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March 30, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-30

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Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

City needs safe,

eficient transit system


420 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1973

The choice-is clear:
Kaimowitz for mayor

- Some transportation notes for and
from women, children and others who
would like to get around town easier,
cheaper, faster, and with less pollution ...
How about getting around in Ann Arbor?
Every week the Daily, "What's Happen-
ing", and Diag flyers clue you in to scores
of happenings around campus and the
rest of the community. But, unless you live
on one of the scarce routes served by
infrequent campus or city bus schedules,
you are dependent on a car, a bike, your
feet (or a skate board). By foot may be
good exercise, but you can be late to many
events and exhausted by the end of the
day. A bike is only slightly better - but
after dark or if you are transporting a child
the bike is just as unsafe and tiring as
walking. (And skate board casualties run
So, how about a car? If you are a female
in American society, you earn approximate-
ly 54 per cent of what men earn and you
are less physically safe (especially after
dark). These result in less ability to earn
enough money to afford private transporta-
tion, and taking more risks walking or
hitch-hiking. And be you a woman or a
man, if you are a student or otherwise
short of cash, the $1200-1500 annual main-
tenance cost fur owning each car can be
horrendous for the budget.
If you care about the environment you
see and breathe, you should be concerned
that 30 per cent of this city's land is de-
voted to moving, storing, and feeding the
great horseless carriage, and that taking
a breath on Washtenaw or South U. or
State Street - or getting into the 4:30 jam
in a parking structure - you are about as
likely to develop cancer as a regular
Examples can go on and on and -
with rare exception, each. of us has ex-
perienced difficulties in getting around
town. It is especially true for women, who,
because they earn less and their parents
will less readily provide them a car, are
both more dependent upon public trans-

portation and more obliged to live closer
to campus - captives of an inflated hous-
ing, food, clothing, and general consumer
market. While earning less than men, living
expenses are generally higher. Often in
two-parent families, to save on child care
expenses, a woman is relegated to working
at night after her husband or boyfriend
comes home to watch the children. No fur-
ther comment is necessary about a walk-
ing woman's safety after dark around cam-
pus or town. When children are involved,
not only are babysitting arrangements a
pressing problem. But, if the child attends
a day care center or nursery school (or

in Ann Arbor! If you are to depend on the
current public transit system, you will find
you can travel only between 6:45 a.m.
and 6:15 p.m. (no evenings or weekends) to
a very limited number of areas, from which
you still must walk to your destination.
Fare is 35c and service is very infrequent.
So, you are still restricted in mobility to
classes, work, recreation, child care cent-
ers, shopping, etc.
AATA has proposed a partial solution
to such ills as immobility, high living costs,
and pollution. It is a new comprehensive
public transportation system called TEL-
TRAN. A vital step in moving people rath-

special devices for the handicapped, and
there is a possibility of having propane
instead of diesel busses.
TELTRAN not only can increase and ease
your individual mobility, but also can re-
spond to such needs as child care center
transportation and recycling pickups. To
be sure, there are problems with AATA's
current proposal - namely a regressive
tax base and lack of transit-user input in
designing routing and hours; it is hoped
that post-election citizen pressure can ef-
fect round-the-clock and county-wide serv-
ice and community control of the board,
all of which are vital for women and low-
income people.
However, the crucial issue is securing
funds for expansion and improvement of a
transit system. There appears on the April
2nd ballot "Proposal A", which will auth-
orize the city to collect 2.5 mill in tax in-
crease and devote the funds to implement-
ing a better public transit system. This
means that the average family would spend
about $300-$400 yearly to cover tax in-
crease and bus fare, as opposed to the
poor choices of $1200-1500 for each or no
mobility! If this proposal is defeated, we
may even lose the skeletal system we now
have, and certainly could hope for noth-
ing better (particularly if city hall'swings
to a more conservative composition after
April 2nd)! To cast a YES vote for "Pro-
posal A" on April 2nd is not to'vote for the
current AATA plan. But rather, it is the
first step in securing better transporta-
tion, by committing the tax increase to
public transit planning and implementation.
Let's vote YES to PROPOSAL A on Mon-
day and make a comprehensive, useful city
transit system a reality!
ldi Egbert is a volunteer at the Ecology
Center. If you have further questions,
call the Ecology Center 761-3186, or the
Transportation Task Force members at
763-1850, 761-7219 (Sue or Roxanne), or
761-7435 (Judi).

