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March 31, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-31

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Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

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420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552


Kaufman for 1r Ward

1973's top crises:
The envelope, please
WHILE THE ACADEMY of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was
handing out the "Oscars" in Hollywood this week, another exciting
presentation was taking place here.
I refer to the ceremony at which the Academy of Governmental
Cruxes and Exigencies announced the winner of its annual "Nellie"
In case you missed it, this coveted trophy, a gold statuette of a
cowering woman biting her fingernails, honors the year's top crisis in
the domestic international field.
It takes its name from the term "Nervous Nellies" which the late
President Johnson applied to dovish members of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee when the Vietnam War reached one of its early
crisis points.
AS THE ACCOMPANYING citation states, the Nellie Award goes to
the crisis "that does the most to instil anxiety among the populace and
promote a sense of insecurity,"
At this year's ceremony, the celebrity-packed audience was particu-
larly gripped by suspense owning to the close competition among the
five nominees.
Would the environmental crisis,;the sentimental favorite and winner
of last year's award, again carry the day, or was its public impact
Would the energy crisis, a newcomer which had suddenly zoomed
into the limelight and developed a huge national following, be able to
overcome the handicap of a late start?
Or would both be nosed out by the international monetary crisis
with its dramatic contrasts of mystery.' intrigue and slapstick comedy?
THERE WAS no doubt the monetary crisis would be named the top
foreign-made crisis. But in the Academy Award voting it had a big dis-
advantage stemming' from the fact that Americans were unable to
understand it.
The other two nominees were longshots - the constitutional crisis,
brought about by clashes between the President and Congress, and the
drug crisis. One of the highlights was a nostalgic tribute to previous
winners-the racial crisis, the crime crisis, the education crisis, the
poverty crisis and everyone's all-time biggie, the Vietnam crisis.
But finally came that tense moment when Sam Armageddon, presi-
dent of the Academy, stepped stage-center and opened the envelope.
"And the winner is - the ENERGY CRISIS!"
Accepting the Nellie Award on behalf of everyone worried about the
energy crisis was J. Tremble Turnwhite, a waiter at Shakey's Pizza



IN THE THIRD Ward The Daily is en-
dorsing Democratic candidate Betty
Kaufman. A McGovern Democrat, Kauf-
man stresses the need for planned
growth, citizen participation in decision-
making, and a city government which
meets the needs of all Ann Arbor's people.
In contrast, Kaufman's sole opponent,
Republican attorney Robert Henry, is
campaigning on the theme: realign bud-
get priorities and return city government
to its basic responsibilities.
Although Henry does not fit the ster-
eotype of the reactionary Republican
councilman from the suburbs, his ap-
proach to the issues is undermined by a
failure to perceive the real problems fac-
ing city government.
For example, although Henry admits
that there are "good arguments' Tor
changing the drug possession laws, he
opposes the $5 pot law because it was
passed, on an "inappropriate" level of
government. He also believes that all
laws, including those for victimless
crimes such as possession, ought to be
enforced. -
Henry is opposed to rent control be-

cause it will "prevent the building of
more rental housing" sand opposes com-
munity control of city functions because
policy making in management ought to
be reserved for "professionals."
He has yet to support attempts to re-
zone the property upon which the Pack-
ard-Platt shopping center is to be built,
in part because such a move would be
"unfair" to the owner of the property.
WHILE THE Democratic candidate's
campaign in the conservative neigh-
borhoods of the Third Ward has been far
from radical in tone, Kaufman shows de-
termination to deal with the problems
of the city as a whole.
Kaufman does support rezoning of the
Packard - Platt property and is a vocif-
erous advocate of planned growth in gen-
eral. She supports the $5 pot law and ad-
vocates an affirmative action program
for women in city government.
Firmly committed to the need for more
and better child care, improved public
transportation, and greater spending for
human , services, Betty Kaufman is
the hands-down choice in the Third

Distributed by Cos 2ngeles TImes SYN DICATE
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Dick West is a writer for United Press International

