Wednesday, Apra 18, 197:: t t-1 1C.#-1 C RP S UAt .Y Page Three Weneda, pil18 19. it M(jt(,N AI' PgeThe Bly's associations: Sparklers in verse By DAVID RUTKOWSKI When Robert Bly last read on campus three years ago he seem- ed to be on a divine mission of making the name of Pablo Neru- da a synonym for 'great poetry.' Neruda has since won the Nobel Prize and at his reading at the M.L.B. 4 p.m. Tues., Bly was mostly into his own stuff, happily retaining the verve which makes his readings so fascinating. Bly began by reading one of his latest collections, Jumping Out of Bed (Barre Publishers), from cover to cover. Ely reads with his whole body; illustrating trees, people, mammoths Ind pavement with the mime troop he calls his hands. It's as if he wants to touch the poetry he loves, and though his reading wvent overtime, very few people could walk out in the middle of an affair. Bly describes his poetry as "associative," where meaning or feeling is communicated to the reader by presenting him or her with images that require an ac- tive "leap" of the consciousness to be assimilated. As theoretical as this sounds, the poems them- selves embody a kind of natural- ness which can come about only when the grids of logic are aban- doned in favor of a more pure and creative perception, as in "Another Doing Nothing Poem" There is a bird that flies through the water. It is a whole ten miles high! Before it went into the ocean, I was just a bit of dust under my bed! Another quality often present in Bly's poetry is a Chinese-like simplicity (Bly has adapted a number of Chinese poems into English). When the associations and simplicity appear side by side, the result is the poetic sparks almost always present in Have a flair for artistic writing? If you ate interest- ed in review in- poetry, and musc or writing feature stories about the drama, dance, film, arts: Contact Ar Editor, c/aThe Michigan Daily. 1lly's poems, as in this stanza from "On a Moonlit Road in the North Woods" I sit on a forest road, cross-legged. I am an oyster breathing on his own shore. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Bly's work is the philo- sophical frame of reference from which the poems are often drawn. In another of Bly's recent books, Sleepers Joining Hands (Harper and Row), the poet discusses this theory of cultural evolution which was first developed by Bach- holen in the mid-nineteenth cen- tury. Very simply, the theory sets in opposition masculine and fem- inine types of consciousness, and attributes various qualities to each. A society like our own would be considered predom- inantly masculine (i.e. marshal and corporate), at least on the official level. But the creative act is a ,function of the feminine consciousness; and it is out of this conflict, this need to turn back to the darker, feminine areas of the mind, that much of Bly's work arises, as in these lines from the "Night Journey in the Cooking Pot." For the first time in months I love the dark. A joy pierces into me, it arrives like a runner, a radio signal from inside a tree trunk,' a smile spreads over the face, the eyes fall. When speaking about translat- ing, Bly once said that the more concrete a poem is in its images, the easier it is to translate from one language to another. Yet doesn't any communication of feeling. require an act of trans- lation? At least from one per- ceiver to another. For me, this is why Bly's poetry works so well. It is teeming with concrete images full of imagination. Bly often reiterates his themes, but he never ceases to improve his method celebrating the creative process itself. Robert Bly should continue to be a major influence on new poetry for a long time to come. t.v1 tonig 6:00 2 4 7 News 9 Courtship of Eddie's F 50 Flintstones 56 Operation Second Cha 6:30 2 CBS News 4 NBC News 7 ABC News 9 I Dream of Jeannie 50 Gilligan's Island 56 German Program 7:00 2 Truth or Consequence 4 News 7 To Tell the Truth 9 Beverly hillbillies 50 1 Love Lucy 56 Zoom 7:30 2 What's My Line? 4 Festival of Family Cla 7 Wild Kingdom 9 Irish Rovers 50 Hogan's Heroes 56 Consumer Game 8:00 2 Sonny and Cher Come Hour 4 Adam.12 7 Paul Lynde 9 Vincent the Dutchma 50 Dragnet 56 America '73 8:30 4 Banacek 7 Shenyang Acrobatic Ti 50 Merv Griffin 9:00 2 Medical Center 9 News 56 Were You There? 