only on the North
Campus facility, with a student fee of
$4 per term to finance it.
For the Central Campusfacility, they
suggest a number of alternate sources
of funding, including a minimum con-
tribution of $250,000 per year from Can-
ham's intercollegiate athletics war chest.
We endorse this plan.
It is on North Campus where there
are currently no recreational facilities
under roof that the need is greatest.
CLEARLY, THERE is also a crying need
for new facilities on Central Campus.
But the precedent that the students must
pay the full shot is so destructive that
it cannot be allowed to continue.
Let's fund a North Campus building
out of student fees now. But we believe
that the money to go ahead with further
I-M construction should in all fairness
come from somewhere else,
TOday's staff:
News: Bill Heenan, Deborah Pastoriah,
Kathleen Ricke, Judy Ruskin, Charles
Editorial Page: Eric Schoch
Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith
Photo Technician: Rolfe Tessem
\ ~\

.. i. \

sent Peter Brennan, one of the
second-string members of the
Washington goon squad and, inci-
dentally, Secretary of Labor, to
the American people to bring
down the latest edict from the
mount. Apparently the New Amer-
ican Reich intends to raise the
minimum wage to $2.30 an hour
by 1976.
President Nixon's "let 'em eat
poptarts" attitude has always been
clear, and given this new "in-
come policy," his contempt for the
one out of five of us who live
in poverty stands out now more
than ever. Permit this writer to lav
the mad bomber's proposal to rest
post haste. Our economy is no long-
er capable of employing more than
95 per cent of those people within
it who are actively seeking work,
and that 95 per cent figure does not
include those who are "underem-
ployed"; part-time workers, those
who have given up looking for jobs,
those who go from one odd-job to
another. Guaranteeing incomes by
way of a minimum wage is ludi-
crous considering our economy's
complete inability to guarantee
each of its members any wage,
Why is that? Several reasons
come to mind. First, economic
planners in Washington conscious-
ly create unemployment in order
to keep inflation at a tolerable lev-
el, (for an operational definition of
tolerable, consult your local meat
counter). Second, large corpo a-
tions like to see higAi rates of un-
employment, particularly among
low wage workers, to keep a down-
.ward ;pressure on wages. Thir,
large segments of the work force
are "tracked" into the ranks of
the "marginally employed" and in-
to no-skil jobs, by the school sys-
tem. Witness the "general" as op-
posed to "academic" diploma giv-
en in high school. It is of course
riot without coincidence that those
people are usually black or Span-
YET EVEN outside of the f' 4t
that a minimum wage conceptually
is inappropriate for dealing with
poverty, its specifics constitute a
practical joke. For example, 'peo-
ple who work in burger j-int.-
like MacDonald's are not covered
by the wage law. (Keep in mind
that the owner of nationwide Mac-
Donalds gave $300,00 to Nixon's
last campaign - if it was a cam-
paign - proving conclusively Rich

Levy's hypothesis that Nixon is
the best President money can buy.
Rumors that Henry Kissinger is
really Ronald MacDonald are vet
to be denied by Ziegler.
And last, of course, is he S32_0
an hour figure. This adds up to
$4,600 a year. Why so low? HoW
does the President expect any-
body's family to live on that? The
answver is he doesn'; not if he's
familiar with government s:atis-
:ics that define a "moderate but
adequate" income as being more
than twice that. I may bl critici!-
ed for assuming that onl,, one
member of this hypothetical fam-
ily works, but the facts are that
10 per cent of the women who, do
work are already heads of hous-
Bolds, and in most cases, women
who would work can't, usually be-
:ause there just aren't any jobs,
and often because there are no
child care facilities available - a
situation aggravated by Nixon's re-
:ent slashing of child care funds,
which he considered "inflationarv'
tread; "created too manv jabs").
The reasons that Nixon has mov-
ed in this manner - proposing an
ineffective and inadequate mini-
mum wage law - is that given a
bleak future in terms of the num-
ber of people unemployed, it has
become imnerative that he main-
tain a strict social division be-
tween those who work and these
who are denied the opportunit to
work, as opposed to those who
don't, like corporate fatcats or bi
bank joybovs. The first and most
fundamental principle of apy cap-
italistic society is that some peoie
awn the wealth and ever bod. else
works for them, and if fhey don't.
thev may invoke their democratic
right to live in squalor r'd disease
and to watch their children e a t
pnint chips instead of food. ,n-
able to see the forest for the trees,
most of us usually don't recognize
this basic fact.
WERE IT NOT for the fact that
if von don't work you would st rve,
nobody in capitalistic society woUld
work, because work is a drag.
For those reading this wto h a v e
ever worked, that is an obvious
point. Work consists of doing wh, t
some boss, manager, foreman;
overseer, supervisor, or what-bave-
Vou tells you to do, despite the
fact that they usually don't know
their asses from their elbow, and
take some delight in the oowe" that
comes with their position. It is
a thing to be avoided, and it would
be avoided were it not for the