Letters: 'Straight' view o gays criticized

Fourth Ward: Vote Lewis

WHEN WE heard earlier this year that
Ethel Lewis was going to run for city
council from 'the Fourth Ward the first
question which came .to mind was why
hadn't she done it long ago.
Lewis is well known to those familiar
with city hall as a tireless and effective
fighter for the rights of human beings
against the unending drive of business
interests to cover every livable corner of
Ann Arbor with concrete.
It is because of her record of active
involvement on the behalf of human con-
cerns in this city that we are happy to
be able to endorse Ethel Lewis as coun-
cilwoman from the Fourth Ward.
Support for Lewis' candidacy is espe-
cially urgent in view of the consequences
of the reelection of her Republican op-
ponent Richard Hadler.
For those who have come to this city
since 1969, it is well to point out exactly
what Republican domination of City Hall
is likely to mean.
The central theme of the GOP in this
city has .always been "What ever busi-
ness wants, business gets." The Republi-
cans have never been ones to allow asthe-
tics, human needs or even zoning laws to
get in the way of the progress of profit.
In the early '60s when the University
made the decision to emphasize off-cam-

pus housing, the student market became
a gold mine for get-rich-quick oriented
And with the benevolent protection of
a Republican controlled city hall, a rash
of ugly, shoddy and expensive apartment
complexes spread across the city.
For nearly 10 years, the GOP gleefully
assisted local entrepreneures in fleecing
students and then when activism broke
out, loudly protested the break-down of
respect for government.
If Richard Hadler and his cronies are
returned to control of the city it will once
again be open season on students' pocket
books in Ann Arbor.
The Human Rights Party entry-Phil
Carroll-is one of the higher calibre can-
didates in this April's ballot. Running on
a firm platform of rent control, commun-
ity control of police and improved medi-
cal services, Carroll would be a welcome
addition to the city council.
T SEEMS unfortunate, therefore, that
HRP choose to run him in the Fourth
Ward where he has no chance of win-
ning. His candidacy is a lost cause at a
time when the city cannot afford lost
You have only one vote, and it is pre-
cious. We therefore urge you to cast it
for Ethel Lewis as the only realistic alter-
native in the Fourth Ward race.

To The Daily:
WHEN I LEARNED that Robert
Barkin was going to write a fea-
ture article about gay people, I
tried to explain to him why I.
thought he should avoid focussing
on the issue of gay oppression. His
article, "Taking a Straight Look
at Homosexuality" in last Sun-
day'sdDaily is evidence of hisdis-
regard for my advice. For Barkin,
then, some of the following will
appear redundant.
It is my opinion that the worst
enemy of anyone's liberation group
is the "drug store liberal." Such
people, in the interest of beng hip,
are only too anxious to jump on
any minority's bandhwagon. They
are willing to take what Ann Land-
ers calls "forty lashes with the
wet noodle" as penance for their
(incidental) contribution to therop-
pression. Having thus atoned, they
are free to join the struggle against
the real oppressor - the establish-
InBtrue drugstore-liberal fashion,
Barkin and pen join the fray. The
target: Ann Arbor bar owners, par-
ents, the Presbyterian Church, and
the University, inthat order. In
his zeal to aid the cause of gay
liberation, Barkin distorts the bar
issue and slanders the minister of
the Presbyterian Church. It was
a gaggle of religion fanatics (not
necessarily even Presbyterian) who
accosted some gay people with
their ridiculous rap on consum-
mated marriages - not the min-
ister (who graciously offered the
church facilities to GLF).
Concerning the bar situation: it
seems highly unlikely that any-
one who describes himself as
"straight" is capable of under-
standing any gay issue, much less
how a liberated gay person should
regard the bar scene. Briefly, the
attitudes I have heard expressed
at GLF meetings range from
"Straights run gay bars to exploit
the gay community and encourage
a gay-ghetto" to "My friends go
to the Flame, and I enjoy their
company". Exponents of the form-
er attitude consider Flame-goers
(and their ilk) to be the antithesis
of gay liberation. Barkin seems to
have taken this as the gospel, and
tells his readers of the "numb-
ing atmosphere", the "morose lack
of vitality", and the "unhappy"
people who go to the Flame "only
by necessity", presumably to "find
another gay willing to share an
Had Barkin ventured into t h e
Flame late on a Friday or Satur-
day instead of early on a Tuesday
or Wednesday evening he might
have had to fight his way through
a boisterous crowd to get a drink
and then push his way past groups
of faggots dancing the aisles be-
fore he got to the john. Morose in-
deed! And while the subject of
rest rooms is before us, may I sug-
gest that Barkin investigate the
incidence of graffiti suggesting fel-
latio (or other sexual, activity
more familiar to persons of his
proclivity) on the walls of a n y
public rest room.
For my own part, I find it much
easier to deal with red-necks like
the owner of the Flame bar with-

