Vpt 9Aktan Daflt Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan '&!$!': A vivid look at swearing 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 ) ~~1 //'NQ .*9 1 * t A I, " 1:' By KATHY IRRER "NOT NICE." Early in life we learned t h a t certain words, words sounding as good as any others to infantile ears, merited that label. Sometimes we didn't learn fast enough. Soap is horrible-tasting stuff. But for centuries man has prac- ticed swearing as an outlet and as an'art. Swearing is not universal -American Indians, Japanese and Malayans have never gotten into the potty-mouth scene. But most countries have used the same words and their variations at least since there has been paper to record them. Swearing has been a legal and social no-no long before George Washington called it "a vice so mean and low that every man of sense and character detests and despises it." In England and t h e United States swearing is still con- sidered a legal offense. MOST SWEARING is derived from religious sources or else re- fers to sexual or excretory func- tions, which are calculated to bring an emotional response. W o r d s today considered obscene started out as standard English but soon became primarily the domain of the male of the species as a sub- stitute for crying. That was left to women and babies. The vocabulary has developed colorfully over the ages and across the globe. Australian aborigines have highly developed the art; terms meaning "big penis," "plenty urine" and "bald pubis" sprinkle the language. Ancient Romans swore by their gods, Greeks swore more mildly -- Pythagoras by the number four, Socrates "by the dog" or "by the goose." Baude- laire, the 19th Century French poet, used "Sacred Saint-Onion!" while the Ionians swore "By the cab- bage." Jews of old were powerful swearers, and the Bible dictated death as punishment for blasphem- ing the Lord's name. While Puritans and Quakers con- demned the taking of oaths, many were originally solemn Christian oaths. "Catholic swearers," writes Ashley Montagu in his book, The Anatomy of Swearing, "are, on the whole, far more accomplished in the art than the votaries of other Christian sects." Expressions such as "Shiver me timbers" or "The hell I will" can be equated with "May God strike me dead" and "May I go to hell." That finest of dirty old men, William Shakespeare, fondly em- ployed the most explicit of terms. Juliet's nurse swore "by my maid- enhead," referring to the hymen. "A pox on't" meant syphilis. BY THE BEGINNING of the 15th Century the English w e r e known by the French as the "God- dams" because of their constant use of the term. Joan of Arc her- self called them by the name. The art of polite swearing w a s best developed in England, where "unmitigated cad" or "insufferable young puppy" were fightin' words. Nobility called each other a cur or a cad, but never a bastard; too often it was accurate. Scotland and England had laws against the use of vulgarisms and fines from using them swelled the royal couffers. All the current favorites, smirk- ingly referred to as "THE four-let- ter-words," were banned from diz- tionaries by the 18th century. In the 19th century's Victorian Age women burst into tears when men used such strong nasties, then very taboo. Swearing had to go under- ground in polite society. "Oh, fudge," "Fiddlesticks," "L and sakes," and "Goodness me" made the rounds. Fortunately, the pro- stitutes conscientiously kept t h e words alive to hand down to future generations. In addition, names for the Deity were coded in order to avoid "tak- ing the Lord's name in vain." Je- sus Christ became "Jiminy Crick- et" or "Gee Whiskers"; Christ be- came "Cripes" or "Criminy"; Je- sus became "Gee," "Jeeze," or "Jehosophat"; and God was trans- lated into "Cor," "Gawd," "Gosh," or "Golly." These forms have lost their religious meanings and be- .come very mild by today's stand- ards. Who could be offended by an All-American Gary Cooper stam- mering "Gee Whiz"? Polite swearing today takes on obvious forms. We know what he'd REALLY like to say when a swear- er utters an upset "Shoot!" "Heck!" or "Darn!" College stu- dents home for the weekend lapse into a coded form of the words tossed around so lightly in campus conversation. As class barriers broke down, swearing became common. And, somewhere along the line, women stopped crying when their ear- - drums