threat of poverty.
Were we to guarantee incomes at
a decent, humane level across the
board, large numbers of people
would not work. Because they're
lazy? No, because work offers P
satisfaction or sense of purpose;
because work is designed to laio-
tomize the worker, because factor-
ies are like forty-hour-a-week pri-
sons. Capitalism demands this, be-
cause work tinder capitalism is no:
intended to produce goods a n d
services, nor to give the worker
fulfillment, but to make a proft
for the capitalist. (If the w a r I1
"capitalist' seems heavy-handed,
some up. with a good description of

Henry Ford or Fast Eddie Gersten-
berg and substitute it; 1- don't
Seen in this light, the problem of
poverty in our society is - Ipro-
duct of our economic way o' doing
things, and as the corporate en-
tente that runs the economy thick-
ens, it will be made woree. Guar-
anteeing incomes eliminates the
blackmail that compels the work-
er to punch in at nine and produce
for somebody else's profit until
five. When work places are turned
over to the people who work there,
then equality of income will be-
come possible. When that happens,
then the Peter Brennans and the




"fere we to guarantee incomes (it a decent, humane level a c r o s s the
board, large numbers of people would not work. Because they're lazy?
No, because tork offers no satisfaction or sense of purpose; because
t'ork is designed to lobotomize the worker, because factories are like forty.
hour-a-week prisons.'
5"ussssanesasasannsamansadsasaaasasassaseasns2W~a. 1+.EMEMM


Letters: Book-burning issue rages on


Richard Nixons, the Henry Fords
and the David Rockefellers, the
gook-bombers and the nigger-shoot-
ers will not have solved the prob-
lem, but will have been eliminat-
ed by its.solution. Our resnon.;bil-
ity is to figure out the best wvay
to get there.
E" recrett ELhrilich is a member of
the Union for Radical Political
Eicononucs atnd the Human Rights
Part . He is a teaching fellow in
econoinics at the University.

To The Daily
REGARDING The Daily's asser-
tion that Advocates for Medical
Information should have submitted
a scientific, scholarly research pap-
er to the media and the academic
community rather than using the
tactic of a book burning -
Evidently The Daily has a very
poor memory. In September of
1972, Kay Weiss of A.M.I. came
to The Daily with a 17-page medi-
cal research paper documenting the
cancer-causing properties of die-
thylstilbestrol (the morning-after
pill), and the dangers surrounding
its use at the U of M Health-Serv-
ice. In addition to her own re-
search on the adverse side effects
of the morning-after pill, W e i s s
brought out a number of political
points: female students at t h e
Health Service were used in medi-
cal experiments without patient in-
formed consent.
What was the response to
A.M.I.'s scientific study and re-
The Daily refused to print it.
Instead, The Daily assured wo-
men students that thi morning-
after pill was "safe and harmless"
(Daily, Sept. 29) and that there
was "no cancer link." (Daily Sept.
It was only after Advocates for
Medial Information went to Wash-
ington D.C. to present its research
to Nader's Health Research Group
that The Daily took notice. A.M.I.
used what The Daily might con-
sider to be "boorish" tactics when
it threatened to picket Kennedy's
congressional hearings on human
experimentation if time were not
allotted for A.M.I. testimony. The
Daily must have been "disgusted"
by A.M.I.'s confrontation with John
Jennings, M.D., Assoc. Med. Com-
missioner of the FDA when A.MAI
forced the FDA to hold hearings on
post-coital administration of DES
Only after the AP wireservice senit
out a story about the morning-af-
ter pill, was Advocates for Medi
cal Information taken serioush y
The Daily staff.
How can any student group make
its complaints'or concerns or re-
search known to the student body,
when the only student newspaper
refuses to print them No wonder
groups must report to spectacular
demons rations! NO One wills
otherwise. . Least of all t1,
Daily editors.
-Belita Cowan
April 16
Editor's note: The I)aily has never