9:30 9 Spring is Special 10:00 2 Cannon 4 Search 7 Owen Marshall 50 Perry Mason ,56 Soul? 10:30 9 This Melancholy occasion 11:00 2 4 7 News 9 CBC News 50 One Step Beyond 11:30 2 Movie "The Tiger Makes Out (1967) It 4 Johnny Carson D Dick Cavett 9 News . 0 Movie Father "The Fountainhead" (1949) 12:00 9 Movie nce "Song Without End" (1960) 1:00 4 7 News 1:30 2 Movie "Shipwreck Island" . (Spanish 1961) 3:00 2 TV High School 3:30 2 News cable tv channel 3 ssics 3:30 Pixanne 4:00 Today's Woman 4:30 Something Else 5:00 Stratasphere Playhouse 5:30 Local news, events edy :00 Consumer Forum 6:30 NCAA Sports 7:00 Community Dialogue n roupe 89.5 fm Dr. Ho By GLORIA JANE SMITH Arts Editor "Hey, Zipper's out!" I give Dennis a double-take and he explained "Yeah, you know, the magazine. We did a nakeducenterfold for them-even got our pictures (waist ' up) on the cover. Should be out this month." Dennis Locorriere, lead vocal- ist and guitarist for Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, leaned back on one of the two beds in his East Lansing motel room Monday night. Beside him, a woman named Becky was trying her best to make some cigarette papers stick together. The door opened and in walked lead vocalist Ray "Dr. -Hook" Sawyer, bringing with him an- other woman. . "Hey!" (looking at a room service tray that had been left on the dresser) "Has Nine Year seen this yet?" (lifting up a food warmer to reveal a Reuben sand- wich and some potato chips) "You see, some men have wo- men and Nine Year (road man- ager) has a dog named Reuben. He gets so fucking mad when we eat Reubens." Earlier in the evening, the group had turned out a high- energy "raunch and roll" per- formance at The Brewery, an East Lansing bar that seats about 1,0010. At this point, the phone rang. "Hello?" ... "Fuck, I told them not to ring the room for a couple of hours, with this interview and things . . . lWhy the name Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show? Dennis: "We were playing Country and Western in a Union City (New Jersey) bar and the owner noticed it was always the same drunks came to see us-. we had found a cult." One night, he decided we needed a name and gave us "40 minutes" to find one. Ray, with his patch and hat, gave us the idea . iit seemed to work. So the patch is real? Ray: "I've worn it since a car wreck about six years ago. I've only had to take it off ten times to show folks . . . Jerry Lee Lewis once came up to me and said--hey, man, that patch ain't real-I showed him and he turn- ed purple and puked." How long has it been since ok and Medicine Show those Union City days? Ray: "We've been together for about four years." ("we" mean- ing Ray and Dennis with Bill Francis on keyboards, vocal; Jay David on drums, vocal; George Cummings on electric guitar and vocal) "Rik and Jance are new." (Rik Elswit on rhythm guitar and Jance Garfat on bass). Have you gone through any changes since then? Ray: "We're playing better now." Dennis: "We've gotten into en- tertaining each other." Ray: "Not me." Dennis: "Turning professional' - . . we spent time wondering who we wanted to be . . . just had to wiggle away the bullshit . . . act like ourselves,." Do you usually feel pretty good about your performances? Ray: "Usually .. sometimes you feel as if you could have been better it all balances out." Dennis: "You do everything you know; you do exactly every- thing." How about your audiences? Ray: "We have fun. Some- times t h e y throw o r a n g e s, money ..." Dennis: "They can do any- thing, as long as they don't kill us." Do you write any of your own material? Ray: "'We've been doing most- ly Shel's stuff. But we do write some of our own-like 'Bullfrog' that we played tonight. Our new album (should be released in about 6 weeks) has more of our own material on it." Dennis was working on a song the other day. 'I really liked th lyrics, but the chorus didn't work. Shel heard it and liked the chorus, redid the lyrics and it sounds good. How did you get together with Shel Silverstein? Dennis: "Shel wrote the sound track for a Dustin Hoffman movie - 'Who Is Harry Keller- man and Why Is He Saying These Awful Things?' He liked the way we worked with his material and we've been doing it ever since. Did you encounter any prob- lems getting airplay for your current single "Cover of the Roll- ing Stone"? Dennis: "Yeah. - BBC said it was againstatheir advertising code because we sang 'Rolling Stone' too many times. We told them we wouldn't ever use the letters 'B,' 'B,' or 'C' in our songs. Columbia (Records) came through with an idea though, and had a number you could call to hear the song." ".