were molested by the rude terms. A factory sign in a World War II aircraft factory read, "No swearing. There may be gentlemen about." In the 1920's flappers picked up the term "Jazz," a bit of Negro slang used to mean sexual inter- course. Pretty shocking, s i n c e women of course are supposed to be demure, and, if they insist on opening their mouths, clean in lan- guage. "Feminism finds its ulti- mate tool - the four-letter word," By JOAN ANDERSON CONSUMER NEGLECT and mis- information is on the rise! PIR- GIM would like to fight this trend by keeping PIRGIM members aware of the progress of their $1.50 contributions. PIRGIM released two state-wide projects during U-M's spring vaca- tion. PIRGIM's Gasoline P r i c e Study demonstrated that the jungle of road-side gas signs deceive the consumer with the variety of add- ed-on taxes, trading stamps and illegally sized pricing. PIRGIM's investigation prompted Attorney General Frank Kelly to issue a set of requirements that gas sta- tions in Michigan must comply with by April 13. PIRGIM's Medic- aid Project revealed that doctors purposely discriminate against Medicaid patients who apply for health care. Medicaid patients are the real losers in the doctors' ideo- logical battle with the Dept. of Social Services. The following is a breakdown of the 1973 PIRGIM budget: Profes- sional staff - 53 per cent; office - 9 per cent; loan and debt re- payment - 9 per cent; campus or- ganizing - 2 per cent; newsletter, advertising, etc. - 3 per cent; summer intern program - 4 per, cent; projects (state and local) - 19 per cent. PIRGIM's effectiveness is largely determined by the number of staff members; it presently employs a four-member professional staff and three part-time workers. Incom- mensurables include allsthens t u- dents and citizens who freely (i.e. no pay) give their time and ex- pertise. At pre-registration in April, U-M students will indicate their support by marking their PIRGIM fee-collection cards yes or no. Board members will be at the PIRGIM station to answer a n y question. wrote William Zinsse in a 1968 issue of Life. "Tarnation! Will they never stop this blasted infringing?" BUT ACCORDING TO research at Wisconsin's State University at Stout, mothers of the world will need as much soap for their sugar- and-spices as for their puppy-dogs' tails. Spys in the dorms f o u n d women can hold their own with the best of 'em, with "damn" among the top twenty words used most often in ordinary speech. What were delicately called the "lustier expletives" made the top seventy- five. "When they break through," said Stanford psychologist Philip Zim- bardo, "they really let go." He said that Barnard coeds swore at po- lice in the spring of 1968 Colum- bia University revolt in order to flaupt their class superiority. Low- er class women like the police- men's wives will not swear in front of men. Happy, relaxed people are found to swear more than uptight ones. This swearing is social rather than annoyance swearing. The social swearer needs a good audience to perform up to par, while the pre- sence of the pure of mouth inhibits him. Swearing in anger is good therapy. It purges the swearer of his violent emotions and calms him down. Probi P Swearing has advanced vastly in the last decade in becoming ac- cepted. Not only do women bandy cusswords without a wince, b u t the words are becoming a kids' toy as well. But is this really pro, gress? The real artists, the hard- core swearers, face a dilemma- there aren't any good words left anymore. The words have lost their power. Swearing has made it into every social class. There's nobody left . to shock. GOLLY GEE, is nothing sacred? Kathy Irrer, '75, i saguest writer for The Daily. progress asking them to join their students in supporting PIRGIM by becom- ing citizen members. PIRGIM re- quests contributions of $15 to help support the summer intern pro- gram. Now students can put their class work on social problems to better use than lining for desk drawers. PIRGIM conducted four a!tlon- oriented classes this Winter term. N. R. Ecology 301 is investigating the enforcement . of water pollu- tion standards by the State Dept. of Nat. Resources. Course Mart "Consumer Investigations into Medical Research" is taught by Kay Weiss whose research into DES (the morning after pill) re- ceived nationwide attention. "Al- ternatives to