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April 15, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-15

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See Editorial Page


Sir iAau


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 15, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


GOP against sewer
The Washtenaw County Republican Committee has unani-
mously voted "total and unequivocal opposition" to the proposed
"Super Sewer." The Republicans vehemently railed at the plan
- which calls for all sewage from Washtenaw, Wayne and
Oakland Counties to be treated at one huge plant on Lake
Erie. They called- the proposed plan ill-conceived, and claimed
it would have detrimental effects to the Huron River. With such
across-the-board oposition to the sewer, we wonder who-besides
Gov. William Milliken and Environmental Protection Agency
head William Ruckelshaus, the plan's originators - still has
hopes for the Super Sewer.
Raffle winner
The winner of the Nguyen Van Troi Children's Hospital Com-
mittee's raffle is Brenda. Applebaum. As winner, she receives
ten per cent of the proceeds collected. The committee sold 1638
tickets at 25 cents each, giving Brenda $37.43. The committee is
currently in the planning stages for a concert to be held this
Happenings ...
are many today beginning at 6:00 a.m. with a "Festival
of Life" sunrise, followed by a 9:00 a.m. breakfast, 10:00 kite
flying, and noon feasting all in the Arb from the Future Worlds
Conference . . . At 12:30 p.m. there's an Israeli Folk Dance
at Hillel, 1429 Hill . . . at 1:30 p.m. is a Rock Bands Workshop
at the Union . . . Also at 1:00 p.m. is a lecture on "Future
Economy" by Dr. Donald Fusfeld at 170 P & A . .. If neither
of those suit you, then' the Volleyball Club presents a MIVA
tournament at IM bldg. . . . From 2:00 p.m.,- 5:30 p.m. the Arb
will be full of workshops and learning sessions from the Future
Worlds Conference . .. The Community Woman's Clinic is hav-
ing an open meeting at St. Andrew's Church at 3:00 p.m.' to
select a coordinating committee . . . For a $1.50, you can
eat some Vietnamese food at Bach Mai dinner at 6:00 p.m.
at the Guild House ... The annual Undergraduate. Art Show
begins today from 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. in the Union Assembly
Room and continues for two weeks . .. At 8:00 p.m. a candle lit
march of peace and brotherhood begins at the Arb . . . and at
9:00 p.m. the Future Worlds Conference has an evening gathering
a the Union Ballroom. Have a good day.
Dope note
SEATTLE - The second grader who brought two plants in
a milk carton for "show and tell" should have asked first
before bringing them to school. Police officer Larry Shafer and
Principal Anna Averholt of Alki School agreed the plants
were marijuana.
Hold the onions
DETROIT - Detroit's two most famed hot dog dealers.
American Coney Island Restaurant and Lafayette Coney Island,
have stopped shovelling onions on their spicy product. The
price of onions, they say, is too high. In the last six months, on-
ions have skyrocketed from $5.50 to $28 for 50 pounds. It's enough
to make an onion lover cry.
Spy vs. spy
WASHINGTON -'In a battle t gain full control of U.S. spy
operations, Maj. Gen. Daniel Graham of theDefense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) released a statement saying, "there is no longer
a need, in my judgment, to duplicate DIA's efforts in other
agencies," a seemingly clear reference to the Central Intelli-
gence Agency. A highly-placed source in the CIA responded by
saying, "If anybody thinks they are going to take over major
jobs from CIA, theyre way off the beam," a seemingly clear
reference to a lack of intelligence in the DIA.
Republicans attack Nixon
WASHINGTON - President Nixon, current figurehead of the
Republican Party, is having a little trouble with dissension in
the ranks, as virtually every Senate Republican wants Nixon
to disclose all available facts behind the Watergate affair - at
least according to a survey of GOP Senators. From Arizona's
Barry Goldwater and Virginia's William Scott on the right to
New York's Jacob Javits on the left, many Republican Senators
of all ideological stripes want Nixon to let White House aides
testify at the Watergate hearings. In addition, about two-thirds
of the 43 Republican Senators feel that the incident will gravely
damage the GOP in the '74 and '76 elections. What ever hap-
pened to party loyalty?
Marigolds forever'
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.. - The widow of Sen. Everett Dirksen
(R-Ill.), is traveling the country promoting her late husband's
favorite cause - trying to make the marigold the national
flower. Sen. Dirksen had once said the flower had "rugged'

