Tuesdtmy, April 10, 1973 Il-HE MICHIGAN DAILY F-'oge Five b ________.~~~-.-~~--~-------- - -- d I MELI W29MMINk WAIM ? , . ' ,y ,; ;;. V ; , - *w. ( I t- r t r, 5 i 3 '1 -:7 s y . . t jget the job doicle I I i - " + ' d U FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY _ _ . ____ ..__ _ _ __ _T__ ___ 'I SITUATIONS WANTED ENTHUSIASTIC. hard worker seeks r e- ceptionist job (summer) at. respect- able A2 office organization. 21, fe- male, student. lots PR experience. 769-7288. 860,51 CAR SERVICE, ACCES. FROM THE PEOPLE WHO FIX YOUR CAR RIGHT. Reasonable pric.es for forei,?n car own ers. The Wheel Wo ks. 769-8493, 2020 W. Stadium. cSt~c THE GRANFALLOON r Motorcycle Work Spr-Ingl tune-uips on 2 and 4 strokes Specializing in Honda tune-ups and repair. Call 2-6 weekdays for appointment. 971 -6585 78S5153 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS Ildov 2 dovs 3 dons 4 dons 5Sdovs 6 d" o dd. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55 1 1.15 1. 5 2.30 2.90 3.Q0 4 80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3 60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21 -25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.30 3.60 5.00 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20 31 -35 2.05 4.10 5 65 7.40 9 05 1U.50 1.35 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50 41 -45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10 95 12.70 1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 INCHES 1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9 80 11 90 1380 1.80 2 5.20 10.40 1465 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60 3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5.+40 4 9.40 18 80 26.95 35.30 43.55 51.60 7120 5 1 1.20 22 40 32.20 42.20 52.10 61.80 9.00 N.B,: Each , rou0 of choroscters counts os one word Hyp,enoted wor'ds over 5 ch orocters countt #st troo (this includes telephone nu~bers! 1100*S e CQUis 1 ir h 5 wcwgOr~ W ^ FOR RENT ROYAL DUTCH APTS. 715 CHURCH for Summer and Fall Furnished one or two bedroom apts., within 11,i blocks of Central Campus. 769-2164 or 761-3466. cctc FLYING DUT1CHMAN ASSOC. FALL 1973 Fine campus apartments are renting now. Stop by soon for complete infor- mation and best selection. campus rentals, ltd. 665-8825 Corner S- U. and Washtenaw 9:00-5:30 NMonday-Friday 9:30.1:00 Saturday c~t c PETS AND SUPPLIES AFGHAN PUPPIES. $100 apiece. Your pick. 761-8925 between 8 and 11 am. - ~44T152 IRISH SETTER PUPPIES. AKC Champ- Ions. Parents Tristan/Isolde. 663-813 4 26T150 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT. 820 Oxford. 84C154 DETROIT UNIVERSITY CITY. 5 inin . from Wayne State University. 5-room apts. $125 and $140. Lease required. 833-7553. 86C155 HERITAGE HOUSE has one apt, still avail, for Fall. 4-mian. Call 761-3920. 829 Tappan. See Mgr. 21C153 STARTING SEPT., 6-bdrm, apt., $600' Vmo., 12 mo. lease. Call 761-3574 be- twee n 2 and 5, dC152 NEED A COUPLE or 2 girls to occupy bedroom in 2-story. 3-bdrm. HOUSE in quiet nghd. near S. State. 20 znins- walking to campus. Washer-dryer, fireplace, parking. May-May lease. Call Bill eves, 662-8241. 