Remember to Vote in city elections tomorrow APRIL' FOOLS See Page One gin ~IaitM HASHISH High- r Low-AS See Today for details Vol. LXXXIII, No. 144 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 1, 1973 Ten Cents Page Three 7/, Students and IF YOU SEE NEWvS EHAPMCAL TDAW(. govt. clash in Greece Festival fever The enthusiasm and excitement for today's bash is reaching fever pitch. In addition to the endorsement of the festivities by the "magic dusters" of the University lacrosse team, a con- test is raging to be out on the Diag first for the activities. Guy Watson and Mike Mancini of West Quad, insured their victory by sleeping on the Diag last night despite the threat of rain. "We believe getting wet is a small price for getting high," said a red-eyed Watson. And, in the most solemn tribute to the festival, Rabbi Joel Poupko of Hillel, reportedly gave his blessings to the bash at yesterday's religious services. Vote note Things are definitely becoming heated in the final stretch into tomorrow's election. Norris Thomas, Democratic incumbant and candidate in the First Ward is anxious to respond to charges by Councilman Gerald DeGrieck (HRP-First Ward). Thomas says that he voted against several HRP proposals because "they were hastily drawn, patently illegal, or both". Further he states that his position on city abortion clinic "has been anything but muddled," saying he would prefer the funds coming from sources other than the indigent referral fee funds. Pot law status State Attorney General Frank Kelley refused to issue a legal opinion on the legality of the city's pot law because it is still being heard in the courts. Kelley's decision came in response to a letter by former city State Rep. Ray Smith. Kelley did say that the State Police had the right not to process suspected marijuana evidence at the State Crime lab If it was to be for prosecution under the city ordinance. Happenings... . . . are highlighted, of course, by the Hash Bash. Other more normal events include a meeting of the Community Women's Clinic in St. Andrew's Church basement (306 S. Divi- sion) at 2:30 p.m. . . . Hillel's deli dinner at 6 p.m. featuring corned beef, pastrami, and franks . . . a debate between First Ward candidates Norris Thomas and Andrei Joseph at South Quad, dining room'two at 9 p.m. . . . and a Ransom Boogie to free Pun Plamondon at the Union ,Ballroom at 8 p.m. Con- tribution is $1 . . . Monday's activities include a press confer- ence for State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) to discuss the super sewer planned for the area . . . and an exhibition of student design work by the College of Architecture and Design will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the building lobby. Money from heaven RIO DE JANEIRO - The robbery of a vegetable stand here Friday caused a masive traffic jam. It seems that one of the thieves, in making his getaway dropped a bag of money on one of the city's main streets. Scores of motorists stopped their cars and scrambled after the money, paralyzing traffic for hours. Skin story NEW YORK - A judge here Friday dismissed a case against a bar owner charged with "depicting portions of the human body that predominantly appealed to the prurient interest." The trouble arose when a sergeant from the morals squad saw four topless mannequins in the window of a West Side bar. Said Judge Howard Goldfuss, "It is the opinion of this court that the legis- lature, in it's wisdom did not intend the law to require that a brassiere be affixed to the nude statue of Aphrodite." Inside job SAN FELIPE LOS ALSATI, MEXICO - Residents of this Mexican town stole their own archeological treasure to prove that the government guard was incompetent. Last week 'a 3 ton statute of an animal disappeared from the ruins of the Tarascan Indian archeological zone. The statue turned up later in a church. On the inside .. . is already on the inside. But further' back in the paper you will find the Sports Pages report on the State High School Basketball Championship . . . and an article proving the Beatles are dead by Mike Harper and Kenny Altshuler on the Arts Page.. A2's weather A nice day for a hash fest. Storm system "Charley" will be moving to the northern part of the state today bringing warm temperatures with the overcast thinning out during late morning and early afternoon. As Charley heads into Canada the tail end of the storm will hit us by this evening brining a chance of showers during the night. High today 65-70 turning much cooler tonite with lows of 38-43. ATHENS (Reuter) - A bloody confrontation between Athens students and police has hurt hopes for a return to democracy in military-ruled Greece. A move easing army control of student affairs did little to sooth political unrest in the universities. Instead, it accented outstanding demands for greater academic freedom, for University auto- nomy, release of students held as political prison- ers and for an end to laws threatening agitating students with permanent expulsion or mobilization in the army. The protests may soon become a major head- ache for the government of Prime Minister George Papadopoulos, as opposition forces and social groups with grievances join in with more criticism. Student street demonstrations earlier this year produced the first open challenge to the regime of the former artillery colonel who