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March 31, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-31

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See Editorial Page

Li t6FA6


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 143

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 31, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Dope fact-finding?
The crowd at tomorrow's Hash Bash may include some very
prestigious guests if our man in Lansing has anything to say
about it. State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) yesterday in-
vited all the members of the House and Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee to join him at the festival. Perry suggested the members
use the occasion as a fact-finding mission and for the more
courageous he hinted some personal experimentation might be in
order. Perry hopes that the experience may persuade some legis-
lators that the use of marijuana. and hashish should not be
treated as a criminal offense.
Dog days
Thursday morning in our Today item on the Hash Bash we
noted that a dog orgy would be included among Sunday's
scheduled events. A number of people from the Humane Society
called up yesterday and pointed out that the orgy could have a
number of rather disastrous consequences. First of all, the callers
. mentioned that a number of dog fights might be started. More
importantly they added that the puppies produced by the dogs'
activities would likely be unwanted and hence would have to be
destroyed. Thus we urge all those attending the festivals to
leave at home any dogs that might be in heat. Your dog will
thank you for it.
Honeywell boycotte1
A resolution' asking for a city and community boycott of
Honeywell Inc. products was approved by the City Council Thurs-
day night. The ban is to continue until "that company ceases and
desists the production and development of anti-personnel wea-
pons." The boycott is part of a nationwide drive organized by
Clergy and Laity Concerned. All four Democrats and both Human
Rights Party members voted for the resolution.
Raffle sale
A local organization has announced the initiation of a raffle
sale, the proceeds from which will go towards the construction
of a children's hospital in North Vietnam. Members of the Ann
Arbor branch of the Nguyen Van Troi Children's Hospital Com-
mittee will be selling raffle tickets around the campus for a
drawing to be held on April 13. The organization is a world-wide
body whose goal is to build a hospital in Hanoi. Members of the
committee plan to go to Hanoi and personally take part in the
A correction
In a story in Thursday's Daily concerning the suit against
Write-on, Inc. we reported that University General Council Rod-
erick Daane had been asked to show cause for his suit. In fact,
the court directed Write-on to show cause why the injunction
against it should not be continued. The court subsequently ruled
to continue that injunction. Thursday's story also stated that the
suit was only directed against the company's Ann Arbor office.
It is in fact directed against the company's statewide operation.
The Daily regrets these errors.
... today are led off with an American Indian powwow fea-
turing dancers and singersr from all over the Midwest. The event
will take place in the Michigan Union Ballroom from noon to
midnight . .. Washtenaw Community College will be the scene
of a high-flying happening as the school will hold its first annual
kite-flying contest. Things will get underway around 1:00 p.m.
Prizes will be given for the highest kite, wierdest kite and largest
kite . . . in several educational happenings, a workshop on open
classrooms in the public schools will be held this morning at
9:00 a.m. at the Abbott School, 2670 Sequoia Parkway . . . Mary
Ellen Riordan will speak at 10:00 a.m. at the Arch. Aud Riordan
is the President of the Detroit Teachers Federation . . . there will
be a water show by the "Michifish" tonite at 8:15 p.m. at the
Bell Pool . . . and finally don't forget the Hash Bash which is
scheduled for the Diag at noon on Sunday.
Poetic license
SAN FRANCISCO - The great Edward Arlington Robinson
once wrote a poem about the tragic life of Richard Cory. Yester-
day, Cory's modern-day namesake ran ilto some tragedy of his
own. San Mateo County sheriff's deputies said they received a
tip that Cory, a fugitive from federal prison, was at the San
Francisco International Airport. They subsequently had Cory
paged over the public address system and asked him to pick up
the white telephone. Cory answered the call and within seconds
two deputies, slipped the handcuffs on him for a trip to the county
jail. Where is Robinson when we need him?
On the inside .. 1.
. the Arts Page has a review of "The Prime of Miss

Jean Brodie" by Alvin Katz . . . the Editorial Page features
more City Council endorsements . . . and the mysterious
Swami picks the winners in tomorrow's basketball tourna-
ment on the Sports Page.
A2's weather
"Able" left us with a mess. Mid-latitude cyclone "Char-
ley" will pick up where "Able" left off keeping the cloudi-
ness in. Precipitation will be heading our way as Charley
moves northward through Iowa. This will bring us rain by
tonite. We'll get as high as 51-56 today and come down as
low as 44-49 tonite.

