64t £ii Daih igLty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 Vote yes' for Teltran VOTE "YES" on Proposal A. If it passes this proposition will provide a cheap and efficient mass transportation system for Ann Arbor. The name of the proposed system is Teltran, and it is planned to operate like the existing Dial-A-Ride, except that it will extend over all of Ann Arbor in- stead of providing service to just a few elite areas. Teltran will pick you up at your door and deliver you to your des- tination within half-an-hour. The system is especially good for stu- dents who are now stuck on campus, trapped by higher rents and food prices. If Teltran becomes a reality, anyone within the city limits will be able to get a ride to classes, and will be able to take a bus from their door to the larg- er shopping areas to take advantage of prices. With a mass transite system such as this operating, more women in Ann Ar- bor will be able to go out in the evening to classes or movies without fearing at- tack. TELTRAN IS DESIGNED to be available to everyone, so the fare will only be 25 cents to your destination within the city. Special rates will be available to senior citizens, the handicapped, and families. Furthermore anyone will be able to purchase a one-price pass for un- limited use. If the proposal passes, Teltran will be partially funded by an additional 2.5 mill property tax. The cost to the average Ann Arbor property owner will be $35 per year. The tax will raise approxi- mately $1.5 million of the $2 million needed to run the system for one year. The additional costs will be covered by the State Gasoline Tax for public trans- portation and revenues from the sys- tem. If an efficient mass transit system can be initiated in Ann Arbor, it can mean a big step forward in the battle against air and noise pollution, traffic conges- tion and the waste of land to build new roads and parking lots. Ann Arbor is ex- panding and this is the time to change the transportation precedent that the car has set. After the proposal passes, it is im- portant that citizens demand a consum- er board of directors for Teltran, so that it is run in accordance with the users needs. Fourth Ed. note: This week The Daily presents campaign statements from the city election candidates. Today, the fourth and fifth wards. Ethel Lewis Democrat VIGHTING THE inertia of city government requires stamina and independence. I know. Be- cause so often in the past I've been a lone voice and vote, I realize the importance of carrying the battle to the larger forum of Council . . . where votes really count. Somebody has to crowd govern- ment and push its focus forward if we are ever to effect genuine change. Bureaucratic indifference to hu- man concerns and resources is our most serious liability. Recently, people have been let into the pro- cess; they won't be shut out again. But City Hall still doesn't know how to value and use people. Also, information must be more readily given out by the city. The only workable system is an open, two- way exchange. Women, as the majority that suf- fers minority discrimination, need to hold elective office. The domin- ant male establishment, regard- less of politics or professed good in- Fi t .F t/ Mona Walz Democrat ANN ARBOR city government is at a significant crossroads. The decision to be made this sring, after the April election, on the se- lection of a new city administra- tor will set the tone of the city for many years to come. Honefullv, with forward-looking peonle on Council, there can be other reor- gni tions in the city hall bureau- cracy. The city mnst establish goals and priorities for the ise of federal revenue sharing funds, keening in mind the need to preserve funding in the areas where categorical aid nrograms are being cut by the Nixon administration in Washing- ton and seeking community invol- vement in reaching decisions on what the city can do to help pro- vide a humane living environment for its citizens. On other issues I support: * A ban on non-returnable bottles and development of a city program of recycling, improvement of gar- bage collection; * A moratorium on any new road construction and an adequate circulation plan considering a I11 modes of transportation to replace the obsolete thoroughfare plan adopted in 1956; ward looks at campaign tentions, is generally incapable of intelligent, humane action about women's issues. The women's clin- ic, child care centers, delivery of health care services, and affirma- tive action programs for women are matters of our own destiny... therefore, women must control these decisions. MY LONG FIGHT for finding al- ternatives to cars . . . as a poli- tical lobbyist, Planning Commis- sioner, citizen advocate . . . will be worth it when we pass the mass transit and bike proposals an April 2. Many people, including