ie Sfrhigan DaUsj Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Ethics and today's engineer 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1973 Another peace scare?' "AMERICAN PLANES bombed North Vietnam's panhandle right up until President Nixon's order halting bomb- ing and shelling went into effect, in what could be one of the last acts of war against that country by the United States," Monday's United Press Interna- tional dispatches reported. Somehow, it seemed naive. And yesterday, informed sources re- vealed an impending unilateral U. S.- South Vietnamee cease-fire scheduled for Friday. Somehow, it doesn't sound permanent. Ron Ziegler stepped before the cameras at theFlorida White House Monday and once again peace. was tentatively at hand, according to both international scholars and government officials. ("Ten- tative" is a useful word. It is for know- ledgable observers what "alleged" is for journalists.) INDEED, U.S. involvement in the war may be almost over. But those of us who were under 13 in 1963 have a "show me" approach to the unending war's end. Let me see it and I'll believe it. For if you look hard enough the war is still on. UPI also reported, "The air war con- tinued unabated in the, South. A near- record 16 formations of B52s . . ," That's more like it. EVEN AS the war's end lingers like a carrot before our noses, one giant plane blitzes an area a mile long and a half mile wide. A bombing run by a B52 on our campus' "military installation," ROTC's North Hall, would reduce to rub- ble the dentistry school, pdocks of resi- dential homes, a third of the university's dormitories and three hospitals-acci- dently.'Of course, it would be incidental to the military targetting. Henry Kissinger meanwhile logs thou- sands of miles a week, Alexander Haig is back in Saigon seeking an audience with President Thieu, and the President will be inaugurated Saturday in his first pub- lic appearance, if you can call it that, since before the election. His last press conference was more than three months ago. WILL THE demonstrations in Washing- ton against the Nixon administration be weakened by the latest "peace scare?" Maybe. Will these anti-war demonstra- tions be superfluous? Frankly, I'm not worried about that. -ARTHUR LERNER Editorial Director By A. D. ROBBI T HE DEPARTMENT of Labor re- cently jolted the computer in- dustry by ruling that programmers and analysts are not professionals. The dictionary definition of a profession, in the sense that en- gineering might be a profession, is stringent: "A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and in- tensive preparation including in- struction in skills and methods as well as in the scientific, historical, or scholarly principles underlying such skills and methods, maintain- ing by force of organization or con- certed opinion high standards of achievement and conduct, and committing its members to con- tinued study and to a kind of work which has for its prime purpose the rendering of a public service." If the Department of Labor were to categorize engineers, and scien- tists for that matter, according to this definition, I suspect a major- ity would not qualify. And it just those points which relate most strongly to ethics. INDUSTRY, the so-called pro- fessional societies, and the general public pay lip service to the no- tion that engineers are profes- sionals. This delusion leaves en- gineers as one of the most power- less groups of individuals in Amer- ican society. This has been made dramatically evident during the re- cent deflation of aerospace bubbles and the subsequent recession. Engineers are beginning to recog- nize their status as second-class professionals; there is discussion of unionizing, lobbying in Washing- ton, and all sorts of fixes and patches for the system. What is really needed is a rebirth of pro- fessionalism. Engineers became victims of their conservatism. And now that there is an oversupply of engineers and an undersupply of appropriate projects, there exists a natural fear of speaking out, of demanding fun- damental change. THE R A P I D technological change since World War II and concurrent changes in the Amer- ican capitalist system haveestrong- ly affected the role of the engineer. These changes have probably been recognized by most engineers, but not in a systematic manner. They have one thing in common - the removal of the practicing engineer from the decision-making process. The important changes are: 1) the decline of craftsmanship, (2) the growth of the organization, and (3) the increasing role of government. 0 Craftsmanship - the late Paul Goodman stated it well: "There get to be fewer jobs that are necessary or unquestionably useful; that re- quire energy and draw on some of one's best capacities; and that can be done keeping one's honor and dignity." How many engineers to- day can point to one thing and say, "I designed that," or "I was re- sponsible for that", or the like? Today's things tend to be guilt by large teams of specialists. This specialization has another side effect. Today's rapid change in technology can make over-spec- ialization a personal tragedy. When an engineer becomes middle-aged, and his specialty dies, and he has not make a strong effort to diver- sify, and a kid fresh out of col- lege draws half his salary, he may find himself undergoing a fairly severe "mid-career transition." " Organization - the concentra- tion of a growing industrial power in fewer