See Editorial Page
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T yigh-45
See Today for details
Vol.' LXXXllI, No. 150
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 8, 1973
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
A ll-tenured
The controversial issue of tenure threatens to become further
complicated in the literary college by a reported over-abundance
of tenured faculty.
Figures compiled recently by the LSA dean's office project an
all-tenured LSA faculty in ten years if the presents rates of,
promotion from non-tenured positions continue. Groups within the
college fear that a heavily tenured faculty will reduce flexibility
and adversely affect the general quality of education.
Even if the college initiates a policy of replacing deaths,
resignations and retirements at the assistant professor level only,
the ratio of tenured to non-tenured positions will more than double
in the next ten years.
These figures are based on the assumption that the next ten
years will be a period of no growth in the college. "The'50's and
'60's were years of tremendous expansion in courses and curricu-
lum to accommodate increased on higher education,
the post war baby boom and new subjects like Afro-American
history," says LSA Assistant Dean Ed Dougherty.
"During the expansion period faculty members were rapidly
promoted at an early age to tenured positions," he adds. "This
would be all right if we continued to keep a constant flow into
non-tenured levels.'
"However, with substantial budget cuts and no growth, we
face a glut of faculty in tenured positions." Department budgets
were cut a flat four per cent across the literary college in 1971.
Figures from the last three years show that after all replace-
ments and promotions there has been a yearly increase of 10 in
in decade
Clues sought
With the trail on the Melanie Fahr case growing colder
and colder all the time, the Ann Arbor police have taken an un-
usual step to try to scare up some new leads. The police have
issued a flier containing pictures of Fahr, her car and Orville
Davis-the man suspected of abducting her. The police believe
Davis grabbed Fahr on the way to her room in Stockwell Hall
sometime early on the morning of March 27. Anyone with rele-
vant information of Fahr (6'1", in orange ski jacket and blue
jeans), her car (yellow 1962 Chevy, license plate PNG-743) or
Davis (5'8" white male, tan coat, dark brown pants) is asked
to call the Ann Arbor police.
Dems meet
City Democrats met yesterday to -discuss the future of the
party. Franz Mogdis, unsuccessful candidate for mayor summed
up the theme of the generally dull meeting when he said, "The
party must insure that the party remains open. That means that
there must be a place for McGovern people, and that there be
a place for disenchanted HRP people. The party must communi-
cate twelve months a year."
Like the little boy who drief "Wolf!", it appears the fire
alarm is no longer heeded by residents of West Quad. Early
yesterday morning a fire - apparently arson - broke 'out in
the dorm's basement. The fire itself was no problem: it was
put out before the fire department arrived. But, what disturbs
authorities was that no one in the quad bothered to climb out
of bed when the alarm went off. Apparently, there have been
so many false alarms that students don't bother to respond to
them anymore.
Happenings .,..
the biggest happening today is the biggest pizza in the
world as baked by Domino's Pizza. The -pizza - allegedly 30
feet in diameter - will be available for eating at noon at the
Open Bible Baptist Church at the corner of Geddes Road and
Michigan Ave. in Canton township . . . there will be a concert,
"Music for Renaissance Instruments: Collegium Musicum" at
the Museum of Art, 2:30 p.m. ... and that's about it, folks .. .
a good day to-stay home and read the N.Y. Sunday Times.
Ah, love!
SAN FRANCISCO - Louzell Haynes' love for his Vietnam-
ese sweetheart may be higher than the highest mountain, but
it is clearly not wider than the sea. Haynes set out for Vietnam
Friday in a 16 foot rubber raft equipped with oar, a small sail
and food In a determined effort to find his bride-to-be im. He,
said he couldn't afford an airplane ticket. Haynes' odyssey,
however, ended a mere three hours later when changing tides
foiled him and he had to be rescued by the Coast Guard. He
says he won't try it again.
Dope note
NEW YORK - Two arrests have been made and more may
be on the way in a drive against New York cops who are alleg-
edly stealing drugs from street peddlers and running a little
racket on the.side. Special Prosecutor Maurice Nadjari has
charged that a pair of cops arrested Thursday stole 4.5 pounds
of cocaine worth $100,000 on the street. One of the two, Francis
Reilly, was a member of a special elite anti-cri e force.
Come again?
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - They just do things a little different-
ly in Calfornia. For example, the recently revised code 'of the
Division of Consumer Services, Department of Consumer Af-
fairs, Title 4, Subsection 2102 reads: "Tenses, Gender, and
Number: For the purposes of the rules and regulations con-
tained in this chapter, the present tense includes the past and
future tenses, and the future, the present; the masculine gender
includes the feminine, and the feminine, the masculine; and
the singular includes. the plural, and the plural, the singular."
