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April 03, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-03

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 145

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 3, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


V 1







Stephenson wins,


closed out

Vote note
The hardest job around yesterday had to be that of a Daily
photographer. Lensman Ken Fink was given the usual election
day assignment: "Go out and get pictures of people voting." Poor
Ken returned a few hours later and told the ,editor on desk:
"I tried, but I couldn't find anybody voting." Ken tried again
and finally found a voter, whom he photographed with relish.
School job rejected
Who wants -to be superintendent )f schools? Not David Trost,
the prime candidate for the post. He told the Board of Education
he wanted nothing to do with what may be the hottest hot seat
in local government. The search for a successor to Bruce Mc-
Pherson continues now, with an absolutely underwhelming crowd
of hopefuls jostling for the post
And the strike goes on
Washtenaw County C rcuit Judge Edward Deake yesterday
denied a motion to force striking Willow Run teachers back to
work and ordered both sides into his chmbers to resume nego-
tiations. The Willow Run Board of Education had sought a re-
straining order agast the 218 teachers who have been on strike
over a contract dpute since last Wednesday.
Sewer opposed
Local opposition to the planned "Super Sewer" for South-
eastern Michigan is growing. At a press conference yesterday,
Citizens Opposed to Super Sewer (COSS) described the plan as
"environmentally unsound and an attempt by Detroit to fleece
Ann Arbor." COSS urged interested persons to attend the En-
vironmental Protection Agency's public hearing on the issue. The
hearing will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. and again at 7:30
p.m. at the Sheraton-etro Inn at Detroit Metro Airport. More in-
formation can be obtained from COSS chairperson Polly Reynolds-
Warner at 769-1042.
Happenings.. .
Yeah! Sigma Delta Chi holds a bagel sale today in the
Fishbowl starting at 9 p.m. . . . It's Spanish language night at
Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill street at 9 p.m. . . . the Ann Arbor
Camera Club meets at 8 p.m. in the basement of the public
library . .. . the start of a conference on Science and Society,
past, present and future is at 8 a.m. in the lobby of the Rackham
Bldg., the event is sponsored to mark the 300th anniversary of
the birth of Copernicus . . . five social work profs discuss the
question, "Is Social Work Politically Neutral" at the Rackham
conference room at 8 p.m. . . . the United Methodist Church at
Huron and State is the site 'of a meeting of the Krishna Yoga
Society at 7:30 p.m. . . . this evening at 7:30 in the Women's
Athletic Building you will find the U-M Folkdaners . . . Medical
Aid to Indochina meets in the Union Ballroom tonight at 7:30
p.m. . . . and a symposium sponsored by the Department of
State Highways and the Dept. of Natural Resources will discuss
non-motorized transit tonight at 8 . . . and looking ahead to the
weekend, there will be a Women's Community Symposium spon-
sored by a variety of groups around the city; check this column
for further details later in the week.
Thies-Nixon talks
SAN CLEMENTE - President Nixon and South Vietnamese
President Nguyen Van Thieu yesterday called on Hanoi to ob-
serve the ceasefire agreement and work with them to achcieve
reconciliation in Vietnam in an atmosphere of enduring peace.
The two presidents, opening two days of talks on post-war rela-
tions between their two countries, stressed the need for scrupu-
lous observance of the ceasefire accord signed in Paris on
January 27. They also began planning future American economic
and military aid programs to support the Saigon government in
its political struggle with the Viet Cong.
Watergate still open
WASHINGTON - Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.) yesterday re-
jected a White House effort to obtain special treatment for
presidential aides in the Senate's investigation of the Watergate
affair. Ervin repeated his vow he will seek the arrests of White
House aides if they do not honor subpeonas to testify under oath
in formal private and'public sessions.
While Ervin was making his statement in Washington, the
San Clemente White House released a statement charging that
Ervin's committee investigating the affair has been "plagued by
irresponsible leaks of tidal wave proportions" and said its chair-
man should "get his own disorganized house in order." Press
secretary Ron Ziegler said, however, "the White House intends
to cooperate with the committee." '
The Beatles . . . Again?
NEW YORK - Businessman Allen Klein, the man at the
center of the dispute which split up the Beatles, lost his hold on
their financial affairs yesterday. The move appeared to be at the
instigation of the remaining three Beatles, setting off specula-
tion that they may now reunite with Paul McCartney, who broke
from the group because of his objections to Klein. With Klein's
influence removed, the fact that John, George and Ringo had
been recording together recently gave immediate rise to hopes
that Paul might be persuaded to join them.

