+w guwn n pYrirr i ahe Sirign ~aihj Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HRP faces the problems o a primary 4 4 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1973 A New Year's hangover By SUSAN NEWELL UNTIL NOW, state law has re- quired the Human Rights Party to nominate its candidates by con- vention rather than by primary, as the two major parties do. In the case of the upcoming c i t y council elections, however, HRP will be required to hold a primary in February to nominate council and mayoral candidates. The dead- line for filing for the city election primary is this Friday, Jan. 12, at 4:00 p.m. This change should bring a breath of fresh air into the nominating pro- cedure, giving HRP an opportun- ity to reach more people in Ann Arbor and giving more HRP sup- porters a chance to help decide who represents them in the c i t y council campaign. Nominating can- didates by convention has proven less than ideal in several respects. It does not lend itself to the kind of high-visibility campaigning that can help bring out political differ- ences between potential candidates. Furthermore, conventions tend to disenfranchise those who do not have the time or emotional and physical stamina to sit through long hours of meetings over one week- end. For these reasons, we welcome a city council primary; however, the primary brings with it a new set of problems, some of which are uni- que to HRP. First, there is the problem of campaign spending. Traditionally, a candidate's success at the polls is in direct proportion to the amount of money that he or she can pour into a slick media campaign. Can- didates are often elected, not on the basis of their politics, but on the basis of the images they can create through extensive and e- pensive advertising. How do we prevent this happening in HRP? The second problem centers around the question of candidates' discipline. In either major party, the platform means little for it is in no way binding on any of the party's candidates. Candidates are free to say ode thing one day and another the next, regardless of ;he platform written at convention. The Human Rights Party feels, however, that the platform is a meaningful and important d o c u- ment. It represents the beliefs of a majority of members of a party, covering a fairly broad spectrum of the political left. Candidates and elected officials are expected to function within the political para- meters set up by the plaform and to take direction from the m a s s meetings. Only in this way can we begin to insure that people w i 1 1 become actively involved in mak- ing their own political decisions and keeping their elected officials accountable. IT IS ESSENTIAL that HRP re- presentatives be fundamentally committed,not to their own pi- tical careers, but to building t h e third party movement through col- lective grass-roots decision-making. In a primary system, however, it is possible that someone who h a s little or no contact with HRP could With the holiday season and the pause in political activity that inevitably ac- companies it now officially over, the eyes of the nation will once again be focused on the capital cities of Paris and Wash- ington. The peace talks which were broken off are scheduled to resume again this week in the'French capital. Now entering their fifth calendar year, the talks must try to work out a solution to the Vietnam struggle only one week after the United States ended the heaviest bombing cam- paign in history against North Vietnam's cities. 'We will undoubtedly see photos of Henry Kissinger and Le duc Tho walking arm and arm in the garden of some plush French chateau trading international pleasantries while Ron Ziegler assures us that progress is being made. An equally familiar scene seems to be In_ memoriam WE AT THE DAILY join with the entire community to mourn\the recent deaths of English Prof. Alex- ander Allison and members of his family in a holiday automobile ac- cident. Those of us who were lucky enough to have Prof. Allison for a teacher will never forget the way he transmitted his vast enthusiasm for all literature to his students, and especially the way he made his specialty, the 18th century Augus- tan Age, come positively alive. We urge everyone to contribute generously to the Allison Memorial Fund, which has been established to aid in the education of the four surviving Allison children. Please send all contributions (payable to the Allison Memorial Fund) to the English Dept., 1601 Haven Hall. -R.S. Today's staff: News: Angela Balk, Jon Benedetti, Don Biddle, Dan Blugerman, Cindy Hill, Tommy Jacobs Edioral Page: Bill Heenan, Eric Schoch, Martin Stern Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith Photo Technician: David Margolick Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor PAT BATER... Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY..............Editorial Director MARK DILLEN .................. Magazine Editor LINDA DREEBEN ........ Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS................Managing Editor ARTHUR LERNER ................ Editorial Director ROBERT SCHREINER...........Editorial Director GLORIA JANE SMITH .................B..Arts Editor ED SUROVELL .... ......... .... . ... Books Editor PAUL ,TRAVIS..........Associate Managing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Di- ane eick, Jim O'Brien, Chris Parks, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. COPY EDITORS: Meryl Gordon, Debra Thali EDITORIAL NIGHT EDITORS: Fred Shell Martin Stern. shaping up in Washington. For the ump- teenth time Congress has vowed to cut off funds for the war. Led by a coalition of liberal Democrats, the legislators are predicting success for their current ven- ture. Hopefully Congressional anti-war sen- timent has reached such a level where Congress could once again exert its con- stitutional right to make-or end-war. Unfortunately, in the past, such senti- ment after assorted U.S. offensives has always bowed to Presidential perogative when the final votes are counted. Some prominent lackey has always risen on the floor of the Senate to tell his colleagues that an anti-war legislation would tie the President's hands and would subse- quently hurt our efforts to achieve peace. Thus without trying to be excessively cynical, it would appear that the current stage of Vietnam developments is mere- ly entering a familiar phase in a recur- ring cycle. Any real change in policy will probably require a change in position at the highest level, and at the moment no such change is visible. President Nixon, as the recent bomb- ing offensive demonstrated, still appears to be interested in peace only on his own terms. He is in no rush to sign a peace agreement and is so-called North Viet- namese intransigence continues, he is likely to resume the bombing again. The optimism of October and Novem- ber has given way to a creeping pessi- mism and the newest official announce- ment of the nearness of peace are likely to be greeted with more than a grain of salt. -CHARLES STEIN A fresh start come in "off the street" a n d through clever camnaigning w.-Jk away with the HRP nominxion. The second important ques+ion to be answered in running an HRP primary, then, is how do we in- sure that HRP candidates do, in fact, represent the HRP platform and the mass meetings? The last HRP mass meetings set up some tentative andss g gmeral guidelines to begin dealing w i i h these questions. The purpose of the guidelines is not to make candi- dates toe the party line, but rather to give all candidates an equal op- portunity to campaign, and to clar- ify each candidate's politics and relationship to the Human Fights Party. First, all candidates for a given race will receive equal campaign funds from thedparty. Candidates should not spend any of their own personal money. Second, any group within HRP which controls any mass media is expected to give equal media space to all HRP primary candidates. Such groups within HRP will, of course, be free to endorse any can- didates they choose. The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any. one who w i s h e s to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. Third, all primary candidates sho- ld pledge to. abide by the plat- form and decisions made at mass meetings. THROUGHOUT the primary campaign, candidates will be asked to address themselves to these guidelines, stating whether t h e y feel theydhavefollowed the guide- lines, and if not, wvhy. The o n 1 y control which HRP will exercise over candidates is to state which candidates, if any, have disregard- ed the guidelines. We hope that this procedure will preserve the political perspective of HRP while keeping the nomina- tions open and democratic. More detailed plans for operat- ionalizing these guidelines a n d clarifying political differences be- tween candidates will be worked out at the mass meeting Thursday night in the Faculty Club Lounge of the Michigan Union. Since we are treading on unchartered ter- ritory, we would hope that all those interested in building the Human Rights Party will help us develop the procedures by which our city representatives are nominated. Susan Newell was a candidate for county commissioner on the IIRP ticket in the fall election and has served on the Steering Com- mittee of IIRP. " 1 i .a t WALKING ACROSS CAMPUS Monda3 morning seemed the same as it did back in December - the same gray sky, brisk air, and dingy buildings. One thing is different, however - this is a brand new year. Yet a lot remains left over from '72. Jobs are still hard to find, the