Poge Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, April $, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, April R, 1973 U3 .-Capitol Markhet LIQUOR WINES BEER COMPLETE GROCERIES MEDITERRANEAN FOODS IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CHEESES One of largest selections of wines in our wine room FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN 7'DAYS, 10 a m to 1 a.m, SNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 'TIL MIDNITE (Continued from Page 9) "JMpGOVERN? I wouldn't vote for that bald-headed sonofa- bitch if he was running against a colored man," responded one gen- tleman to a hopeful canvasser. We agreed, assuming that if a black man were ever a major candidateF for President in this country, we would vote for him just on general principle.j But the part about bald-headed sonofabitch . . . that hurt. George, after all, was the guiding light of our days and nights. To hear a voter deride him for his pitifully concealed lack of hair, why, we felt like priests forced to listen to anecdotes about the Pope's sexuality. Obie construed a huge chart on the office wall, depicting the grad- uations of power within the cam- paign. At the top was God and directly beneath him was "Dr. George," followed by Frank Man- kiewicz, and so on, down to our storefronts. Good ol' Dr. George. Late every evening we would poignantly say goodnight to a black and white In early October the party on the White 1I1S t lawn movedi1 out of reach and known orthodox rabbi from the It was bad times. Prices moved area. up even after the President swore Sarge smiled into a hedge of up and down that freezing wages microphones and asked the rabbi would help. The war would not how high the price of bacon was stop. The President, the comman- these days. I der-in-chief himself, seemed to In the ensuing silence, the rabbi have tr reservations about handing explained that he didn't know about out price increases and contracts the price of bacon because he to any organization that contributed didn't buy bacon, and for Sarge's heavily enough to his campaign. information, neither did any other That style of government and orthodox Jews. that state of affairs led to a cer- Pigs ain't Kosher, Sarge. tain time of uneasiness. * * In the spring George McGovern *Rc* h*o seized upon the disquiet. When the IN EARLY October the part on government's intentions and good the White House lawn moved out faith were most in doubt, McGov- of reach and faded in the distance ern caught the moment. before our unaccepting eyes. A G a l11 u p poll taken in May The last two weeks of September showed McGovern leading Nixon had shown a steady nine-point rise among union members by an in- for us in the Harris poll. If that credible 50-31, long before the nomination. Another poll showed George's "credibility" rating pass- ing Nixon's at the beginning of the summer, and then... . Still, if there had been no mis- takes, if the slow-talking South Dakotan had mobilized a smooth- running Kennedy-style machine, if the choice had remained as clear in Nov ember as it was in May. Might we someday have had the party on the White lose law" No. Nice giys win nominations, but they don't win elections. Not yet, anyway... 211 S. 4th Ave. 663-0101 rte : faded 1 i the distance at 6:30 and CBS ga- to Nixon at 6:39. glossy of George and Eleanor, and Some ho rs l ter O1 Obie would pronounce, "Don't be drove out to a party st J'NEmisruled, be McGoverned.' Pinto togetsm e mre HENTHERE was Sarge. I sat in the car and tri n obIe Doti Quixote . . . of a way to overcome If George 'McGovern was noble and ask the people gath Slc tioCmpDon Quixote traveling far and wide trend had continued, for the next office to believe that t Ciompiete Seecion Of n a never-say-die search for The five weeks, the Election D)ay gap not the end. Truth, Sargent Shriver was his would be a mere three or four I really wasn't thing loyal but ornery jackass. points, bad news. We who lost much sleep and But on October 7 we showed a Obie came out and - F quickly forget the foul aftertaste For a moment on that day Obie "The woman in ther kl w eight for the cam paign will not two-point loss over the last week. m om ent in silence.EEui k y f r e th fo l a e t s e F r a m m nt n t at d y O e 'T e w an n t e e W9-4as CBS cameras zeroed in on Sarge and I looked at each other and fig- man, she's really fallen a combing his hair and studying a ured that all of our energy and it." pocket mirror as George stood up imagination had gone into getting We drove back to theo for the last time and delivered his us that far. Obie, a 29-year old art out saying another word. BE4LLS If concession speech. dealer who had lived through the It was Sarge who, the same day Nigerian civil war for the Peace 4OMETIME back in Oc I arrived in Ohio, came two hours Corps and was supporting himself and his wife Susan a RFor Guys late to a vital meeting with Frank and his wife on the campaign's $60 back across the flatlan King, state AFL-CIO boss and old- a week, was getting long head- midnight after the Willia J EANS and G als style kingpin of Ohio's Democrats. aches and sometimes coughed up Democrats' dinner. Susa By the time Sarge made the scene, blood, ganized the hell out of King had left in a huff. I had bronchitis and had gone k. JACKETSAnd it was Sarge who went to from 183 to 161 pounds since com- the Bronx in search of the all- ing to Ohio. 4 important Jewish vote and left with Jamie had been transferred to his finely polished shoe in his 1 the stumbling Youngstown McGoy- 118 E. Washington St. 4 mouth. ern organization some days earlier,' Figuring on hitting the inflation! leaving the two of us to run things. Ann Arbor 4 issue and grabbing the Jewish vote! We had lived on a last resort ! %P in one foul swoop, the advancemen theory: *b scheduled Sarge for a stroll through Certainly our chances were 100 a Bronx supermarket with a well- to 1. Neither of us doubted that. -But the "1," that