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January 17, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-17

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Page Eight


Wednesday, January 7, 1973

Pa e E g tT H I H GNIA L e ne dyIa ua y 1 , 1 7

Purdue's Schaus


Housing Information and Services
for the Fall Term 1973
and Winier Term 1974

a Big Ten dark horse

Starting in January

1973 a Housing Information

Panel will visit the residence hall in order to make
students aware of the housing alternatives and
services available for the Fall Term 1973 and Win-

ter Term 1974.
The Panel will

Picture yourself as general
manager of the Los Angeles
Lakers last spring. Your team
has just steamrolled to the NBA
title and experts are proclaiming
the team that you put together
as one of the best in history.
What can you do next?
If you're Fred Schaus, you
quit in order to return to your
first love, college coaching. It
may sound incredible, but that's
how Purdue walked into one of
jthe foremost basketball minds
around-and unemployed, too.
Schaus must enjoy challenges,
because before the season began
this Boilermaker squad seemed to
be going no where. The 1971-72
team, George Kin'slastrcom-
piled a mediocre 12-12 record,
and the two leading scorers and
rebounders, Bill Franklin and
Bob Ford, both departed. Schaus
would have to be a miracleman
if the Riveters hoped to have a
shot at even a first division Big
Ten finish.
Well, nobody has seen the
coach walking on water yet, but
Purdue has quietly developed in-
to the surprise team in the con-
ference. Schaus' outfit is one of
three undefeated loop teams (2-
0), and their overall mark is an
outstanding 9-3.
y How in tarnation has Schaus
done it? After all, of the Riveters'
three returning regulars the lead-
ing scorer, Frank Kendrick, only
averaged 11 ponts last year.
Schaus looks to his defense.
"We've done a good job with
individual and team defense, and
creating offensive opportunities

be composed

of representatives
Office, Office of

from the Housing Information


Services and Programs, and The Envi ron-

:,> .:.

mental Health Department.

for ourselves because of it," he
says. "It's been defense and
hustle. We've gotten off 14 more
shots a game than our opponents.
I like that statistic."
But when you glance at Pur-
due's stats, the one figure that
jumps off the page at you is their
scoring average-89.3 ppg. That's
eighth best in the nation, not a
bad mark for a "defensive"
The damaging weapons in the
Boilers' pro-type, fast break of-
fense have been a pair of stand-
out front coujrt men, 6-11 sopho-
more John Garrett and their 6-6
junior forward Kendrick.
Garrett, - who has more than
lived up to his "can't miss"
label, led the club in scoring all
season until he hooped but one
lone bucket last Saturday against
Northwestern. His figures are
19.5 ppg and nearly 10 rebounds.
Schaus uses his big man both
high and low, mainly because
Garrett is his best shooter from
the 15-18 foot range.
The squad's top scorer, Ken-
drick, is described by Boiler pub-
licist Ted Haracz as "a more
physical Henry Wilmore of two
years ago." A fine one-on-one
player who has defensive short-
comings, Kendrick has nudged
his point average just over 20
and his board figure to 9.2.
None of the other three starters
average in double digits, but
each has a vital role in Schaus'
cage philosonhy. A freshman
guard from tiny Yorktown, In-
dina, has especially been valu-
Although only scoring 9.6 points
a clash, 6-2 Bruce Parkinson has
solidified what apoeared to be
the Riveters' Achilles heel, the
backcourt. He's been on the hard-
wood more minutes than any of
his teammates and heads the
team in an often overlooked cate-
gory, assists. Parkinson has 69
already, 20 more than any Purdue
cager garnered all last winter.
The other backcourt regular,
6-2 senior Dennis Gamauf, has
been hindered all year with a
bum ankle. He's only received
the starting call five times be-
cause of it. Perhaps the ace de-
fender at guard, Gamauf has
shown only limited offensive
firepower (5.3 ppg).
Another Riveter starter who
doesn't score much is 6-6 senior
cornerman Jovan Price. His
game is quickness and defense.
Schaus says of his 180 pound
stringbean, "He's so quick that
not only are his opponents sur-
prised, but so are the officials
and opposing coaches." Price

owns a scoring mark of 7.3.
Because Schaus has his club
fast breaking and pressing full-
court, his starters seldom play
the full 40 minutes. And since he
is afstrong believer in having
fresh troops in at all times, nine
different players have performed
in at least 10 of the 13 games,
A key reserve up front has
been 6-6 soph Jerry Nichols. He's
thrown in six points a game, but
more importantly has boarded
well despite his 175 pound frame.
He characterizes Purdue's slen-
der frontline, of which Schaus
says, "We'll need to be super
aggressive every night of Big
Ten play to make up for our lack
of muscle."
However bright the Boiler-
maker cage picture, seems at
present, Riveter fans are far
from talking championship. Pur-
due's nine victims have included
such nonentities as Indiana
State and TCU, while their big-
gest triumph is probably the Il-
linos win. And the Boilermakers
must still journey to Michigan
(this Saturday), Minnesota, MSU,
and Indiana.
But the men of West Lafayette
are still a far cry from the team
which was picked to finish deep
in the Big Ten's second division.
Purdue last had a losing season
in 1966 and a championship in
1969. Although neither is likely
in 1973, a bet on the latter is
probably more thoughtful than on
the former.