62C155 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA FALL 521 WALNUT MODERN 2-BDRM, 3-MAN AND EXTRA LARGE 2-1BDRM., 4-MAN Iishwasher, Air Cond., Security System 668-6906 Weekdays 'cte CAMPUS HOSPITAL AREA 521 WALNUT ST. EXTRA-LARGE 2-BEDROOM 4-MAN Dishwasher, Air Cond., Security System 668-6906 Call between 10-4 FALL OR SUMMER 1 BEDROOM, 2 PERSON, FURNISHED APT. JUNE-AUG. HALF BLOCK FROM CAMPUS. NEGOTIABLE. $63- 5369. 150150 m BARGAIN CORNER FOR RENT EDINBURGH APTS. .912 BROWN Furnished 2 Bedroom Apts. for Summer and Fall [neludes dishwasher, air cond.,,bal- conies. 761-6156 or 761-3466. ct'ic IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2 Nice Apartments 665-8825 Corn pus Rentalis, Ltd. FALL 1973 SUMMER 911 S. FOREST NEAR HILL 'TREE.T MODERN 2-BEDROOM for 3 or 4 STUDENTS Call Between 10-4 668-6906 MODERtN APARTME'NTS CAMPUS-1 BLOCK MODERN. 1 BEDROOMS FOR 2 OR :3 STUDENTS. With BALCONIES. AIR CONDITIONING 418 E. Washington Between State and DivisIn 668-6906 Call Between 10-4 FALL AND SUMMER, SUMMER RATES FURNISHED APARTMENTS AT CHOICE CAMPUS LOCATIONS DAHLMANN APARTMENTS .545 CHURCH 7f 1-:'f0 SUBLET S U BLET ONE OR TWO PEOPLE needed to fill 4-v onmn apartment close to campus.{ Modern. air-condititoning-price nego-; tiable. Ask for Lois or Pam. 769-0616. 28U154 nIAY-J O7NE SUBLET: on-campus large; modern 1-hr. with paneled study, a c. laundry, parking, new furniture. carpet. Cheap. Call Elaine, 663-6486 eves. 30U125 SUBLET r I ONE 13EDROONT-$125, modern, good lo- cation, good landlord. 761-0659, eve- ninz.. 93U151 M1AY-AUGUST 4-man bilevel with dish- washer and air conditioning. $160.00 a month. 662-9330. 08U15 DESPERATE! 2 - bedroom spacious: aipartirent for surnmer sublet. $220-- riegotiable-fll option. Hill and Oak- ' land. Call 662-0090. 83U157 NEAR CAMPUS. HOSP. April or May- Aut. Need 1 ;girl to share bdrm. in large, 2-bdrm., 4-man apt. in older MALE TO SHARE A {ate bedroom, air lent N. Campus b Call Bob, 662-2944 SUCH A Two of the bigge seen. Available N cious air conditi Near everything, 2-MAN APARTMEN conditioning, will Good location. Ca SUBLET APT., l-pe close to campus. SUMMER SUBLET: luxury apartment, campus. $40/man. '"Europa II, 665-071 SUMMER SUBLET Forest. Modern2 Real nice, Reasor APT. May-Aug. priv- MARRIED HOUSING, Northwood-V, conditioning, excel- May-Au g., two bedroom, townhouse location. Rent LOW.' furnished, 8125, incl. util. 663-7327. i.81U151 ;87U154 DEAL!! QUIET 1-bdrm. sublet, tall option, st bedrooms you've State and Packard area. Pets, decent .ay-August in spa- landlord, 663-3688 eves. 71U1152 coned modern apt. SUBLET: large turn, studio; kitchen 4e balcony. 761-0236. bathroom: in old house. Parch. On dUl 50 campus. Rent includes utilities. May- _._.._........... July, rent negot. Entire summer a TT, one bedroom, air possibility. 663-9575. 6311 1 negotiate price. - - - all 665-3317. 98U150I MALE T SHARE 2-bdrm. apt. May or ------- ___ June-Aug., A/C, on campus. 769-0971. erson, utilities paid,t 6411155 662-2844. 11U151 __--..................._____ ------------------4 BEDROOM HOUSE,.Inay-Aug. Rent 4-man furnished negotiable. Near Arb and campus. G. Extremely close to Garage. 663-7016. 