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April 04, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-04

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See Editorial Page


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High- U
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXII1, No. 146

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 4, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Skinner speaks
On rare occasions, a happening is so big that it merits a
Today item of its own. The visit to campus by world reknowned
author and psychologist B. F. Skinner is such a happening.
Creator of Walden Two and the highly controversial Beyond Free-
dom and Dignity, Skinner will speak as part of the Future Worlds
Lecture Series at 3:00 p.m. in Hill Aud. Those planning to. at-
tend the lecture should arrive early as there is certain to be a
rush for seats.
Ypsi election
? Monday was also election day in Ypsilanti and a paltry 22
per cent of the voters showed up at the polls. George Goodman, a
Democrat, was elected the city's first mayor-at-large as he
garnered some 62 per cent of the vote. The four City Council
races were divided evenly between Democrats and Republicans.
In their first bid for the council in Ypsilanti, the Human Rights
Party came within eight votes of victory in the Third Ward.
Monday just wasn't HRP's day.
Happenings . .
today are moderate and topped off by a major musical
event. University Chamber Choir and Symphony Orchestra will
perform Bach's St. Matthew's Passion at 7:30 p.m. in Hill Aud.
.. Richard Sandler of Nader's Raiders will speak on the
energy crisis at 7:15 p.m. in the Lawyers Club lounge . . . The
University of Michigan Student Chapter of the Society of Auto-
motive Engineers is sponsoring an auto emission tune-up clinic
for those car drivers with guilty consciences. At 7:00 p.m. in
room 170 of the P&A Building, the group will hold a classroom
session for car owners . . . Four of the nation's leading scholars
will participate in the Walgrpen Conference on Education for
Human Understanding beginning today. The opening lecture will
be held at 3:00 in the MLB Aud. 3. Professor Skinner will be
one of the four scholars . . . looking ahead to the weekend, there
will be a final dance party at Couzens Hall Friday evening at
8:30. The one dollar admission fee includes all the beer you
can drink.
Poetic pugilist
LONDON - Ex-World Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali
has been invited to run for the post of professor of poetry ,at
Oxford University. Ali who has turned out such poetic master-
pieces as "I'll be peckin' and a pokin' and pour water on his
smokin'" to describe his fight with Joe Frazier is currently
recovering from a broken jaw he suffered in a fight last Satur-
day. All was nominated by two Oxford fellows who say the
offer is not a joke. One conceivable drawback to the post, how-
ever, could be its limited financial remuneration - only $750 a
Dope note
BALTIMORE - A member of the Maryland General Assem-
bly was charged yesterday with transporting 10 million dollars
worth of heroin. Bond for the delegate, James Scott, was set
at $30,000 after he was arrested on a street outside the state
Capitol. Police tried to make the arrest in the Capitol itself but
several legislative officials protested charging that such' a move
violated the code of ethics. He was allowed to walk out the door
where he was picked up by an unmarked car. Such are the
privileges accorded a white-collar criminal in this country.
No reunion
LONDON - The hopes of Beatle fans the world over were
dealt a cruel blow yesterday by none other than the band's
ex-drummer and movie star Ringo Starr. Ringo told reporters
at Heathrow Airport that the chances of the group coming back
together again are "absolutely remote." Speculation about a pos-
sible reunion increased Monday when it was learned that Beatle
business manager Allen Klein had lost his control of the group's
financial affairs.
; On the inside . .,
. . . the Arts Page features Gloria Smith with a re-
view of last weekend's Bette Midler concert . . . the Edi-

torial Page takes a look at the spiraling cost of meat . . .
and the Sports Page has Leba Hertz with a preview of
the American League pennant race.
A2's iveath hr
'Today make sure you have rice in your salt. Damp and
cloudy today with rainshowers becoming mixed with or
changing to slight snowshowers before ending. Remember
mid-latitude cyclone "Den"? He's presently heading up the
L east coast from the deep south supporting cyclone "Char-
ley's" efforts in keeping our area cloudy. A trend for cooler
r temperatures with highs of 40-45 and lows of 31-36.


to con est


The use of a behavior-controlling drug by
Washtenaw County courts to stem the consump-
tion of alcohol in "problem abusers" has involved
15th District Court Judge Sandorf Elden in a
class action civil suit which may threaten the
court's alcohol abuse program.