Ofn the inside . .
k the Arts Page features a review of Fellini's Roma
by critic Richard Glatzer . . . the Editorial Page spotlight
is on James Wechsler's look at political prisoners of the

Taking advantage of an exceptionally low turnout, Re-
publican mayoral candidate James Stephenson and three
Republican council candidates won election last night-giv-
ing the GOP control of City Council for the first time in
four years.
The other two council races were won by Democrats as
the Human Rights Party (HRP) was completely shut out.
Many observers feel the results may well signal the death of
the radical third party.
Joining Stephenson in victory were Republicans Robert
Henry, Richard Hadler and John McCormick in wards three,
four, and five and Democrats Norris Thomas and Carol Jones
in wards one and two.
Both referenda on the ballot, one -

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
NEWLY-ELECTED MAYOR James Stephenson flashes a big grin last night as he poses for cameras at GOP headquarters. Stephenson
was all smiles and predictions last night at the Republican affair he ld in Webers' Inn, as he and three others swept the GOP into abso-
lute control of City Hall.





Daily News Analysis
It will be a staunchly Republican regime that takes the reins
of power at next Monday's City Council meeting.
Though the GOP failed to gain a majority of the vote in yes-
terday's election, it will have no trouble maintaining a comfortable
margin around the council table on the second floor of the city hall.
No less than six Republicans will flank Mayor-elect James
Stephenson at the table.
Against them will be pitted only two Human Rights Party
(HRP) and two Democratic council members.
The election represents more than merely a Republican victory,
The city's fledgling Human Rights Party now finds itself in
the most critical mess of its brief history.
Its mayoral candidate, Be Kaimowitz, acted out the role of
spoiler right on the Retpublican cue. If she hadn't run and her
'cte pot as boy4
wi*th CIA
WASHINGTON (A' - Harold to counter sharply rising prices
Geneen, the board chairmaneof yesterday with sales reported
International Telephone & Tele- the country and some markets r
graph Corp., acknowledged yes- hemacaroni.
terday that he discussed with a m
CIA official the possibility of sup- While it was far too early to c
porting a plan controlled by the the week-long boycott, early rep
spy agency to block the election of "don't-buy" move was making a
Marxist Salvador Allende as presi-
dent of Chile. Few shoppers interviewed said
But Geneen told a special Sen-
ate Foreign Relations subcommit- ban meat from their meals for
tee that while" he "accepts" this but some said they would cut d
description of the conversation President Nixon that meat had
sworn to by William Broe, the CIAI
Sofficial, the idea "died right self out of their diets.
there" in theiconversation they A major grocery chain adver
held in a Washington hotel room
for less than an hour.
The dark-haired corporation of-
ficial said that if he had thought5,O 0O O to k
about the proposal seriously "
might have rejected it myself."
Geneen said he was not aware
that Broe wasrhead of clandestine;2nd Hash
telligence Agency in Latin Ameri-
ca when they met in 1970 at the Some 5,000 people with nothin
suggestion of John McCone, a for- better to do jammed the Diag Sun
mer CIA director and an ITT day. and casually smoked hug
board membe.r quantities of marijuana while tw
Broe testified last week that bored city cops looked on.
Geneen offered to make asub- The ad hoc star of the day wa
stantial contribution to a CIA-
controlled election fund for Jorge none other than State Representa
Alessandri, the presidential can-
didate of the conservative Nation-
alist Party.
The CIA official said he reject-:
ed the offer.
A year after the Mraxist took
office the government appropriat-
ed ITT's 70 per cent interest in
the Chile Telephone Co., which
ITT said was worth about $152-
Geneen said "the bulk" of the
purpose of his discussion with Broe

voters had pulled Democratic levers, it would be Democrat Franz
Mogdis who sat at the head of the council table.
Further, HRP hopes in wards one and two, where HRP can-
didates won last year, were dashed by Democrats.
Clearly, the Democrats and the Human Rights Party must
aim for some kind of reconciliation if they wish to run the city as
they have for the past twelve months.
But the HRP defeat yesterday puts the young party in a
weak bargaining position. As of yesterday, HRP has lost elections
on three occasions in the past year.
HRP bids for the school board last summer, the state represen-
tative and county commissioner seats in November, and now the
mayor and council yesterday, have all met with ignominious defeat.
Yesterday the defeat was particularly bitter for HRP candidate
Andrei Joseph in student-heavy Ward One. He finished in third
See GOP, Page 8
ies reported low
cott shows effect

