A SUPER MISTAKE See Editorial Page Y L Sir&iau a ii BEATLISH High-S3 Low-38 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIII, No, 148 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 6, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages rrvou SEE NEW'S [APPEN C ALL76bD4JIY Is this for real? In yet another piece of bizarre research aimed at correlat- ing physical data with apparent intelligence, a .University study released yesterday shows that the hair of students with high academic grades contains "substantially" more zinc and copper than the hair of students with low grades. It is as yet unclear whether high intelligence breeds zinc, or zinc breeds high in- telligence. What's your guess? Super-Sewer swamped At a public hearing yesterday on 'the proposed "Super Sew- er", critics had a field day. The Super Sewer would provide southeastern Michigan cities with a communal sewage' pipeline leading to a treatment plant at Lake Erie. The hearing, spon- sored by the Environmental Protection Agency and held at Metro Airport, included testimony which claimed the proposed sewer would not serve its ostensible purpose - alleviating Huron ,River pollution - but would in fact increase the pollution level of Lake Erie. Happefnins .,.. are topped by a beer and boogie bash at Couzens Hall. The event, billed as the "last dance of the term," features Radio King and his Court of Rhythm. It all happens tonight at 8:30; admission is a buck and includes all the beer you can drink . . . The Architecture and Design Senior Prom Memorial T-shirts are now on sale in the lobby of the A&D Building. The shirts are being sold, of course, to help raise money for the prom and looking forward to Saturday, the main event of the day will be the Women's Community Symposium, a conference deal- ing primarily with the problems of women, but also with those of minorities and young people. The conference is sponsored by Students for Educational Innovation, the LSA Student Govern- ment, Dean Wilbur Cohen of the School of Education and the SGC Minority Affairs Committee . . . and the 1973 Bachelor of Fine Arts exhibit will be opening tonight at 7 in the Union Gal- lery. Lots of art, music and rfreshments. Dope notes Police Chief Robert Zipay of Casper, Wyo., says one of his officers has an unusual allergy to marijuana that makes his neck itch and swell. Zipay would not identify the super sensitive cop, but said Wednesday the officer has made more marijuana ar- rests than any other policeman. Zipay is giving his man tests to see if he is allergic to other illegal drugs, boasting, "We will cr- tainly use him to the best of his allergy." . . . And the Food and Drug Administration yesterday recommended tighter controls on methaqualone-better known as Quaalude. The FDA recom- mended production quotas, as well as limits on distribution. No ladies allowed LONDON-British professor Dr. John Postgate yesterday proposed the urgent development of what he sees as the solution to the- population problem: A "men only" birth control pill which would prevent the birth of female babies. Postgate claimed widespread use of such an invention could provide a male female ratio of between five and 50 to one. He suggests that in such a society homosexuality would be widespread, that women might as a matter of course take several husbands, and he forsees the treatment of women in some spcieties as queen bees. He refused to discuss the social and political implications of his proposal with the press. Floods continue NEW ORLEANS-Officials yesterday estimated property damage from the flooding Mississippi River at nearly $75 million, as about seven million acres of land remained under water from Illinois to Louisiana. It is now estimated that the worst of the flooding may well be over, at least in most areas, but the river is not expected to crest in New Orleans until April 13. On the inside .the Arts Page contains Cinema Weekend, a look at Ann Arbor's movie fare . . the Editorial Page features a look at behaviorism . . . and the Sports Page features a report from Eugene, Ore. on the NCAA Gymnastics meet by Daily Sports Writer Richard Stuck. killer. 42's weather Yellow darkness slow no where to go. Looking down Abbey Road we find Canadian cyclone "Eve" passing north ofLakesSuperior today bringing snow to the upper part of the state and cloudiness to our area. Temperatures will be near normal with highs between 48-53 and lows to- nite of 33-38. By AP and Reuter WOUNDED KNEE -.Leaders of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and government officials yesterday signed a six-point agreement to end the 37-day takeover of Wounded Knee. The agreement came after six days of negotia- tions between AIM and Justice. Department officials. The last two days have been spent ironing out details of minor legal terminology in the final point of a 10 point list of Indian demands, according to chief government negotiator Asst. U. S. Atty. Gen. Kent Frizell. According to the agreement: -Russell Means, leader of the occupying In- dians, will go to Washington tomorrow to meet Nixon from 'ians arra nge with White House representatives. .-Once that meeting starts, the Indians will leave Wounded Knee, submit to arrest and be taken to Rapid City for arraignment. -There will be a federal investigation of In- dian affairs throughout the Pine Ridge reserva- tion and an audit of tribal funds. -The Department of Justice is to consider and where appropriate bring civil suits to protect the legal rights of all individual Oglala Sioux Indians against unlawful uses or abuses by tribal govern- ment or federal authority. -A presidential treaty commission will be set up to reexamine the 1868 government treaty with the Sioux Nation. -Indian leaders and White House representa- withdraxv tives will meet next month in Washington to con- sider Indian affairs. Interior Department spokesman Julian Reinhart said Means was taken into custody by federal marshals soon after the agreement was signed. Rheinhart would not divulge where Means was taken, but it was believed he would begin his trip to Washington for tomorrow's meeting. The agreement serves as the basis for the In- dians laying down their arms and the evacuation of all bunkers and roadblocks in and around Wounded Knee. It provides that the disarming will be im- plemented by government law enforcement offic- ers with the cooperation of the AIM leadership. The government agreed not to interfere with the amount of bond or terms for the Indians' release Gray' by the courts. The government said there were no provisions for amnesty. "All persons, for whom warrants are outstand- ing will be arrested," said Frizell. At least 15 armored personnel carriers have been patrolling the perimeter of the village and standing by at government roadblocks on all routes in and out of Wounded Knee. There have been frequent exchanges of gunfire throughout thesiege. OneFederal marshal is in a Denver hospital with serious gunshot wounds and there have been other minor injuries. All food supplies into Wounded Knee were cut off and law enforcement officers prevented anyone from entering or leaving Wounded Knee. C na settlement omina ton as FR 'Move seen as victory for SenateDemocrats SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. 