6711154 .Hill and Oakland, -_ ________ 5. Not to be missed! CAMPUS: large,, clean, furnished for OIUl51 I or 2 girls. 761-1932. cote near Hill, 911 5. i BEDROOM, clean, modern Apt. WI 2-bedroom, 4-man.' air cond. Available April 15-Aug. 31. nable rent. 668-6906. Call 662-6197. 38U1142 man apt. air-condi-, MODERN two-bedroom, May-August tral campus and IM sublet. Dishwasher, A/C, disposal, bal- *d No. 1. 761-3198. cony. Great location, Reasonable, 31UI50 665-9898. 56U1144 rhospitals and cam-, SUMMER SUBLET ytime. Call 663-5725.'i We have many campus 1- and 2-bed- 07U1150 room apartments available for the summer. Beautifully furnished, air- Sublet, modern 2- conditioned, large balconies. For In- iditioned apartment. formation, call 668-6906. cute Call 663-9576. 37UI50 MODERN APARTMENTS drm. in house, $120; MUSICAA. MDSE., included, (on .RA ISRE IS 764-0083. 42U150RA IS RE IS =d, 2-bdrm., 4-woman BOGEN RECEIVER, McDonald turn- Great location, table. Ampex recorder and speakers, A/C, parking. Three Electrophonlc system w/8-track, turn- 665-2605. 94U154 table, AM/FM. Mark, 663-4583. 61X~154 SUBLET FOR RENT 1 FANTrASTIC 4-MAN 0Fall, furnished, campus, parking, year- lease, $280; spring-summer sublet $:130. 927 S. Forest, manager. No. 102, after 5 pom. 662-6156, 761-6943. No pets. 4 ~84C 160 IDINETTE SET, wood, $200. Lamps - t1 bookcases, three for $100. 971-1247. i. 370151 FALL RENTALS: Modern, furnished ef- ficicncy, 307 Thompson. Call 663- 8642. 26C160 RENT-spring and summer X115. Fal option .3srm. apt.--very large living room and kitchen in furnished apt. 2 House. corner of 13111l and Forest. Call Y Susan Rae (769-2680) Apt. No. 5. E 09C151 ' IFALL RENTALS IModern furnished 1, 2. and :3-bdrm. 5 apartments, incl. A C. dishwasher. parking. laundry. etc. 711 Arch (near State & Packard). See/call Julian,' Iapt. 206, 769-0907. 170153 FALL RENTALS: modern, furn. effic.. 307 Thompson. 663-8642. 24CI59 tH-1 M AN NEEDED. 3-bdrm. hi-level with a/c, balconies, dishwasher, dis- posal. fireplace, 764-4901. 05C151 cSINGLE ROOM for Grad student. Sum- mer and Fail. 663-3886. 870153 OLD HOUSE: SECOND FLOOR 3 : spacious rooms, or 2 rooms plus jliving room, May-May lease, big; kit- chen. near IMri building, 3 minutes to campus. $260 includes utilities. Call Gary. 764-0953 persistently, unremnit- tingly. dC146 A JEWISH LIVING ALTERNATIVE: (Kosher and Co-ed. For information. D'call: AEPi, 662-9538. 15C151 - WHY DON'T YOU rent a. house this summer? May through August. fur- nished, three bedrooms and a base- ment. Ten minute walk from campus. Call 665-6520. 60150 -ALGONQU IN MODEL APT, NOW OPEN 1330 N. University M-W-F- 2.01 - 5.00 761-3131 cC153 HENRY HATCH APTS., 921 S. Divi- sion, 2-bedroom apt. available for sun-mer and fail. 769-4228 evenings. 650150 C AMvPOS FAL.L 4-MIAN 2 -1EDROONT FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT --May thru August-- FOREST TERRACE APTS. f 1001 S. Forest --coinplel ely furnished -air conditioned ---burglar alarm system -live-in manager --off-street parking from $140.00 per month Cali1 Andi or Randy Young 769-6374 64C 160 DETROIT FURNITURE RENTAL COLLEGE M ARKET SPECIALISTS LOW PRICES F~AST DELIVERY ANN ARBOR REPRESENTATIVE IRV SPARAGE 769-2074 cCtc This Fall Rent from a Company Where TENANTS, TAPPAN: 2 bedrm., 2 or 3-man furn. api. Fall occupancy. S236'mo. 663- 4101. ectc MODERN, furnished, 2 -bedroom, 4-per son apt. May-August. S. State St Laundry, covered parking, air condi tioning. garbage disposal. Closet IM, bus route. Campus Corners. Great deal. 761-1108. 