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April 11, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-11

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_Poge Eight


Wednesday, April H, 1973


Wednesd-/I-, April 1. 1973-

Law admission

:-:. :


(Continued from Page 1)
applicants are evaluated by com-
puters using a formula based on
the grade point averages and
LSAT scores of the freshmen of
two years before who ended up
with the highest grade point av-
erages in their first year in law
school. Students whose scores do
not measure up are rejected al-
most immediately and high scor-
ers are accepted.
All students' applications are
considered by the dean of admis-
sions. If the students' scores are
in the middle - "uncertain" -
range, their applications may be
reviewed by the Admissions Policy
Committee, a committee consist-
ing of four faculty members and
three law students appointed by
the Law Student Senate.
The Committee gives its opinion
but doesn't make admissions de-
cisions. An average of less than
ten applications come before the
committee each year.
Waterson says that although the
2001 ife
(Continued from Page 1)
in outlying villages. For a dollar
a year per student, he said, Brazil
could broadcast education pro-
grams over twelve channels of
color TV.
. In the future, he explained, vi-
sion telephones will allow people
not only to talk face to face across
the globe but to "dial" the image
of the day's newspaper or even a
book from the global library.
"The day will come when it will
be impossible to imagine how we
ever managed to run the world
without them," Clarke said.
Such an invention will replace
mail, he added, and cut the cost
of garbage collection in half.
"You can understand why I get
so annoyed at people who ask why
we spend so much on space when
we have so many problems here
on earth," Clarke explained.
He added a word of caution to
those who expect too little of tech-
nology. Clarke told of pessimistic
British critics of the telephone and
electric light who predicted they
could never be of practical use.
At first people said the automobile
could only be used in cities, he
added, because at the time there
were no roads in the country.
"In the beginning of this cen-'
tury,'.' he reminded the audience,
"this country had only 150 miles
of roads, Who could have predicted
that in a single lifetime it would
be all road?"
In the future, Clarke said, man
may be able to mechanize all his
activities. He pictured not only the
development of robots to do house-
hold work, but the sophistication of
animals to the point where they
could act as servants and even
The impact of all these tech-
nological advances, Clarke predict-
ed, would be full unemployment
and universal leisure, The great-
est industry of the future will be
education, he said, and the second
greatest will be entertainment.
"I think the two should be sy-j
nonymous anyway," he added. M
Clarke said he sees this em-
phasis on education as one of the
most important implications of a
totally technological society.-
"The year 2001 could mark the:
great divide between barbarism:
and civilization,' he concluded. "In1
our lifetime we may have a'chancet
to see the final end of the middleI

high dependence on grades and
scores in the application process
is "not a perfect" method by
which to evaluate prospective stu-
dents, "statistically, they (students
with high grades and scores) con-
tinue to do well in law school."
"Since six to seven people are
rejected for every one that is ac-
cepted, we have to have a reason
for every person we accept," Wat-
erson said.
In evaluation of the admissions
process, Helen Forsyth, president
of Women Law Students and
member of the Admissions Policy
Committee, says, "In the gross
the process is fair; in particular,
it may or may not be fair, due to
the amount of personal discretion
"The admissions process is
much better now than a few
years ago, when the existence of
females was ignored," Forsyth
continues. She cites such improve-
ments as the institution of on-
campus housing for women law
students (in the Lawyer's Club,
formerly an all-male bastion) and
recruitment by the law school at
women's colleges.
Forsyth feels, however, that
much still needs to be done to en-
courage women to go into law,
which she described as a "sex-
segregated" field.
In an effort to "establish some
kind of contact other than the for-
mal people in the formal places,"
with women accepted at the law
school, Women Law Students
sends a letter to each woman that
is accepted telling her to get in
touch with them if they can help
out with any problem that might
prevent her from coming to the
law school.
In minority admissions "the law
school has met up to its percent-
age and the admissions office
seems to be sincere," says Gail
Powell, president of Black Law
Students Alliance.
Powell says that the situation in
black admissions has changed over
the past few years. "The stereo-
types of 'I can't do it' have been
knocked down among black stu-
dents and the problem of attract-
ing people to apply no longer ex-
ists," she says.
"It's hard to talk about dis-
crimination when the law school
has admitted a sizable number of
people. Women and minorities are
now in the same game as every-
one else - competing," Powell
Powell also remarks that minor-
ity women are counted twice in
law school enrollment statistics:
Once as women and once as mem-
bers of their minority group.
Almost any major is a good
preparation for law school because
"the law is a tremendously varied
Meat sales
rise again
(Continued from Page 1
our meat sales than the boycott."
White's Market on E. William, and
M.T. Strictland Groceries on Ob-
servatory also reported only a
slight decline in meat sales last
Rutledge sees the possibility that
because farmers have held their
meat off the market, the meat boy
cott might backfire.
"The dominant problem is that
there may be a quite serious short-
age of meat and a resulting price
rise, We'll see what the effects of
the boycott are when farmers start
putting their meat back on the
market," he explained.