t h e young, the elderly, and the general U-M body, need these options. Over half of Ann Arbor's pop- ulation rents, but tenants are still second-class citizens. City H a 1 I needs to inform all tenants of their rights, enforce building codes, in- stitute collective bargaining f o r renters, and get to work on a rent control ordinance. I've had the experience of turn- ing supposed defeat into success by opening issues to public debate, ing the budget work for people. I creating new legislation, and mak- intend to continue fighting for soc- ial justice. Phil Carr l1 HRP 1'M ASKING people in the Fourth Ward to support HRP as the best means of achieving progressive so- cial change in Ann Arbor. It's clear that we will have a very strong voice on City Council this coming year, and we intend to use it con- sistently and responsibly for radi- cal reform in city government. As a Fourth Ward representative, I will be totally committed to work for rent control and tenant's rights, anti-strike-breaking laws, commun- ity control of police policy, n e w health-care clinics, frequent bus service along main routes, affirm- ative action to end discrimination,. and other innovations that relate to people's real needs. The Fourth Ward election is cruc- ial to the direction of City Council next year. Because of our new ward boundaries, it seemed for a while that any of the three candi- dates could win. While I was speak- ing on the issues in all parts of the ward, the Democrat was play- ing it safe with a one-issue "no growth" Campaign and exploita- tion of vote-splitting fears. But this scheme backfired recent- ly, for on Mar. 21, in public debate, the Republican admitted he could not win. On April 2nd, voters will be able to choose objectively be- tween a consistent HRP candidate and a Democrat still grappling with new tactics, EVERYTHING we do as HRP members in City Council, b o t h voting and non-electoral support, will be aimed at direct improve- ments in city services and social justice for all of Ann Arbor's peo- ple. But we also recognize the im- portance of our work to the growth of a radical third party in America, and its ultimate effect on national issues. Through local ef- fort, we can help to prevent ano- ther Vietnam war, to end racism and sexism, and to shift political power away from the corporations and back to the people in their own communities. Richard Hadler Republican MY DESIRE is to provide a higher level of basic c i t y services, get city government out of the special programs they have been experimenting with and re- duce theadebt from the present fig- ure of almost one million dollars. The Dem-HRP proposals for use of Revenue sharing dollars do none of the above and, in fact, involve us further in the morass of new and expensive non-governmental activities. I am convinced we need to put more manpower in the police de- partment in an effort to stop the high rate of breaking and enter- ing; both on campus and in busi- ness areas. WE MUST EXPEND more ef- fort in cleaning up the city. Eith- er an ordinance to penalize people who leave their garbage cans on the extension or backyard pick-up of trash must be provided. We need to re-institute a program of street sweeping. The Democrats and Human Rights parties see nothing wrong with the horrendous debt. It is unreal for a city like Ann Arbor to be in debt like this in violation of the City Charter. As long as the radical left can buy your votes with expensive, new and politically attractive programs such as Day Care Centers and money for Ozone House, etc., we are going to be saddled by this debt and we are going to have second-rate basic city services. Some of the pro- grams we seem slated to fund have quickly and poorly conceived pro- posals that look like they've been put together on the back of an en- velope. I have more faith in "your sense of fair play and responsibility. I can't really believe that the re- sponsible people reading this can honestly want to see Ann Arbor continue to deteriorate like we have over the recent years. Let's try to reverse thetrend to reverse the trend to "Big Bro- ther". r1 issues 4 ward candidates speak out Support bike paths ON APRIL 2 Ann Arbor voters will be faced with a millage proposal which if passed will provide bike paths, improve some roads and provide ramps for han- dicapped people on public sidewalks. We urge you to vote "yes" on this pro- posal. Many people in Ann Arbor feel that the monetary cost is too high. The bill M t- Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief ROBERT BARKIN.,..................Feature Editor DIANE LEVICK .... ..........Associate Arts Editor DAVID MARGOLICK.......... ..Chief Photographer MARTIN PORTR ... ........... Magazine Editor KATHY RICK...................Editorial Director ERIC SCHOCH...................Editorial Director GLORIA SMITH ..........................Arts Editor CHARLES STEIN ................... .. City Editor TED STEIN........ ........:....... Executive Editor MARTIN STERN..................Editorial Director ED SUROVELL.......................Books Editor ROLFE TESSEM .. ,...................Picture Editor Sports Staff DAN BORUS SportsBEditor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN ............... Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM ...............Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER.............. .. Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK.............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER.............Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, George Hastings, Marcia Merker. MarkRon an, Roger Ros- siter, Theresa Swedo, Robin Wagner. STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Jeff Chown, ClarkeCogs- dill. Brian Deming, Leba Hertz, John Kahler, Mike Lisull, Mike Pritula, Bob Simon. requires only .26 of a mill tax increase for property owners. This means $2.60 per $10,000 of assessed property. The tax would decrease to .11 of a mill by 1993. But this is a time in Ann Arbor's growth when positive action needs to be taken to provide some transportation al- ternative to the car. At a cost of $800,000, 95 miles of bike paths would be constructed. 17 of these miles would be separate bike paths for bike traffic only. An additional 27 miles would be made into bike lanes on public roads, and the rest would be sections of roads designated by signs to be bike paths. THERE ARE an estimated 45,000 to 55,000 bicycles in Ann Arbor. That figure alone is a statement on this city's need for safe and extensive bikeways. The construction of additional-bike paths in Ann Arbor could provide en- couragement for more people to use their bicycles for everyday transporta- tion. This could lead to the reduction of air and noise pollution as well as to help ease the fuel shortage. Vote "yes" on proposal B. Today's staiff: News: Laura Berman, Dan Blugerman, Cindy Hill, Ted Stein, Terri Terrell Editorial Page: Kathy Ricke, Linda Rosen- thaI Arts Page: Sara Rimer, Gloria Jane Smith Photo Technicians: Ken Fink, D a v i d Margolick * Affirmative action programs for women as city employees and in appointment to city boards and commissions; * The AATA millage proposal which will be on the ballot on April 2 to provide the citizens of Ann Arbor a convenient, economical al- ternative to the private automobile through an expanded bus system; 0 The Highway Safety Bonding Proposal which includes provision for the development of a bikeway system; * Increased city commitment to support youth services and re- creation programs; * Improved access by the pub- lic to information and an opportun- ity to make input before decisions are made by city hall. The public needs and has a right to know how, when and where to express their ideas about what the city is and does; " Leasing, not sale, of city-own- ed land, specifically as it relates to the potential plans for the down- town area; * Improving the appearance and liveability of the public housing sites. I AM RUNNING on my record as an active citizen. I have spoken to represent the general public in- terest on many occasions such as in opposition to the Briarwood Re- gional Shopping Center, Packard- Beakes by-pass, and highrise de- velopment adjacent to the Huron River. I am a graduate of the University of Minnesota and currently enrolled as a part-time graduate student in Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. John Minock HRP 11Y DEMOCRATIC opponent has addressed herself primarily to one issue - that of city planning. On other issues vital to the city, she has either taken brief a n d vague positions or no position at all. For example, when asked a direct question about her position on rent control, her response was merely that she did not know whe- ther it would be legal or what its effects would be. The Republican candidate has also attempted to run a non-issue oriented campaign a la Madison Avenue, complete with vacuous slo- gans. Like the other Republican candidates, he has chosen to avoid running on his record, and instead is running on garbage. In contrast, I and the other HRP candidates have taken clear stanc- es. Community control means that people must have control over de- cisions which affect their lives. You know what is best for you, not a panel of "experts." HRP tried to get tenants of public housing on the Housing Commission. We have called for a restructuring of the AATA Board to provide for input from users of the transit system. We support funding of the Com- munity Women's Clinic because it will be controlled by users of the clinic. The only issue that the Democrats have going for them is that HRP plays a "spoiler" role in c i t y