standard of education is no higher, and Mr. Nixon remains in the White House. But the new year can be a time of reso- lution and change. Here in Ann Arbor voters are going to be choosing the peo- ple who will form the city government. There will be the chance to either strengthen the Human Rights Party on Council, or to support one of the more conservative parties. On a national level we have the oppor- tunity to protest President Nixon's con- tinued interference in Southeast Asia by meeting in Washington on Jan. 20 (in- auguration day.) There are new people to meet, places to go, and things to get involved in. We'll experience four new seasons, and with them the chance to make changes -political, social, and personal. Use your power well and the best of luck for a new year. -KATHLEEN RICKE r r Pentagon photo album I I .y Letters to The Dailv Animagined Nixon talk with coach A llen By JAMES WECHSLER NIXON: CONGRATULATIONS, coach. You just about blew those Dallas fellows out of the stadium. Allen: Well, as I keep saying Mr. President, it was a team effort. Every man on our squad deserves some of the ,credit. Nixon: You've got a fine spirit of unity, everyone can see that; no sniping and grumbling. Tell me, when did you feel you had it won? Allen: After Billy Killmer threw ti bomb to Charlie Taylor. That bomb broke their backs. Nixon: Hmmm. That's interesting. Allen: I've seen it happen a hundred times. You plug along and it looks as though it may be a tough afternoon and then one big bomb does it. Nixon: You just use the short stuff to soften them up .. . Allen. That's it. Then you let them have the big one. Bamm. Nixon: It was beautiful . . . I guess you're not having much trouble with the press any more. Allen: I think that's pretty well under control now. You know, when you keep winning, even the troublemakers seem to get the message. But we've still got the really important one ahead. That Miami bunch won't be a pushover. * * * * NIXON: Well, I'm going to do what I can to help you. Allen: You mean you've been thinking about new plays for us? Nixon: No, I'm leaving that to you this time. But I have reached a decision. I'm authorizing you to tell the press that I'm for the Redskins all the way. Allen: That will mean a lot to the players, Mr. President. Nixon: I gave a lot of thought to this decision, and it won't be popular in some places. Most of my advisors wanted me to keep saying I'm neutral, and may the best team win. That would have been the easy political thing to do. You know, with Miami's, unbeaten re- cord a lot of people don't want to see it spoiled. And I've got a lot of friends down there. Allen: I'm sure that's true. This decision takes what I call real guts. Nixon: Well, I've been in Washington a long time* now, and I've always been a home-town fan. And when I saw those scenes from the locker room yesterday, with all your players kneeling and giving thanks for that victory, I knew I had to do something. Allen: That's a regular ;custom with us. We know we don't win without some help from up there. Nixon: I suppose some people think that is cornball stuff these days, but we're getting back to real values. Maybe if enough young people see how much faith and prayer have helped your team, they'll understand there is a spiritual factor in sports as well as everything else. Allen: I sure hope so. Just one thing, though, Mr. President. I think it might be better if I didn't quote you on that part. Nixon: About the religious bit? Well, all right, but why? Allen: Frankly, I don't trust Don Shula. He might just steal the idea - even use it before the game - if he hears what you've said. God would be sort of put on the spot. Ie must have a lot of trouble choosing sides anyway. Nixon: I leave that to you coach . . . Anyway, it should be a real thrill for you playing the Sugar Bowl game in Los Angeles. Some people out there will be wondering why they let you go. Allen: I have to admit I won't mind going back there a bit this way. I don't hold any grudges, but it's not easy to forget a deal like that one. Nixon: I know how you feel. I had a little trouble in California myself just about ten years ago. Allen: They thought you were washed up, too. Nixon: It's always fun to make a comeback. James Wechsler is the editorial page editor of the New York Post. Copyright 1973, New York Post Corporation. South Quad setback PM iWkAT ARE YOU DOING ? -4. GOING DYER MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. r c low To The Daily: IN RESPONSE to your Decem- ber 13, 1972 article entitled, "South Quad: Beset with quiet tension," it is my opinion that the article con- tains half-truths and misquotes that have set South Quad back tem- porarily in terms of efforts on the part of the residents and staff who have been working to improve