lu I
Page Ten
Tuesday, April 10, 1973
Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, Apri! 10, 1973
Hitler's sexual abnormalities
Mayor seeks changes
(Continued from Page 1) ministrator George Owers pre-
dations and revisions for the book- sented council with a preliminary
' let," William Colburn (R - Third city budget for the fiscal year 1974.
Ward) said. t p The council must agree on a city
"Youritent is not to improve budget by May 2, Owers said,
(Continued from Page 1) veals his sex, sentiment and death was that he should be "lean as a the booklet, but to prevent its pub- Council will begin negotiation!
All the women he had intimate wishes with his mother. greyhound, tough as leather, and lication," charged Jerry DeGrieck sessions next Saturday to determine
relations with were mother substi His infantile sexual experience hard as steel." Hard, Waite said, (HRP-First Ward). specific departmental appropria-
tutes, according to the professor. w isfvrtwod"IhikhaE
Clara, his mother, was 23 years developed in him a sense of basic was his favorite word. "I think that Both the motion to reconsider ; tions from the $15.6 million budget.
yorhan his father and ye-r mistrust that shaped his life, Waite this preoccupation.affected his mili- and the motion to table passed by Councilwoman N a n c y Wechsler
younger ther his father and r e said. "Traumas and pgrversions tary tactics," professed Waite. a 7-4 tally as the Republicans cast (HRP-Second Ward) expressed dis-j
feed to her husban asi nc e produced in Hitler an unbearable Hitler could not retreat as he saw the affirmative votes. approval of several recommended
wome cileers nledw.the self-loathing which he pushed off that as weakness and femiity. In other action, Acting City Ad- appropriations.
women Hitler was involved with on others. Hitler's sexual problemslso re- "Council has an obligation to look
S tha atleast 23 years Adolph Hitler's hatred of the d in a compulsion to adopt --into the federal revenue sharingi
younger thnhmef.dlhHte' ardo h policies almost certain to fail, ' ~c a n ugtapoe ytercn
The one woman he said he could' Jews was so monumental that it Waite said. One example he cited .budget approved by the recent
ever truly love was his niece who must have been occasioned in part was the decision to declare war council, Stephenson said. He ques
was 28 years younger than himself. by a self-hatred that was very against the United States. tboned.the priorities established in
In 1933 a poem he wrote about great indeed." asserted Waite. against tthat budget and he said he wouldl
I 13 a s poe rote Clinical experiments with semi- r like to realine them with the pro-
castrated pre-pubescent boys who y 'posed city budget.
had disturbed relationships with The proposed budget allocates
A their mothers revealed 12 major co m anysizeable increases to the fire and
symptoms-at least half of which police departments.
Hitler evidenced, Waite said. These Council also elected Colburn may-
symptoms are anal fixation, com- (Continued from Page 1) or pro-tem by a 6-3-2 vote last
P pulsive cleanliness, a concern with able means of administrative night. Colburn received the votes
assess role ~~~~building and rebuilding, an ex-i remedies in cases of expropria- o h i te eulcn u
sso ," nfauaon"it ras tion and pursue negotiationswithvote otehserpouli
Picasso, assess role cessive ~ ~ 'the host country, the spokesman vtdfrWcseworcie
symbolic substitutions for the miss ai three votes. Jones garnered the re-
(Continued from Page 1) gested tha this was largely a re- ing testicle and a loss of academic st month the Seate subco maining two votes.
Lat onMthtenate sbcomr- As mayor pro-tem, Colburn would
This approach, she said, has died action to the overemphasis placed concentration. mittee on Multinational corpora- asm te , o m o
with him. on his works. Apparently, Waite said, Hitler's tions heard evidence that ITT had ssume the duties of mayor
It was Picasso's personality, as The area boasts a good repre- symbolic substitutions for his miss- offered a million dollars to the Stephenson's absence or his inabil-
much as his technical brilliance, sentative sampling of Picasso's ing member were his eyes and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ity to complete the term of office.
which made him an important in- 1 work. He was not just a painter, arm. One of his favorite pasttimes to work against the election of Al-
fluence on young painters, accord- but also made major contributions was staring his guests down at lende,
ing to Kirkpatrick. It was his ideas as a sculptor, printer and litho- dinner parties and watching his ITT is expected to takes its case
on life, love, and vitality which grapher. penetrating light blue eyes re- for compensation to arbitration. If
made him so attractive, she said, The University's Museum of Art flected in a mirror. the arbitrators decide OPIC must'
Miesel said Picasso has remain- contains one drawing and twenty- Once, Waite related, Hitler in- pay compensation, OPIC will seek
ed a popular topic for study at the six prints in its Picasso collec- vited a pretty actress for tea to recovery from the Chilean govern-
University. The art history depart- tion. A number of area collectors admire his books and when it be- ment, Mills said. L S
ment's Picasso and Cubism 574 is have Picasso ceramic works. came evident she found them dull
filled every term, he said. In memory of Picasso, the art he suddenly stopped, affected a
However, Miesel said the great history department is displaying a deep voice and thrust forth his
enthusiasm. for Picasso which book opened to a page entitled right arm saying, "Look at that, I
reached a peak a few decades ago, "Homage to Picasso" in its show- can od my arm like that for two
ras dechned recently. He sug- case m Tappan Hall. hours." After comparing his arm
to solid granite he went on with,
1 "I marvel at my own power."
"They do not love
that do not show their love."
William Shakespeare
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(Continued from Page 1)
crease faculty salaries. Fleming
replied the plan was still being
formulated and that the Univer-
sity would continue to press for the'
salary increase,
AthleticDirector Don Canham'
also appeared before the Univer-
sity Senate to outline a new Intra-
mural sports package to be fund-
ed by student assessments of from
7-10 dollars per term, and a $30
faculty-staff "user fee."
The new I-M proposal includes:
-construction of a Central Cam-
pus building to be located on Pal-
mer field;
-"construction of a North Cam-
pus facility with a swimming pool,
basketball courts and handball
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
-development of a new recrea-
tional facility on Ferry field;
-construction of an ice rink
in Yost Field House which can ac-r
commodate 7,000 spectators and be
used 10 months a year; andI
-conversion of the old ice rink
into a recreational facility.
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