-i Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Looking beyond the 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1973 Goons and gutter rats By KATHLEEN RICKE Editorial Director IN THE 40's we went to war and people supported it. It the sixties we burned our draft cards and people cheered. For centuries women were burned at the stake for practicing midwifery and people stood by, watching. Today women in this community will burn a medical textbook as a symbol of protest against some oppressive and unfounded practices taught in this university on the medical treatment of women, and people compare it to the Nazi book burnings of the 1930's. Today's action is a symbolic act protest- ing the mandatory use of a textbook. The Nazis book burning was done on a massive scale with the intention of removing as many copies of the book from circulation as possible. While the actions are similar, the intent and reasoning are not. THE BURNING OF this book is just one small part of a saga that has been develop- ing for years. In this instance there is well- founded oposition to requiring medical stu- dents to use a textbook called Obstetrics and Gynecology (1971) by J. Robert Willson -a University medical profesor-to learn about feminine psyche, or as the book calls it "components of mature feminine person- ality." These components cited in the boik are 'narcissism, masochism and passivity." Ac- cording to this textbook a "mature" roman "concerns herself with beauty to attract men", "allows male to conquer" and "sac- rifices own personality to build up that of (her) husband." This is not a matter in which students have the right to discuss and choose what burning of public. Some of the passages from Obstet- THE rics and Gynecology should be made public bly not -if more people were made aware of how causea ridiculous they are, it might be easier to demicc get through to the University to have the counter book reviewed. book bu Presently a class action suit is teing Thep filed against the publisher to replace some women, sections of the book. Members of t h e birth TACTIC OF book burning is probar the best one that could be used be- of the feelings it arouses in an aca- community. The results may prove -productive if the issue becomes the urning, and not the book. public shows no violent reaction to dying from improper care -at child- illegal abortions, being taned by , or being sent to psychiatrists for 3 problems. But when women re- by burning one book as a symbol the oppression of women by the I profession they cry "Nazi." a "This is not a matter in which students have the right to discuss and choose what they will absorb from a book. This a case where students are required to study a book containing many questionable passages ..." {:'{?.i..sa = r s J?. ?vf,;WY " t:ntM M M M M1" :l"u": a.. U4 , doctors, medical spond 1 against medical book I i COME INTERESTING statements were made Monday at a Congressional hearing regarding the Indian takeover of Wounded Knee that provide insights into the attitude of the American govern- ment towards American Indians. Rep. James Haley (D-Fla.) accused American Indian Movement (AIM) lead- er Russell Means of leading "a group of goons or gutter rats" into the South Da- kota hamlet. Haley also asked Means "How do you figure you have a perfect right to go out and break the law?" Haley also wanted to know how Means and his "bunch of hoodlums" planned to reimburse people for any destroyed property. It is ludicrous-although obviously not to Rep. Haley-for the government to chastise Indians for breaking the law, when the federal government has done nothing but break its own laws in its dealings with the Indians for nearly two hundred years. It is hard for us to see how the government can demand that Indians be "law-abiding" when it feels it does not have to be, and when the laws serve to oppress the Indian popula- tion. SUCH AN ATTITUDE would be paih- fully funny if the consequences weren't so tragic. The federal government has spent two hundred years confiscating Indian land -and continues to do so--often with little or no reimbursement. Yet Rep. Haley's only concern seems to be whe- ther AIM plans to re-imburse a few peo- pie at Wounded Knee for destruction of property. During the Eisenhower administration the policy towards Indians was labeled "termination." The policy was intended to force Indians off the reservations and terminate the tribal system. Services to Indians were cut, making their situation even worse than it had been previously. The American gdvernment no longer officially holds to the "termination" poli- cy, but assimilation of Indians into the white American mainstream - making Indians white - is still the goal of such people as Haley and the House Indian affairs subcommittee on which he sits. Such an attitude, with no thought given to the physical, spiritual and economic atrocities perpetrated a g a i n s t In- dians previously, can only lead to more incidents like Wounded Knee. Few Indians today want to be assimi- lated, or even find much meaning in the term. Nor can they be forced to assimi- late, at least according to the treaties the government has signed with Indian tribes. In most of the treaties, the tribes are "nations" or "sovereign." A 1959 court decision ruled that Indian tribes have greater sovereign powers than do the states. Yet the government treats Indians as it pleases, as though they have no, rights at all. GOVERNMENT officials such as Rep. Haley should look at themselves, their attitudes and their policies before labeling people goons, gutter rats and hoodlums.I they will absorb from a book. This is a case where students are req to study a book containing many que able passages on the medical treat of women. This protest is against t medical practices being taught in a c able medical school. THE PEOPLE INVOLVED have c fully made the distinction between symbolic burning of one copy of a and the historical book burnings which place to keep written knowledge fran ai favor: community, including some lawyers, have uired also voiced their objections to the book stion- through Willson. tment The Advocates for Medical Information unfair have been called "fascists" for the initiation redit- of this book burning, and have been com- pared to Nazis. a r e- Yet a group (AMI) that advocates the their repeal of laws against pornography and book, prostitution on the grounds that they vio- took late personal freedom is hardly compar- n the able to Nazis. Decline o Willson not only represents the textbook he wrote. He also represents the discrim- ination against women in health careers. .z ileas like "she (the woman) is likely to feel that she is animal-ike" and "the idea of suffering is an essential part of everyawoman's lifeare hardly; encour- aging to women pursuing a medical career. Nor are they conducive to respect from her associates who also study .the book. Women have the right to good health care, including respect from physicians. This is hardly evident from the teaching practices in the University medical school. When examining this issue let's look past the act of burning a book to see the whole picture behind it. the OFO Fall / Editor's note: This is the se- cond in a series of overview ar- ticles on the Office of Economic Opportunity. * * * By DAVID YALOWITZ THE OFFICE OF Economic Op- portunity (OEO) was a prime example of the Johnson Admin- istration's "Great Society" ap- proach to eliminating poverty. It is an understantement to assert that President Nixon has b e e n critical of this course. The Nixon Administration posi- tion has been presented by Daniel Moynihan writing recently in the New Yorker. Moynihan, a propon- ent of the guaranteed annual in- come, states that the social legis- lation of the early 1960s had un- satisfactorally defined the prob- lems of the poor and did not pro- vide adequate solutions. Indeed, he caustically quotes Wil- bur J. Cohen, the last secretary r'oi these allegations is mitigated by a consideration of the evidence. The population increase in u r b a n ghettos reached explosive propor- tions in the 1960's. This rise was attributable to a great migration of over one million blacks f r o m southern agriculture to northern cities in 1949-55. The ensuing pop- ulation explosion in the black ghet- tos coupled with a deterioration of urban life and lack of adequate economic opportunities fostered widespread poverty. It was no mys- tery that the welfare rolls increas- ed - the environment of the urban ghetto could lead to nothing else. Moynihan also intimates that the increasing attractiveness of wel- fare (the average monthly benefit per ADC family was $105 in 1960 and $168 in 1968) was a factor in the metoreic rice of the welfare rolls. The economic realities, how- ever, fail to substantiate his claim. Increasing benefits, (excluding New Un f1inished bus iness wom.:I: s ::::ssi.V.}m'me.sIA"\1."AW. . 4.. ,.., ..4 .. "H": l .L 11. . .'4S . "Disenchantment with the poverty program JOHN DOE'S EIGHTEEN year stay in Michigan state mental institutions came to an end Monday after a panel of Wayne County circuit judges ruled that Doe's confinement was a violation of his constitutional rights and after testi- mony by his psychiatrist that he was no longer a menace to society. Eighteen years ago Doe, whose real name was not given during the course of the lawsuit, admitted to the murder and rape of a Kalamazoo student nurse. Doe was judged to be a criminal sexual psy- chopath and under law was assigned to a mental institution. The criminal sex- ual psychopath law was then repealed in 1968. Kalamazoo County Prosecutor Donald Tofday's siff: News: Tammy Jacobs, Kathleen Ricke, Stephen Selbst, Ted Stein, Dave Un- newehr, Rebecca Warner Editorial Page: Eric Schoch Arts Page: Kathryn Racette, Jeff Sorensen Burge has said he is considering prose- cuting Doe for the eighteen-year-old crime if it is legal to do so. If Doe is no longer a menace to so- ciety, however, prosecution for the crime now would seem to be pointless. DOE'S CASE WAS publicized after he volunteered for brain surgery de- signed to curb his aggressive impulses. A lawsuit was filed to prevent the sur- gery, describing it as experimental, and possibly fatal. The lawsuit asserted that Doe had not been informed as to the ex- perimental nature of the surgery and the possible dangers involved. The constitutionality of such surgery is probably the most important aspect of the lawsuit, and the panel of judges has yet to make a decision in that area. The ability of a state to perform such operations on the people it has institu- tionalized is a frightening possibility, even if performed only on "volunteers." Such surgery - not yet proven either safe or effective - seems only to bring Orwell's "Big Brother" society even closer. This most important aspect of the John Doe law suit merits very careful consideration from the judges. coupled with the Vietnam-induced budget squeeze forced Congress to adopt a hard-nosed attitude to OEO . . . 