ANN ARBOR STANDS at the cross-
They mayor we elect next Monday may
well determine which path this city will
follow in the 1970's.
Thus, we, as voters, have a most im-
portant decision to make. Are we to elect
a mayor who cares for the basic needs of
all of Ann Arbors citizens, rich and poor,
black and white? Or are we to select a
mayor who dances to the tune of big
real estate developers, or rails ineffec-
tually at injustices while ignoring the
people on whom the injustices are be-
ing perpetrated.
We think the choice is clear-we feel
that Benita Kaimowitz should be Ann
Arbor's next mayor.
Kaimowitz, of the three mayoral can-
didates, has shown the most consistent
concern for the problems that face Ann
Arbor-and America today.
She has a long record of community
service - from helping black people in
the most racist parish in Louisiana, to
aiding Indians living in desperate pov-
erty in South Dakota, to helping young
people scarred by drugs in Ann Arbor's
own Ozone house.
Kaimowitz's politics are the politics of
reality - she both understands and
seeks to deal with the issues that will
face her as mayor.
On a wide number of issues - com-

munity control of the police, drug laws,
planning and zoning, and rent controls,
among others-Kaimowitz has a reveal-
ed a depth of understanding that
proves her capable of leading this city.
The casual observor may see little dif-
ference between Be Kaimowitz and her,
Democratic opponent Franz Mogdis.
Their public stances are quite similar
on the face of it, attacking the present
administration and promising to insti-
tute change.
But her past record of concern and
her profound understanding of the prob-
lem of this city, put the vital ring of
truth into what Kaimowitz has been say-j
ing-and a promise of action once the
campaign rhetoric has died away.
We, as voters and residents of Ann Ar-
bor do have the power to select a mayor
who will listen to our concerns. Be Kaim-
owitz, despite gloomy predictions to the
contrary, can win, and can defeat her
Republican opponent Jim Stephenson. A
vote for Kaimowitz is not a vote for
On Monday, you will have the power
to determine whether the Ann Arbor of
the '70's will be remembered as a place
where all of us could live together in har-
mony, or as a place where our fears were,
exploited to destroy our aspirations.
On Monday, vote like your whole
world does depend on it. Vote for Benita
Kaimowitz, Human Rights Party.


even goes to a babysitter or any social
events), the parent must work out a pick
up and delivery schedule with work and
classes and other obligations - even more
of a burden if there is only a single par-
ent. Centers and schools usually operate on
such a shoe-string budget that they cannot
provide such service, nor even go on en-
riching field trips. Given the current fed-
eral budget cuts and fragmented finan.-
ing of child care centers, coordination of
transportation services has so far been an
unattainable goal.
TRANSPORTATION IS A crucial problem

er than cars, the system would combine
Dial-a-Ride and express busses for door-to-
door, low fare, city-wide transportation.
Simply by calling a central dispatcher you
can be picked up and delivered when and
where you want, anytime between 6:30
a.m. and 11 p.m. weeknights and 6 p.m.
on weekends. And if you are making re-
gular daily trips you can "subscribe" for
transportation simply by calling to re-
mind the dispatcher once a month. Further
fare reductions are planned for low-income
handicapped and elderly persons, or if a
family buys a monthly pass.
Several busses will be equipped with

Traveling overland




Vote Joseph for ward I

IN THE FIRST ward, the Daily is en-
dorsing the Human Rights Party
candidate, Andrei Joseph.
Joseph is running against the Demo-
cratic incumbent, Norris Thomas, and
a Republican, David Wiarda.
At first glance, Thomas looks like an
appealing candidate. He is young, black,
and has the reputation of being a lib-
eral. A close look at Thomas' record
somewhat shades this liberal reputation,
Thomas professes to be in favor of rent
control. However, he voted against es-
tablishing an open file at City J-all
which would provide comparative infor-
mation on landlords and rent. Thomas'
reasons sounds mighty conservative: "It
would have cost the city untpld thous-
ands to implement."
Thomas won the council position in
1971 on a promising human rights plat-
form, emphasizing better grievance pro-
cedures against police misconduct. He
subsequently assumed the chairmanship

of the city council committee on human
rights. The Human Rights Department
of this city is still a powerless, though
well-meaning instrument. A dispropor-
tionate number of grievances still come
from blacks and young people in Ann
Finally, Thomas' vote against the es-
tablishment of a Community Women's
Clinic really places his politics in ques-
tion. Thomas says his reason for a nega-
tive vote was because the money for the
Clinic "had to come" from the indigent
medical aid category of revenue sharing
funds. Yet, HRP says that the money can
be taken from the debt retirement cate-
Joseph has conducted a vigorous cam-
paign, and his pledges are good. Among
other things, he is firmly in favor of rent
control, shaking up the Human Rights
Department and de-criminalizing victim-
less crimes.
We feel that Joseph will live up to his
pledges. While Thomas has not lived up
to his.