2 City Council and Mayoral elec-
For the past year I have served
on Council with the incumbent 1st
ward Democratic candidate, Nor-
ris Thomas, and he does not de-
serve reelection unless you believe
in government inaction which per-
petuates and protects the interests
of those who presently hold the poli-
tical and economic power " in Ann
Over the past year, Thomas has
initiated practically no legislation,
has failed to fight passionately for
or against any issue or cause, has
been inconsistent, and has gener-
ally been content to go along with
what the mayor and the city ad-
ministrator have decided for him.
When he has voted the right' way
on a progressive proposal it has
been only after demonstrations of
support, when all the Democrats
have been forced to go along with
an HRP position, or when he has
counted the votes and knows his
won't matter.
In spite of occassional rhetoric
to the contrary, Thomas has failed
to challenge the interests of busi-
ness, big landlords and developers
who run this town at the expense
of the poor and working people
and other oppressed and ignored
groups. He voted against an HRP
resol'ution which would have end-
ed police protection of manage-
ment and ended harrassment of
striking picketers during the CPHA
strike last year, but that would
havesinfringed on the 'inherent
rights' of business, wouldn't it,
Councilman Thomas? He voted
against an HRP move establishing
a public rental information file
and committing this city to rent
control, but that would be stepping
on the toes of big landlords, would-
n't it, Councilman Thomas? He
continues to vote for high income
housing developments like New-
port West when only low-cost and
subsidized housing is needed, but
that would lessen the profits of
developers, wouldn't it Councilman
THOMAS HAS opposed many of
HRP's proposals including slash-
ing excessive salaries of city ad-
ministrators and district judges,
strong antistrikebreaking legisla-
tion including ordinances forbid-
ding the importation of scabs and
requiring cars to come to a full
stop at picket lines, reconstituting
the Ann Arbor Transportation Au-
thoritv to become more community
c:ontrolled, anti-war nroppsals, es-
tablishment of a citizen's budget
commission, a resolution opposing
the St. Josenhzs Hosnital move, an
alternative budget for the fiscal
vear 72-73 allocating more money
for social services, and a public
hearing on the concentrated code
enforcement program.
And now, Thomas along with his
fellow Democrats have vetoed the
funding of the badly needed Com-
munity Women's Clinic through
revenue sharing.
The Human Rights Party is the
Daly party committed to commun-
itv control, changing the hriorities
at city hall and challenging t h e

