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April 08, 1973 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-04-08

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Sunday, April 8, 1973


Page Nine

By The AP and UPI "Gaylord
CLEVELAND-Two pitches made gre'aser," i
the difference. I didn't go
One of the pitches was thrown cause it w
'by Mickey Lolich. Chris Chambliss good.
hit it for a two-run home-run yes- "He does
terday and gave the Cleveland In- contradicte
dians a 2-1 season-opening win over a 1-0 nastu
the Detroit Tigers. a homerun
inning. "J
THE OTHER was thrown by the trouble."
master of the "mystery pitch"-
Gaylord Perry. It was turned into PERRY
a doubleplay that stopped a po-
tential Detroit rally.
And watching the whole thing Eugene
was a crowd of 74,420 persons, the won itss
largest number of fans ever to see giate Ath
the first game of any season in this year
Cleveland. gymnasti
Lolich walked Rusty Torres to competiti
open the game and had an 0-2 last nigh
count on Chambliss one out later. earlier 1
Then came the fatal pitch. with t h
"It was a fast ball," Lolich said crown, o
before heading for his post-game and Indi
shower. "It started out as a good cisive tea
pitch . . but it ran back into his Michiga
power, so it became a bad pitch." fourth in
The following action was quiet meet, pi
until the fifth inning. Then, Duke in the m
Sims waddled into second base like a fourth
a three legged buffalo after smash-
ing a line hit to right center which Ray Gui
rolled under Torres' glove. place sho
JIM NORTHRUP, who had ear- later in th
lier gotten the first of only four Leo Carde
hits by the Tigers, walked to bring ing stop of,
up Mickey Stanley. Rodriguez
The Detroit centerfielder nudged out bothI
a bounder in front of the plate Kaline af
which he thought was foul. How- gled. Per
ever, Cleveland catcher Dave Dun- struck out
can pounced on the ball and rifled
to third to force Sims. Buddy Bell Lolichr
then whipped it over to first to shaky the
complete the rally-reducing double but then s
play. "Mickey
"We had him (Perry) on the Martin sai
ropes and he got off because of
one call," Manager Billy Martin who was2
said in the unusually quiet club and hadr
house. five of hi
"I sdon't- know if it hit him assignmen
(Stanley) or not," Martin admitted, away from
"But they should have checked the
ball." ELSEW]


_ %
. o


Boston upends New York, 4-2;
Canadiens whip Sabres again

had his usual fine
Martin said wryly. "But
out and complain be-
ouldn't have done any
sn't throw that many,"
d Stanley, who pounded
ral pitch by Perry for
leading off the eighth
ust when he gets in
WAS almost in trouble
Ore. - Iowa State
second National Colle-
hletic Association title
r when it copped the
cs championship in
on completed h e r e
t. The Cyclones, who
this year walked off
e NCAA's wrestling
utdistanced Penn State
ana State for their de-
am triumph.
an, w h ic h finished
the season - ending
laced two performers
oney. Monty Falb took
in the rings, while
ra vaulted to a sixth-
owing in his specialty.
he inning, but shortstop
nas made a super div-
a basehit bid by Aurelio
and then Perry struck
Dick McAuliffe and A
ter Ed Brinkinan sin
rry 24-16 last season,
five and walked two.
pitched well. He was
first couple of innings
ettled down.
pitched a great game,"
d of the portly Oregonian
22-14 for him a year ag
not been beaten in al
s previous opening day
ts. "Only one pitch go
HERE in the majors