Prison" class is work- ing to develop a new community- oriented system. "Breakdowns of the Free Enterprise System" is in- vestigating the fast food industry, occupational safety and o t h e r fields. ADDITIONAL Course Mart credit- ed courses for Fall -are awaiting approval. These include "E(%onom- ics, Energy and the environment" and class sections concerning con- sumer protection, sex and race dis- crimination, health care, pollution and land use. PIRGIM has 31 ongoing local pro- jects. This summer we'll be devel- oping a number of intensive pro- jects, including areas of land use and energy needs. If you're dis- covering your $1.50 is doing more for the Public Interest Mlovement than you are, why not come by and offer your talents to an organiza- tion that runs on student motiva- tion and initiative? Joan Anderson is the chair per- son of the PIRGIM board of di- rectors at the University. 1 t TM 1) All rights reserved Publishers-FaishSyndican "W A K U P T M IS M NlI G INTE R E ST IN G A FTE R A L .S!elsn Ralph Nader: PIRGIM's inspiration TO MINIMIZE election c o s t s, PIRGIM will conduct its own elec- tion and a student opinion survey April 9-10. The success of both ven- tures depends on how many of PIR- GIM's 11,000 members turn out to vote. Students interested in helping at registration or at the election polls should stop by this week at the PIRGIM office at 1511 SAB or call 662-6597. Those students aspiring to follow Ralph Nader's footsteps s h o u 1 d apply for PIRGIM's summer in- ternship program. This job prom- ises all the qualities of the Raid- er lifestyle - modest pay ($350 plus room and board in Lansing for the summer) and hours of exciting muckraking work. Work study stu- dents are eligible for higher pay. This week, U-M faculty and ad- ministrators will receive letters .4 THE SENATE has lost Round One in what. proves to be a long and ex- hausting battle over President Nixon's budget cutbacks. The bill at stake this time around was a $2.6 billion vocational rehabilitation bill, cited by the president as irresponsi- ble and unworkable. The bill had easily passed the Senate by an 86-2 vote be- fore being vetoed by Nixon. Unfortunate- ly, the Senate was only able to assemble 60 votes to: attempt to override Nixon's veto, four short of the required two- thirds majority. For the last few weeks, the Senate has spoken bravely of fighting any Presi- dential cutbacks. It is indeed disappoint- Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief ROBERT BARKIN ....................Feature Editor DIANE LEVICK .................Associate Arts Editor DAVID MARGOLICK...........Chief Photographer MARTIN PORTER................Magazine Editor KATHY RICKE ....................Editorial Director ERIC SCHOCH ....................Editorial Director GLORIA SMITH....................... Arts Editor CHARLESSTEIN.....................City Edtor TED STEIN .......................Executive Editor MARTIN STERN ....................Editorial Director ED SUROVELL ........................ Books Editor ROLFE TESSEM ......................Picture Editor Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN.............Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM.............Associate Sports Editor JOEL .REER...............Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK............ Contributing Sports Editor BOB H$UER ..............Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, George Hastings, Marcia Merker, Mark Ronan, Roger Ros- siter, Theresa Swedo, Robin wagner. STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Jeff Chown, Clarke Cogs- dill, Brian Dming, Leba Hertz, John Kaher, Mike Lisull, Mike Pritula, Bob Simon. ing that when the time came for battle, the Senate proved meek. The nature of the bill itself merited strong and rational consideration. It would have authorized $2.6 billion in grants over a three year period to basic rehabilitation services, as well as launch- ing a new aid program for the severely handicapped. Yet Nixon, apparently more concerned with financing corrupt governments like South Vietnam's President Thieu's, or military spending, felt that the costs of human services were inflationary. Nor did Nixon offer any viable alternative to the handicapped for future funding. BUT FOR Nixon such behavior is typi- cal. Our hopes had rested with the Senate. They have failed us. The psycho- logical