sense, your first; vote for Andrei
Joseph in the 1st ward, Frank Sho-
ichet in the 2nd, Phil Carroll in the
4th, John Mlinock in the 5th and
Benita Kaimowitz for mayor.
Joseph and Shoichet have an ex-
cellent chance for victory; Car-
roll and Kaimowitz have an uphill
fight but with our support they also
have a good chance.
-Jerry De Grieck
Councilman, HRP - 1st
In faror of Teltran
To The Daily:
THE ECOLOGY Center of Ann
Arbor announced its support earlier
this week for the proposed charter
amendment to provide a 2.5 mill-
age for expanded mass transporta-
tion in Ann Arbor. The proposed
system, Teltran, will provide low
cost, door-to-door transportation
for those who do not have access
to automobiles and for those who
seek an environmentally compati-
ble alternative.
Expanded public transportation
is a pre-requisite for alleviating
the need for road expansion and
the attendant impact on land re-
sources andtscenery. Comprehen-
sive mass transit is essential to
conserve our limited fossil fuels.
In recent months the accumulated
misuse of energy resources led to
near critical situations across the
country. In addition, Teltran can
help protect the air at a time when
traffic congestion in Ann Arbor is
reducing air quality.
The Ann Arbor Transportation
Authority (AATA) plan offers cost
benefits for all user groups. For
example, estimates for the annual
cost of owning and operating a se-
cond car range from $1,000.00 to
51,500.00 a year. By contrast, the
average Ann Arbor family could
use the new transportation system
for approximately $400.00 per year
(including the proposed 2.5 m 1I
Most low income families are not
well served by the present limited
transit system and must forego
many trips, or pay high taxi fares,
or attempt to support a car. An
important provision of the propos-
ed plan is that senior citizens and
low income families will be eligi-
ble for reduced fare passes.
When viewing the public cost of
the proposed transit plan, o n e
should consider the extent to which
we subsidize the cost of auto-
mobile transportation. Road build-
ing, land acquisition, relocation
costs, maintenance and repair, traf-
fic control, parking facilities, po-
lice and court costs, land taken
off the tax rolls . . . are all pub-
lic costs paid by non-motorists as
well as motorists. We must re-
store a balance to our public ex-
penditres for transportation by re-
directing some of this money o
n"blic transit. Paving for a usanle
bus system will help offset the fu-
ture need for increased automobile
-.-Mike Schectman
Ecology Center
March 28

Directors believes that this pro-
posal is a very large and costly
step to initiate at one time. While
we are -in favor of a more exten-
sive transit system, we ,feel it
would be more appropriate to ex-
pand the system gradually in areas
of proven need based upon t r i p
destination demands.
In addition, the 2% mill request
provides only for estimated oper-
ating costs. It is hoped that major
capital expenditures will be un-
necessary based on an anticipated
Federal grant. The city has, how-
ever, received no commitment in
this regard.
It is estimated that $2,000,000 will
be needed annually to operate a
-total bus system to allow users to
travel to any destination within the
city limits. We seriously question
the advisability of initiating such
a massive step in providing door-
to-door service while lacking exoer-
ience and adequate data on antici-
pated usage.
As for the Highway Safety Bond
issue, the Board of Directors of
the Ann Arbor Area Chamber of
Commerce has carefully consider-
ed it and recognizes the necessity
for the accomplishment of some of
the projects which the bond issue
contains. This proposal combines
several aspects which by themselv-
es would clearly warrant support
by the electorate. Unfortunately,
the two major elements of the pro-
posal, the Stadium bridge repairs
and the bike-way network, b o t h
anpear to be ill conceived in terms
of planning and fiscal responsibil-
ity which 'make it necessary f,:-.
the Board to express its opposi-
Clearly, facilities that promote
the safety of pedestrians and handi-
capoed persons such as safety side-
walks, wheelchair ramps and tie
1-94 pedestrian overnass at Stone
School Road are entirely commend-
able and by themselves should be
However, the present plans for
renairing the Stadium-State bridge
which do not make any provision
for the imminent necessity to im-
prove the Stadium-State street in-
tersection can only result in wasted
money and effort. Similarly, the
investment of $800.000 in an exten-
sive city wide bike-way network
while ignoring the obvious need to
make many necessary improve-
ments in our present roadway sys-
tem seems. to be very short sight-
ed. A more gradual expansion of
the bike-way network on the basis
of proven need seems muc more
In summary, the Chamber must
oppose both proposals.
-Ann Arbor Chamber of
March 29
Fraud potentals
To The Daily:
dav's Daily) claims to have voted
3 times in the all-campus elections
by rising the ID cards and stickers
from 3 consenting friends.
No doubt he could cast a proxv
vote from consenting friends in

