fe £i$anDait
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
First ward candidates speak out
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
News Phone: 764-0552
Sl s
PUBLISH or perish has claimed two
more victims.
The English professors were recently
denied tenure by the literary college's
Executive Committee because of a lack
of publication.
The action nullified the recommenda-
tion of the English Department that the
two be promoted and shows the lengths
to which the literary college will go to
enforce a rigid conception of what con-
stitutes a good professor.
For in both cases, colleagues and stu-
dents attested to excellence in teaching.
But even the endorsement of the depart-
ment could not prevent the firings.
The idea that publishing outweighs any
other consideration in tenure considera-
tions is a disservice to education. For it is
the area of teaching which tenure com-
mittees should be stressing. This is what
effects the students.
UNFORTUNATELY, departments still
quest for prestige, and if you don't
publish much, it's hard to get a reputa-
tion. Moreover, literary college Dean
Frank Rhodes expressed the kind of at-
titude that characterizes publish or
"Getting a book published says some-
thing about its quality," he said.
Publication is stressed often at the ex-
pense of teaching, and the recent firings
show that this pernicious pattern has not
Not all of us, meanwhile, are as con-
fident as English Prof. Daniel Fader.
"Teaching is exaggerated," he says. "It
is required of all of us that we be good
Ed. note: This week T h e
Daily presents campaign state-
ments from the city election can-
didates. Today, the first and
third wards.
David Wiarda
graduate and have lived on Ann
Arbor's north side (1st ward) all
my life.
During my campaign I'd like the
voters to know how I stand on some
vital city-wide issues.
I'm against both transportation
bonds (bicycle and mass transit).
I don't want to see the taxes go
up, especiall for senior citizens
and these bonds would cause that.
I'm basically in favor of rent
controls for Ann Arbor, but I don't
want to make it uncomfortable for
landlords to operate here.
I'd like to see a better garbage
collection for Ann Arbor. I's im-
portant to keep our high level of
city services-like maintainance.
I support using the city's revenue
sharing money to pay the city debt.
I can't see giving it to a group like
the Community Clinic when we
can't promise it every year.
I'm opposed to the legalization
of maarijuana and I would have
voted against it had I been on
Council at that time.
Police protection should be main-
tained at a level proportionate to
the site of the town.
I don't understand the concept of
victimless crime. Even w h e n
someone smokes marijuana, some-
one else could see them and get
started on it.
I believe that low cost housing is
a liberal effort to satisfy the lower
income groups and isn't too suc-
cessful because the buildings are
not maintained after they're built.
I'm not sure if a need for more
low income housing exists now in
Ann Arbor, but if it does, I'd sup-
port a moderate increase in fend-
Andrei Joseph
LOTS OF YOU are probably ask-
ing: "What is this Human
Rights Party anyway? Radicals!
What are they doing that can help
We are doing a lot. Struggling
for rent control in Ann Arbor is
an issue that affects everyone that
lives here, including students. Try-
ing to decriminalize marijuana pos-
session by making it a $5 fine is
an issue that affects (almost)
everyone that lives here. Trying to
institute community control of the
police to end their harrassment of
young people and blacks is an is-
sue that affects everyone that lives
here. We could then reorder police
priorities to concentrate on violent
crimes and robberies rather than
victimless crimes like marijuana
possession and loitering. (Under
the present Democratic administra-
tion, arrests for possession of mari-
juana went up 33 per cent last
SO YOU SAY: "Insipid politic-
ians. Anybody can talk a good
game." True. The Republicans and
the Democrats do. My incumbent
opponent has for years. But, to
confirm your skepticism towards
politicians, he hasn't ' followed
through. Two years ago, he claim-
ed he would work for establishing
viable grievance procedures against
the police. He has initiated noth-
ing in this area and even voted
against a directive resolution
which would have advertised t h e
existence and powers of the Hu-
man Rights Department, the city
body established to investigate dis-
crimination complaints.
We think we're different. In the
last year when we've had two peo-
ple sitting on City Council we work-
ed for what we had, promised. We
brought up rent control, slashing
excessive salaries, strengthening
the human rights ordinance
against discrimination, tightening
the anti-strikebreaking ordinance,
and a variety of consumer ordin-
ances from unit pricing to banning
non-returnable bottles.