advantage is now on Nixon's side, and future efforts to override other Presidential vetoes don't look promising. The Republicans maintain that such bills would destroy Nixon's budget ceil- ing of $269 billion, thus causing tax hikes. But the government has the op- tion of closing up tax loopholes to pro- vide needed federal revenue if it chooses. Unfortunately again Nixon will not even consider tampering with Big Business. At this point, we can only cross our fingers and hope that the Senate will regain its voice and not succumb to the Nixon "monarchy." The nation's fore- fathers never believed in one man rule. That was what the Revolution was all about. T odays staff: News:Angela Balk, Robert Barkin, Dan Biddle, Dan Blugerman, Ted Stein Editorial Page: Bill Heenan, Linda Rosen- thal, Martin Stern. Arts Page: Diane Levick, Sara Rimer Photo Technician: John Upton t, Letters: 'Sylvia 's Sign-off' sought, To The Daily: THIS MORNING when I read The Daily, I noticed the omission of the feature "Sylvia's Signs". This was the best 'sign' yet; however, upon closer inspection the words "Sylvia is on vacation" loomed in- to sight. My contentment quickly faded into disappointment and dis- gust, and thereby prompted t h i s letter. I have always had great respect for The Daily. The editorials and feature articles are almost always of value and the reporting or cov- erage of local, national, and inter- national events is more than ade- quate. My complaint is not against the inclusion of a feature on as- trology but rather against the form that this feature has taken in The Daily. Anyone who is interested in as- trology will tell you that no one horoscope can be true for all peo- ple born under the same sign. It is not accurate. In fact, the daily horoscope for two people (born at the same time, on the same day, but in two cities 300 miles apart) can be entirely different. If one takes astrology seriously, it is necesary to calculate the exact time and place of birth, as well as the planetary positions both at the time of birth and at the time of the projected horoscope. With this in- formation it is then possible to get an "idea" of what could occur on a given day. I say "idea" because it is potentially dangerous to be- lieve entirely the accuracy of any horoscope - no matter how "scien- tifically" exact. The psychological phenomenon of self-fulfilling pro- phesy comes into play for if read- ers take the advice seriously, it can be dangerous (as witnessed in a previous letter to the Editor). If readers ignore the advice, what is the value or purpose of a feature on horoscopes? For' these reasons (and countless others), I am both amused and appalled by the fabri- cated advice given by Sylvia. The Daily is supposedly aimed at a literate, educated audience. Is it necesary to flaunt ignorance and debase the intellectual level of your readers by including this fea- ture? This feature not only sup- plies inaccurate information, but gives advice which is so general, it could apply to anyone regardless of the alleged influence of the as- trological sign. True, most na- tional tabloids carry a feature of this sort but - up until now - I did not equate the readers of The Daily with those those of The New York Daily News. Would it not be more interesting and of greater value to run arti- cles on the discipline of astrology, other cult studies, and various as- pects of altered states of con- sciousness, such as meditation, sub- conscious, dreams, ESP, and psy- chedelic and psycho-active drugs. Features of this sort would be in- formative and would appeal to a broader audience . . . on a higher level. -Pamela Tytell T.F. March 31 To The Daily: SO SYLVIA is on vacation, and we are spared her space-wasting 'drivel for a merciful (if unpredict- able) interlude. Let's retire silly Sylvia perman- ently, and return to The D a il y' s mission of printing news again. -Edwin Arlington March 31 To The Daily: GET RID of Sylvia's Signs. In an age searching for something to believe in, it is all too easy for each of us, each in our way, to succumb to Sylvia's cosmic instructions. And this only causes antagonism and misunderstandings. Perhaps you could replace her with a little sermonette by Billy Graham. -Kevin Krebs March 22 (Editor's Note: Will Sylvia's Signs return? The answer lies in the stars.) Never say die To The Daily: TUESDAY'S Michigan Daily at- tempted to portray an anemic, un- derweight, sad-eyed hippo clutch- ing the air for its very breath. We (the readers) were led to believe the HRP losses in the first and se- cond wards showed a renounce- ment of HRP and an embracing of the Democratic party on the part of the student population. However, when you look at the vote totals you see the Democratic support (and subsequent victories) not as a passionate embrace but rather as a marriage of habit. cluding' East Quad where Jones lives, went for Shoichet.