humility of character and, like the American eagle and the
American flag, is an exclusively American emblem."
Gay teacher's case continues
BALTIMORE - Dr: Stanton Friedman and Rev. William
Stayton took the stand yesterday in U.S. District Court in defense
of Joseph Acanfora, who lost his eighth grade teaching position
for being an avowed homosexual. Dr. Friedman, head of pedia-
trics at the University of Rochester, and Rev. Stayton, instruc-
tor of family planning at the University of Pennsylvania, feel
that a homosexual would not influence teenagers and would
actually help students find :heir own sexual identity. A decision
will probably be reached within ten days.
Cow chips to fly
BEAVER, Okla. - if you're out in this area next Saturday,
don't forget to stop in and see Oklahoma Gov. David Hall
throw out the first cow chip to start the Annual World Champion-
ship Cow Chip Throwing Contest. (A cowchip is what is left
behind after the cow moves on.) It looks like real tough
competition this year. So many people have wanted to compete,
that regional throw-offs throughout the country were set up.
On the inside . . .
this week's Sunday Morning page features a look
at Ann Arbor's bar scene . ,. Diane Levick reviews the
Professional Theatre Program's "Story Theatre"' . . and
Jeff Chown reports on our Detroit Tigers on the Shorts

1 r !'




throngs greet
former POW
Ann Arbor showed its colors yesterday:
red, white and blue. Flags waved, the
mayor said words like' 'patriotism' and
'courage' and everyone stood for the na-
tional anthem - all because ex-POW Air
Force Capt. Jack Butcher was home.
Capt. Butcher arrived at the University
baseball stadium in a Chevy Caprice with
a member of the local American Legion
post serving as' chauffeur. Original plans
had called for him to land on the baseball
diamond in a helicopter but none could
be found.
A fleet of local dignitaries was on hand
to welcome, the returning ex-POW: Presi-
dent Robben Fleming with 50-yardline foot-
See related-story, Page 2
ball passes, Mayor James Stephenson with
a gold key to the city. They were joined by
a squadron of engineering school deans,
the Unive'rsity marching band, an emissary
from the governor, a letter from Rep. Mar-
vin Esch- and two local ministers with
their blessings.
The homecoming became dramatic as
Capt. Butcher fumbled with the corsage he
was to pin on his wife; finally, blushing
and defeated, he handed it to his sister.
Looking a bit ragged because they had
been assembled on short notice, the march-
ing band nevertheless launched into a
See BUTCHER, Page 2

Daly Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
CAPTAIN JACK BUTCHER, his wife Dawn, and American Legionaire Hugh Gaston acknowledge the military accolades of assembled ROTC cadets yester-
day during ceremonies welcoming the former POW beck to Ann Arbor.

says aides*1t
wll estify
011 spying
Former Attorney General
John Mitchell said yesterday
a f t e r conferring w i t h
President Nixon that he ex-
pected White House aides to
testify before the Secial Sen-
ate committee inve stigatin
the Watergate bugeing case.
Mitchell said he a eager to
appear before the Senate conmit.
tee headed by Sen. Sam Ervin (D-
N.C.) and expressed confidence
that any White House offici d
"who has been remotely involved"
would be authorized by Nixon to
testify as well.
Mitchell also predicted that the
results of the Senate inuiry would
not be damaging or based on what
he knows about the Watergate
He added, however, he did not
know all the facts that might be I
Negotiations between the White a
House and the Ervin committee
have been going on since Nixon
said he would invoke executive(G
privilege to prevent any of his nast -
or present aides from testifying
under oath and in open session.
"I think that you will find . . .
they will come to an accommoda-
tion where everybody in the White
House who has been remotely in- mit
volved will 'be testifying," Mit- con
chell said. isn
Mitchell, who has denied re-
ports that he himself had any ad- In
vance knowledge of the Watergate t
conspiracy, said "I think every- pag
body who's involved, or has been ,chi
stated to be involved, will come par
forward and I don't think it will
hurt the Presidency or the Re- not
publican party." ion