'Cool it' programs that would take youths off the streets became the order of the day." . : :."} .;':::::::::.:.}}":::.4} .}fsai.}' V.} 44 : :Y.,. : .:: } "Y""?}" gram coupled with the Vietnam-in- duced budget squeeze forced Can- gress to adopt a hard-nosed atti- tude to OEO. A succession of 'long hot sum- mers' fostered Congressional feel- ing that the social experimenta- tion in which OEO was so heavily engaged was a luxury a tense na- tion could no longer afford. Funds originally allocated to local CAAs became earmarked by Congress fer nationally oriented OEO programs such as Head Start. 'Cool it' pro- grams that would take youths o± f the city streets became the order of the day. OEO, as a new and inexperienced agency was subject to inevitable waste, criticism, and even scandal. In 1968, $900,000 was paid to two Chicago street gangs for j o b - training. Almost no training w a s given, but there was stockpiling of weapons and collected k i c k- backs from enrollees. THE MORE INFORMED among OEO's critics would question not OEO's decision to try and reach Chicago gang youth, but its lack of supervision of this and o t h e r high risk projects. Another theme in the continuing controversy surrounding the agency was the charge of administrative mismanagement and disorganiza- tion. To some extent this criticism was a by-product of the speed wirh which OEO went to work. Sargent Shriver's thilosophy af- ter OEO was created was to quick- ly institute as many large p x o- grams as possible. He to-k pride in pointing out the large scale operations that had been initiated and the numbers of people thus be- ing reached. Early critics of the CAAs charg- ed that efforts to seek power for the poor through community action organization antagonized 1 o c a I municipal officers by challenging authority without improving pover- ty conditions. Perhaps no ques- tions have provoked more debate than the issues of who shall con- trol CAAs and where they should fit into the structure of local gov- ernment. FOR THE MOST part, local strug-gles for control were gener- ated from one of two sources: local advocates of power for the poor or local government itself. Strug- gles generated by advocates of power for the poor were often mar- "Just trimming a little fat." L ~CA of Health Education and Welfare (HEW) in the Johnson administra- tion (and currently, Dean of the School of Education here at the University) to the effect that "the OEO program . . . has probably taken three people out of poverty since 1964." As evidence of failure, Moynihan underscores the fact that through- out the latter half of the 1960's welfare rolls had continued to rise at an astounding rate. He labels this phenomenon an "essential mys- tery" in the midst of economic prosperity. Moynihan adds t h a t "where this might have brought about a reconsideration of estab- lished doctrine, it brought instead further hardening of established views. The administration, distract- ed by the Vietnam War, respond- ed to the evident failure of domes- tic programs by devising ever more futile versions of those already in place." IN THE MAIN the thrust of York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and New Jersey, which distribute 25 per cent of the total welfare pay- ments), did not exceed the increase in wages of unskilled factory work- ers. In most states welfare pay- ments rose more slowly than the wages of unskilled factory labor. Clearly, it was not a calculated de- sign on the part of the poor to get a free ride off the welfare system. Given the pervasive conditions of poverty, it is inconceivable that in such a short time span the var- ious OEO-related service programs could have made any serious in- roads. The primary problem, how- ever, was not time but money. The all out 'war on poverty' declared by Congress had a history of being overadver sed and underfunded. IN 1964, funding commenced at an annual level of $2 billion and was to increase to a projected S6 billion a year in 1969. But disen- chantment with the poverty pro- red by a factionalism based on a desire for personal power or in- dividuals with special axes to grind. These internal conflicts in- evitably detracted from the pri- mary battle against poverty. Some CAAs have been subsid- iaries of local government, others have been independent allies, and a few have been opponents. CAAs necessarily have had to play the role of the gadfly. They served as a reminder to demurring local of- ficials of the need to mobilize and focus existing resources on pro- grams designed to break the cycle of poverty and repression. Recent newspaper articles have revealed how OEO funds had aid- ed radical anti-poverty