masterminded the tank-backed coup of April 1967. Unrest had already become apparent following the expulsion of 28 students under a 1969 law auth- orizing University authorities to expel for life students convicted of activities against the regime. Scuffles broke out when students objected to government supervision of elections to the new student councils. Aware of inadequacies in the universities, Pre- mier Papadopoulos recently called on University professors to draw up more compact programs so students could improve their studies and their timetables. He admitted that statistics showed Greek stu- dents taking post-graduate courses in other coun- tries ranked well down the list and he blamed an antiquated curricula, textbooks and awkward lecture time-tables for shortcomings. But student complaints went much further than this. The programs and policies of the Universities are obsolete, they say, and they, demand the cur- ricula be modified to meet the standards of universities in Western Europe. The plea for greater academic freedom was coupled with grievances that the government me- chanism for scholarships and educational loans was inadequate. Government opponents were quick to back them. They called the student council voting "a travesty. of elections" and an attempt to reduce students to a "state of apathy and servility." When students tried to publish their case by boycotting classes last January, the government responded with a law under which students who boycotted classes or instigated others to do so could be drafted. See GREEK, Page 7 ADMINISTRATION OPTIMISTIC Butz Pun gets reduction in bonds, sees food price decline By REBECCA WARNER Rainbow People's P a r t y (RPP) members Pun Plamon- don and Craig Blazier have won reduction of bond levels' in their Benzie County Cir-7 cuit Court trial on charges' related to an alleged marl- juana transaction. The $100,000 bond set for both men had been called "ransom- ous" by RPP attorney Hugh "Buck" Davis, who claimed the! bond level represented "imprison- ment by notoriety." Bond was re- duced to $25,000 for Plamondon, and $5,000 for Blazier Thursdayk after Davis filed a motion claim-, ing there was no reason to sus- pect Plamondon or Blazier would; commit violent crimes if re- leased. Plamondon and Blazier face charges of conspiracy to commit I extortion, extortion, armed rob- bery, and conspiracy to commitI criminal usury.{ In pretrial hearings key prose-' cution witnesses Uwe Wagner and Bruce Peterson contradicted each other's testimony sharply. Wag- ner claimed Plamondon and Blaz- ier threatened him and stole his belongings in connection with a h:.« marijuana deal. Peterson, the only other eye wit- ness, testified that the two men? did not threaten violence, were not armed, and took Wagner's proper- -. ty as collateral at his own sug- gestion. Peterson said the two men . were collecting a debt owed by Pow-wow in tl Wagner to a third party. Indians from Michigan, surrounding states and Canada c Blazier was released on bail yes- Union Ballroom. Sponsored by the University's Native terday after RPP representatives posted his bond with Ann Arbor lasted from noon to midnight. bondsman Harold Moon. RPP spokesman David Fenton INCREDIBLE SHOCKER. called the bond reduction "a vic- tory," but said the party plans to ask for further reduction of~ Plamondon's bond Wednesday at /3 5. the arraignmenthearing. I h E Fenton explained the discrep- ancy between Plamondon's andj Blazier's new bonds by saying, SAN DIEGO (Reuter) - In a.1 Those wild drives ev "Pun has a record and Craig shocking upset yesterday, former 'acted their toll. doesn't." heavyweight champion Muham-1 According to Ali's m Blazier has only one conviction mad Ali, 31, appearing slower than gelo Dundee, the for on his record, for possession of in his illustrious past, lost a split pion had his jaw brc beer under age, before the state decision to home town product first round. drinking age was lowered. heavyweight Ken Norton - only A 'cut appeared in Plamondon has two criminal the second major setback in Ali's in the fifth round and convictions on his record-he career. again with a - powe onsurmer boycott to continue nevertheless By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON-The ceiling onrmeat prices imposed by President Nixon will probably be abolished by late summer or early fall and is not expected to be extended to cover other food products, Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz said yester- day. Butz also said current negative reaction to high meat prices in the form of boycotts has worked to reduce prices, at least temporarily. But he said he doubts the negative re- action by consumers will last. Still a small, but enthusiastic band of several hundred angry U consumers protested rising meat prices outside the White House yesterday, demanding a rollback in, prices to last year's level.sren is Similar rallies were scheduled across the country, despite Presi- dent Nixon's announcement Thurs- day that he had imposed a ceiling m issin g on retail and wholesale beef, pork and lamb prices at tieir present - level. By JONATHAN MILLER Nixon said later he did not mean that the price ceiling should hold, and his aim was a cutback in prices, but the President's action did little to appease irate con- sumers. The rally yesterday was to launch a week-long total boycott of