Some of these measures have
passed. The ones that haven't were
defeated by Republican and Demo-
cratic opposition. It becomes clear
that a radical,.alternative party is
necessary. We know that Ann Ar-
bor won't become an ideal society
overnight. But by using the power
we have we can push it in that di-
Norris Thomas
j SEEK reelection to Council be-
cause I feel I can bring the kind
of balance that is sorely needed. I
will listen to the interests of the
various parts of the !ommunity,
particularly those who do anot be-
long to controlling groups.
Voters have a clear voice be-
tween going back to government
for the privileged and a govern-
ment for everyone: Government
measured not by rhetoric but by
the real decisions rnde by Coun-
This city has come a long way
in improving traditional services
and establishing needed new serv-
ices. Both are necessarv, yet HRP
would cheerfully abolish the po-
lice department, white the Repub-
licans would cancel social pro-
grams. Most Ann Art'orites are not
willing to exchange these services
for promises of returning to come
imagined problemless era. These
promises are designed to create a
false sense that the will of all is
being served. There w11l be ro sc-
ctrity until neonle ire provided
with essential services and just
REGRESSIVE elements of this
City are succeeding in dividing the
liberal-radical majority bloc. A pas-
sion for rhetoric and an insatiable
appetite for causes will permit con-
smrratiVes to regain control of City
Hall. Concern for the general wel-
fare of the peonle is losing out to a
quest for nower and nressure group
representation. Citizens must begin
to look past the sneech-making to
the basic issues, which are ge+ting
lost. Inflexible approaches to gov-
erning this city, -be they rooted in
utovian ideology or interest obli-
gations can only result in r i a 1
human loss.
The next Council will make cruc-
ial decisions. Speech-making and
dogma will not achieve account-
ability, continuity, and expertiwe.
All citizens groups mast and will be
heard, but the decisions are made
by elected representatives. I take
responsibility for the decisions I
have made or may make i7 the
future. It is the voters' task to de-
cide whether those decisions reflect
my commitment to fair and 'equit-
able representation for all.
Third ward look at campaign issues
Goodbye to the SST
yESTERDAY, the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration finally took steps to
eliminate the threat of sonic booms by
banning supersonic commercial flights
over the U.S. and its territorial waters.
This action has been constantly proposed
by various conservation groups since the
controversy in Congress over the Super-
sonic Transport (SST) - which was lat-
er killed by legislation stopping federal
funds to Boeing Aircraft's prototype de-
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
ROBERT BARKIN..................Feature Editor
DIANE LEVICK .................Associate Arts Editor
DAVID MARGOLICK......... ..Chief Photographer
MARTIN PORTER.......... .. Magazine Editor
KATHY RICKE .....................Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH.. ...............Editorial Director
GLORIA SMITH........................Arts Editor
CHARLES STEIN ......... ...............City Editor
TED STEIN .. ,.Executive Editor
MARTIN STERN ....... ..Editorial Director
ED SUROVELL .. Books Editor
ROLFE TESSEM .....................Picture Editor
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BOB McGINN..............Executive Sports Editor
CHUCK BLOOM ..........i....Associate Sports Editor
JOEL GREER .............. ..Associate Sports Editor
RICH STUCK ............. Contributing Sports Editor
BOB HEUER ....... ......Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, George
Hastings, Marcia Merker. Mark Ronan, Roger Ros-
siter, Theresa Swedo, Robin Wagner.
STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Jeff Chown, Clarke Cogs-
dill, Brian Deming, Leba Hertz, John Kahler,
Mike Lisull, Mike Pritula, Bob Simon.
Photography Staff
DAVID MARGOLICK............Chief Photographer
ROLFE TESSEM . e .................,Picture Editor
KEN FINK .. ....... Staff Photographer
THOMAS GOTTLIEB.............Staff Photographer
STUART HOLLANDER ............ Staff Photographer
STEVE KAGAN Staff Photographer
KAREN KASMAUSKI . .........Staff Photographer
JOHN UPTON ..... ..............Staff Photographer
Business Staff
Business Manager
RAY CATALINO .................Operations Manager
DAVE LAWSON .................Advertising Manager
SANDY FIENBERG................Finance Manager
SHERRY KASTLE..............Circulation Director
JIM DYKEMA ..........Sales & Promotions Manager
DEPT. MGRS.-Caryn Miller, Elliot Legow, Patti Wil-
ASSOC. MGRS.-Joan Ades, Linda Coleman, Linda
Cycowski, Steve LeMire, Sandy Wronski
In addition to the earth shaking sonicj
booms which shatter windows, supersonic
aircraft pose even more serious problems
to the environment according to such
critics by polluting the upper atmos-
phere. These aircraft - which must fly
at high altitudes - might reduce the
protecting properties of the stratosphere.