organizations leads to an inevitable increase in size of the organization. What seems to occur is an in- crease in the number of layers of management between the engineer- ing level and the decision-making level. The human foible of wanting to please one's boss can cause re- markable transformations of en- gineering opinions as they wend their way to the decision level. * Government - the increasing role of government in my branch of engineering is particularly evi- dent. There exists a new breed of engineers who never design or build anything. They write pronos- als and progress reports. They may be a necessary part of life, but they present a sort of tempta- tion to the engineer, operating without any enforcable ethics code and with a multitude of rationaliza- tions available for any exaggera- tion or tampering with veracity. THE LARGE scale practice of engineering in an ethical man- ner requires changes in the work environment, as welltas the con- sciousness-raising of the engineer- ing community. Encouragecraftsmanship-First, reduce insofar as possible the size of teams engaging in various pro- jects. This would discourage over- ly narrow specialization, encourage constant self-education and learn- ing, nd promote pride in the work. Shrink organizational hierarchy- Bring decision-making closer to the engineering. If we do not frag- ment organization it is not clear how to accomplish this. Generally what could be done is to make or- ganizations more horizontal, I e s s vertical. In addition, establish with- in organizations groups of engi- neers to interact directly with high management in the ethics einua- tions, on company plans, and con- ditions of employment. Shrink and reorient government largesse - The American tax pay- er may have more effect here than anything I can suggest. Let us edu- cate the taxpayer to demand cuts in real fat, not just cuts. This means education in technical mat- ters, on the layman's level, an area engineers have largely neglected. Reduce defense spending, of course. But there are new fields ripe for boondoggles, as well as needed development -ecology, p!A- lution control, and the war on can- cer to name a few. FINDING A way to convert the engineer from an excess to a de- sired, but not scarce, commodity is probably a necessary condition to achieving the environment that I seek. The rational control of ad- mission to practice is one way to achieve this conversion. Today's youngsters are taking note of the 100,000 unemployed technologists and we may suffer a strong co'unter oscillation in four to six years - in quality, if not in quantity. A. D. Robbi, an engineer em- ployed by RCA Victor, is a staff member of "Suark", the publica- tion of the Committee for Social Responsibility in Engineering. A reporter meets, the interesting people By ROBERT BARKIN IT'S AN interesting world we live in, and the people we meet in it are interesting too. Take, for instance, one of our newly elected officials, Regent Dean Faker. Mr. Faker has been around for a long time and I think you should meet him. Here is the substance of a recent interview I had with him: Q. What do you think is the University's main role in society? A. We should train people to be useful members of society. Whether teaching or working they have to have some vocation. Q. Well, do you believe the BGS program fulfills this goal? A. What is the BGS? Q. We'll move on to another subject. Do you think students should have a significant voice in University policy? A. Well, I'll tell you. I'm not close enough to the exact way it operates to answer that. But the students should have some voice but not the voice. Q. How about on tenure committees? A. I'm not knowledgeable of the individual situation to make that kind of decision. Q. I SEE. Well, what is your opinion of pass-no record and pass- fail grading plans? A. I know the answer to this one. No. Pass-no record would be devastating to the University. However, there is a place for pass-fail in certain situations. Q. Could you elaborate? A. If you go to pass-fail there is still a judgment made. But it becomes a subjective judgment. Q. But isn't it the same way with grading'essay exams? A. Yes, but at least with grades you know where you rank. Q. I see. A. Let me elaborate. Scholarship is a matter of discipline. The state University has a responsibility to train people to fill a slot in the job market. Everyone is not an A student, but everyone, has a chance to go through according to their abilities. There is a very real danger that the University can injure itself if it pursues this trash of non-re- quirement in the pass-fail sense. Q. UH, HUH. Well, is that opinion based on your experience at the University? A. Well, no. You see I never attended this University. Q. Oh. There has been some criticism of your candidacy, Mr. Faker. Some people say that your job was just a political plum given to you by the Republican party for years of service, that you took the position because of the prestige and not for any great love of the University and that you are just another political hack on the Board of Regents. A. Those are very serious charges and I'd like to answer them one at a time. Q. Go right ahead. A. True. A. True. A. Not exactly. I don't consider myself a political hack. I'm at the prime of my career and I hope that this position will launch me toward bigger and better things. The election may have only been a small step for the University, but it's a giant one for