Carl Yastrzemski d
straight hits, one of1

riled four
them his sec-

ond home run in two games, as the
Boston Red Sox pounded the New
York Yankees for the second
straight day, this time by a 10-5
Yastrzemski set up a first-inning
run with a single, walloped a
homer in the third, doubled in the
fifth and looped a run-scoring sin-
gle in the sixth.
The Red Sox, who amassed 21
hits in a 15-5 romp Friday, made
it two in a row with Rico Petro-
celhi contributing a three - run
homer. New g York got homers by
Gene Michael and Graig Nettles.
In New York, Willie Mays sin-
gled home the Mets' winning run
with two out in the ninth for a :32
victory over the Phillies. Ed Krane-
pool, batting for winner Jon Mat-
lack, had walked and pinch-runner
Teddy Martinez had moved to sec-
ond on a grounder. John Milner hit
a homer for the Mets and Bill
Robinson had one for the Pniilis.
Ron Santo's two-out 10th-inning
single scored Don Kessinger with
the winning run as the Chicago
Cubs defeated Montreal 3-2. Kes-
singer had opened the 10th with a
.walk and moved up on a single by
J o s e Cardenal. Billy Williams
strugk out and Cardenal was pick-
1 ed off first for a double play before
Santo came through against the

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Rookie Greg
pard's second goal of the
broke a .third-period tie an
the Boston Bruins. a 4-2v
over the New York Ranger
night in the third game of
best-of-seven National H o<
League Stanley Cup playoff:
The triumph left the Bruin
ing in the series 2-1, with the
game scheduled for tonighti
The teams were skating
men to a side with New
Pete Stemkowski -and B
Doug Roberts serving pe
when Sheppard scored th
breaking goal midway throu
final period.
The Rangers had tied the
at 2-2 when Jean Ratelle de
Dale Rholfe's slap shot at3
the third period.
Mike Walton wrappeda
victory for the Bruins, hitt
empty net after the Ranger
Giacomin for an extra ska
the final minute.

d gave
ors last
f their
c k e y
s trail-


fourth I 1
C New anadiens Club diens after taking a pass from
Serge Savard.
g four BUFFALO, N.Y.-The Mahovlich I Rene Robeert's powerful slap
York's brothers, Pete and Frank, scored shot from the blue line early in
ostn's e goal apiece last night ii help- the third period moved Buffalo to
os~Sing the Montreal Canadiens to a within one goal of Montreal, but
nalties 5-2 victory over the Buffalo Sabrees Frank Mahovlich put the game out
e tie- in a National Hockey League play- of reach with a 48-foot blast.
gh the off game.
The victory gave Montreal a 3-0
Sscorelead in the best-of-seven series in Blues bungle
the first round of the Stanley Cup
flected playoffs. The fourth game will be ST. LOUIS - Veterans Ralph
3:12 of played here tonight. Backstrom and Jim Pappin rifled
Pete Mahovlich's power-play goal home two goals each in catapulting
s p the-earyygin the Chicago Black Hawks to a 5-2
up the early in the second period broke a victory over the St. Louis Blues in
ing an 1-1 tie and put Montreal in front quarter - finals of t h e National
s lifted to stay. Only 16 seconds later, Mur- Hockey League's Stanley Cup play-
ater in ray Wilson scored what proved to offs last night.
be the winning goal for the Cana- The triumph by the Black Hawks,
-1who trailed 2-1 midway through
the opening period, opened a 3-0
lead in the best-of-seven series with
R turn now a fourth game scheduled here to-

AP Photo
DETROIT TIGER secondbaseman Dick McAuliffe leaps over
sliding Cleveland Indian Bobby Bell as the Tigers attempt a twin
killing in yesterday's season opener at Cleveland. The doubleplay
failed, and so did the Tigers.



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Stars shine
BLOOMINGTON, Minn..-Minne-
sota goalie Cesare Maniago stretch-
ed his Stanley Cup mastery over
the Philadelphia Flyers as the
North Stars exploded for a 5-0 vic-
tory last night in a National Hockey
League quarter-final playoff.
Maniago, who blanked the Flyers
3-0 Wednesday night and then sat
out a 4-1 loss Thursday, will; lead
the North Stars, now holding a 2-1
edge in the best-of-seven series,
into this afternoon's nationally
televised fourth game.