allocating money for a new transit
system and the other providing
funding for a new system of bi-
cycle paths passed by convincing
With all but absentee ballots tal-
lied the results in the mayor's
race were Stephenson - 15,172,
Mogdis 11,378 and Kaimowitz -
The turnout of 31,597 represent-
ed some 42 per cent of the elector-
ate. Last April in a non-mayoral
race over 51 per cent of the voters
turned out. In the last mayoralty
election in 1971, the turnout was
approximately 64 per cent.
The mood was jubilant at Web-
er's West Ballroom where the Re-
publicans met last night for their
victory celebration. Some 300 of
the faithful packed the small room
and cheered loudly as the vote to-
tals appeared on a large tote-
"This is a fantastic victory," ex-
claimed mayor-elect Stephenson.
Joined by his six Republican coun-
cil colleaguesea beaming Stephen-
son said, "we will have a seven
person majority on council. With
that majority we will provide Ann
Arbor with a progressive form of
government that will put the city
back together again."
Pressed on what a Stephenson
administration will, mean to the
city, the victorious candidate said
that he planned to put more money
into the police department and
garbage collection.
He was non-commital on the sub-
ject of the five dollar fine for
marijuana, saying only that he
and other Republicans would have
to meet to discuss the issue.
Despite the prospect of facing a
Republican - dominated council
for the next year, Democrats who
gathered at the First Unitarian
Church last night were on the
whole rather pleased with the re-
"HRP is dead," exclaimed for-
mer Democratic Councilman Ro-
bert Faber. "We killed them, but
they were slow to die," added Don-
ald Koster a local radical attorney.
Such sentiment seemed to be at
the heart of the Democratic opti-
-mism last night. Reasoning that
their strong showing in wards one
and two indicated their dominance
in student areas, Democrats feel
that they can come back in a year
and regain their majority.
Victorious council candidate
Norris Thomas expressed this
feeling when he said, "We won the
battle, but we lost the war. But
next year we are going to win the
battle and the war."
See GOP, Page 8=

7prnts in
Fahr car,
The fingerprints of escaped con-
vict Orville Leland Davis have been
found in the abandoned car be-
longing to missing University coed
Melanie Fahr, city police said yes-
The car, abandoned by a gun-
man inthe Milwaukeebsuburb of
Shorewood last Wednesday morn-
ing, has been subjected to a fine
toothcomb search in an attempt
to find a clue pointing to the
whereaboutsof Fahr.
Police in Milwaukee have Davis
.in custody after a shootout last
week in which both Davis and a
Milwaukee officer were shot.
Two Ann Arbor detectives, sent
to Milwaukee Saturday, returned to
Ann Arbor last night having failed
to extract any information from
Davis as to Fahr's whereabouts.
Police here and in Milwaukee
fear that Fahr.may now be dead.
seeks jail
LANSING (UPI) - 'Declaring
that "no one is above the law," a
House member has called for the
censure of Ann Arbor's State Rep.
Perry Bullard for smoking a joint
for photographers at Sunday's
Hash Festival.
Bullard had urged his col-
leagues in the state legislature to
visit the Hash Bash as a "fact-
finding project" about grass and
'I was, taught that no one was
above the law," said Rep. Warren
O'Brien (R-Warren). "I feel we
must take this action to insure to
the general public that their elect-
ed representatives are not above
the law.
O'Brien asked that Bullard vol-
untarily submit to the penalties
prescribedubymstate law for smok-

The meat boycott
opened in earnest
down in parts of
eporting a run on
chart the effect of
orts were that the
d they intended to
the entire week,
own to protest to
almost priced it-

ton yesterday that it had dropped its boneless
beef roast to one dollar and twenty-nine cents a
pound, down by 20 cents. It advertised other cuts
of beef at similar reductions.
The boycott, which officially began on Sunday
when most food stores were closed, seemed to
have lost little steam as a result of Nixon's an-
nouncement on Thursday that he had put a ceiling
on the price of beef, pork and lamb.
Boycott organizers and the Congressmen sup-
porting it considered the President's action too
little and too late in face of skyrocketing price
increases since the start of the year alone.

tised in Washing- S
e flpat
Fes tival
g tive Perry Bullard, who posed for
n- caremamen with a joint of ap-
e parently excellent weed.
o "There's nothing wrong with it,"
Bullard told reporters, before
s breaking into giggles.
- There was no apparent point to
the bash-official dubbed the Sec-
ond Annual Ann Arbor Hash Festi-
val-which had been advertised by
anonymous leaflets and ads in The
But the lack of any political or
social motivation did not detract
from the obvious good time had by
all-with the possible exception of
the police.
Crowds began forming on the
Diag as early as 11:30 a.m., long

See MEAT, Page 2

... ;: : ?

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