meat, beginning today, in an effort to cut back prices of all meats. Announcing plans for the boy- cott, Carolyn Haskell, chairwoman of the Atlanta, Ga., chapter of FIT -Fight Inflation Together-said, "The ceiling is a mixed blessing. We're delighted that the President has recognized the force of con- sumer action. But meat prices are still too high for the average con- sumer." Asked his opinion of various Daily Photo by KAREN KASMAUSKI 7_ T7__! - Fie Untol j i _ _ came together for a pow-wow yesterday in the American Student Association, the gathering by Norton ventually ex-, Judge Fred Hayes gave it to Ali, 6-5. Hayes' scoring was greeted by aanager, An- loud boos from the crowd of about rmer cham- 12,000 in the San Diego Sports oken in the Arena. Norton, 28, an ex-marine, had Ali's mouth a hypnotist in his corner to instill was opened confidence and remind him to rful looping keep his left up. His victory ap- groups' plans for a meat boycott, Butz said, "The question is, do you really change your eating habits" over the long term? "Probably very little. You, live out of the top half of your refrigerator and eat canned goods for a week." The farmers weren't happy with the ceiling either. Devon Woodland, Vice President of the National Farmers Organization (NFO), said, "The farmer is at the bottom of the totem pole as usual and will wind up with whatever is left after all other segments of the monop- olistic food industry grab off big margins and assure themselves of a good profit." NFO members withheld some livestock from market early last week because of lower hog and cattle prices, but agreed Friday to suspend their action temporarily. The ceiling ordered by President Nixon on Thursday involves only processors, wholesalers and retail- ers of meat; it does not affect the farmer and cattleman. A' pair of Ann Arbor detectives flew to Milwaukee yesterday to in- terview the prime suspect in the abduction of missing University co-ed Melanie Fahr. The team consisted of University unit detective Thomas Atkinson and crack detective bureau interogator Wilifred Lyons. The aim of their expedition is to e x t r a c t information on Fahr's whereabouts from suspect Orville Leland Davis, a 31-year-old Ohio fugitive who was shot four times by a policeman after a firefight on a downtown Milwaukee street Thursday. Davis is believed to have escaped from a Columbus, Ohio hospital where he was being examined, un- der the guard of a prison official. He made off with the guard's gun out a side door of the hospital, it was reported. Police here and in Milwaukee be- lieve- Davis abducted Fahr Tuesday and stole her car, abandoning the vehicle in another shootout in the northside Milwaukee suburb of Shorewood early Wednesday. Deepening gloom marked the fourth full day of the hunt for Fahr, who has not been seen since early Tuesday when she dropped, off a friend at a campus rooming house. Her friends and family have said that she would not have willingly become involved with the gunman. Police have searched for the missing student along all major roads leading from Ann Arbor, but without success. Detectives here and in Milwaukee are now candidly admitting they think Fahr is dead, but the only man who might know for sure is Davis, and by last night he had not responded to police inquiries. pleaded guilty to the use of mari- juana in Kent County under a sta- tute now declared unconstitutional, and he was convicted of illegal possession of a Selective Service card. th th N pt Races close in wards 4 There w e r e no knockdowns right in the sixth, but although Ali' peared to be a win for "the pow- hroughout the 12-round fight, and was slower than usual, he did not er of positive thinking." -e most dramatic moments were appear to be suffering. Although Ali, the former "Great- or'st wildrivesat omlantswere Ali started the fight cautiously, est", had 5-1 odds in his favor an orton's wild drives to land body testing out Norton but started his eleven pound weight advantage, unches. usual circling, dancing routine in See ALI, Page 7 the third round. Although he danced around Nor- ton in some of the later rounds, and 5 ituptrogou hefgh. Ann Arbor and ~Ali appeared to be unable to keepAn Aro In fact it was the rounds he balance of eleventh, that Ali appeared to win.Board's te Norton dominated the ninth and lt s e tenth and dazzled the ex-champ ard with a powerful right 40 seconds By DEBORAH GOO STOLL intthee esveth wou 's round as The Ann Arbor Educaiton Ass erhaps more than any other in he drew blood from inside Norton's grievance against the Board of E e Human Rights Party faces in mouth. Norton, however, remained after one hundred teachers and se snunkv to the end a he came onut ititnrs received dismissal notic "teachers protest tative job cutbacks Fourth Ward contest: 3 way battle predicted By DAVID STOLL With the election just a day away, the race for the vacant City Council seat in the Fourth Ward remains as unpredictable as it was HRP holds power in F By DAVID The Fifth Ward council race, p the city, exemplifies the problem th shedding the snoiler label. )D ociation filed a ducation Friday eventeen admin- es in their mail- ter agreement's outline of laying-off procedures was violated. While many cuts will likely be made, it appears doubtful whether the 100 figure is a realistic one. A spokesperson for the school district predicted