Ne tiers s artf "* title chase

Major League Standings



New York








Minnesota 2 0 1.040
California 1 0 1.000
Chicago 1 0 1.000
Kansas City 0 1 1:0004
Texas 0 1 .4!W!
Oakland 0 2 .0W4
Yesterday's Game .
Cleveland 2, Detroit I
Boston 10, New York 5
Baltimore !, Milwaukee 7, 10 innings
Minnesota 5, Oakland 3
Chicago 3, Texas 1
Kansas City at California, inc.

W L Pe
Chicago 2 0 1.0
New York 2 0 1.04
Pittsburgh 1 0 1.0
St. Louis 0 1 .0
Montreal 0 2 .0
Philadelphia 0 2 .9
San Francisco 2 0 1.0
Houston 1 0 1.0(
San Diego 1 0 1.0
Atlanta 0 1 .N
Los Angeles 0 1 .0
Yesterday's Gamer
New York 3, Philadelphia 2
Chicago 3, Montreal 2, 10 innings
San Francisco 7, Cincinnati 5, 11
Los Angeles at San Diego, inc.
Only games scheduled


I 4

So far this year, the Wolverine
football, wrestling, and gymnas-
tics squads have all made deter-
mined runs at the national title
in their respective sports, but have
fallen just short. Tomorrow after-
noon, a fourth Michigan club, the
Wolverine tennis team, begins its
bid for all the marbles, with its
first dual match, of the season at
Notre Dame.
The racketmen, coming off one
of their best seasons ever,- have
added immensely to their already
impressive firepower this year,
and rank as unparalleled masters
in the midwest.
Nationwide, the Michigan tennis
team has received its highest
preseason ranking ever, fifth in
the country in most major polls.
This has largely been due to coach
Brian Eisner's recruiting of three
of the country's top freshmen.
The three, Vic Amaya, Fred De-
Jesus, and Eric Friedler, will man
the top three spots for the Wol-
verines tomorrow, and there is no
secret why. All three were rated

among the top junior players in
the country last season.
Amaya, going number one for
Michigan at this point, is a play-
er of unlimited potential. A 6-6
strongman with one of the wick-
edest serves anywhere, Amaya
was lichigan state high school
champ the last two years.
Delesus, rom San Juan, Puer-
to Rico, pla s at second singles
agais rish but he should
challenge .\maya for the first spot
throughout the year. Friedler, one
of the best high school players
ever produced in Illinois, coin-
pletes the freshman sweep of the
top three pOsts.
But besides the frosh, Eisner
also has returning six other
plaxrers who all must be classed as
among the hest in the Big Ten,
fiv e of xxhom have already laid
claim to some sort of conference
singles or doubles title.
Playing a! inur against Notre
Dame w;ill be junior Kevin Sen-
nih, who w on the Big Ten num-
ber live sinles crown last year,
and alo has a conference double
title tohscedit. At number five
will h seneiorDick Ravreby, de-
tending Big Ten champ at number
three, who 1'ad a perfect confer-
c r singles last year.
Ponig out the line-up, at
number six, is Tim Ott, a senior
who was the only player in the
Bi Ten last season who did not
lnse any match at either singles
or doubles the whole campaign,
copping number four singles and
number tuo doubles crowns in the
Ig Ten 17c2 tournament.
But Michigan also has three
more big guns it will not even be

using tomorrow. Soph Jerry Kar-
zen, who was playing in the num-
ber four spot ahead of Sennich in
preseason drills, is currently a
mononucleosis victim, but will be
back soon.
Another soph, Jeff Miller was
Big Ten runner-up at number two
singles and champ with Ott at
number three doubles last year,
and is pressing the man ahead
of him.
Eisner emphasizes, however,
that the line-up for the match
with Notre Dame, a team which
has lost its top three players since
being mauled 8-1 by Michigan
last year, is strictly temporary.
Challenge matches will be going
on this week among the Michigan
men, and there may be changes at
every slot. As Eisner puts it,
"This year we have nine very
good players, and we're going to
use them all. They're all so even
that the competition among them
is very beneficial."

ATTENTION! .:. Display Advertisers
There are ONLY 11 MORE DAYS of publica-
tion this term. We will resume printing the

Michigan Daily on May 9.