84U143 K INGSLEY APTS. 2 BEDROOM, 2 MAN. FURNISHED $21 5 per Month Includes Heat and Waiter FALL OCCUPANCY 663-4101 CAMPUS MANAGEMEN'T, INC. 335\E. HURON c~tc RENTAL OFFICE Now open for F all Reservations Drop in for a price list of available apartments RENTAL OFFICE 720 S. Staie 1-5 p.m .Daily ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. Property Mgt. Dept. 769 -2800 ce SWIM AT UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. IN A HEATED SWIMMING POOL FROM APRIL - OCTOBER. SHORT LEASES AVAILABLE MAY 5 -JUNE 30 or JULY 5 - AUGUST 28. ALL AP'TS. ARE AIR-CONDITIONElD. WHY SUBLET? Yotur own lease and apt. DISCOUN'TED 30% DURING SUMMER. Stop by between class for a visit. Only 2 blocks fr'om the Diag at the corner of S. University and F orest. CALL 761 -2680 house. Free Utilities! $45/mo. 769- i5135. 14U150 .--- 2 BEDROOM, 3-4x Come First! SAM'S STORE Available for Fll ore this town's most popular campus apartments: Albert Terrace Algonquin The Abbey Dean Apartments The Lodge Carriage House The Lion The Forvm And as of now they are all managed by Ann Arbor's newest tenant-oriented company.. Maize & Blue Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 LEVI'S--DEN IMS Bell Bottoms...... 9.00 Tracitionols.......8.00 Button Flys .......7.50 Boot Jeans ..,.....8.00 LEVI'S--DENIM JACKETS Unlined ......,..9.50 Lined...........13.50 BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SH IRTS .... .2.98 Toll Mon Sizes .. -..3.49 ENGINEER HATS . ., . .1.19 POCKET TEE SHIRTS 15 Colors .. . . .1.69 SHOULDER BAGS .... 2.49 BACK PACKS . .2.69 & up 27 STYLES OF SWISS ARMY KNIVES IN STOCK 207 E. LIBERTY c wtc MODERN. LARGE ecit FALL RESERVATIONS Are Now Being Accepted at Our Campus Locations New,, Furnished Student Apartments [SAHLMAN N AfPARTMENTS 545 Church 761-7600 OWN ROOMl in beauti)iful fourberm hon-e. ard.1'Female, %la -Aogv 1 ='15. Barbara. 769-2673.>4615 iVIEN spring-sumt* P001)5 114 r- ority. Suit e Sv-tcin. Sinigles giid cu- ble. Security and kitchen ivcas Call 662-0006 (or 663-53,l341,.5 SPRING SUMMER StUBLETI:2-er. 4-man apt.. A C, located at S. Unies r- sitv and Forest. Pent, negotia.ble'. Coil 769-7753. 49U154 2 WOMEN NEEDED for alir-conidiioned tri-level apartment oni Central Ca i- pu.1.Own rooms1l,'ta-AivwnstLxiih1 ren4t negotiabl)1e. Plc..- calllKnrviiat 769-6:757. 189U152 LARGE one-bedroom modern lIn rv ap. n.rpcaim)pus. Only $100-half price. For I or 2 persons. 769-1245. (IL152 SEMI-DESPERATE to stiblet. CGreat lo- cation, I block frtomntoaimpuis.,Rent negotiable. 761 -25:12. dli152 FURNISHED muodern 1 -bedlroomr. Di- washer, air conditioing. Corner Hill and Division. $120 inn. 761 -6364l. 54U155 13IG HOtUSE for sublet. Call 665-7295. )5[1152 MAY-AUGUSTl: 2-tadrin., A C carpeted, inodern, off tcamnputsnear US-23 5and Wawiiteiaw~. 971-78327. 