And up is dow'n and black is white?
Justice prevails
LOS ANGELES - The Smothers Brothers, who first brought
politics and controversy to the boob tube, won their breach of
contract lawsuit -against CBS. 'A federal grand jury Friday
ordered the network to pay Dick and Tom Smothers $766,000
and rejected a network countersuit for $1 million. The jury had
been hearing the case in US District Court for nearly two
months. The Smothers had originally sought $10 million in
Morgue note
JAKARTA, Indonesia The Mayor of Jakarta says thre
are just too many corpses in his city, and he has called for a
halt. According to recent surveys, roughly 70 per cent of the
city will be a cemetery within sixty years if present burial rates
continue. The mayor is calling for cremation as a possible an-
tenured. faculty and a net loss of 10 in non-tenured positions. At
this rate there will be no non-tenured faculty in the literary
college by 1983.
Several administrators and department chairpersons are
worried that an extre'mely high percentage of tenured faculty
might bring stagnation to the college.
"In order to generate new ideas you need .new inputs into a
system, which can only come from new faculty members," says
Dougherty. "A group which doesn't have a constant flow of new
people tends to become a self-servicing group, one that is un-
responsive to chance," he adds.
An overabundance of tenured faculty may lead to a loss of
flexibility in college curriculum, according to Roger Hackett,
See FACULTY, Page 10
helicopter shot
in Asia
By AP and Reuter
SAIGON (R)-Two American-piloted helicopters carrying
11 members of the International Commission of Control and
Supervision (ICCS) were lost yesterday and one was reported
shot down by a ground-to-air missile,
The peacekeeping helicopters were flying reconnaissance
missions over Lao Bao in northwestern Quang Tri Province,
the northernmost area of South Vietnam, near the border
with Laos. Only four miles below the demilitarized zone, the
sector is controlled by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
A second ICCS helicopter, carrying one Canadian, two
Hungarians,one Indonesian, two Viet Cong liaison officers
and three American crew?_______
members landed at the Viet
Cong controlled town of Hu-
ong Hoa after the shooting
and were apparently all safe
and uninjured.
AP Photo It was the first such incident
Dogone water involving international truce ob-
servers in South Vietnam since
A pair of dogs anxiously await the receding of flood waters in West Alton, Mo. The dogs have their food shipped in daily by boat. they began monitoring the cease-
fire 10 weeks ago.
rTENDANCE HIGH: The last radio mesage received
from the American pilot of the heli-
copter which was hit said, "I've
been hit by a missile and I'm go-W
Women's Communi tyconfer ence inTheICCS delegation was to
serve a border arms entry point
meets, holds feminist worksho
An estimated 400 women par-
ticipated yesterday in the day-
long Women's Community Sym-
posium held in Angell Hall. The
conference culminated with a
dinner and evening sessions at
St. Andrew's Church.
Women of all ages, including a
number from outside the Uni-
versity community, took part in
workshops on topics ranging from
sex role channelling in the pub-
lic schools, sensitivity and body
awareness, and women's medical
concerns, td karate and youth lib-
The symposium was organized
by a group of education school
women led by Tara Fujimoto,
who called the conference "very
Aside from its motive of bring-
ing women together to discuss
common concerns, Fujirroto said
the conference was also Intended
"to show that there's a need for
a women's course in the Ed
school." She cited the lack of
a course on sexual identification
for education stpdents.
Other workshops were held on
gay awareness, welfare rights,
women and prisons, women in the
Chicano movement, youth libera-
tion, career choices for women,
and rape.
Women members of the Rain-
bow People's Party (RPP) also
held a ,discussion entitled "Wo-
'Meat boycott falls to
drop highi price level
NEW YORK (Reuter) -Housewives across the nation are
planning to continue some form of long-term protest against
the high cost of meat as their weeklong beef boycott drew;
to a close yesterday without having lowered prices.
Although sales have been reduced by more than 30 per,
cent, costs for pound of steak or hamburger meat remained
about as high as .they were when the boycott started last
The boycott which ended at midnight last night, .had.
its origins in Los Angeles in February when three women atR
a morning coffee chat got broiling mad over the price of
They started a protest movement ,
which spread across the country
under a variety of names.
Next Wednesday, about 200 pro-I'Rpr
test l nders are due to gather ine o r
Washington to plan further cam-
paigns aimed at slashing meat
meat on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
men in a Politicized Commune-
Role and Participation."
A Mexican dinner at St. An-
drew's Church was followed by
a discussion of the "Psychology
of Men and Women: Communi-
cating - Understanding" a f t e r
which the participants broke up
into small discussion groups.
