GOONS AND GUTTER RATS See Editorial Page YI L Sit 4auF ~~Iaiti APRIL? High-35 Low-23 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIII, No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages X11 LEBANON LOSES LEADERS ..--- OfficiIs resign In raid IYUS ENWS APPEN CAL6 DAYJ Milk run A well-timed combination of brains, courage, and powdered milk saved East Quad from an electrical fire last night. Paul Kempen, '76, was walking down a third floor hallway at about 7:15 when a cloud of smoke from a nearby room attracted his curiousity. Upon investigating further, he discovered an electric stove ablaze and immediately pulled the nearest alarm. As non- plussed quaddies scurried outside into the cold, Kempen and his friend Art Okonon, '76, cracked open the hall's glass-enclosed fire extinguisher case only to discover that the extinguisher contained water and was hence unsafe for use on an electrical fire. Racing against time and a billowing cloud of smoke, the intrepid pair searched the burning kitchen and came up with a last resort-a carton of powdered milk. They then managed to control the blaze until the arrival of firemen who hosed the area and reported "no structural damage" to the building. Kempen's feelings about his heroic powdering effort? "Well, there was a lot of smoke, but we just covered our eyes and went in." Whew. Willson clams up.. , Dr. Robert Willson, whose book "Obstetrics and Gynecology" has raised the ire of a local women's advocate group, has de- clined to comment on the attack on his professional competence. The Advocates for Medical Information, the outraged group, say they will burn Willson's "sexist" text on the Diag at noon. By the way of Louis Graff, medical center spokesman, The Daily has learned Willson is "deeply distressed" that burning books would be used as a means of "disagreeing with or dis- puting professionally published material." . .. hile the med library locks up Meanwhile, the Medical Center Library has put its six copies of the controversial book under wraps fearing that they might be burned. Says David Maxfield, head of the library: "The books have been placed in the rare book cage until they've finished burning somebody else's copies. When they cease to be hot we'll put them back on the shelves," he added. "Paranoia strikes deep. Medieval conference opens A conference on the epic and aesthetic and moral value systems in the Middle Ages begins today. Sponsored by the University's Department of Germanic Languages and Litera- tures, the conference features lectures from professors in medieval studies from the United States and Canada. The con- ference will end Saturday night with a banquet at the Michigan League. Name game The Daily yesterday ran a Today item erroneously labeling Stuart Goldberg as WCBN's station manager. He is actually their station's relations director. The real station manager is Lee VanAmeyde. Now you know. Happenings . . are about zero until this evening unless you want to catch the bookburning at high noon on the Diag . . . UAC presents Randy Newman and Tim Buckley at the Power Center in 7 and 9:30 p.m. concerts . . . Grad coffee hour gets under way in the East Conference Room in Rackham around 8 p.m... . Noted drama critic Robert Corrigan will speak on the changing avant-garde also at Rackham and 8 p.m. . Thien go home BONN-Some 5,000 demonstrators paraded in the streets here yesterday to protest the visit of South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. Adding insult to injury, meanvhile, West German President Gustav Heinemann appealed to Thieu to allow neutral observers to see how prisoners were held in South Vietnam. Some days you can't win. Inebriation 101? SPRINGFIELD, Mass.-For those of us that believe in get- ting stoned for exams, American International College is offering a new twist in mind-altered education. The college announced yesterday that it would offer . a three-credit course in wine appreciation next term to give novices "a broad introduction to the wines of the world." While making no mention of whether the course would tackle beer or mixed drinks, the college says this appetizing course will culminate in a wine-tasting examina- tion-not to be confused with a drinking contest. Ah, college . . On the inside . . . .the Arts Page features Jeff Hirsch on beating the bucket drive syndrome . . . "the issues behind book- burning," by Editorial Director Kathy Ricke, highlights the Editorial Page . . . meanwhile Clark Cogsdill's interview with Dr. William Godwin, an expert on mouthguards, graces the Sports Page. A2's weather Continued winter. Our temperatures will be normal for mid-February with highs of 32-37 in spite of today's sunshine. Cyclone "Henry I" will be moving northeastward off Nova Scotia. Following him will be a polar flow of cold air which will give us low temps tonight of 20-25. o- " - et aftermath CIA denies alleged involvenment in raid By AP and Reuter BEIRUT-Lebanese Premier Saeb Salam resigned yes- terday in the aftermath of the Israeli commando raids against Palestinian guerrillas in the heart of Beirut. Salam submitted the resignation of his government to President Saleiman Franjieh after a Cabinet meeting called to discuss Monday's attacks that killed three top guerrilla leaders. He' said he was quitting in the higher interest of Lebanon. President Franjieh said he would decide today whether to accept Salam's resignation. Salam has been in and out of the premiership since 1960. Earlier in the day, Palestinian" _.___ _. Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM TWO RESIDENTS OF EASTRAL BEACH, ten miles north of Monroe, paddle to safety yesterday from their waterlogged home on Lake Erie. The puppies were among dozens of pets that were stranded by the rising lake waters. Lake Erie: A martini and water By JONATHAN MILLER special To The Daily BOLLES HARBOR, Mich. - Alex Steve sat floor window of his home on the lakefront here sipped martinis, and watched Lake Erie advance "We figured we were gonna get clobbered. Steve. near a second Monday night, into his home. We did," said By yesterday, his lawn was covered in silt, his ground floor was ruined and his house entirely surrounded by the swirling grey waters of Lake Erie. The story was repeated all along the 50 mile eastern shore- line of the Great Lake yesterday in the aftermath of the worst flooding to hit Monroe County in anybody's memory. "I never paid too much attention to the lake before," sighed Harold Greashaber as he surveyed the watery scene around his home at Detroit Beach, five miles north of Monroe. "I've been living here 23 years-and I never thought I needed insurance." Like about 1,000 other people, Greashaber was driven from his home by the advancing lake. Ile doesn't know when he will be able to return. While refugees by the thousand streamed inland to find refuge with friends, relatives and the temporary shelters established by the Red Cross, officials kept au anxious eye on the weather for a repeat of the savage northeasterly winds that pushed the lake inland Monday night. "You never know what the winds will do," said Monroe County Red Cross director Beth Winters. The problem in Monroe County can be equated to the diffi- culty that would be experienced by a community living at the edge of a full saucer. The lake is so full and so shallow that any prolonged northeasterly or easterly wind simply pushes the water to the west. When that happens, there is flooding all along the low lying areas between Detroit and Toledo. But though there has been flooding before, there has never been flooding the like of which was seen yesterday. By nightfall, relief workers estimated that up to eight million dollars of damage had been done. Gov. William Milliken, touring the area by helicopter in the early afternoon, remarked: "What a mess." "I haven't seen anything like it since 1948," said a relief worker at St. Charles Catholic Church in Newport. St. Charles acted as one of five emergency relief centers es- tablished by the Red Cross to cope with the flooding. In scenes that were repeated along the coast, dozens of refugees huddled under blankets and sipped soup while they kept an anxious ear to the radio weather forecasts. Monroe County Undersheriff Walter Trowbridge said that although some sporadic looting of appliances had occurred in the stricken areas, a force of some 85 deputies and 80 National Guardsmen had the situation under control. guerrilla leaders vowed revenge for the commando raids by esca- lating their war on Israel and pos- sibly targeting U. S. firms in the Middle East for terrorist attacks. The Palestine Liberation Or- ganization (PLO) charged that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency heloed carry out the attack, and said: "The revolution will con- tinue to p'irs>e the enemv every- where, inside and outside occu- pied territory." A sookesman at the U. S. Em- bassy denied the charge, and the State Denartment said in Wash- ington that the charges were "ut- terly without foundation." Security measures around the U.S..Embasssv were tightened after some 150 Palestinian students tried to march on the seaside building. Trooos in armored cars and per- sonnel carriers trned them back. In Tel Aviv, the chief of staff warned that Israel may hit the Lebanese caoital again unless au- thorities curb the activities of arm- ed Palestinian oraanizations, "It is impossible to honor the sovereignty of Lebanon and its capital when there is comnlete free- dom for the terrorists, their bases and commands in Lebanese terri- tory," said Lt. Gen. David Elazer. President Franjieh summoned the Lebanese government i n t o emergency session. . In the past, Lebanon has protest- ed against Israeli raids to the U.N. Security Council and tighten-, ed control of Palestinians. The Israeli attack, the second in Lebanon since a raid on refugee campus in the north- Feb. 20, oc- curred 12 hours after a Palestinian strike against Israel in Cyprus. But police investigators learned that an advance party arrived in Lebanon several days ago with, false passports and rented the cars the Israelis used to reach their targets. A Defense Ministry statement said four Lebanese were killed and 20 wounded in the two-and-a-half- hour postmidnight raid, the first Israeli strike inside the city. The Lebanese statement made no mention of Palestinian casualties and there was no immediate an-! 4ouncement from the PLO on the number killed or wounded. In addition to the three slain leaders, at least eight other Pales- tinians are known to have been killed and more than a dozen wounded. In addition, an Italian grandmother was gunned down at her apartment door. Two Israelis were killed and two more were wounded by the Pales- tinians, a senior officer in Tel Aviv said. Also yesterday, seven Arabs were charged with murdermin the wake of Monday's guerrilla at- tacks on Israelis in Nicosia, Cy- prus - but an eighth was report- ed to be still at large. City meat sales back to norma By ROBERT MURRAY Ln-'al retail meat sales during the first part of this week seem to indicate there will be no further mass abstention from meat con- sumtion following last week's na- tion-wide boycott. Representatives of both Wrigley's and A&P supermarkets report that statewide meat sales have recover- ed completely from last week. Lo- cally, most independent grocers also report meat sales .have re- turned to normal or near-normal levels. A majority of the shoppers who say they supported the meat boy- cott also say they will begin buying meat again this week. One shopper commented, "It would be impos- sible for me to continue to plan meatless meals for an indefinite period." Another shopper remarked, "I'm buying meat again, but I've cut down on it, not so much because of any