^.ror },gr y r,.- oN' :.,.:+.,...;; .. r :r is rrrrr .rr}.,^,.;q:.-.":s ";.; : : ..;Y,! irr, 7{i . .... :;"i :r. ' ^};: e"r .qy J f, : %::: ti" iY ,i .. x - .v:::F:: : .: 'r.?:1 J..:..".nuf+r {::Xbirve}:"2 i}:":";e: rrs.+s'.". Y.:..: vti rt"?: o}:.:5 4 :.. ..... Ray: "We had some trouble with New York statiois for the cocaine and pills lines." I noticed that you switched leads a lot tonight? Ray: "We never deny anyone the right to do what he can 'do ..we won't hold anyone back." Dennis: "We play how we feel don't plan anything." Your first single - "Sylvia's Mother"-did you mean that to be a parody? Ray: "No, we approached it seriously as a serious love song. It actuallyahappened to Shel. I could relate to it-I remember Shel's 'Soupstone' - "it's univer- sal " (he sang a few lines of the story about a family who can taste the chicken and tomatoes in their stew when it's really nothing but potatoes, water and a soupstone). Dennis: "We're trying to get it down to personalities . . . no -matter what we play, it's the same seven guys with the same show. So where does your tour take you next? Ray: "We've been on the road- for 18 months now . . heading down to Ohio next . Akron, I think . . . then to Europe in f Oh, we're big rock singers We got golden fingers And we're loved everywhere we go. We take all kinds of pills To give us all kind a thrill§, But the thrill we've never known Is the thrill that'll getcha When you get your picture On the cover of the Rolling Stone. -.Shel Silverstein 9:00 14:001 7:00 8:00 11:00 Morning After Show Progressive Rock Folk Talk Back Rhythm and Blues Progressive Rock vra:."r:"}: '"}i i;'fi:p$":!$.a"}S:"::;}'{r Y.,+.;::a;.:"Yg".. :M, ?""rr: ''l:: e'!r, .; :v;:S;c};Yr:$;i:" ye.}"prrr,:},r,??;;1 ;F3:rrr.;.;r: ,sag, ar' .i.:":E :{" }: 'tf."'r?"..4vu::,"r}.":.".., ,}a.: 4 ..,...":i1«74drrn:z}rs:."rrr. rsr .:.:.e.. a.r"r rli>,,:.: ..ns1 }t r.? ;:a"?"3rvk ,.ar::... not seeing a chick for four days and calling up to find she was married." Both singles have been so totally unlike each other. What's, coming next? Ray: "Yeah, we came off like two different bands . .'we just went somewhere else, that's all." We're stillsnotdsure aboutthe next one (should'rbe released in 2 weeks). We're thinking of June. How do you feel about going to Europe? Ray: I'm not sure . . . rather be established as 'American' first. Do you ever have any regrets? Wished you'd produced a song differently? Ray: "No . them exactly them . . We've done as we felt CULrURE CALENDAR CINEMA-Cinema Guild shows Gebhardt's Ten for Two: Dec 171 rally for John Sinclair tonight at 7, 9:05, Arch. Aud.; Friends of Newsreel shows Kramer's Ice tonight at 7, 9:30, Aud., MLB; Rugby team shows Them tonight at 7, 9, Nat. Sci. Aud.; Women's Studies shows Women on the March, The Women's Film tonight at 7, UGLI Multipurpose room; New World Film Coop shows I Am Curious (yellow) tonight at 7:30, 9:30, Mendelssohn. MUSIC-John Calloway, bass, Cady R., Stearns Bldg, NC, tonight at 8. Poets- The Michigan Daily Arts E Page is now. > accepting poetry .for publication. Submit work to Arts Editor c/o The Daily. 1m ea~w Anw those Fabulous Philadelphians! Eugene Ormandb and his magnificent Philadelphia Orchestra are returning to \nn Arbor to help celebrate the 80th Annual May Festival in four concerts, May 2, 3, 4, and 5. This marks the 38th consecutive appearance in this Festival of the Philadelphians, whto have won the admiration of countless millions of mousic lovers over the decades. STi ' +sretrain for the Thursday. N ay 3rd concert only, which stars the iestra, under Mae. tiro Ormandy, in the following program:' Brahtn.s: Symtphoniy No. 4 in E minor trauss: Ei n leldenlehen' i ith Norman Carol, solo violin) Tickets from 83.50 to $8.50 available at:N 5%MUSICAL 8OCIETY Presenting the Jay Ward CARTOON FESTIVAL featuring ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE and DUDLEY DO-RIGHT and FRACTURED FAIRY TALES " WOSSAMOTTA U. " PINOCCHIO 0 SNIDELY WHIPLASH * MEMBER OF THE PEACE CORPS e MOUSE THAT BELLED THE CAT * GERONIMO (Sherman and Pebody) *'I LOVE LITTLE PUSSY 0 SECLUDED VALLEY M INTERVIEW OF THE SCIENTIST WITH THE SECRET PROJECT C PONY EXPRESS 0 SNOW WHITE ! SINGING WAITER a CROW AS PEACOCK TORONTO 0 WOSSAMOTTA U. VS. MUD CITY TON IGHT!-April 18th-ONLY 7, 8:45, & 10:30 p.m. COMING n the best TfikAf^D iA%"ent b