The SST's enormous engines dump lit-
erally tons of harmful water vapor and
carbon :dioxide which tend to form into
clouds. These new formations would tend
to reflect infrared radiation from the sun,
lowering the temperature on the ground.
In addition, the ozone buffer in the
stratosphere might be reduced, allowing
harmful ultraviolet rays to wreak havoc
to life.
UNFORTUNATELY, the FAA ban can be
circumvented. If an aircraft manu-
facturer can prove under experimental
conditions that his plane's sonic booms
would not reach the ground, he would be
permitted to fly. The Anglo-French Con-
corde and the Soviet TU 114 supersonic
aircraft are not to be affected either, be-
cause authorities claim that these planes
decrease their altitude from over 10 miles
and reduce their speed from 670 mph be-
fore reaching the American seaboard.
Of course, in addition to their possible
harm to the environment, supersonic air-
liners have shown themselves to be eco-
nomic disasters. Several American air-
line companies recently cancelled their
orders for the Concorde largely for eco-
nomic reasons. Hopefully, the possible en-
vironmental dangers combined with the
economic problems and the FAA ruling
will kill any more attempts to revive gov-
ernment subsidy of the SST.
TodIay's stff.
News: Bob Barkin, Debbie Pastoria,
Stephen Selbst, David Unnewehr, Re-
becca Warner
Editorial Page: Eric Schoch
Robert Henry
WHEN I STARTED this c a m-
paign I released a statement
headlined "CRIME RATE WOR-
RIES CANDIDATE." The, c r i m e
rate is still a major concern.
Crime statistics in Ann A r b ) r
show a high percentage of the
crimes occurring within a radius
of 1 miles from the main cam-
pus. A high percentage of the vic-
tims are University affiliated peo-
Studies on crime prevention
show an inverse relationship be-
tween the number of policemen per
capita and the number of crimes
per capita. These studies are con-
firmed in Ann Arbor. We are cur-
rently operating with significantly
fewer policemen per capita than
most cities our size. Corresponding-
ly, we have significantly more
crimes per capita. This informa-
tion is well publicized and avail-
able to anyone who really cares.
I was therefore amazed to hear
the positions taken by the HRP
and by one Democrat at last Mon-
day's Council meeting with regard
to the great application from ad-
ditional police officers. T h e i r
cbnstituents are being victimized
daily and yet they refused to sup-
port a program which will be of
considerable help in reducing that
problem. Knee-jerk opposition to
anything designed to support the
police is not responsible or repre-
sentative leadership. ,
THIS IS JUST another example
of the fact that it is not the objec-
tive of the HRP to make c i t y
government meaningful but rather
to destroy the city government
from within. Our current HRP
Council persons lost no opportun-
ity to verbalize their oposition to
our "capitalistic" or "free enter-
prise" system, or to deal that sys-
tem a body blow. I have no hope
that anyone who is opposed to free
enterprise will vote Republican. On
the other hand I think there are
only a few people in Ann Arbor
who really believe in such a poli-
tical philosophy. I can hope that
Letters to The Dailv
people who believe in our form of
government truly know what their
alternatives are. I ask for your sup-
port on the basis of my ability to
help solve people problems wtth
meaningful action rather than just
use such problems as political
cannon fodder.
j BELIEVE we have the talent
and will to build the community
we want. To do so will take inno-
vative thinking, hard work and
above all, willingness to take the
long view rather than the short
term profit. Broadening the t a x
base is no excuse for ruining our
First, we must plan our growth
very carefully indeed if we are to
avoid being swallowed up as ano-
ther one class white suburb in the
metropolitan sprawl. For example,
through the kinds of housing we
sponsor and encourage we can con-
tinue to build a community which
all ages, races and economic lev-
-ls will find good.
We must not let Ann Arbor go
further down the road to becoming
a dying inner city circled by gi-
gantic shopping centers and six
lane access highways. I believe a
liveable city has a distinctive cen-
ter where people like to meet,
walk, shop, and conduct business.