- Nor was the first ward defeat "particularly bitter." For HRP to win the model cities area, parti- cularly when running against a lib- eral black man, is a decided vic- tory. Those voters remembered who was walking on the secretaries picket line, and who wasn't; who is pushing for a Community Wo- men's Clinic, and who isn't. During the next year the differ- ences between the Human Rights Party and the Democratic party will become even more evident. People will be able to compare what HRP and the Democratic party do outside of city hall. If a year from now all the Democrats can run on its "Don't Blame Me- I Voted Democratic" they had bet- ter hope that the voters stay home again. For the Human Rights Par- ty is by no means quitting now, or a month from now, or a year from now. Hippos, particularly when they're working collectively, are hard, hard animals to kill. -KathyKozachenko April 13 'U' open to views To The Daily: WE INVITE all students to ex- press their views on how the Uni- versity of Michigan can contribute still further to the people of Mich- igan. The University is defining its role in meeting the future needs of the State. Accordingly, we are review- ing many aspects of higher educa- tion, such as: Will there be greater concern that the University at- tract students from all sectors of the State's population? Will t h e citizens of Michigan prefer to contribute to the University's sup- port indirectly through taxes or directly through tuition payments? Will older citizens desire to attend the Univeristy in greater numbers? The Long Range Planning Com- mittee of the U-M Office of Bud-. gets and Planning, composed of nine faculty members, four s t u- dents, two deans, and two execu- tive officers, began in fall, 1972. Its Subcommittee on the Future En- vironment of the University es- pecially welcomes the views of ed by the University to the people of Michigan? Even the briefest response will be warmly welcomed, but it would be particularly helpful if you can in- dicate how your experience leads to your predictions. We hope this open invitation will serve to ex- pand consultation between inter- ested parties in the University com- munity about the University of Michigan's future. Please address your letter to Pro- fessor Claude A. Eggertsen, 4124 School of Education Building, The University of Michigan, Ann Ar- bor, Michigan 48104, or telephone him at 764-54%. We hope to hear from you in the near future. -Robert Cares and 4 others, Office of Budgets and Planning March 26 Thief testimony To The Daily: THAT BICYCLE is in a perfect position! There's no one around and that lock will break quickly. The guy that owns this machine must really be into the sport of bicycling to own* a gem like this. The sign on his seat says, "Vote Yes on Bikeways" - Well, he won't be riding on them. It's beautiful that I can make a quick" $100 daily by stealing a couple of bikes. It's very nice that bicycles don't have titles like cars do or else that certainly would de- feat me. And look how easy it is to dispose of this. Inthe winter I steal tape decks and in the sum- mer, it's bicycles. There's an in- finite market for these items. I remember that guy whose tape deck I stoleon a Sunday. Monday he gave me $25 for another one. Also, around the University, I don't even feel paranoid about being dis- covered. It appears the authorities are busy prosecuting the owners of the property instead of t h e crooks, as was done to the guy in East Quad. It's going to be a lucra- tive season so I'm going to work. -Name witheld by request March 29 FCRZ MOT 6a-flOs AUPLEJ& 1(TH 6 AAI S? ECI(LY HATE &h- t'5ke2FW SC[-F FHf 116 TINT OF OF I R S O f I c~fJtZ PY5 HAE UYStF- So FtTW A J9 FQOUISA4JL2 It~JATELikC AW LE HATEC MY- 6 THAT C ~CKW) ThM i00 C )AYA T c06 fI3rO T w R AI(31f NAB ay- 9 CA USC RCAlw Y 11A ri 6 V L" 6; i .1