Morning activities at the syin-
posium were highlighted by a
workshop in African Dance and
"Sensitivity and Body Aware-
ness" during which participating
women put together an extemp-
oraneous dance in the Fishbowl.
A crowded afternoon session
organized by the Advocates forĀ°
Medical Information was chair-
ed by Kay Weiss, a local re-
searcher whose investigation in-
to the side-effects of the morn-
ing after pill led to consumer ad-
vocate Ralph Nader's condemna-
tion of the estrogen drug DES
(diethylstilbestrol). DES has been
linked conclusively to vaginal
cancer in the daughters of users,.
"It's really up to women to
investigate the use of their bodies
by doctors and drug companies,"
Weiss told participants. S h e
claimed that 94 per cent of the
women given the morning after
pill don't need it, because they
have not conceived.
Weiss claimed the process of
menstrual extraction, a simple
kind of first-month abortion dif-
ficult to obtain in this country,
renders the morning after pill un-
"You say check up on y o u r
See WOMEN, Page 10
'You say check u
your doctor, but,
C( we do? You
where the Viet Cong's Provisional
pS Revolutionary Government (P.R.-
G.) is building facilities for an
IC CS team.
The flight path of the helicopters
had been cleared with the P.R.G.
and two P.R.G. liaison officers
p on were aboard to facilitate com-
what munication with Viet Cong ground
t ask Viet Cong officers attached to a
ceasefire negotiating team in Sai-
sayS, gon sent a message to their jungle
your headquarters requesting urgent in-
formation on the incident.
t it, Meanwhile American bombers'
pounded the banks of the Mekong
Skill River to clear the way for a con-
voy now poised to try and break
through a communist stranglehold
ipan* on the Camb'odian capital of Phnom
See PEACE, Page 10
hitm and
"Don't worry
pretty head abou
and you want to
-a partic
Miami mayor hit with charge
of conspiracy in court case
hold elections
All members of the Public In-
terest Research Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM)-students who donated
$1.50 at registration-can vote Mon-
day and Tuesday to determine the
group's University board members.
Five polling places will be operat-
ing varound campus between '10
a.m."and 3 p.m. both days.
Ten . candidates are contending
for nine positions with responsibili-
ties of allocating PIRGIM's local
funds, implementing projects,, and
representing the University at state
board meetings.
Four current PIRGIM board
members are running for re-elec-
tion to the one-year post. They are
Joan Anderson; David Boyer; Mike
P e i s n e r, PIRGIM's first state
chairperson; and Steve Blumrosen.
Other candidates include John
Farley, a former PIRGIM board
member; Mark Goldsmith; Steve
Gurevitz; Mike Roth; Bob Schetter;
and Jim Pistilli.
PIRGIM was formed last year
as a student extension of Nader's
Raiders, the Washington based
consumer a d v o c a t e research
team. The state group received its
student funding by an SGC refer-
endum and has centered its at-
tention on local environmental and
consumer problems.
MIAMI (UPI)-Miami Mayor David Kennedy
yesterday claimed he was indicted for bribery
conspiracy because he met a "poor woman" who
told him her son had been mistreated.
Kennedy, Mina Boulton Pinto Davidson, Circuit
Judge Jack Turner and Frank Martin were indicted
Friday night in Daytona Beach on charges of
conspiring to use bribery to reduce the jail term
Davidson's son Pinto is serving for selling 500
pounds of marijuana.
Martin, a 72-year-old grade-school dropout known
as the "mayor" of Miami's produce markets, was
the central figure in the corruption probe. The bulk
of the evidence in the so-called'"Market Connec-
tion" case was gathered by two taps on Martin's
Gov. Reubin Askew had no immediate comment,
but he is expected to suspend Kennedy and Turner
The grand jury said Kennedy arranged a meet-
ing between Martin and Davidson after Turner
sentenced Pinto to 18 months in jail. After the
meeting, Turner allegedly met Martin at his
marketplace service station.
Several days later, Turner vacated Pinto's sen-
tence in what an appeals court described as a
"whimsical" exercise of judicial authority.
says Pentagon giving
On the inside ... .
.the Arts Page features a story on the essential
weirdness of Alice Cooper by Mike Harper . .. Sports Page
carries an account of the Tiger's dismal opening day per-
formance, . and the Sunday Morning feature is ravel
in Africa.
military aid
"We'll continue some kind of boy- ' WASHINGTON (/P)-The Defense Depart-
cott until prices are rolled back, ment has given away large amounts of sur-
20 per cent across the board," I _,-- -,_4
of .Chairman William Fulbright (D-Ark.)
who made public the congressional watch-
The GAO found that military aid to 65
foreign countries totaled $38.3 billion for