elections. Ironically, the only race in which that is true this year is in the Fifth Ward where, in terms of the candidates, the voters have the clearest choice in the city. A vote for me is essentially a vote of "no confidence" in the other' two parties and the other two can- didates. However, my main purpose is to focus attention on the citywide race for mayor which HRP can win. With every slight nudge to the right. Stephenson has gone out of his way to take a bounding lean to the right. His arrogance insures that the Republican percentage will remain around 1/3 as in the fall. There are many defections among Democratic voters because Mogdis; a Bendix technocrat, is unaccept- able to most McGovern supporters. It's a three way race. Your vote could make the difference. V o t e your first choice for mayor - Be Kaimowitz! Jolhn McCormick Republican I BELIEVE that there are some 1 important issues in this cam- paign. The theme of my campaign is fiscal responsibility concerning all issues in our city. Public housing is a disaster. I'd like to see a full investigation and if it bears out what I think to be the case, I'll demand the resigna- tion of everyone on the Housing Commission and start over again. Refuse collection is not operat- ing as well as it should. Poor re- fuse collection is creating a health problem in Ann Arbor. Mainline departments need to be beefed up. DOPE AND CRIME are at an all time high. As a direct result of the $5.00 pot law, Ann Arbor has become a pot pocket, and a source or drug supply for the entire south- east part of the state. Drug pen- alties 'should be regulated at state level. If it came up I would vote to repeal the pot law to at least help correct the problem. Law enforcement priorities are breaking and entering and armed robbery. But we shouldn't de-em- phasize any crimes. We should enforce all the laws. Vote for John McCormick (R) to be your representative in the fifth ward. . k A 1 n.v. :;s;:.:. . ... , v:v.,...S".1:. r.{ . v. ' hf.r. ". "\ . . > L _.....u...A .,~ . : . . .., . ...t..f.:..;.,,.:.,"::... . . ...' , 1 k ;.. . . .": ,.. . ..f .1..... y : . ......vs. ::... v+ia#'.'..',. . . .f::". :ib.-v.f O .' '~nwy. £. U4.:....:a !5a** ihN Letters: Mogdis replies to criticism .:,'" °.:: uo.. ' .. " ... .. .. .', .: r;?: ,iw . ..\, a'o:.w'; 'ii Rt spa { "X....:. ..w.. ... .. ... ..' ...._..,...,"......_:.......-i................. U IF YOU N NAEoAsHOW) MOCR ,YOU GANG'"AFOt) oCE006: I . 2 A To The Daily: FOR TEN YEARS, ever since I first registered, I have voted for Democrats. Last Fall I worked full-time for McGovern as the Second Congressional District Co- ordinator for Organized Labor Un- ions. In supporting many Democrats I have often been faced with com- promising some of my views. Now city Democrats are asking me to compromise again, to support Mogdis. But the issues are too im- portant. I cannot compromise. At best Mogdis is a technocrat, unsuited to solving Ann Arbor's problems. At worst he has and con- tinues to lend his support to Amer- ica's intervention in Indochina. First, the worst case. The Amer- ican effort goes on in Indochina. Instead of great waves of bombers flying every day, so called Ameri- can civilian advisors will continue to assist and instruct the Thieu re- gime in the art of sabotage, poli- tical assassination, forced urbani- zation, police control, etc. These programs are constantly analyzed to improve their "effectiveness." They are important inthehcontin- uing intervention in Indochina. One of these studies is currently underway in the Office of National Security Studies within the Aero- space Systems Division in Ann Arbor. Franz Mogdis has been the head of that office for the last 15 months, and a member of it since 1965. In a "Message to Democrats" Mogdis admits to the presence of this classified contract (though not its title or contents), but excuses its presence on the basis that it was "signed before I became De- nartment Manager " sis of Vietnamization.' " Mogdis supporters have told me, "Well, the contract is supposed to end in April." Fine, but when the contract came up for renewal, if Franz was really totally opposed to all aspects of the war effort, he could have made a point of say- ing, "No renewal if you want me to continue as department head." My friends tell me that Bendix needs the money or alternatively that Franz is committed to working from within Bendix for change. He is entitled to that choice. I and others are entitled to decide if we want to vote for a person who allows his own department to con- tinue contributing to the war effort. NOW THE BEST CASE. Suppose :he contract ends. Bendix does noth- ing more for the war (it is now the nation's fifteenth largest Penta- gon contractor), and Mogdis repud- iates his involvement, but contin- ues to work from within Bendix. His campaign