I93:- "When Advocates for Medical
Information alerted the student body
to the dangers of the morning-after-
pill The Daily applauded its efforts."
To The Daily:
,IF BOOK BURNING is going to
replace marches, sit-ins, etc. as
a means of protest, let's not stop
with just one book. Why not have
a huge conflagration to w h i c h
everyone is invited to bring her
or his most unfavorite book?
At such an event, we can pro-
bably expect one or two printings
of The Godfather escorted by Ital-
ian-Americans as well as hundreds
of copies of Jonathon Livingston
Seagull with loyal atheists, Lord of
the Flies with children, One Flew
Over the Cuckoo's Nest with sev-
eral levels of psychiatric hospital
employees - and The Merchant of
Venice with local loan sharks, just
to give you some idea of the wide-
-spread participation that can be
This "great fire in the sky" will
conserve local energy output by
eliminating the need for central
heating in surrounding buildings for
the rest of the season. Further-
more, it is estimated tat the staffs
of both the Grad and the Under-
grad Libraries will be immediately
cut by 90 per cent. Therefore, we
can count upon administration sup-
port for this activity.
By the way, which book am I
planning to honor at this happen-
ing? Being unmarried, disabled and
female (not necessarily in the or-,
der of importance) my top choice
is Tennessee Williams' The Glass,
-Yvonne Duffy '73
April 12
To The Daily: .
IN THlE DAILY on Saturday,
April 14, Richard Parks condem-
ned the recent book-burning held
by AMI on the grounds that. book-
burning is a "morally reprehen-
sible" act which "displays a coin-
plete lack of taste, class, and rev-
erence for history" on the part of
A.Ml. I would like to know, Mr.
Parks, why women should feel re-
verent towards a history which de-
fines them as invisible, a history
in which they are never mentioned
--unless they are the wife or a mis-
tress of a famous man; a history
which denies their accomplish-
nents and disguises their oppres-
I would like to know, Mr. Parks,
why women should be concerned
about "taste" when that word
ineans simply that women should

lower classes. We want to destrom
the institution of social ,class -o
that all people may be free. Radi-
cal feminists do not care about
taste. We are not asking for our
rights, we are taking them. If this
offends you, Ir. marks, then per-
haps it is time for you to change.
You, and others like you, have
a great deal to lose, Mr. Parks,
if we have our way. Perhaps this
is why you so firmly state t h a t
"social and educat'onal change is
brought about by kleen-kut coat-
and-tie types who swim upstream
in the established channels."i
would like to remind you that wo-
men do not 'ear c-ats andt tie. We
do not move in the "established
chaninels" because our aim is lont
to introduce petty cbaintes in tis
system but to cre ve a differevr
system. There is no rom for c n-
descending self-styl -d aristocrats
in social change, Mr Parks. I r,-
commend thate you justsettle back
and enjoy your privleeges woka
you still have the.
-Rachal Kamel
April 16
To The Daily:
A.M.I. as Hitler? HELL no!
Let us call your attention to the
following quote. In Confession of a
Gynecologist the physician-author
advocates computsory automatic
sterilization as a "penalty" for
producing . an excess child: "The
answer I come up with makes me
seem something of a Hitler . .-
From Willson's Obstetrics and
Gynecology: ". . . pain . . . is us-
ually a valuable part of the ther-
apy." Would Hitler burn his own
Peter Zetlin
Kay Weiss
April 10
To The Daily:
I FIND myself particu ar'v dis-
tilessed by the recent burning o(f
allegedly sexist books on the Diag.
From my perspective, the entire
controversy has centered on the
issue of sexism rather than the -
:u acy of the quoted statement,
of which I h4e onbv out-of-context
My gut reaction is that the sta t-
ments are sexist in that they dif-
ferentiate and debase on the basis
of sex. Furtler, the statements
appear to be unwarranted general-
izations which have been indiscrimn-
inately correlated to sex,
I would suppose that the auth-
or's more offensive remarks are
.ased on his empirically substan-
tiated convictions. Categorical re-
noda ti,-,nfnx-ious comme ,nnt. by