570155 L.IVE CHIEAPLY, healthfully t his sum- mier. Sublet in Natural Foods Co-op. Donuble room andi a half. Laurma, 764- 6925. 751J155 MODERN,. air-comnd., I -bdmi apt.I block fronm canpl.-. 2 peo ple needed for summner 01' 1 for spring. Call 665- 8176. 68Ut1511 NEED GIRL to chare large 2-Brn, 2- Bath apt. May-Aug., A C. puool, patito, 662-5973. 19U0155 SUMMER SUi3LE' Swimming Pool Very large studio api. All Utilities paid. close to cam)pus5. Call or conie to 10101 E Uiniversit y, Apt. 40, 761-4:347 (110l52 MODERN EFFICIENCY. separte bed - room, Air cond. Great ?loction. F'ree- laundry. $100. 769-9033. 88U154 JULY-AUGUST sublet for single or couple. 2-rooni apartint one block from Rackhami(living-bedroom and kitchen). A,' C, puarkinig, I nmn., fall option $111). 761-9647 early am., meal times . 60151 SUBLET: I-bdrm, apt. 'May-Aig. Sau- na, puarking, security door-.wahn machines, beautiful garden foy,-,:.is nice place to meaize music. We're puay- ing $200/ma.; asking $1501 or best offer. 769-4948. 4711150 HOUSE: Rooms or complete. 4 bdrms. 1 attic. dishwasher, 2 car garage. large, porch. Close to campus(l. 761- 6921. d60151 T=WO ROOMVS available in a nmoderni 1three bedroom apt, avail able wepa - ratelyoir together for Moo-Aneg. for 1-4 people. rincludes laundry fa - cilities, parking garbage disposali, air- coruditionmig, and fireplace. Rent tne- gotiable, Call Joel or Mike, 769-0636. cit1151 ONE IBEDROOTM APT. iSpri og'Sutnmer. Rent negotiable.. 769-2549. 613052 IMAYY-AUG;UST. I Bedroom, . furnished a pt., air-cond., balcony. parking. laundry. 1 blk. from Union. $140 or best offer. 665-5453. 0311150 l BR IGHT. FURNISHED 1 bedroom apt. ITrg kitchen. livingroom, 6 blocks =rom campus. May-Aug. $110. 662-5169r eve>. 94U1152 2 BIEDROOMS May-August. a 3rd June- Anv. in bilevel aput. in house. Furn.,., a )peted. a ---great house-3 blocks frm : amputs. $60'mo. 761-1783. 98U153 SPACIOUS 3-nian apt., May-August. 21 iumiltes fromi campus, porch, a,'c, sunii. 1336 Geddes No. 5, 761-2913. 96U1153 MOD. 2 -BDP M., swvimnming pool-sauna. 1st moo. . 110. 434-3395. 7311151 2 MAN.--2 BDRMb. APT. July-Aug. Park- in,. Grea.,t view. Best offer. 665-2187. 75U151 OWN, ROOM in hotise. 1326 Geddes Ma .-Ang. Parking. Dishwasher. Best, ofr665-2187. 7411151 SU;BL.ET: I or 2 men for May-Aug;., u~verloodl; ing Oakland from a beauti- fiul miodern alet .30 seconds to Law, Bus. Ad.. and A&D. 761-1227. 8011154 CHOICE LOCATIONS al: Reasonable Rates One and Two Bedrooms ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. 10.0 5. -Main 769-2800 cute ROOMMATE WANTED for July and Augnst. Spacious modern apartment 5 nain. from campus. C'a11 769-4057. (11150 T7WO-BEDROOM APARTMENT, fur- ishBed for unfurnished)1. Apt, $120,- intdividual room $60. 662-8131. 72U3150, SPRING-SUMMER: One large bright. b~edroom - available for one or two; person in hinge, modern, hi-level. a p)artmcnt. A'C. dishwashter, many extras. One bulock from diag' and Un- iont 665-701. 6110 LIAY-AUGi.: 2 BDRM. CAMPUS APT, A 'C, IN OLDER HOUSE. HIGHLY REASONABLE. 668-7774 or 1-646-0406 COLLECT. 5011152 PARADISE FOUND. 