By AP, UPI, and Reuters
President Nixon's new ceiling
on meat prices drew mixed reac-
tion from farm and meat in-
dustry leaders, organized labor,
and Democratic and Republican
members of Congress.
Many of those who criticized
the ceiling believed it might lead
to even higher meat prices by
discouraging producers from in
creasing production. Others said
that meat had become the tar-
get for what really was a prob-
lem of widespread inflation.
Farm and meat industry lead-
ers were especially angry with
Nixon's move. Elton Berck,





Farmers, senators cite drawbacks

president of the Farmers' Union
in the beef-producing state of Ne-
braska, epitomized farm belt
He charged the President
acted "under the advice of Wall
Street cowboys and legal fact
benders . . . labor czars whose
anguished bleatings convenient-
ly overlook the fact that skyroc-
keting labor costs are at the
very heart of the alleged prob-

The president of the American
Farm Bureau Federation called
the ceiling not "right, fair or ac-
"An appreciable drop in farm
prices on meat will surely les-
sen the incentive for farmers
and ranchers to increase produc-
tion," said William Kuhfuss,
head of the two-million member

Under President Nixon's or-
der, processors, wholesalers and
retailers can charge the highest
prices for beef, pork and lamb
that they posted during the 30-
day period prior to last Tues-
day. But they will not be per-
mitted to pass on to the con-
sumer any increase in the price
of live animals charged by the
Nationwide enforcement of the

new price (eiling on meat will
begin on Monday, the Nixon ad-
ministration announced. Suspect-
ed violations of the ceiling should
be reported to local offices of
the Internal Revenue Service.
The consensus of boycott or-
ganizers in various parts of the
country was that meat prices
should be reduced, not stabiliz-
at the current high level.
This view was echoed by AFL-

CIO President George Meany,
who said the only fair thing
would be to roll back meat pric-
es -- now at a 22-year high-
to where they stood before the
recent inflationary spiral began.
Rep. Wright Patman (D-Tex.),
chairman of the House-Senate
Joint Economic Committee, call-
ed on Nixon to roll back food
rates and impose a freeze on
rent and interest rates.
"The entire economy is in need
of a strong enforceable stabiliz-
ation program and this cannot
be accomplished by a freeze on
a few items," he explained.

Police uncertain of

.miussing sta
Special To TIe Daily
MILWAUKEE - Police investigating the ap-
parent Tuesday morning abduction of Univer-
sity student Melanie Fahr seem to have no
idea where she is and little hope that she is
still alive.
That was the picture that emerged yes-
terday at police headquarters in Milwaukee
as the search for Fahr entered its fourth day.
The prime suspect in the case, and the
man who may hold the only clues to Fahr's
whereabouts, lies in a Milwaukee hospital
bed in the aftermath of a shootout with police
Thursday. The man, 31-year-old Orville Leland
Davis, has refused to respond to police ques-
tions about the case.
Davis has been linked to Fahr through a
YMCA ticket found in Fahr's abandoned au-



tomobile. The ticket, issued in Toledo, Ohio,
has been traced to a man using the name
"John Tucker." The manager of the YMCA
identified a photograph of Davis as being
"I believe Fahr's dead and I believe that
sonofabitch Davis killed her," said Milwaukee
police Deputy Inspector Kenneth Marple, who
is leading the investigation. "When you've
been in this business as long as I have, your
intuition starts to tell you things. My intuition
is that this girl is dead."
But as Marple is quick to admit, there is
no evidence that Fahr is alive or dead.
The latest revelation in the police investi-
gation is that there are approximately 400
unaccounted miles on Fahr's odometer.
Police made this estimate on the basis of an
See SEARCH, Page 8