To The Daily:
I WOULD like to correct some
sloppy reporting by The Daily. I
attended the book burning cere-
mony. There were no "boos and
hisses" directed at A.M.I., as The
Daily would have its readers be-
lieve. The only boos and hisses
occurred after each of Dr. Will-
son's statements were read. The
150 onlookers were not "curious"
as The Daily stated, but actually
supportive, and downright excited
that finally a campus group had
the courage to confront the blat-
antly sexist treatment given to
women in medical textbooks.
Christooher Hardy
April 16
W ' om 's sports
To The Daily:
A ANYONE who uses IM facili-
ties knows, nresent IM programs
and recreation space is frustrat-
inwlv inadequate. However, t h e
preferential treatment of all men's
IM snorts over women in every'
area from eauinment availability to
locker room accommodations to de-
meaning and ins'ilting remarks
from men on other courts (and
there have been continuous aggra-
vations to many women who play
ha. kethall. volleyball, and paddle-
ball. etc., during the winter
months N has finally become intol-
arablv blatant and unfair.
As baseball weather rolls around
again, there seems to be some aues-
tion as to whethjer there will be
"adeouate funds" for women's IM
games --while it is assured that
the men will have their baseball
season. To be sure, not that many
women's teams are formed.
Each team pays a registration
fee, which could be made to cover
iimnire cost. That equipment can
be supplied for men and not women
makes no sense. Trophies can cer-
tail be dispensed with if that
hbs become a financial burden.
So why can't women be assured
of a snring baseball season as the
meen a re.
-Susan Smolenski
April 12
To The Dailv:
hanon by Israel and the subsequent
inwrders (as over and over again
in the past) of innocent human be-
ings -- tourists, o'lice security,
citizenr ---- was jus ore m ire
piece of eridence against Israel'
n-,.-rrli "hr'ijnPc E,, ' ~i r, :'-'- st-_

What scares me is - will t:le
U.S. support this kind of fs-
cism? Our history says we wiu,
we did in in Southeast Asia, in
Greece, and in many parts of the
world. The Israeii experiment of
a pure Jewish states doesn't sound
like a very far cry from Hitler's
concept of a pure Ayran state of
people. The obsession with a race,
religion, sex or whatever always
turns sour; there i no other way
for it to turn.
The Israeli's use the American
dollar to terrorize people. I can-
not. see how this i-, right. I don't
see how it is right when anyone
terrorizes and frigbtens people ail
over the world. There is a bill in-
troduced by Senator Jackson
which would put sane1ions against
the Soviet Union for not allowing
Jews to immigrate to Israel freely
-this is fair. But w:h inot put these
same sanctions against Israel
which also taxes highly :i o s e
persons who wish to leave Israel?
The Zionist 'cause is supported
by very conscientious people I am
sure, but if they do not support
it, they have 'to be terrorized by
being called "anti-semitic". If this
is the case, what about the thous-
ands of Jews who are strongly atd
outspokenly opposed to the Zionist
-Name withheld by request
To The Daily:
- YOUR LACK of coverage on the
Hopwood Awards in Creative Writ-
ing was reprehensible. These priz-
es are not only the most distin-
guished and perhaps .the richest in
the country, but also afford a rare
impetus to the production of goad
literary art, and an encouragement
to the real talent that exists on
. campus.
In ignoring these awards T h a
* Daily has shown the same kind of
callous attitude toward the creation
of literature and art that has made
the English grad assistants here
perhaps the poorest paid in the
nation, and that has allowed the
public entertainment medium to
produce its trite pap and bad writ-
ing for so long.
-Nane withheld by requeist






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