Questions court's drug treatment


The program, praised by some as the most
effective known means of reducing alcohol-re-
lated traffic fatalities and condemned by others
as a violation of individual freedoms, makes ex-
tensive use of a drug called Antabuse.
The drug, which is ingested orally, is intended
to control compulsive drinking. It is supposed

to remain inert in the body for a long period of
time. However, when consumed with even small
quantities of alcohol, the drug causes violent
physical reactions such as vomitting, hyperventil-
ation and vertigo, among others.
Participation of alcohol offenders in the Anta-
buse program is voluntary, but refusal to partici-
pate results in a jail sentence. James Wortley,
probation officers for 15th District Court, said,
"If an alcohol offender refuses to participate in

the program, we turn to the alternative-namely
jail sentence and fine."
The current controversy threatening the pro-
gram stems from a complaint filed March 22 by
Wayne State University Law Prof. Morten Cohen
on behalf of his client Edward Tomalak.
Tomalak, arrested for driving under the in-
fluende of alcohol last July, was sentenced by
Elden to eight months on Antabuse in addition
to $100 fine and $125 court costs. This was Toma-

lak's first arrest for an alcohol-related offense.
After beginning treatment'on Antabuse, Tama-
lak complained of exttreme drowsiness and falling
asleep during waking hours, although he was
consuming no alcohol. He was urged by Wortley
to continue taking Antabuse, as discontinuing
the drug would constitute a probation violation.
Program participants are required to sign a
sworn contract pledging them to maintain their
intake of Antabuse at specified levels.
Shortly after, Tomalak stopped taking his
Antabuse and no longer reported to his probation
officer or porgram workers. Tomalak, like others
on Antabuse, is required to consume Antabuse
See LAWYER, Page 2


holds last
The 'Democratic -tHuman Rights
Party controlled City Council met
in a final marathon session last
night to deal with such controver-
sial Issues as the Eisenhower Paik-
way extension and the relocation
of Lansky's junkyard. As of 1 a.m.
this morning neither matter had
been voted on.
Outgoing Mayor Robert Harris
took advantage of the occasion to
deliver some parting remarks on
the state of the city government.
In an attack on amateurism and
decentralization in government,
Harris told the council "the neigh-
borhood has too much of' an upper
hand and is increasing its power
towards s u b v e r t i n g city-wide
He also said the government has
failed to deal with long range
planning in a' serious fashion.
He blamed this situation on the
inexperience of council members
and called for an extension of
council terms to four years from
the present two years.
builds over
TM funding
Increased recreational facilities
for the University next year are al-
most a certainty, but location and
cost of the facilities is a matter of
controversy over funding.
Four years of planning and dis-
cussion reached the final stages
today when the Executive Officers
of the University submitted their
proposal for the new facilities to
the Advisory Committee on Re-
creation, Intramural and Club
Sports (ACRICS) for their sugges-
tions andsapproval before a final
proposal is sent on to the Board
of Regents.
The Executives' four-part plan
called for the conversion of Yost
Field House to a year-round icel
rink, the remodeling of the pres-
ent ice rinkato house intramural
struction of a Ferry field building
to house indoor track and tennis
and the construction of two new
intramural buildings.
The first three parts of the plan,
to be funded by money provided
from intercollegiate sports, met no
resistance and will probably be
implemented by fall, if approved
by the Regents.
The fourth part of the plan how-
ever, ran into immediate resist-
ance from students on ACRICS.
See I-M, Page 8





Richardson explains
extent of involvement
By The Associated Press
Secretary of Defense Elliot Richardson said yesterday
the United States would have to consider "reintroduction of
U.S. air support" if Hanoi launched another massive invasion
of South Vietnam.
But he said such an invasion is unlikely and that he be-
lieves South Vietnamese forces could defend themselves
against anything short of that without U. S. help.
Richardson also said he could not answer the question
of whether American bombing in Cambodia could become
a long-term commitment.
"It has to be looked at on a day to day basis," he replied.
Our objective is to bring about full compliance with the
ceasefire agreement."
The secretary refused to give-
details on the size of the U. S.
Cambodia bombing campaign butLSk t -pres.
said it it "nothing like" the De-
cember blitz bombing of Hanoi and

Richardson, testifying before
the House defense appropriations
subcommittee, said Hanoi is un-
likely to launch another massive
invasion of the South like the one
last spring and added:
"But if they should do so then
the United States would have to
consider, if it were critical to the
survival of South Vietnam, rein-
troduction of U. S. air support."
Richardson said he believes "the
odds are somewhat better than
even" that peace will be maintain-
ed in Vietnam.
,Richardson also declared thet
jpurpose of giving U. S. aid to Ha-
noi is to maintain the ceasefire by
strengthening the North Vietna-
mese who want to rebuild their
country against what he called the
"handful of people" who dominat-
ed them and waged the war.
But under lengthy questioning
ffrom Rep. Robert Sikes, (D-Fla.),
Richardson said no U. S. aid will
AP Photo be given to Hanoi without Congres-
sional approval.