1PV- President Nixon announced yesterday he was withdrawing. the nomination of L. Patrick Gray to be director of the Fed- it Daily Photo by S T UAk I HULLANKER Sunshine Superman Taking advantage of yesterday's sunny climes, an industrious student pens his thesis on "The use of Iambic pentameter in Serbio-Croa- tian poetry." The paper could well be the definitive work in the field. eral Bureau of Investigation. He said he acted at Gray's request. In a statement, Nixon said: "In fairness to Mr. Gray, and out of my overriding concern for the ef- fective conduct of the vitally im- portant business of the FBI, I have regretfully agreed to with- draw Mr. Gray's nomination." Nixon, who did not say who he would name to succeed Gray as head of the FBI, did declare that he has asked Gray to remain as acting director until a nominee is confirmed. The President said, after talking to Gray by telephone for five min- utes, "it is obvious that Mr. Gray's nomination will not be confirmed by the Senate." To bolster this contention, Nixon cited, without elaborating, action yesterday by the Senate Judiciary Committee which had been handl- ing the matter. The committee earlier yesterday agreed to a showdown vote next week on the nomination after Democrats moved to postpone ac-, tion indefinitely. In his statement, Nixon describedt Gray as "an able, honest and1 dedicated American" who had beent exposed to "totally unfair inunendot and suspicion" because he had cooperated with White Houseecoun- sel John Dean in making available{ FBI reports on the Watergate con- spiracy. Nixon said Gray's "compliance with this completely proper and, necessary request" caused the in- nuendo and suspicion "and thereby See GRAY, Page 7 HERE WE GO AGAIN: Nixon SGC votes for new elections State Reps j- nix death sentence By DAVE BURHENN Special To The Daily LANSING-A measure calling for the institution 'of the death penalty for certain crimes was sent back to committee yesterday by the state House of Representatives. By a vote ofs50-56 the body voted not to release the mill from the committee where it has been bottled up since an earlier attempt to release it was beaten back. The resolution sponsored by Rep., Joyce Symons (D-Allen Park) ask- ed that killers of policemen, fire- men, and public officials as well See STATE, Page 10 during pre-registrat(ion By DAN BIDDLE In an explosive session last night, the Student Government Council voted to hold a new all- campus election during fall pre- registration later this month, in place of last week's invalidated SGC balloting. The voiding of that election, which voting officials described as "defrauded on a massive scale," and last night's decision to hold a second contest are both unprecedented in SGC history. Council, which has steadily lost campus credibility through the last t h r e.e controversy-plagued elections, voted 7-2 in favor of temporary provisions placing se- curity guards at poll locations during the n e w 1 y scheduled election. In the suggested President will vote newly approved plan by outgoing Council Bill Jacobs, students going through pre- registration lines at Waterman Gym April 21-25, casting ballots in the presence of "at least one professional b o n d e d security guard at all times." The I.D. card voting sticker system, which proved trouble- some and less than foolproof dur- ing last week's election, willtbe replaced by a simpler method allowing only students with new- ly-embossed I.D. cards to ovte. The 'plan also calls for one additional daylof balloting after pre-registration for medical, law, and dental students, who do not pre-register at Waterman. Students in other schools who fail to pre-register will also be able to vote on the extra day, 603' are this week's winning lottery numbers period with balloting "safeguarded" by an I.D. receipt system to pre- vent multiple voting. The decision in favor of a new election was preceded by a lengthy and sometimes raucous debate on a motion to tabulate last week's results and attempt to reach a valid outcome. The motion failed 7-2, with SGC member Bill Dobbs objecting vehemently and d e m a n d i n g "t o t a 1 investigation" of last week's voting. "There's a thousand questions still to be asked," Dobbs insisted. "It's obvious that the same peo- ple monkeyed around with this election that monkeyed around with the last two," In a related. move, Council member Louis Lessem outlined a proposal which would move all future SGC elections to pre-reg- istration lines and utilize the city's rent-free voting machines. Under Lessem's plan, which has so far received considerable Council support, security guards would become a permanent fea- ture of SGC elections. 'HRP holds. meetin to discuss elections By TERRY MARTIN Despite the fact that a number of political pundits, particularly Democratic ones, are ready to write them off, Human Rights Party members consider their organization very much alive. That was the consensus of the party's meetings last night which was attended by some 100 people. Those who attended heard numerous speakers discuss reasons for the party's poor performance at the polls and plans for the future. A great many reasons were offered for Monday's electoral results in which the party failed to win a single race. The most popular ones were: The Daily, too much primary fac- tionalism, student apathy and shortness of campaign time. Steve Burghardt, who ran unsuccessfully for State representative last November, described the Daily's political analyses as "the most' sophomoric I've read since William Buckley." Senate obstructs N. See HRP, Page 7 Viet aid convoy tinder American air cover sailed up the Mekong River last night to try to break through a communist encirclement of the Cambodian capital with badly needed fuel, food, and military equipment. ''" 7"'WASI~NTON (Reuter)--The Senate voted y, yesterday to prohibit President Nixon from °k - Isending aid to North Vietnam without con- v !gre'ssional approval. ~'~'' "The body overwhelmingly agreed on a rider r u . to the bill, officially devaluingi the dollar, The Senate voted 88-3 against aid as South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu prepared to meet members of Congress in his quest for aid for the Saigon government. D~uring the debate earlier, Nixon lost a