field," according to law Professor
Douglas Kahn, head of pre-legal
counseling and chairgian of the
Admissions Policy Committee.
"There's no such thing as the law
sitting out here alone," Kahn con-
The great surge of interest in
law during the past five years is
due to "depression in some other
fields such as history, sociology,
and some of the sciences like roc-
ket research. There was also a big
boom in the need for lawyers be-
cause of the government adding on
special offices," says Kahn.
"Another factor that is not
small," Kahn adds, "is that the
last five years have been a "per-
iod of idealism of the young. Law
school was seen as a lever to so-
cial action."
While both interest in law and
job opportunities for lawyers have
declined slightly since 1970, Kahn
claims that "if a person can get
into a good law school, he should-
n't worry about getting a job. But
if hisonly reason for going to law
school is to get a good job, he
should think about it."

English - Studies in Religion: R.
Weeks, "King Strang," B-ill MLB, 3
Journalism, Near East. Lang, & Lit.:
A. Al-Sawi, Am, U, Cairo, Egypt, "Rise
& Dev. of the Egyptian Press," Lect.
Rm. 1, MLB, 3 pm.
Army Ofe. Education: H. Hull, Asst.
Sec. of Army, Aud. 4, MLB, 4 pm.
Music School' E. Lowinsky, Chicago
U, "Life of Josquin des Prez: A New
Picture in the Making," Chrysler Aud.,
NC, 4 pmn.
Psych. 171 Film: "Multiple Man;"
"Why Man Creates;" "Monument to
the Dream," UGLI Multipurpose Rm,
4 pm,
S t u d e n t Lab Theatre: Kopit's
"Chamber Music," Arena, Frieze Bidh,,,
4 pm.
Botany Seminar: L. Olive, U of No.
Carolina, "Evolutionary Trends Among
the Mycetozoans," 1139 Nat. Scd, 4 pm.
Physics Colloq.: L. Sander, "Elec-
tron Hole Liquid: A New. State of Mat-
ter," P-A Colloq. Rm., 4 pm.
Industrial & Op. Engrg: S. Elmagh-
raby, No. Carolina State at Raleigh,
"Scheduling," 229 W. Eng., 4 pm.
Hist. of Art: J. Bialostocki, U of
Warsaw, "Man & Mirror in Painting:
Xv-xvII Centuries," Aud. A, Angell,
4:10 pm.
women's Studies Film: Gertrude
Stein's "When This You See, ,Remem-
ber Me," UGLI Multipurpose Rm., 7
Computing Ctrs:gR. Frank, "Ad-
vanced COBOL Programming," 182 P-A
Bldg., 7:30 pm.
Philosophy: R. Brandt, "Suicide:

Pros & Cons," Green Lounge, E. Quadr,
7:30 pm.
Grad Coffee Hour: E. Conf. Rm,
Rackham, 8 pm.
Hopwood Lecture & Awards: R. W.
Corrigan, drama critic, "The Changing
of the Avant-Garde," Rackham Lect,
Hall, 8 pm.
Music School: D. Carroll, clarinet
doctoral, SM Recital Hall, 8 pm.
Music School: U varsity Band, E.
Larkin, conductor, Hill, 8 pm.
U Players: Cesaire's "The Tragedy of
King Christophe," Mendelssohn, 8 pm.
3200 SAB
dent Comm. on Intern'1 Affairs (3 Ad-
min. Staff positions in Wash. D.C. &
limited no. of Regional grants offered
to student on part-time basis, 10/mo.
grants) Wk. is Community-oriented
programming on foreign affairs. On
campus 4/12/73. NEOS CORP, Nagoya,
Japan - need B degree any major toj
teach Japanese Bus. Persons English 1
(2/yr, assignment.) On campus 4/25,26,

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WINTER, 1974
Applications are available for University of
Michigan students who desire to study in
England from January to June at The Uni-
versity of Sheffield or The University of
Applicants who are enrolled in education or in-
tend to be in the teacher certificate program
are eligible.
You must be a junior or first semester senior in
the term you plan to study in England.
Applications are available in Room 4115, School of Ed.
3 1 -

212 SAB
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Come to office
for details
U. S. Dept. Health, Education & wel-
fare, Wash., D. C. wide variety of op-
enings. Undergraduates must have rat-
ing from Summer Fed. Ser. Exam
Graduates, no exam needed. Apply by
April 15 for first consideration.
Flying Bridge Restaurant, Falmouth,
Mass. Openings for dishwashers. Ex-
tremely good pay. Must report for
work on May 1 or 2. Details at office.





The LSA Sudent Gov't. is interviewing for

openings on the
* Administrative Board (4)
* Curriculum Committee (4)
* Student Faculty Policy Board
* Admissions Committee (4)
* Developmental Committee (1)


0 Long

Range Policy Committee (1)


QUALIFICATIONS: A commitment to stu-
dent power in determining OUR OWN edu-

- - ___ U - , , - U - '- 'N -

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