me. WELL, the world of Mr. Faker is interesting, isn't it? Robert Barkin is a night editor for The Daily. Defending 1st amendment ANOTHER MARCH in Washington. S what? The march and rally is a protest agains President Nixon's prolongation of the war, and more generally against his lac of public candor in matters ranging from Do you do glue? With all the hoopla over Washtenaw County Sheriff Fred Postill's decision to reduce activity in the marijuana abuse prevention area, it is our duty to brin a recent police action to your attention Last Sunday, state and Ypsilanti police arrested two Ypsilanti youths for glu sniffing. Better keep your Elmer's hidden, a least until the heat is off. MAYNARD Today's staff: News. Beth Egnoter, Tommy Jacobs, Charles Stein, David Unnewehr, Re becca Warner Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner, Kathleer Ricke, Ted Stein Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith Photo technician: Randy Edmonds Photography Staff PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF DAVID MARGOLICK ............Chief Photographe ROLFE TESSEM........... ....... .. Picture Editor DENNY GAINER.................Staff Photographe THOMAS GOTTLIE3.............Staff Photographe KAREN KASMAUSKI.............Staff Photographe o the ITT scandal to the Russian wheat deal to the Watergate bugging case. t But there is a far more important is- e sue - the right to free speech guaranteed k by the First Amendment. n At a time when the press and broad- cast industry are being subjected to the most violent attacks by any federal ad- ministration in history, the First Amend- ment is indeed under seige. 0 At this week's City Council meeting e Bruce Benner (R-Fourth Ward) called g the Washington demonstration "com- . pletely uncalled for," adding that "such e protests only give comfort to the enemy." e ACCORDING TO this reasoning, a n y criticism of the government could be attacked as "giving comfort" to some "enemy" or another. When citizens ac- cept this type of reasoning, the First Amendment freedoms disappear. The primary danger to freedom of speech is not from harsh, repressive legis- lation. The danger is more subtle, and comes from people who do not care enough, or are afraid to speak out against n the mistakes of government or the in- equities of society. WHEN A FREEDOM is not exercised vig- orously, it begins to atrophy, and that is the primary danger to the First Amendment. The Counter-Inaugural protest in Washington is an opportunity to exercise the first amendment. If it is not exercised r now, it may not be around much longer. )r r -LINDSAY CHANEY ;r Editorial Director -l .* I A "INDUSTRY AND THE general public pay lip service to the notion that engineers are professionals. This delusion leaves engi- neers as one of the most powerless groups of individuals in Ameri- can society." Letters: mar and the LSA-SG To The Daily: When one speaks of moral ob- ligations and responsibilities of elected representatives, officers, organizations, and the general pub- lic or student body, one must de- termine these moral obligations and responsibilities from the end and benefits of this end that one seeks. In my recent decision to make available office space to the Ann Arbor Counter-inaugural Commit- tee (a decision for which there has been a precedent and is within my powers as president of LSA Stu-' dent Government in extended per- iods of council recess and in cases with urgent priorities), the moral question I faced was perpetuated by recent developments in the Vietnam War and involved the need for peaceful opposition to be seen and felt towards this issue. The LSA-SG voted unanimously to support the peaceful protests against the bombing, and the War, in Washington D.C. on Jan. 20th- a vote which included support of representatives from all parties (though admittedly after the de- parture of Mr. Harris and Ms. Daneman, and without the insights of Mr. Howard Victor). Thus the moral obligation and responsibility seems to me to ne- cessitate providing office space to the Counter - Inaugural Commit- tee in an emergency caused by the neglect of Student Government Council in handling their, not the LSA-SG's, properly delegated re- sponsibilities of recognizing and providing office space to student organizations. This failure of duty occurred mainly because of SGC's inability to have a meeting scheduled un- til January 18th - two days be- fore the inauguration, the absence of it's president, Bill Jacobs, un- til next week, and the resignation of treasurer - handyman Dave Schaper. Ftmtanttat thk - n + srnni7_ space and the need that the public and student body should be heard and felt. If this action is political it is only for the politics of humanity and peace: and if one feels these are only liberal or radical politics we should all be saddened. When the concern for this war and the bombings become so great that a professor introduces it as a matter to be discussed by the Governing Faculty of LSA and pro- claims he will continue to wear a black armband until the war is over, it should become the obliga- tion of the LSA Student Govern- ment, and all other organizations, to both support this cause and pro- vide the assistance it can to make it the foremost concern. This is the moral and ethical actions I believe I have taken and those I hope the LSA Student Gov- ernment will continue to support. Jay Rising President, Jan. 16 Necessary action To The Daily: WE ARE writing to support