every polling place to catch t h a
likes of Mr. Schaum. And, if we
did, it would cost even more to
run an election.
Mr. Schaum would be advised
to turn his talents for fraud to
more rewarding areas - c i t y
elections, union elections, check
forgery, securities embezzlement,
and larceny.
-David W. Smith
Grad-Public Health
Member-at-large, SGC
March 28
Indians and the U'
To The Daily:
IN THE AFFAIR of the skeleton
the original discontent of the Ind-
ians resulted from the exhibit in
the Fort Wayne Mytuseum in Detroi-.
The University of Michigan did
not excavate the skeleton, it did
not authorize its exhibition and it
could not have forbidden it, but the
University has had to take all the
The following letters were writ-
ten by Indians to the Ann Arbor
News, March 19, 1973: "You put
your loved ones to rest, yet you
come and stare at my bones en-
cased heresinthis glass tomb."
February 28,.1973: "The University
has historically milked Indian peo-
ple of everything in life - must it
continue even after their death?
Is there no place for Indian souls?"
And February 26, 1973: 'The crime
is on you. You have taken the re-
mains of a body from the earth and
gawked at is with complete disre-
gard for Indian custom and tradi-
The Indians were correct in ob-
jecting because the Fort Wayne
exhibit was that of a skeleton of
an Indian as a curiosity in itself,
without objects that had been plac-
ed with it. In the past 50 years I
have seen most of the important
museums of the western world but
the skeleton in the Fort Wayne ex-
hibit is the only one I have heard of
that was handled in this way, with
the exception of some exhibited by
the Indians themselves.
In 1636 a Jesuit priest witnessed
an Indian festival in which the re-
mains of those who had died in the
previous 12 years were reburied in
a communal grave, near Colling-
wood, Ontario on the shore of
Georgian Bay. For several days
the remains of the dead were on
exhibit in a bark lodge, hung up on
the walls, and there was fasting
and giving of gifts, and events like
foot racing and the greased pole.
In 1935 I excavated the Yoinge
Site in Lapeer County, Michigan,
and found abundant evidence that
this same ceremony had been held
there a few centuries earlier. Near
the ends of many of the limb bones
were drilled perforations about a
oviarter of an inch in diameter.
Similar holes were at the top of
some of the skulls and discs had
been cut out at the back leaving
a hole about two inches in dia-
meter. Some of the nper leg bones
had been shaved and ground at one
end to enable rearticulation in an
"nrnat'iral nosition. All this altera-

Walz for Fifth Ward

ANN ARBOR'S Fifth Ward on the city's
west side is about as politically di-
vided as they come. No one ever wins an
election there by very much. It is there-
fore an area where the real issue in the
city election-the need for a city govern-
ment which meets the needs of all the
people in Ann Arbor-could easily be sub-
verted by the fears of affluent suburban-
ites over garbage collection, crime, and
public housing in their neighborhoods.
Along this line, John McCormick, the
Republican incumbent running for re-
election, has consistently voted no on
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
ROBERT BARKIN ................... Feature Editor
DIANE LEVICK . .....Associate Arts Editor
DAVID MARGOLICK.......... ..Chief Photographer
MARTIN PORTER ...... Magazine Editor
KATHY RICKE .................. Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH Editorial Director
GLORIA SMITH ........................Arts Editor
CHARLES STEIN City........ E.Cty Editor
TED STEIN ............. Executive Editor
*ffAI2r fl rr mM.,N - ..+-., n:

virtually every issue of social importance
to come before Council: funding for the
Community Center Coordinating Coun-
cil, no; funding for the Community Parks
Project (the rock concerts), no; Ozone
house, no; the child-care center, no; the
Free Peoples Clinic, no; community men-
tal health, no; and so on. He has run a
campaign under the slogan "He said he
would and he did," yet no one can figure
out exactly what he has in mind.
THE REAL issue of the campaign, from
our point of view, is the race between
the Democratic candidate, Mona Walz,
and her opponent, John Minock.
Both have creditable records of acti-
vism within the city, and both appear to
be capable of being effective on council
if elected. Yet in spite of everything said
to the contrary, a vote for the HRP in
the Fifth Ward will be a vote for the in-
cumbent, McCormick.
Minock says that his "main purpose (in
running) is to focus attention on the city-
wide race for mayor which HRP can
win." If this is the case, we'seriously
question the utility of a candidacy which



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