Merchants }
price lawF
A number of local merchants
have expressed dissatisfaction over
the unit pricing ordinance passed
by City Council Thursday night,
claiming the measure does not ac-
tually benefit the consumer.
"If the ordinance goes into ef-
fect, smallerstores may have to
raise their prices," claims Shirley,
Jones who operates the local Food
Mart stores.
Jones said any price increase
would be due to "additional equip-
E ment and labor" needed to comply
with the ordinance,
The city law, based on a Mas-
sachusetts regulation, requires all
"packaged commodities" including
processed foods, non - prescription
medicines, and other household
items be clearly marked with price
per measure in addition to total
"In Massachusetts, unit pricing
did not seem to affect, prices much
one way or the other," said Barry
Wax, a University graduate stu-
dent who helped implement that
state's regulation. He said the mer- Do
chants "have been able to liveIA ha
with the,'law "without great diffi- an siae ns
culty." President Fleming welcomes honors stu
Jones also said consumers will! a reception in the Michigan League fo
not use unit pricing even if it is Convocation at Hill Aud.
available. Area Director for Stop -
and Shop Markets Bill Y in g e r
3 agreed that consumers "might not HALDEMAN NAMED:
take full advantage of unit pric-
Iing." "
Many studies indicate consumers
use unit pricing, according to Wax. C o rd im j
He cited a 1970 national survey
which showed 80 per cent of the
"people polled favored unit pricing. I o u s
* The local ordinance will be im-
I plemented in three stages begin-
ning June 12. At that time certain WASHINGTON (A')-Convicted Waterga
" products covered by the law must Jr. told Senate investigators that pres
be unit priced. Following a similar
deadline August 12, unit pricing Haldeman "had to be aware" of plans t
- will be completely implemented by Democratic headquarters last year, a sou
See MERCHANTS, Page 8 said yesterday.

AP Photo
LYNNE MORVANT AND TOM BYRON have found a sure fire way to beat the high cost of meat-
vegetarian meals. Specialty of the house at Morvant's health food restaurant in New Orleans is soy-
burgers, which are high in protein and taste good too.

SGC sa
Sabotage in the certified compu-
ter program for this month's all-
campus election has been charged,
in addition to the identification of
303 of the ballots as fraudulent.
The Daily learned yesterday that
four lines had been deleted from
the computer program since it was
stored in the computer March 14.
Paul Howard, who wrote the pro-
gram, maintains that "they (who-
ever tampered with the prograrr)
couldn't have picked four other
lines that would've fouled up the
program as. much."

Lb otage alleged

Jly Photob y IUMV G iLI
teadsof ...
dents and their parents at
Ilowing yesterday's Honors

The deleted line, the same line in
four different places on the ballot,
was absent from a computer pro-
gram read-out issued March 29.
The deletion of these four state-
ments means the program can not
be executed.
"It was someone who had access
to the computer, and someone who
knew enough about computers to
do it."
Howard said the certified pro-
gram, altered as it is, will not be
Election Director Ken Newbury
however, claims that he will

"never" use Howard's progran
anyway, and that the program i3
basically faulty.
He says that he, instead, will use
the program written by Burt Mo-
berg, with John Koza acting as A
Howard contends that the pro
gram worked successfully MarcF
9 and 10 during a test run with
sample ballots. The "problems,"
he said, developed after the pro
gram was sabotaged.
Meanwhile, 303 ballots have deft
initely been identified as fradulent
See VOTING, Page 8

;e ai~de
ate conspirator James McCord
idential chief-of-staff H. R.
o break in and bug national
rce close to the investigation

T d.............

Thomas, Joseph vie
for dormitory votes
In what is generally considered a two-man


hird Wan
saying they are making inroads into Democratic
votes previously conceded to Thomas.
The new First Ward is a pie-shaped wedge that
angles out from the tip of the campus area,
South State and Division streets, in a northern
direction all the way to the city limits.
Redistricting changed the complexion of the

Is:Two -partyraces'
paign based on his call to "realign" budget
Republican candidate priorities and get city government back to its
"basic responsibilities."
favored to win seat Kaufman, on the other hand, is stressing the

The special Senate committee probing the case issued subpoenas to
three lower-echelon Republican campaign workers. to check McCord's
story, which also is reported to implicate other top White House aides.
The White House continued to deny that any member of President
Nixon's staff even knew about the crime in advance and said any
employee summoned before a federal grand jury would appear and
Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler also said the White House is "ready
to work out a procedure" that would permit staff members to answer
Senate investigators' questions as long as presidential aides don't have
to appear at formal committee meetings.
Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Sirica had been scheduled to
pronounce sentence yesterday on McCord for his part in the Watergate
conspiracy. But the judge postponed the sentencing until June 15 to


e across A~the eas'tern fringep of the ritxr

need for planned growth, an improved public
transportation system, an affirmative program
for women, and citizen participation in decision-

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