was the thing.: __We had to live like it was 50-50 or the odds would move to 100-0. On the seventh of October, forces beyond our control appeared to pre- empt us and subtract the "1." So we decided very quickly not Tto slow down at all. We pushed ahead on energy that i was generated by. previous energy that was generated in a vacuum. (IS WHAT WE GIVE ON ALL YOUR (That was it: more than defeat, I think, we feared the vacuum.) OFFICE AND SCHOOL NEEDS) Insanely, unrealistically, we ran . . . his ornery and ran until the moment the polls closed. County-she and Obie li WE OFFER: We stopped then, and s t o o d an, the country seat-an around, smiling at each other riding on the glow of p wanly, thinking about the last pliments from the cou * A PROFESSIONAL Machine Repair Department. couple of months, worrying no man, Sam Mowrey, a fa longer and only hoping. We rolled into a true Office Machine RENTAL Department. * * * .only patch of lighted , r A TTl Tr"Ar i ci ha nr fiE ldc ed inl 01hi1 e the state bie and I ore in the 'liquor Cot' ffice. ed to think exhaustion ered at the onight was about the sat for a C's crying, pIart about office with- tober Obie nd I drove ds around ms County an had or- f Williams "When you hc full of people tune to what grow up, ar to understaon why they are, day to the ne natural to fir people who a and alone," jackass ved in Bry- d we were ublic com- nty chair- .rmer. ckstop, the space for d bi hoh £Loneiness in. Ann Arbor By Gasper Patrico View fron the Engine Arch .. . haps. But you put an ad in the+ personals: LONELY PEOPLE. I'm trying to find out why many people in Ann r one's world, the a. existe s OLYMPIA Brand Office Products. " CANON Electronic Calculators. * SCM Portable Typewriters. * USED Machines of all types. * MIMEO-DUPLICATOR Supplies. OFFICE SUPPLY HOUSE TN A PECULIAR way we suc- ceeded: The end hurt us and the people around us not so much be- cause of the crushing outcome-we had forseen that long ago-but simply because it was the end. We lost because of the dissipated Democratic labor vote. We lost be- cause the city bosses sat on their hands. We lost because most of us had never been near a Presidential campaign before. We lost because it would have taken some kind of miracle to outdo Richard Nixon's studied effort to con the electorate. We fell apart back in August ramid a myriad of mistakes and miscalculations '. . . and I would go on, but suffice it to say that it only hurts when I laugh. But there is an important thing: George McGovern presented the American people with what began as the clearest choice-they had seen in 30 years. j mues in the corn iets, ana ougnt gas. A thin kid with sort of long hair ran out to fill our tank and ran back inside from the wind. Susan, always more energetic than either Obie or I, grabbed a McGovern economy leaflet and cir- cled the part about unemployment in Ohio, and jammed it into his hand when he came back out. "Hey, try to read this when you get time." He looked at us with surprise and curiousity and said, "Sure," an uiuiyadsi,"ueand kept looking at us as we moved out onto the highway. "Shit!" Obie laughed. "That must be the first time anyone's gone out of their way for that guy in years." Susan said, "That's the point, Obie." AND THAT, four more years not- withstanding, remains the point. Stare through the tunnel-at- Arbor are this way. we can rap. ner w the-end-of-the-sidewalk into t h e 1-555-1vW. er afte basement of the universe. Watch! Wait for the phone to ring and who a the zombies mechanically trudge listen to the responses. A hesitant toward classes. Eyes locked in un- voice paraphrases the ad in the PER inpregnable stares, faces carved inc nondescript expressions as if Me-"Daily" and asks what it's all this p dusa was in this morning's medi- about. Reassured of the sincerity, of "mi cine cabinet. Ann Arbor, Michi- of intent, the voice unfolds its what gan, U.S.A. The movie is always story. It has no face or eyes to many the same, only the characters read, only a receiver to talk into. cially change. The voice loosens and listening you put r Movie? The University of Michi- realize that someone is communi- year gan, the major and heavy industry cating with you on a basic human psycho of Ann Arbor. Its consumer pro- 'level. A level of communication (Greek ducts, the creation of knowledge, that you know could not be obtain-totre and the student. The University, ed by speaking with this person1"Tl "Intellectual Citadel of the Mid- on a street corner where eyes and west." The University, emotion- physical presence are too easily!tach less chasm. The University, con- ! dodged in the "I've got to get go- crete and glass oversoul of Ann ! ing boogie." Your ears stolen by jLe Arbor. a car with a bad muffler choking Le Check your focus, zoom in close through traffic. A dog fight. A "Be . pan slow . . . Ah! An eye. poster in the store window which ness a flickered, soft as life, questioning you read over the words of the demar human trapped inside auto- person who is talking to you. forced mation caricature. Zoom in closer,. Not on the phone. You have two stabili into the pupil . . . down through voices wired together, complete! your e the optic nerve .. . zoom into the with silent lags to create discom- Too C mental garden, the source from fort and frustration. You begin to' pense which this persons draws the ener-! gain an understanding of what it t get los gy, the rationale to cope with life means to many people when they Why within the basement of the un- step into the streets of Ann Arbor. SamI verse - the infinite sub-level of Zip up your defences, it's cold out- tor". ' the stacks in the cosmic library. side. enters "Last stop-diag, everyone out." Whether this is done consciously tential or subconsciously seems to be de- merse< aoo PESSIMISTIC? pragmatic? pendent upon the degree to which may n existential? futilitarian? Per- one understands the dynamics oil 613 E. WILLIAM 665-3763 BANK AMERICARD WELCOME