type of boycott, but because I can't afford it!" Monday all grocers were re- quired to have posted ceiling prices on their meat. However, since ceil- ing prices were determined by the highest price at which a cut of meat soldduring March, rates vary from store to store. For ex- ample, the ceiling price, on ham- burger is 98 cents a pound at A&P but $1.05 at Wrigley's. Most markets expect their meat prices to remain at these, ceiling levels. An A&P spokesman in De- troit said, "Any cut in meat prices is going to have to come to us (from farmers or wholesaler~s) be- fore we can pass it. along to shop- pers." A Wrigley spokesman noted that "some meat items are being sold at below our ceiling prices," but claimed Wrigley ceilings are no- ticeably higher than those of other supermarkets. Although it is difficult now to judge the effects of the meat boy- cott, many independent meat re- tailers reoort that sales did not decline all that much. Among local grocers contacted only Bob Dennison, manager of Murphy's\ Market on W. Stadium, reported a large decline in meat sales last week. According to Den- nison, fresh meat sales were only one-third their normal level. Ray Rutledge, manager of Steeb Bros. Market, remarked that "that storm Monday had more effect on See MEAT, Page 8 U.S. airlifts. fuel to Cambodia 0 in continuing SE Asian aid SAIGON A4.-The United States began airlifting fuel yesterday into Cambodia 's capital Phnom Penh, whose main supply routes have been cut or harassed by communist command forces,. . The airlift was announced by the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh and the Pentagon in Washington. A C-130 Hercules transport came in with the first load of fuel in a huge plastic bladder and unload- ed it at Phnom Penh's airport. The Pentagon disclosed that since July, an average of 10 cargo planes daily have, been carrying supplies, mostly mili- tary, to the Cambodian capital. Pentagon spokesman J e r r y Friedheim declined to give the maximum number of flights in any one day for the new airlift but said, "This is not a major airlift." In Phnom Penh, an embassy spokesman said that without fuel resupply the city would have to shut down electricity generators and water pumps. Five tankers arrived in Phnom Penh Sunday and Monday after travelling up the communist threatened Mekong River. They added two weeks' supply to the city's reserves, but the govern- ment was pessimistic of any more ships making the 60-mile run from the South Vietnamese border. All major roads to Phnom Penh have been severed for more than three weeks by Khmer Rouge insurgents and their North Vietnamese and Viet Cong allies despite massive U.S. bombing raids to support the government forces. Communist troops to the south of Phnom Penh are within 12 miles of the city and may launch an offensive Friday to mark the Cambodian new year. However, Secretary of Defense Elliot Richardson said yesterday the Cambodian rebels "do not appear to be massing for any large-scale attack." "It's questionable whether they have the capability," Richardson told newsmen. Prince N orodom Sihanouk, who heads a Cambodian government ing a Senate hearing on a bill to limit the President's war- making powers. Rogers had informed the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee that his schedule would not per- mit him to testify. at the two- day hearing starting today. "What the Secretary is real- ly saying, "Eagleton told the Sen- ate, "is that it would be incon- venient to testify so long as troublesome questions are being asked by Congress about the President's authority to conduct military operations over Cam- bodia." Eagleton said he was informed that Rogers soon will respond by letter to requests by commit- tee chairman William Fulbright (D-Ark.) for information on the administration's justification for the Cambodian bombing policy. That, Eagleton said, is "a very safe method of communicat- ing what is likely to be an un- popular response." APPIACATIONS SOAR: Law admissions t Clarce orecasts a god1lfe n 2001 By LOIS EITZEN Better things for better living through chemistry: It's all within reach if we play our cards right. This was the optimistic message of Arthur C. Clarke in the final Future Worlds Series lecture yesterday. Clarke, a British rocketry expert and author of "2001: A Space Odyssey," made what he called "an outline map of the future," describing those technological advances the audience could expect to see by the year 2001. Speaking before a packed house at Hill Aud., he envisioned a "family automat" containing a month's food supply for a whole family, yet weighing only a hundred pounds. The housewife of the future, he explained, will add water and cook dinner in ten minutes. Clarke predicted that in the future humans will eat artificial steaks which look and taste like the real thing, yet cost only fifteen cents a pound. "Natural meat production is so inefficient that it may be horribly expensive or even nrnhihitive within the centurv." he added. By ANGELA BALK The University law school's admission stand- ards, long known as among the most rigorous in the nation, hl-wve been especially competitive dur- ing the seventies. The "big bulge" came in 1970 when applications for the freshman class jumped to 3,740 from the 2,810 of the previous year. The number of appli- cations rose to a high of 4,915 ror the 1972-73 school year and are estimated to be about 4,600 for 1973- is slightly more than ten per cent of the total law school enrollment of 1,170. Minority applicants "compete among them- selves" for places in the entering freshman class, rather than in the pool of all applicants, said Wat- erson. The average undergraduate grade point total of the minority students is about 3.000, and their av- erage LSAT score is 525. Although the number of women students at the ------- - - - -- - 11,11,111,11:11, 'Jill - 1111 -0