organiza- tions. Numerous examples h a v e been cited in which funds w e r e used for political purposes. These allegations belie the fact that CAAs were designed to help organize the poor --to make them more aware of their rights and es- tablish a self-identity. To this end, political power has evolved as the most potent non-violent means of expression. Charges of 'radical' political behavior can only be bas- ed on subjective opinion. DURING HIS FIRST term of of- fice, Nixon apparently tried to grant local officials more control over OEO. To quote from a recent OEO publication, the Nixon al- ministration "sought to strengthen the relationship between OEO and state and local governments in or- der to create the broadest possible alliance of money and common purpose against poverty." To fulhtl this oiective, CAM wero instru -t- ed to become more dependent upcn local resources. This meant more reliance on aid from churches, civ- ic organizations and charity groups, as well as working with local offic- ials in planning revenue sharing allocaticns. A primary goal of OEO was to 'develop programs, which, up )n reaching sufficient maturity were to be operated through other agen..- ies. N4.on increasingly stressed this goal during his firs term. In retrospzzt it seems that this was the first step in Nixon's plan t dismantle OEO. David Yalowiti is a staff writer for the Daily. Photo Technicians: Upton Rolfe Tessem, J o h n Letters To The Daily: WHAT IS ALL this garbage about Advocates for Medical Information being an SS Hitler group out to burn every book in the land? What sensationalism The Daily invented just to sell its paper! It may interest the editors of The Daily that A.M.I. is con- ducting a symbolic protest the medical profession's refusal to pro- vide good health care in this coun- try. Books such as Obstetrics & Gynecology are a danger to life and limb. By teaching medical stu- dents that women's ailments a r e "emotional in nature" rather than physiological, doctors do not diag- nose diseases in their early stages. Rather, female patients are sent to psychiatrists (not specialists) when tehey complain of pain or headaches. The Daily (for some unknon reason) has mistakenly equated a medical consumer advocacy group for a mob of people out to eradi- cate sexism. How naive! This "mob" just doesn't exist. When Advocates for Medical In- Book burning sensationalized against certain textbook publishers. But The Daily has conveniently ig- nored this fact in favor of sensa- tional, yellow-press journalism. -Belita Cowan April 10 Forgery To The Daily: I WAS FASCINATED to read a letter over my name printed in The Daily of a week ago Saturday, since I did not write it. I trust you will apologize for baldly assuming everything you receive with my name on it is indeed mine and also establish some foolproof, though admittedly expensive, sig- nature verification procedures that give credit to authors whom credit is due and not to whom it is not due. -David W. Smith Grad SGC Member-at-large April 9 Anais Nin To The Daily: Sirens would really do a lot to inspire and help these hours that seem like To The Daily: days pass faster. Thank you, and DEAR MR. CANHAM: I am dis- peace. turbed by your use of Air Raid -Archie Baker 119674 Sirens to signal the end of activi- P.O. Box E ties periods in the Intramurals Jackson, Michigan Building. April 5 I guess sirens have got their place but I think we all, go a little Picking flowers queasy when they sound. And no wonder! Sirens mean alert! Fire! To The Daily: Bombs! Death! LUCKY FOR Bianca Fiore, she So how come you blow those now has flowers in her hair. Too things just to announce that volley- bad for the rest of us who would ball activities are commencing? It have enjoyed seeing the flowers. makes me furious. I mean you It is deplorable when someone sub- have got a perfectly good loud- verts what little beauty there is speaker system. Use it please. You on campus, but it is even more don't have to blow our heads off disgusting when The Daily publish- to get our attention. If you must es and tacitly endorses the action. add a flourish, why not chimes? -Bob Hume '74 Keep up the good work. April 6 -Jonathan S. Kantor April 2Z. Getting credit Prison request To The Daily: DURING THE past year, much To The Daily: attention has been focused upon I'M AN INMATE in Jackson, the difficulties of women in estab- area women who feel that tl'ey have been discriminated against in their dealings with Ann Arbor cre- dit or lending institutions (depart- ment stores, banks, loan offices, credit unions, etc.), If you care to help us, please call the Con- sumer Action Center at 66S-4451 between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. --Leslye Guttenberg Sharon Bender Consumer Action Center April 6 Sexist caption To The Daily: ON BEHALF of myself and other women, I am asking you, the peo- ple at The Daily, to be mire selec- tive in your choice of words. I *m writing specifically in regards to the belittling, sexist comment be- low my photo in the Friday, April 6 Daily; not to mention the older misinformation involved. The statement read, "Spring In My Lady's Hair . . . sports some of the first daffodils of spring in 2 MW-E47IK I N A. UN W WI '1WI I