literature states that "He provides leadership within the corporation to move away from technological solutions toward hu- manistic solutions to societal prob- lems." At a meeting I attended I a s t December Mogdis was trying to gain the active support of McGov- ern campaign workers. He describ- ed his work at Bendix. He said his department is applying statistical "social indicators" (e.g. crime rat- es, records of drug usage, birth and death rates, per capita in- come) to analyze social-political and economic programs funded by the U.S. government. In sociology (where I am a Ph.D. candidate) I am taught that thee kinds nf indi- things like community participation and community control is not my idea of humanistic solutions. If Mogdis should be elected, will Ann Arbor citizens participate as social science indicators - statistics or as human beings? I wonder. -Charles Cell, grad. March 23 To The Daily: IT WOULD BE easy to over-re- act to the half-truths, distortion of facts, and illogic presented by Charles Cell in his letter of March 27 in the Daily, particularly when they are aimed at maligning and discrediting an individual's inte- grity. As an aside, I find this ap- proach in itself a contradiction in fact to the author's moralistic and humanistic stand on the issues. But rather than respond at the same level, let's look at the facts and errors in his letter: Fact 1: Cell is right when he says I have been the manager of a Department at Bendix since No- vember 1971. Error 1: That department is not now, and has not been for 15 months, called the Office of Na- tional Security Studies. At the time of my appointment, and as a re- sult of my insistence, the depart- ment was reorganized into t h e Social Science Department to re- flect the change in priorities I de- manded. Fact 2: Cel is correct when he says the classified contract un- der question was contractually committed in February 1971, for a two-year period, before I became Department Manager. Error 2: He is totally in error whon hA cav Cnnt*o f1T TALOw, the 1971 contract number was for authorization of funds for govern- ment fiscal year 1973 for a con- tractual commitment made in 1971, and not for a new contract or additional work. The government only authorizes funds for one fiscal year at a time, even though they sign binding contractual commit- ments for longer periods. The au- thorization of those funds -for the second year of a contract is cer- tainly not the same as a new con- tract being signed. Fact 3: Cell fails to mention that since I have taken over as De- partment Manager no new classi- fied research contracts have begun and previous ones have been dis- continued. Fact 4: Cell is entitled to make whatever choice he sees fit in how he votes in this election. That is lis right, but I hope he would remember that there are many, myself included, who feel that if we opt out of environments that we feel must be changed (indeed, the same ones Cell is concerned about), then we have guaranteed that those very things we abhor are perpet- uated. Cell is opposed to classified war- related research as I am, yet if you follow his logic, it is better to opt out and let that which you detest continue and even expand rather than stay and fight for change of priorities - a change. of priorities which I've implemented in a 15- month period. I personally opt for forcing change. Fact 5: Cell's statement about technocracy and its relationship to me is the height of illogic. I would completely and flatly deny his assertion that I believe that run a campaign against people, nor impugn their motives. I've been campaigning city-wide on specific recommendations for re- forming City Hall to make such participation a reality. I intend to run such a campaign. -Franz Mogdis Democratic mayoral candidate March 26 Gill defended To The Daily: YESTERDAY'S D a i I y carried a letter from Bob Black concerning SGC Presidential candidate Lee Gill. In my eight years of reading The Daily, this was the most mali- cious, racist letter I've ever read. Specifically, four times in the letter, Black uses openly racist language. He calls Gill, who is one of the best known Black leaders on campus, a "jive opportunist," a "flunky," and says Gill "served" Bill Jacobs "slavishly." In addition to being totally false charges, these terms indicate that Black is not really attacking Gill generally, but rather is attacking him based on racist stereotypes. Black also makes much of Gill's prison record and a current charge. As to the current charge, Black, who claims to be a radical, appar- ently feels that when a Black lead- er is charged with a crime, he is "guilty until proven innocent," ra- ther than "innocent until proven guilty." As to the past record, Black would have us believe that once a Black person is convicted of a crime, he is guilty forever! i