Ann Arbor's central area needs
protecting and rebuilding. O u r
residential neighborhoods n e e d
protection from the sorts of mas-
s i v e commercial development
which would destroy their char-
acter. The law may now al. w such
development. We must correct past
mistakes before it is too late.
FOR DECADES now the family
car has dictated the kinds of cities
and towns we have. We know the
result and we must stop it. We need
a truly usable public transportation
System. The door-to-door system
oroposed by AATA will go far to
lure people out of their cars and
into buses. We also need to press
for better planning on the part of
University and our larger indus-
tries to help get cars off our streets.
A plan is now being developed for
a city wide network of bicycle
paths. It deserves our support.
To build a livable city I believe
we need to redirect our attention
to the glaring human - relations
problems many of us face. Some
steps are long overdue - a Com-
mission on the Status of Women
followed by affirmative action for
women at all levels of city govern-
ment should be a first order of
business. Minorities, women, stu-
dents, the handicapped and senior
citizens need a place to turn to
with their problems. A stronger,
more active Human Relations Com-
mission should be that place.
Finally, we need to work hard
for the active participation of all
citizens in decision making. Whe-
ther students or retirees, h o m e-
owners or tenants, corporation pre-
sidents or unemployed, we should
have a say in the decisions which
affect our lives. To the extent that
we all take part, we can build a
community strong enough to with-
stand the pressures and special in-
terests that could ruin the quality
of our lives.
Vote often
Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen
Photo Technicians: Steve
Kagan, Rolfe
/ / (
To The Daily:
dent ID's from three of my apa-
thetic friends, I proceeded to vote
in the All Campus Elections four
times. Not once was my signature
on the receipt card checked against
the signature on the student ID
Unless the receipt signatures are
checked against copies somewhere
else in the University, anyone can
vote as many times as he likes, as
long as he has ID cards with the
stickers still attached.
It is not only frustrating to see
thousands of dollars being spent on
this election for security that is
not being received, it is more frus-
trating to see that the election
could have been made much more
secure by training the workers
Hopefully, Elections Director
Newbury will get on the stick and
give the election workers a crash
course in voting procedures be-
fore two more days of worthless
ballots are cast.
-Robert Schaum
March 27
Student Rights
To The Daily:
ONCE AGAIN, those who control
SGC are concealing their real iden-
tities and purposes. I refer to the
"Student Rights Party," alias In-
tegrity, alias GROUP, which this
election claims a "leftist" orienta-
tion. In fact, this ticket is the crea-
ture of Bill Jacobs and his ap-
pointee and long-time flunky Lee
Gill. It was Jacobs who arranged
the Gill/Green slate, and it was
Jacobs' Elections Director and
SGC flunky Ken Newbury who in-
vented the name. Newbury also,
despite the neutrality required of
someone running an election,, pub-
licly endorsed Gill in an unsuccess-
ful bid to secure him a PESC en-
dorsement (PESC meeting, Feb. 19,
As for Gill, he is the worst kind
of jive opportunist. He has served
Jacobs slavishly, even getting him
an "award" from the Council on
Black Concerns as a friend of the
black man. But don't take my word
for it that Gill is more of the
same - take the word of his run-
ning mate Sanford Green. In a pub-
lished letter Green has called Gill,
"founder of the 'Integrity' party
which he has since provided as
GROUP's latest alias," a GROUP/
Integrity dependent" who "serves
at the pleasure of the president,
Bill Jacobs of GROUP" (Daily.
1973). He answers every political
criticism with accusations of rac-
ism and threats of violence (ibid.).
In short, if you support genuine
radical and popular initiatives
from SGC, don't vote for the Stu-
dent Rights Party. We don't get
fooled again!
-Bob Black, '73
March 24
To The Daily:
I'D LIKE TO clear up any mis-
understandings which may have
resulted from a statement attri-
buted to me on CLAMP literature.
My position is thus:
I oppose the use of quotas as ad-
missions and/or housing criteria by
this university. I do so because I
feel that quotas, by emphasizing
race, sex, nationality, and/or reli-
gion as requirements instead of
ability, are discriminatory a n d
contrary to the spirit of true equal-
ity. It seems to me that if one
opposes ceilings upon minority
group employment, housing and
/or representation (and I do) as
unfairly considering heredity fac-
tors, then the only logical and con-
sistent position to take with regard
to ceilings upon majority employ-
ment, housing, and/or representa-
tion (which is what quotas really
are) is opposition to them also.