Editor's note: This is the sixth in
a series of articles on travel abroad.
India and other points East
begins in Instanbul. Inter-contin-
ental travelers in "Indiamen"
buses, Bedford trucks, two-cylin-
der Citroens, volkswagen buses
and transit vans congregate here
with vagabonds, on foot and hitch-
hikers to rap about rides, routes
and expectations.
Istanbul's famous "Pudding
Shop" restaurant near the Hagia
Sophia attracts international tra-
velers with is sign covered walls:
"Ride to Rabul, leavingetomorrow.
arrival seven days - share driv-
ing," "Whatmandu - $40 in VW
camper'," "Ride wanted by two
American girls - Delhi or part
The major routes to India can
be traveled a variety of ways
at some amazingly low costs. Pub-
lic transport from Istanbul to Del-
hi costs about $25 and takes ten
days. Hitching rides with fellow
travelers is even cheaper. Hotels
are inexpensive - less than a dol-
lar a night - and food - native
rather than Hilton style - runs
about 50 cents a meal.
From Istanbul to Tehran by
"through" train, bus or auto is a
2000 mile trek through Central and
Eastern Turkey and the flatlands
of Iran. Be sure to have your
Irani visa BEFORE you get to
the border, or you'll be sent back
a few hundred miles. Tehran is

a modern, fairly expensive city,
but there are cheap hotels around
the bus stations. If you have your
own vehicle, the Gol e Sahra camp-
ground outside the city has rooms
for a dollar, complete with mod-
ern toilets, hot shower and even
a swimming pool.
From Tehran, there are two
possible routes to India. One goes
south to Quetta through the humid
length of Pakistan. The other
runs through the more temper-
ate regions of Northern Iran and
Afganistan. If you choose the
northern route, you'll pass through
Eastern Iran on a dirt track me-
andering through remote villages
and hot stretches of sand dunes.
The Iran-Afghanistan border is in-
credibly desolate, markedr by a
soldier sitting beside the road in
a 20-mile no-man's land.
Afghanistan, an arid land rising
in elevation to the East, is belt-
ed by a 2-lane paved highway. The
road, stretching without a curve
through the shimmering waste-
land, can tempt you to roar half
the 800 miles to Kabul at 120 miles
per hour. Since the only avail-
able gas is 67 octane, the high-
way is littered with junked auto-
mobiles whose engines were burn-
ed out by heat and poor gasoline.
If you arrive in Kabul hungry for
an American-style meal, go to
the Rhyber Restaurant for straw-
berry upside - down cake and
whipped cream.
Kabul also offers the major
money market east of Beirut. Here

the knowledgeable traveler "buys"
"cheap" Pakistani and Indian
rupees, often getting them at close
to half the official rate. Kabul is
the last place to cash in your
travelers cheques for real green
dollars, or these days, whatever
"hard" currency you're using.
A word on carrying money -
it's probably best to use travel-
ers cheques, mostly in small de-
nominations, and to change only
the amount you're likely to use in
any given country. Since it's illegal
to "import" "cheap" Indian or
Pakistani rupees, be sure not to
get caught with currency by cus-
toms officials.
From Kabul you descend on a
winding road through the Kabul
G:orge, across the border into
Pakistan and through the Khyber
Pass, as countless invaders be-
fore. Then it's only a full day's
drive past Peshawar, Rawal-
pindi and Lahore to the Indian
border near Amritsar, and from
here, less than a day to Delhi. A
word of caution - the India-Pak-
istan border has been closed re-
cently. Check before you get there,
since yon may haveto btake a ship
from lKarachi to Bombay.
Travel by train, bus or shuttle
flights within countries has two
major advantages - cheapness
and freedom from the worries and
hassles of being tied legally and
mechanically to a vehicle. In or-
der to enter India and sometimes
Pakistan and Iran, a Carnet de