its image. Some of the sources you used for the article were non-factual and obviocjsly based on fears and ru- mors blown out of proportion. South Quad does have problems, but our problems are no less than other areas of the University who have experienced similar problems and in some cases greater. An openness on the part of the staff and residents of South Quad exists and is encouraged, and through this openness we hope a great understanding and aware- ness will develop which will lead to a better living-learning environ- ment. This, along with other com- munity programs, were totally overlooked in your article. It is hoped in the future in sim- ilar articles dealing with South Quad that you will seek a wider, more factual range of opinions. -Kenneth W. Moon Building Director South Quadrangle Jan. 5 Misrepresentation To The Daily: I FIND real irony is the juxa- position of articles on a kissing contest and tension in South Quad appearing on the front page of your December 13 issue. While I would not wish to minimize prob- lems of South Quad I feel you have done a very real disservice to the staff and students in South who are making very significant in- roads into creating a good living situation within a population re- flective of the composition we want for the University of Michigan. Initially you have some factual errors. The return rate for South For a newspaper that prides it- }self in not being a "crime report- er" the loose references to rapes or attempted rapes is not only n- consistent with your own policies but also in light of your not re- porting other 6ampus area crimes the story grossly misrepresents the situation at South Quad. There have been five reported rapes in t h e campus area this Fall - none in residence halls. There Ivive been four reported armed robberies in residence halls - one in S o u t h Quad during the Fall registration period. The fact that more black s t u- dents live in South Quad is a posi- tive factor for South. The Housing Office finds most distressing t h e fact that this Fallathe only Blacks in Mosher-Jordan are two vlesrc4ent Advisors and one student who transferredto Mosher-Jordan ear- ly in the Fall Term. The efforts of the entire University Commun- ity including The Daily should be directed at changing the composi- tion of Mosher-Jordan, not South Quad. Your article will not serve that objective. To compound the unfairness of your article is the decislon to print the story in your final issue for the Fall Term. For one month there will linger in the minds of your readers the recollection of a tension-filled building known as South Quad. I sincerely hope that follow-up articles will explore wny Mosher-Jordan is a "white ghetto," the relation of casual marijuana use and campus-area crime, un- willingness of residents to support escort policies and other secuimity- oriented measures, and other cam- pus phenomena for more worthy of concern at this time. -John C. Feldkamp Director of Housing Dec. 15 Newsreel scapegoat To The Daily: IN YOUR very helpful articles about the current film flap I emerge as a Renaissance Pig. My previous experience at repression was against dogs in the auditor- iums because of their noise (jingle, tively innocuous, though now ap- parently a connection between the latter two is being denied. His- tory is rewritten every week. -I do not count audiences, but upwards of a dozen people do, with head counts and ticket numbers. This information should he avail- able from any number of myrsuper- iors. It is demanded and readily secured by anv travelling show or rock band playing on campus. -The Discrepancy of ca. 600 was for N.Y. Erotic Film Festival I, not Reefer Madness, which had a dis- crepancy all its own. Both are from New Line Cinema, which is not much worried about the implied shortages. -I have written no letters to New Line's Michael Harpster, and he confirms receiving none from me or anyone using my name. Newsreel has the services of a Madison Avenue mind which can manipulate civil libertarian senti- ments as surely as a blue package sells soap. He has found a pecul- iarly effective mouthpiece in Glen Allvord. Together they generate elaborate persecution fantasies, and I am hearing that Friends of News- reel will soon yield to Friends of Barbarella. Though I only want them to get a license, they have made me their scapegoat. They are barking at my heels, because I am costing them their Heineken and candied crab (sic?). -Peter Wilde Projectionist, O.S.S. Dec. 11 Full of it To The Daily: IN REFERENCE to Eugene :o- binson's article, "S. Quad: Beset with 'quiet tension' (Dec. 13, 1972), as a resident of S o u t h Quad, I think you are full of shit. -Mark Yeager Dec. 13 LU i -r MAT FOR? --m"lm..mml LOOKING FOR LOOP-OLES. M ,erg I . .r . .. . 4 / II ( 1 y ! Yz1 I I