2 single rooms in old house near campus. Kitchen, liv- inug room. May-Sept., July-Sept. Call 663-1095. Ed or Dale. 32U1154 ONE BEDROOM in apt, right between Miled and Central campus. A/C, dish- washer, fireplace, the works. Dave or :Mike, 662-3429. dU15O M.AY-AUGUS'T SUBLET, one male for 2-bedroom apt. $45/nuo. 769-6999. Tap- pan near Hill. 4211152 SUBLET: FMay-Aug. 1 bdrin., 2-person. air c~ond., dishwasher, disposal, carpet. laundry.,rparking. $30 person or best offer. 663-7013. 47U1152 BEST OFFER takes this sunny $300 mlodlern campus apartment. A 'C. pa rking. Call 663-7937 persistently. 4511150 a0 SECONDS from 'MLB: 4-man apt. Aiir-cond., garbage disposal, free park- in,,. laundry, and storage. $140/mo. Call662-43124.,611150 FE'MALE NEEDED foi' huge old-fashion- ti apt. Sublet with 3 other women. $50 1)40. 764-1611. 5611152 GOPRGEOUS, spacious quiet 4-room aput. oin campus, Furnished, $180. Avail. May 15-Dec. 662-2366. 5111153 SUBLE'T in lee. loveable old house. S Need 2 women, rent depending on youi' need. Own room, sh. 1ig. bdrm. withl own friend. sh. 1g. bdrm. and make a new friend. 1 ap. open April 2:3rd. 665-2170 or stop by 926 Green- wood off E. University. 1911150 S1PRING SUMMER, large, beautiful, 3- b~edroom a pt.. garage, quiet neighbor- hood, douible beds sunrooin. 761-7128. 800151 tioning, near cent Bldg. 917 Packard Price negotiable. LARGE ROOM near pus. Available and 6-12 p m. SPRING/SUMMER bedroom air cone Price negotiable.t 2-3 PERSON 2-bd month. Utilities Church). 764-1611, MODERN, Furnishec apt. May-August. quiet. Laundry, P vacancies. Cheap. MODERN TWO-MAN POOL Air-Conditioning Free Underground Parking Good Location 665-2770 38U152 1-BDRM. APT., close to camptus. AC, parking. Call Barb 764-0330 days, 709- 7349 notes. 7311154 815 PACKARD, 2 rooms for male grads, share a bath a-nd kitchen with 1 oth- er. May-Aug. 665,4736. 7511152 MAY-AUG. Modern, Turn. studio effi- ciency. Packard-State, A.,C, parking, g-d dividable into 2-bdrm. Must see to appreciate. 663-9079. 58U152 3-BDRM. modern apt. Dishwasher, parking, 2-bath, A/C, May-Aug. 663- 4583. 5911152 AN OFFER you can't refuse: Spring- Stimmer, spacious 3-bdrmn. apt. Mo- diern conveniences, ideal location, de- tails, 769-4711. 6911155; Join The Daily Staff Speakers, originally $135 each, 21x yrs. old, top condition, $85 each or best offer, 665-7493. 25X151 CASSETTE-Fisher RC80 Dol~by Noise- reduction system $80. 764'-0634. 79X~151 SAVE 30 'r' on most musical instru- ments. Call Steve, 663=1157. 33X154 (Continued on Page 6) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE C A P T MH[ L E ETA T aAPILA APO AGOUT I N I HTCAP HORN IN ANGORAS H10S I L E YEA-R OAR STS ANACONDA LASSO CANOPIC NAG ICA ANKLE NAVARON S 0 M N C R 0C0AR CROSSWORD PUZZLE ONE FEMALE for two bedroom, own ----- - - -. -.- room. Call 763-6251. 3011151 GARRARD TURNTABLE, Calrad, am- ------_-----------^------.--__.- plifier, and Sherwood tuner. Very SUBLET: own room in apartment. I CHEAP. Call Ron, 761-2610. 70X155 Spring/Summer. 663-5674. 3111150'-- - - . -- HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO SUMMER: 2-bdrm. apt. in house. ,Tinusual and ordinary instruments, of- Parking. $150. 662-0116. 