Denison destroys Blue stickers

Special To The Daily
DENISON, Ohio-In all probabil-
ity the names of Steve Nazaruk
and Harry Hurst do not often crop
up in the everyday conversations
of Michigan sports fans. But to the
Denison College supporters, these
two men can at least be considered
heroes for a day, as they combined
for 11 goals in handing the ' Mich-
igan lacrosse squad a 14-4 pounding
yesterday afternoon.
Denison, currently ranked 19th
in the nation, appeared finely skill-
ed in fundamentals, an area which
Michigan admits it needs to im-
prove upon. In the Wolverines' de-
fense however, they have been
plagued with nagging injuiries all
season, and this coupled with their,
grueling scheduile has certainly
contributed to the last two defeats.
In this, their most lopsided loss
of the season, Michigan was clear-
l out of the contest by the end of
the first quarter. In fact, due to
the dominating play of Hurst and
Nazaruk, the Maize and Blue didn't
get on the scoreboard until Rick
Bays notched a goal well into the
second period to put the count
at 7-1.
Denison's 9-1 halftime advantage
appeared momentarily conquer-
able, as Michigan came out in the
third stanza and registered a quick
goal by Don Holman. But three
Michigan State 6,5, Ball State 4,1
Ohio University 4, Eastern Mich.0
Cen. Michi. 7, Miami of Ohio 4
Northwestern 9,15, Wheaton 03
Indiana 13,12, North. Illinois 4,4
Wisconsin 2,0, Notre Damte 0.7
Iowa 9,11, Cornell College 2,1i

straight goals by Denison, to bring
the score to 12-2, ended this
The fourth quarter produced
more of the Denison onslaught but
it also gave Holman and Bays the
opportunity to add two more goals
to bolster their individual record.
It could well be an overstatement
to say that the performances of
these two men was the bright spot
of the afternoon, for indeed the
team's dismal showing left almost
no room for the light to show
Perhaps the best indication of
Michigan's inability to mount a
sustained attack lies in the shots
on goal statistic. The Wolverines
managed only 26 shots on the Deni-
sonl net, while their opponents
launched an imprsesive 41 shots
toward Tim -Cotter, the Michigan
goalie. It should be noted though
that despite the 14 Denison shots
that got past the battered goalie.
Cotter probably prevented the score
from soaring into the 20's.
As is usually the case in most
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one-sided games, the officiatmig
was vociferously questioned by
many of the Michigan players, and
also by their coach Bob Kaman.
The stickmen return to action
this afternoon at Ferry Field with
Bowling Green providing the oppo-

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if somebody tells you drug laws
overseas are relaxed, that somebody
is talking through his hat.
It somebody tells you the system
ofj ustice gives you all the rights of a
tnited States citizen in the United
States, that's a bunch of baloney.
You should get the facts straight.
The truth is their drug laws are tough.
And they enforce them to the letter,
There's a girl from the United
States sitting in a Rome jail right now.
She'll be tiiere for six to ten months
awaiting trial With no bail. Not even
a chance for it, If she's convicted, it's
a minimum of three years. Carrying
stuff across a border, from one
country to another. is asking for
trouble. And you'll get it.
That's their law. And there's no
wav around it.
Over 900 United States citzens
are doing time on drtug charges in
f«reign jails right now, And nobody
can get them out. Not family, Or
friends. Or the smartest lawyer in town,
Not the United States government.
if you're planning a visit to
Europe. the Middle Last or south of'
our oss n border, check outt the
countries. Get the facts. And get them
straight before you leave.
one fact will come through.
Loud and clear.
When you're busted for drugs
over there, you're in for the hassle of
your life.
SWeden. Possession or salt.
up to 19 monmhs and permanent
expulsion from the countr.
U, S. Lmbassx:
Sirandvagcn 101
Stockholn. Seden
Jtl. 63/05/20)
MoroCco. Possession., 3
mnths to 5 years and tine'.
1a. , mbas v:
43 \ se. All Ben Abdellal
Rahma \iorocco
'Ic. 30361 /6,