Passage is required for motorists.
The Carnet requires that there be
a deposit in a bank somewhere
which you cannot touch until the
car is out of the countries it was
used in. The deposits may equal
100 per cent of the value of the
If you have an old clunker that
dies beside the road, you are likely
to lose your Carnet deposit. Re-
strictions are designed to pre-
vent the sale of vehicles. But while
there are hassles associated with
owning vehicles, it's one way to
really get the feel of the land, to
conquer the vast emptiness.
Travel light. Bring lightweight
clothes and an anti-biotic (Tetra-
cycline and something like Entero-
vioform) for intestinal bugs. Get
lots of shots before you go. Have
visas, at least for India, before
you go. An International Student
ID, good for trains, planes and
tourist sights is also recommend-
German is particularly useful in
Turkey. English presents no prob-
lem in India and Pakistan.
The Turkey - Nepal route i
called the Hash Trail. While good,
really cheap hash is available, it's
not legal anywhere except Nepal.
Laws in places like Turkey and
Iran are tough, and jail condi-
ditions are deplorable at best.
Americans can expect practic-
ally no help from their Embassies
if they're busted. Be polite to bor-

der officials and all authorities.
Take Irani soldiers seriously. The
penalty for trafficking in drugs in
Iran can be a death sentence.
Eat and live local style to do it
cheaply - anything Western will
be at a premium. Don't expect
American standards of cleanli-
ness, efficiency and comfort -
just relax.
Local attitudes toward woman
along this route vary radically
from Western ideas. Be forewarn-
ed, and aware of the differences,
so you can handle the situations
Always have a bit of hard cash
tucked away - $20 to $30 - for
use in an emergency. A pseudo-
bribe may get you o,;t of a tight
Read Asia for the Hitchhiker by
1Mk Schultz, 1972, Student Guide to
Asia by David Jenkins, 1972, or
Overland to India by Douglas
Brown, 1971, before you go. Things
change rapidly so talk to experi-
ened travelers for tips. All guide-
oks are available at the Inter-
national Center along with first-
hand resorts from students who've
traveled through Asia.
David Bosch is a graduate stu-
dent in the School of Business Ad-
ministration. He has lived in Leb-
anon and traveled extensively
through the Middle East and Eu-
rope. He is presently a member of
the International Center Work/
Study/Travel Abroad Office staff.





rape and-

Shoichet for second ward

AT FIRST GLANCE, there doesn't ap-
pear to be much difference be-
tween the Human Rights Party candi-
date in the Second Ward and his Demo-
cratic opponent.
HRP's Frank Shoichet and the Demo-
crat's Carol Jones both give much lip-
service to radical change in the city.
Both favor such things as rent control,
day care, low cost housing, and a govern-
ment which is generally more respon-
sive to human needs in the city.
When one is considering candidates
whose public positions so nearly coin-
cide it becomes necessary to look a little
deeper, for such factors as depth of
committment, experience, and past re-
cord to predict how they will perform
once in office. It is on the basis of such
deeper inspection that we wholeheart-
edly endorse Frank Shoichet for Second
Ward Councilperson.
Through involvement in the Urban
Corps, the anti-war movement, and sup-
port for the Black Action Movement and
University employes strike, Shoichet has
demonstrated a committment to social
justice which is impressive.
TONES' HISTORY and experience is

her selection by the Democrats as a city
council candidates seems to be based
largely on the fact that she is a student
in a student-dominated ward.
This experience gap shows in Jones'
somewhat naive view of politics, which
leads her to the simplistic notion that
city hall can be opened up by "remov-
ing" unresponsive department heads.
Sub-surface differences between Shol-
chet and Jones are most apparent in
their seemingly similar positions on rent
Jones supports the Democratic posi-
tion that rent control should be studied
by a landlord-tennant commission and
implemented "if it proves workable."
Shoichet, on the other hand, recog-
nizes that strict rent control - enforced
by a tennant - dominated board - is
years overdub.
Anyone who has lived in commercial
campus housing - as Jones has not --
knows it is by and large shoddy and out-
rageously overpriced. Students need
protection from avaricious landlords
now, and Shoichet has the understand-
ing and experience to realize this.