A federal officer, rifle in hand, r
leaders and federal officials contin

"Itilll nl1 kri otl VV i fri 1


"' "' ~"'" ' " Later he told newsmen the ad-
emains at an outpost on a hill near Wounded Knee yesterday, as AIM ministration also would not ask for
nue negotiations. new money for Hanoi aid.1
"If-- after July 1, the start of 'the#
A T E?new fiscal year, there is a firm,
ceasefire in place," he said, "there
would be savings that could be
supplied for aid to North Vietnam.
But we would have to come back
Meanwhile, the bombing of
By CHRISTOPHER PARKS - Cambodia continued yesterday
Mayor-elect James Stephenson said yesterday he sees his victorywing Amerian f2te anbomb
in Monday's city election as evidence that his "middle of the road" pounding insurgent forces in some
Republicanism is "more nearly attuned to the philosophy of the of the heaviest strikes of the war,
majority of the people in Ann Arbor" than the policies of the recent a U.S. source reported.
Democratc administration. Every available B52 in South-
And, although denying the existence of a "six-month plan" to eastAsia participated in the mas-
revense the city's liberal drift, Stephenson indicated that a number sive bombings, apparently design-
of sweeping changes may be in the offing, including repeal of the ed to beat Cambodia's Khmer,
controversial $5 fine for possession of marijuana, efforts to reverse Rouge rebels and their North Viet-
last-minute liberal legislation passed by the present council and dis- namese allies into accepting a
missal of liberal City Attorney Jerold Lax. peace settlement, sources added i
Terming Lax "the most politically-oriented city attorney we've The wide - ranging aerial as-
ever had," Stephenson said the City Council needs "a loyal city at- sault was reported to extend be-I
torney." He made it clear that Lax's political philosophy is not com- yond tactical support for Cambo-
tone. dian government. ground forces,
patible with that of the new Republican majority. "I think it would and suggested a new turn in the'
be reasonable to expect a change there," he said. three-year war.1

elected in
h and count
Jonathan Klein and Chuck Bar-
quist of the PESC slate became
the new president and vice-presi-
dent of the LSA student govern-
ment last night when the LSA
members began counting ballots
in last week's controversial all-
campus election by hand.
Klein and Barquist were elected
early in the evening during the
second - round counting, of the
complicated proportional repre-
sentation ballots.
The PESC candidates won 591
votes in this round, with 589
needed to win.
Competing candidates Jim Glick-
man and Louis Meldman of the
Bullshit Party received 271 votes
and Ron Strauss and Pamela Boyd
of CLAMP received 314 votes dur-
ing this round.
By midnight last night, only
Kathy Kolar, also of the PESC
party, had been elected of the oth-
er at-large candidates, with 103 of
the 99.5 needed votes.
The counting is expected to last
well into the morning.
The LSA election, on page three
of the all-campus ballot, was re-
portedly not affected by the fraud
that has marked this year's elec-
The ballots were released by
Central Student Judiciary Chair-
man Ron Henry for hand counting
in what LSA Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Bob Stephens
termed an "emergency move."
"We're doing the best we can
under the circumstances with the
SGC fraud," said Stephens. "We're
returning to a system that pre-
dates computers."
Bill Crawford, an LSA member
and a math whiz who has helped
with the counting, called the move
''moving forward into the past.'
"It can be done," said Stephens.
"We'll prove it. Even if it takes a
long time."~

'Ann Arbor is basic-


a middle-of-thie-

roa( cor munity.'


Kelley tkig
Term papers are the central issue in a' court suit pitting
Write-On, Inc.--a state licensed corporation-and their right to
sell custom research against'the University's charge that they are
"subverting the educational process."
Write-On, Inc., a Lansing-based custom research company,
.c. haan rh rmraA y-n, ftnr,,a,, tf alFrnk, ml,' nn .m h0 alf f


to court

The new mayor was less com-
mittal regarding the pot law, but
did point out that the GOP opposed
the law from the beginning and
said it is likely that' they will de-
cide to do away with it.
Other liberal legislation -- much
of it passed in the last few weeks
of the present council - may also
be on the chopping block when
the Republican council is sworn in.
Stephenson promised "some care-
ful study of contracts that were
executed" in conjunction w i t h
whoever is the new'ucityattorney.
Legislation likely to come under
this -"cnreful stuvd" incldes the

mately authorized under their charter, however, according to
Danne and Higgins.
They further charge that Write-On is subverting the educa-
tional process by encouraging students to cheat in their use of
the custom research.
Danne, in his prosecution, will attempt to show that a stu-
dent bought custom research from Write-On and turned it in for


suing in

John Gilster, a resident in Vera Baits Hall, has filed suit against
the University and the Housing Office in Washtenaw County Circuit
Court in a dispute over a dormitory lease cancellation.
Gilster signed leases for next year for both his present room and
another room in 'a different house in Baits. He had hoped to cancel
the first lease, but the Housing Office has informed him that they
will honor only the first he signed.
Confusion over the cancellation of leases has arisen due to a
change in policy by the Housing Office. In past years, dorm leases
were binding from the time they were signed. Breaking them in-
volved forfeiting the housing deposit.
This year housing deposits have been eliminated due to the new


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