iufay Il Sports
Icers battle Spartians
"THE BEST in the West" will be featured at Michigan's
Coliseum tonight, but this time that does not refer to the
Maize and Blue. Michigan State's Spartans come to town, leading
the Western Collegiate Hockey Association with a 9-2-1 record
and 29 points, and boasting a 13-4-1 overall mark.
Meanwhile, the Wolverines are still floundering around in the
ninth position (in a league in which eight teams qualify for the
post-season playoffs), by virtue of their three wins, coupled with
13 defeats.
However, Michigan surprised most everyone with its 6-4
win overthen-third place Denver last Fridaypin afour pant
affair. But the Pioneers came back to capture Saturday's
contest, 8-5, and thereby jump over Wisconsin and into the
second spot.
Tonight's visitors are led in the scoring column by right wing
Michel Chaurest, who currently totals 16 goals and 27 points.
Defenseman Bob Boyd follows with 24 points, although his main
"forte" isahis tendency to be penalized. In 17 games so far,
Boyd has accumulated 81 minutes in the penalty box.
Minding the nets for the Green and White is Ron Clark, who
currently sports a 3.25 average and has made 353 saves, the
second lowest total in the league, which may say something
for his defense.
Michigan's captain, Rick Mallette, leads the Wolverine point-
getters with 23, but from there it's quite a drop to Frank Werner
and Angie Moretto, who have 16 each. Werner leads in goal-
scoring with nine, followed by Moretto and Gary, Kardos with
eight apiece.
A bit of the limelight is missng from last year's meetings
between these two teams, when the rivalry between cousins
Bernie and Gilles Gagnon could be stressed. Michigan's Bernie,
since graduated, is now playing in the Western Hockey League,
and State's Gilles just recently completed his eligibility at MSU
with the expiration of the fall term there. He was State's second
leading scorer when he graduated last semester.
The two teams split their four games last year, but overall
Michigan holds 69-35-1 advantage.



Harbough joins M' grid staff

Ann Arbor Expects To Build More Bicycle Paths Soon.
Where Do You Think These Paths Are Needed Most?
Please Help By Filling Out This Questionnaire

Turn in or mail to:

Planning Dept., City Hall
100 Fifth St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Ecology Center
417 Detroit St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Jack Harbough expresses his in-
tensity in his mannerisms as he al-
most frantically dispenses with his
busywork and pulls up a chair to
talk. A new face, and personality
has come to Michigan's football as
Harbough takes his place as de-
fensive backfield coach.
The 33-year-old, dark-haired new-
comer spoke with his gestures as
well as his voice, enthusiastically
reflecting upon his transfer from
Iowa. "The startling and interest-
ing aspect (in coaching) is t h e
changingfrom oneaschool to ano-
ther . . . to begin over," he com-
Starting fresh on another campus
is not new to Harbough. Before his
two years at Iowa as defensive
backfield coach, he was an assist-
ant for three years at Bowling
Green, coached for a number of

1. The Ann Arbor Bicycle League has distributed a bike path questionnaire.
Have you turned in one of these AABL questionnaires? Yes Q No
2. How old are you?
3. In what area of the city do you live?


high schools and put in one year as
an assistant at Morehead State in
Bowling Green seems to be com-
mon ground for Michigan coaching
material. Harbough played as a de-
fensive back for the Falcons and
was a teammate of former offen-
sive line coach Larry Smith. Form-
er defensive coordinator Jim
Young, the new interior line coach
Elliot Uzelac, as well as head
coach Bo Schembechler all served
at Bowling Green under Do y t
Harbough and Schembechler
were not strangers before Har-
bough arrived in Ann Arbor about
two and a half weeks ago but their
acquaintance was not born at Bowl-
ing Green. As coach at Xenia High
School in Ohio, Harbough attend-
ed Miami's spring practices where
Schembechler coached.
As Miami's mentor, Schembech-
ler tried to recruit Doug Adams, a
protege of Harbough's. Adams
went on to play. for Ohio State
where he was linebacker on the
Buckeye teams of '69 and '70.
Harbough served for two years
under Iowa coach Frank Lauter-
bur and spoke with exceeding re-
spect for the Hawkeye mentor. "I
was always impressed. He's a tre-
mendous handler of men and an
enthusiastic individual and that's
the reason he'll be successful at

year. Harbough acknowledged the
necessity of playing freshmen at
Iowa because of their rebuilding
program. He added however, that
though freshmen may be "physi-
cally capable, they may:not be
emotionally prepared" for the pres-
sure over two, or three years.
Harbaugh, whose position w a s
made available when Gary Moeller
replaced Young at defensive co-
ordinator after Young took t h e
head coaching job at Arizona, is
"very much impressed" with Mich-
igan and the coaching staff,.stating
that the 'calibre is first clas in
every respect. I hope I 'can make
some sort of contribution."
The young coach will have the
opportunity to apply his , talents
March 15 when practice starts
prior to the Spring game April 21.
WCHA Standings
W;L T Pts



Campus, central part of town 111
North side, North Campus Q

Near west side LI
Near east side.

Northwest LQSou
Outside of Ann Arbor

uthwest Q

Northeast LI

Southeast L

Michigan State
North Dakota
Michigan Tech
Colorado Col.






Address: __
4. What are your most frequent bicycling destinations?

Tonight's Games

An astonishing 15 freshmen let- Michigan State at MICHIGAN
tered for Iowa's football team last Air Force at Denver

Put one check mark for:

1st most

2nd most

3rd most

U-M central campus
Downtown (Central Business District)
Ecology Center, Farmer's Market
Westside shopping centers (Maple Vill)
Eastside shopping centers (Arborland)
Park (name)
5. Describe the bicycle routes you use most frequently:
6. How often do you use your bicycle?

Al! the time, year around LI
All the time during good weather LI

About 4-5 trips per week
About once per week or less L

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7. What kind of bicycle trips do you make most often?

Commute to work
To visit friends

Commute to school
For fun and recreation ___

Shopping & errands

8. Do you have favorite routes, or are there problems or suggestions you want to offer?

Mt IN !O 0't I 1 A N 0



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