MOXICO. Possession, 2 to9
years plus fine. Trafficking, 3 to 10
years plus fine. Illegal import or
export of drugs.6 to 15 years plus
fine. Persons arrested on drug charges
can expect a minimum of 6 to 12
months pre-trial confinement.
U.S. Embassy:
Cor. Danubio and Pasco de la
305 Colonia Cuauhtemo:
Mexico City, Mexico
Tel. 511-7991
Spain. Penalty dependson
quantity of drugs involved.
Less than 500 grams cannabis, fine
and expulsion. More than 500 grams.
minimum of6 syears in jail
U.S. Embassy:
Serrano 75
Madrid, Spain
Tel 276-3400
italy. Possession: Minimum:3
years and 30,000 lire fine. Maximum,.
8 years and 4,000,000 lire tine,
Via V._XVeneto
119 Rome. Italy
Tel 4674
United Kingdom.
Possession. use trafficking: maximum
10 years and heavy fine. Possession of'
small amount for personal use usually
punished by a fine or light
imprisonment and expulsion.
U.S. Embassy:
24/31aGrosvenor Square
W. 1., London, England
Te. 499-9000
Netherlands. Possession,
ine or b months in prison. Trallicking.
maximum 4 nears.
U.S. Embassy:
102 Lange V'oorhou
The Hague. Netherlands
Tel. 62-49-11


Greecoi Possession, minimum a Possession.
2 years in jail. Trafficking. maximum maximum 2 years or fine up to 30.000
10 years plus fine. francs. Trafficking. maximum 5 years.
U.S. Embassy: U.S. Embassy:
91 Vasilissis Sophia's Blvd. 93/95Jubilaumsstrasst
Athens. Greece Bern. Switzerland
Tel 712951 Tel.43 00l11

But I want friends,
d versitcy, action and
something to keep my

Gi n atIy. Possession, jail
sentence or fine. Trafficking.
maximum 3 years plus fine.
U.S. Embassy:
Mehlemer Avenue
53 Bonn-BadGodeberl
Bonn. Germany
"Tel. 02229-1955
Japan. Possession, pre-trial
detention, suspended sentence and
expulsion. Traffickingmaximum
5 years.
U.S. Embassv:
10-5 Akasaka I-Chrome
Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Tel 583k7141
Lebanon. Possession, I to)I
years in prison. Trafficking, 3 to
15 years.
U.S. Embassy:
Corniche at Rut Aiv
Mreisseh, Beirut,ILebanosl
Tel. 240-800.
Jamaica. Possession, priso0R
sentence and fine. Trafficking.
maximum 3 years at hard labor.
U.S. Embassy:
43 Duke Street
Kingston. Jdmaice
France. Possession. use or
traflicking; prison term of 3 monthS
to 5 years and fine. Customs Court
will also levy heavy fine. Minimum
3~ to 4 moths pre-trial confinemciiL
U. S. tEmbassy:
19, Rue de Franqueville
Paris, France
Tel. Anjou 6440

Bahmas. Possession,)$
pnonths to I year.
U.S. Embassv:
Adderly Building
Nassau. Bahamas
Tel. 21181
Canada. Possession. jai?
sentence and expulsion. Trafficking
minimum 7 years maximum life.
U.S. Embassy:
100 Wellington Street
Ottawa. Canada
Tel 236-2341
and detention up to2 years.
U.S. Embassy:
Dag Hammarskjolds Alle 24
Copenhagen. Denmark
Tel TR 4505
Turkeys Possession, 3 to3
years. Trafficking, 10 years to lite.
U.S. Embassy:
110 Ataturk Blvd.
Ankara, Turkey
Tel 1862-00
iian Possession. 6 months to
3 years. Trafficking. 5 years to death
and fine of 3.000 rials per gram.
U.S. Embassy:
250 Ave. Takti ,Iamshid
Tehran, Iran
Tel. 820091. 825091
National Clearinghouse ot
Drug Abuse Information.
adverilinlI contributed tot the public 900+4


too !"

r' £ irkg Daiti

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