To The Daily:
I WOULD LIKE to respond to
BenitaUKaimowitz's campaign
statement. Her incredible distor-
tions, I believe, make the integrity
of her candidacy very doubtful. In
addition, I find her description of
the Democrat Party totally unre-
With respect to the Defense De-
partment contract "Analysis of
Vietnamization," the issueywas
never to approve or not to approve
a contract, but to default on a
contract. Franz's only option was
to resign or to put his job on the
line, which would have been the
same thing. But he choose to stay
and fight for redirecting the ac-
tivities of his department away
from war-related research toward
the problems of an urban society.
Courage is not always resigning in
protest; sometimes to appear in a
shady light in order to pressure for
change is the greatest measure of
Ms. Kaimowitz also suggests in
her statement that Franz would
create a system of high bail. This
is wrong. What Franz has suggest-
ed is an alternative to the exist-
ing system of high bail on a vol-
untary basis. It is not a total solu-
tion to either the bail system or

me that they would not have made
the charge unless it were true, but
they have been either unable or
unwilling to provide any evidence.
Though McGovern lost, the Demo-
cratic Party has fundamentally
changed. It is not a radical party.,
but is no longer controlled by big
business interests (as it was in part
from 1960-1968), the regular party
establishments or the leaders of
organized labor. Initiative on is-
sues and candidates can and does
come from the bottom. Income re-
distribution, community control and
restructuring of governmental bur-
eaucracy are now Democratic is-
sues. And serious progress in these
areas will come only in the forsee-
able future through the efforts of
people in politics and in the Demo-
cratic Party.
Ms. Kaimowitz describes in her
statement a Democratic Party I
cannot recognize. She forgets that
not only the members of HRP, but
others who are now what is the
Democratic Party have lived
through the liberal trends of the
1960's. What is important now is
that others who have experienced
this seize the present opportunity
and begin to change America bas-
ed on a new and more 'accurate
-Bruce Cameron

candidate that I am supporting, the of teaching young men to express
Democrat, Carol Jones. hostility. We suggest that every
The contribution was intended as parent demand that self-defense be
a gesture to keep the dialogue open taught to women in public and pri-
between Democrats and the HRP vate schools. Major changes are
until the latter return to the fold. needed in every state law regard-
Meanwhile, since my offer was ing rape. Present laws are totally
not accepted, I have continued ineffective in deterring or prose-
raising funds for Franz Mogdis, cuting this crime. Laws s h o u I d
and have contributed to three other also provide for medical treatment
Democratic candidates for Council. of rape victims and for compen-
I remain your loyal Democrat sation for physical and psychologi-
and faithful servant, cal damages. Every law enforce-
-Marjorie Lansing ment agency should retraineitsof-
March 28 ficers so that they will no longer
treat rape victims with contempt.
We would hope that you would use
Raipe yotir moral influence to further
To The Daily: these proposals. Vengeance is not
The Reverend Billy Graham: the answer.
WE ARE MEMBERS of the Rape -Rape Education Committee
Education Committee of the Wo- Women's Crisis Center
men's Crisis Center of Ann Ar- March 29
bor, Michigan. Our center is a
free counseling service run by Tenure
women which provides counseling
for rape victims, as well as people To The Daily:
with a wide range of other con- AFTER I DISCUSSED tenure
cerns. We have been working for policy with your reporter at her
many months on educating the request, she then very seriously
community about the problem of misquoted me in her story in Sun-
rape. We have been considering day's Daily. Since my views on
your suggestion for dealing with the importance of teaching are a
this crime. matter of public record (Hooked
Federal statistics from 1970 show on Books; The Naked Children;
that 37,270 rapes were reported. the Doctor of Arts Program in the

say it - to your reporter or any-
What I did say, and have said in
several hundred public speeches
during the last decade, is that the
importance of good teaching can-
not be exaggerated. Furthermore,
it should be required of all of us
that tve be demonstrably g o o d
teachers before we can be con-
sidered'°for promotion or tenure in
the College faculty.
I believe that good teaching is
the sole necessary justification of
a faculty member's existence in the
College. However, I do not believe
that good teaching is sufficient jus-
tification for awarding tenure. I
believe good teaching must be ac-
companied by significant published
or publishable scholarship w h i c h
promises the continued presence in
our faculty of a careful, enquiring
intellect willing to test and to share
itself both within and beyond the
context of the classroom.
--Daniel Fader
Associate Professor of
March 28


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