the anti-war activity which will take place in Washington on January 20th. Although we are a local poli- tical party, we feel it important to participate in a national response to our government's latest disre- gard for human life. Day after day, the Vietnamese people have been subjected to genocidal bmb- ings. We must support their strug- gle by apearing in Washington this Saturday. For information, call: 763-4797. Let the voice of the Ann Arbor community join the chorus of the American people: End the slaughter! -The Washtenaw County Human Rights Party Jan. 15 -Ir !32- _ a card him for something more rele- vant like the Vietnam war, and I am certainly not suffering from a' "moral and ethical battle fatigue" which would make me ."wish to forget all social problems" (a statement which makes no sense to me). To him a liberal is some- one who adopts a cause whenever it happens to be popular. I would love to hear his definition of con- servatism. Hawkins' assertion that critics condemn films like Shaft because they cannot identify with a black hero (and therefore feel deprived of the film's inherent entertain- ment value-envy he calls it) is ignorance of the problem. To jus- tify the racism and violence in most of these films on the basis that "don't blacks deserve a little James Bond escapism too?" is to further miss the point. To me, the James Bond films are equally as damaging because they give audiences a totally warped view of masculinity, exploit wom- en in the worst way and condition people to the thrills of murder and sadism. The difference, though, is that James Bond could never have gotten away with killing a black policeman as a means of racist revenge nor would it have been permissible for him to extoll the virtues of cocaine in a $300 Super- Fly outfit while ghetto children hungry for the same kind of glamor looked on. Those like Mr. Hawkins who think that us 'white liberals' want to upset these themes of "blackman on top" (one which was long over- due, I agree) are too busy finding the excuse of entertainment value in these films which make the black superhuman and the whites super-dumb racists. Is this what we want to bring up a new gen- eration of film-goers on? No won- der we prefer human films like Sounder and The Learning Tree. would that have been sufficient to stir his social consciousness? -Kyle Counts, '73 Jan. 16 S. Quad controversy To The Daily: This is a letter in response to one written by John Feldkamp, Direc- tor of Housing, which referred to condition at South Quad and Mosher-Jordan Resident Halls. In an attempt to invalidate a Daily article on South Quad it seems that Feldkamp found it necessary to turn to, and misrepresent, certain conditions at Mosher-Jordan Hall. After reading his letter we find it hard to understand how Feldkamp has achieved the position he now holds at this university. In his letter Feldkamp com- pared the rate of returning resi- dents this past fall in both Mosher- Jordan and South Quad. He noted the return rate of South Quad to be 25.8 per cent, 222 males and 110 females out of 1200 residents, while he went on to point out that at Mosher-Jordan, out of 486 resi- dents, 144 males and 135 females returned. His conclusion with these figures was: "In terms of numbers more returning students are in South Quad than in Mosher-Jordan." Two points I would like to make here are that first, I can find no reason why he should make such a com- parison and secondly, in terms of percentages, the return rate for Mosher-Jordan was 57 per cent, a fact that should have been noted since South Quad has over twice as many residents as Mosher-Jor- dan. Other comments directed at Mosher-Jordan included such re- marks as a "white ghetto" and "unwillingness of residents to sup- port escore policies and other se- curity measures." As far as se- curity measures, Mosher - Jordan has one of the lowest crime rates remarks are going to help our sit- uation. The situation at Mosher- Jordan is very different from that at South Quad, and Feldkamp's at- tempt to use it to discredit the Daily article about South Quad is ill-conceived and almost childish. By taking this problem out con- text he puts himself in a danger- ous position as Director of Hous- ing. It is a blatant disservice to the residents and staff of South Quad and Mosher-Jordan who are all striving to achieve a more de- sirable dorm living experience. -Marc Bliefleld President, Mosher-Jordan House Council - Terri Wolber Vice-President Jan. 10 Fight pollution To The Daily: I AM organizing a group to help fight the pollution of the waters of the Great Lakes area. Such groups exist in Florida, California and other places. The purpose is to collect and classify data on pol- lutors, and to bring public and legal pressure to bear against them through publicity and court action. The waters involved are the Great Lakes, smaller inland lakes and the "feeders" connect- ing them. ' In the beginning, until ideas and methods are worked out, I would like the group to be as skilled and professional as possible. If you answer it will be assumed that you have an intense interest in the marine area, and are aware of the dangers of pollution. I would like to have peonle con- tact me who have a certificate in boathandling from the U. S. Power Squadron, the U.S. Coast Guard or its auxiliary; or a scuba diver's certificate from a licensed instruc- tor: or an airplane pilot's license; or training in a scientific, techno- 'i -fat kulf'i - A