Saturcloy, April 14, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY u; q Saturday, April 14, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paqe Seven 3DolI: The childr fwar By HOURST F'AAS, HANOI- As in other Asian cities, children doninate the street scene in Hanoi. They play amid the now-closed air raid shelters, Hanois many large park and on tree- shaded sidewals And as e"erywhere in Ai, a child's life is no always play: .$ome lp their parents o ear the rubble from la December air raids, some help to push carts with havy loads through the idy. Some children are small-time sidewalk vendor:, augmenting h ir parents' meager 100 dong $27 a mnth ombined salary. Of Hanoi's 2 millon population, 25 per cent are children atending primary and secondary chools. Officials say that even during the air war almot all North iet- namese children could attend school. Schools have a 7-to-lO-year curriculum, and each year 6,000 children are graduated from secondary school in Hanoi. In contact with foreigners the kids are outgoing, curious and much less shy than the grownups. They are fed sufficiently, but often are poorly dressed. Many wear the white shirt and red scarf of the Communit youth movement in school. When they march through Hanoi on official occasions or line up to cheer a visiting state guest they wear the same Ho Chi Minh sandals made from old rubber tires a the North Vietnamese soldiers that fought the French and in South Vietnam. Hanoi school-children, dressed in the white shirts and red scarves of the youth movement, are shown re- turning from school recently. Twenty-five per cent of Hanoi's 1.2 million population are children attend- ing primary and secondary schools. ,everal children are shown recently near a rubble-strewn r 'sidence in the Kham Thien district of H a n o i which was hit by a B-52 strike in December of last year. The children of Hanoi sometimes work with their parents to clear away the wreckage. A snappy young militia-woman in a pith helmet paused recently on a downtown Hanoi street for photographer Horst Foas. Faas reported that the kids are more outgoing, more curious, and less shy in contact with foreigners than grownups. AP Photos by HORST FAAS 5 , rf .., :, .. . . .r- a wEM.