5011150 fered, made, repaired--also carv ed and -. ~..------------, :inlayed. Accessories, lessons. 209 S. 2-MAN, 2-bedroom modern summer Slate. 665-8001. cxte sublet near A& P and Farmer's Mares FLUTES ----------comletely_____- ket. Available May 1st. $170 a month. FLTSFRSLcopeey;cn Call6622246peristetly 451153 ditioned. 1 Artley for $90. 1 Gemein- Call662-246persstenly. 45U13 "hardt for $150. Call 632-7191. 42X160 SPRING and/or SUMMER: modern 4-5 , ' - man ' hi-level: furnished. air-condi- i GIRARD 40B turntable, base, cover, tiored, etc. Close to campus and Arb. Shue E5I cartridge, 769-1351. Call 769-0212. 45U137 . . 29X150 FURNISHED NICE BUILDING NICE PEOPLE 521 WALNUT AND 911 S. FOREST 668-69006 MODERN APTS. INC. ,C 147 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES F'all Rentals-Campus Area, Efficiencies, 1 and 2 bedrooms In mod- ern buildings and older houses. Step i In at 616 Church for ou r listings oz call 769-8520. ce Observatory 4-MAN FALL FURNISHUD $65 PER MAN 663-4101 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC, 337 EAST HURON cCtc FANTASTIC 4-MAN FALL: furnished-Campus-Parking Some Spring Sipblets. 927 S. Forest, Mgr. No. 102 after 5 p.m. 662-6156 / 761-6943 480 160 S _ _ _ - >: 1,, ; < .7 - - ' . IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Furnished Apartments on U-M Campus Modern, Spacious. Reasonable Price. MAIZE 8& BLUI% MANAGEMENT 761,-31 31 Read and Use Daily Classifieds ' ACROSS 1 Establish. 5 Blunder: Collo+ 9 Hlit hard. 13 Military acronym. 14 Barton of the Red Cross. 15 Mighty ':orse god. 16 Girl at a dance. 18 Japanese native 1() soap ingredieni 20 Diving bird. 21 Tenant. 23 Vendetta. 2 1 Frenchman's weorid. 25 Certain cows. 28 Storage place. 31 Shoelace tag. 32 Pals. 33 Scandinavian man's name. 34 Cargo. 35 Fertile soil. 36 Blue serge item 37 Miscalculate. 38 Young mare. 39 Swiftness. 40 Allow extra space. 42 Profession. Y1m Copr G (io n1r nCMU AS pJ. 43 Astronaut John q.44 Riv-er bed in Africa. 45 Window coverings. 47 Greatest number. 48 G. 1, 51 Ear part. 5.2 Type of sales- muan: Phrase. e.55 Sharp tools, t.36 Rub off. 57 Parcel of land, 58 Assemnble. 59 Short letter. 60 Slant or tw~ist. DOWN 1 Shout. 2 Not at home. 3 Part of a sandal, 4 House addition. 5 Rising tide. 6 Grassplot. 7 Actress Mary. t 8 Pubs. 9 Small tables, 10 Washington residence. 11 Tops. 12 Reliable, 14 'Blur, 17 :Armada. 22 Concludes. 23 One of the Alieng, 24 Quiet; shy. 25 City in Madras. 26 G;reek market- place. 27 Memorable star. 28 Engulf. 29 Upper cest. 30 Discourage. 32 City in Panama. 35 Simba's residence, 36 Rantce's garb. 38 Gratis. 39 Wasforced, 41 First-born. 42 Social group. 44 Less fitting. 45 Banging noise. 46 Elias or Jlulia Ward, 47 Ditch. 48 Skin blemish, 49 Golfer's call. 50 Word with cut .., }..;' 5. - A dvertising CareerA The Universily of Michigan only offers classroom exposure to advertising "i.e. theory and prerequisites) offers you EXPERIENCE in promotions, layout, design and copy -__--.,-'----- - ... 53 5 4 or neck. Gold in U'inia. K~ ' ..: ,;; ti ti:a; M 1 1..'." i 6-77 '- Rheingold." 9 '7t1~ 33~l F7 m 16 T i I 17 -f 23 10 I n - 4 18 I - 3 36 i i 1 E t 31 G 34 37 38 -13 Pk- -f I i