Arab guerrilla group
takes credit for raid


U.S. oil


By UP and Al'
BEIRUT -- A self-styled guer-
rilla organization calling itself the
L e b a n e s e Revolutionary
Guard yesterday claimed credit
for the early morning attack on
an American - owned oil refinery
near the south Lebanon port of
The group said the attack
was aimed at the unholy "Ameri-
can-Saudi Arabia - Lebanese alli-
The . official Palestinian news
agency WAFA, however, charged
the claim was circulated "by
American agents to mislead the
people." WVAFA, denied guerrillas
were involved anddsaid the attack
was carried out by Israeli coin-
Earlier in the week, the Pales-
tinian guerrillas tried to link U. S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
agents and the U. S. Embassy in
Beirut with the Israeli commando
raid into the Lebanese capital in
which three top guerrilla leaders
were assassinated. The United
States has denounced the allega-
tion as reminiscent of the' "big
lie" tactics of Adolf Hitler's Nazi
Armed saboteurs overpoweredI
four guards and used time bombs
to set fire to two oildstoragebtanks
in the tank farm owned by the
Trans - Arabian Pipeline Co. A
doctor who treated the guards said
they identified their 11 assailants

tack was "intended to blow the
unholy alliance between the Unit-
ed States, Saudi Arabia and Leba-
non that is directed against the
live and independence of our peo-
"Oil feeds imperialism and goes
into planes and other destructive
weapons with which the United
States is supplying the Israeli
enemy generously," the statement
The group first surfaced last
year when it claimed responsibil-

ity for robberies at several foreign
banks in Beirut, but it has been
dormant since then.
Major Palestinian liberation or-
ganizations denied any involve-
ment, although they have a base
near the refinery where t h e y
maintain fishing boats for raids on
' Reports from the U. N. yester-
day indicated the Arab nations
led by Egypt may be planning to
demand the expulsion of Israel
from the United Nations.

Federal funding

iocker wvou~l be je1lW s
The shaggy-haired young hipster, above, dances and plays an
nvisible guitar a la Joe Cocker. Bands on People's Plaza played
all afternoon on perhaps the nicest day of the new year..
Better dead thian rhed
WASHINGTON 01i - The editor of the Republican National Coin-
ttee newsletter confirmed yesterday that he sent a letter to a
mmunist newspaper in New York saying, "Ah, at last. Pablo Picasso
now a good Communist."
The implication behind the missive is that the 'only good Com-
iist is adead one. Picasso, who died April 8, was a Communist of
ig standing.
The communist Daily World reproduced the letter on its front
ge yesterday with a note saying it had sent a wire to GOP party
ef George Bush asking if the letter expressed the position of the
John Lofton, editor, of the GOI' newsletter, said he wrote 'the
e "as a wisecrack." Bush denied that the note expressed the opin-:
of the Republican National Committee.


colleges cut

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Officials of some of the largest U.S. col-
leges and universities said yesterday they expect annual revenue losses
of up to $25 million next year if the Nixon administration's proposed
budget cutbacks go, into effect.
"Virtually every on-going higher education program has either
been eliminated or reduced substantially in the 1974 budget re-
quests," the 128-member National Association of State Universities
I and Land Grant Colleges stated in a report.
It said the hardest hit programs would be in the field health
'sciences and student aid grants.
The estimated losses of federal aid under President Nixon's
budget proposals for the fiscal year begining July 1 include an $8

as Palestinians but an American million cut in the University's allocation.
oil official said the identity of the ' Budget cuts in the health sciences will affect grants to train young
attackers remained a mystery.
The attack on the huge oil fa- medical researchers and to subsidize schools of pharmacy, nursing,
cility followed repeated calls by veterinary ' medicine, optometry, podiatry and public health, the
Palestinian leaders for attacks on association said
American property in the Middle'asoitnsid
East as a reprisal for Tuesday's "What is even more devastating is the shift in the values of
Israeli raid on Beirut. our government and nation from high priority public health problems
A statement from the Lebanese
Revolutionary Guard said the at- See NIXON, Page 7

Tomorrow, State Representative Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) brings his sub-committee on ten-
ants rights to town for public hearings on renter





If they became state law, the measures kveuJ
probably have their most significant impact here
in Ann Arbor which has the second highest avcrae
rent rate in the country.

kept the rents high and ever -ircreasing.
The concept of rent control has been bandied
about as a possible solution to the high rent dilemn-
ma. Recently City Council set up a commission to

rent control board in Brookline, Mass., is not
as confident as Cahill on - the subject of rent
control benefits.
"I've seen it not work," she says, "in a situa-

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