That is the position I 'take.
I hope this clarifies any false
impressionshthat people havere-
ceived concerning my feelings and/
or motivations for them.
-Jeff Schiller '76
SGC Candidate at Large
March 24
Campaign litter
To The Daily:
and UHC offices: I Was distressed
to enter an auditorium in Angell
Hall for a classdto find six differ-
ent sheets of voting propaganda
distributed to the hundreds of
seats. The messy appearance of
the lecture hall did not add much
to the learning environment which
is far from optimal anyway. The
barrage of paperdirectives for the-
coming SGC elections created a
dump-like atmosphere.
Among the objections I have to
this kind of treatment of voter/
students is the obvious problem of
wasted resources. This volume of
paper is not necessarily conduc-
ive to an environmentally s o u n d
campaign. I was amused to find
some of the literature even had
the slogan "please don't litter" at
the bottom of the page. I guess
that these people do not feel
that the haphazard distribution of
thousands of sheets of paper is not
There is something hypocritical
about candidates expressing c o n-
cern about IM facilities, dorm rates
and volunteer funding on one hand,
and ignoring - indeed compound-
ing - the problems of Classroom
ecology and the voters' right to sit
in a class without solicitation.
Perhaps it might be better to
have the information available at
central locations (diag, fishbowl,
libraries) instead of intruding an
students' "academic" environ-
ments. This would even help cam-
paign costs of printing and distri-
btin ainformation.
Well, at least it is good for scrap
-Ginna Denues, LSA '75
March 26
To The Daily:
SPRING IS coming, believe it or
not, and I wish it brought with it
the old Soring Parley of the nine.
teen-thirties. This excellent in-
stitution, which aerished during
the exigencies of the Second World
War, might well be revived. It
-onsisted of students who, on their
awn initiative, selected a general
subject which they wished discus-
sed, then selected a nanel of pro-
iAssors whom they wished to hear
Jisc'iss it, and then, on a certain
date, gathered to fire questions at
The tonics varied in range from
time to time. I recall "What Can
We Believe in Religion?", "What
Changes Should Be Made in Our
Economic System?", "How Should
the Unrity Be a Ognized"
SyVia sSigns,
When You Vote, Remember: Honesty
Is a Bunch of Bullshit!
Aries. March 21 - April 19). You are about
to receive top honors in one of your chosen
areas of interest. Remain calm and unemo-
tional as you are awarded. A relationship
could suffer.
Taurus. (April 20 - May 20). Organize your
schoolwork and prevent unnecessary mis-
takes that will result in extra work and aggravation. Control
temper outbursts. Now is the time to go out and play in the
Gemini. (May 21 - Junes 20). Politics will involve you in many
activities today. However; planetary aspects are not too good
and you could become involved in a scandal. Choose your acquaint-
ances carefully.
Cancer. (June 21 - July 22). Don't make any rash action. You
must calculate wisely every move today to reach the right out-
come of a certain matter. Your opponents. will wish you harm.
Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22). Be ready to move quickly as an op-
portunity arises for you to move forward and out. Have an alt-
ernative ready. You are not as powerful and immovable as you
may think.
Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22). You may now face trouble with an
extremely pushy, person. Make vigorous attacks without running
too many risks. Interruptions and irritations can't erase valor.
Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22). Be careful if you ride vehicles other
than cars as accidents are likely to occur. Promote your self
interests with small tokens to close friends who may give you
some physical if not spiritual service.
Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Much of the activity of the day
is hidden under disguises and clues. Seek the answers to the
puzzles in out of the way places. Be an explorer. Find new crev-
Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21). Good news and cooperation is
coming your way. Complete long range plans and strive for their
fulfillment. Avoid being too frank with someone you don't want
to offend. Get down, but not downed out.
Capricorn. (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19). Don't spend money unwisely
Gentiemain im
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To The Daily:
paign I have noticed the Demo-
crat saying "A vote for Kaimowitz
is a vote for Stephenson" and the
HRP is saying "A vote for Mogdis
is a vote for Stephenson."
It is very flattering to have both
of these candidates being put forth
as substitutes for me. However, in
the interest of an informed elec-
torate, I must point out that both
are poor imitations.
If you would like to stop fooling
around with substitutes, just re-
member, "A vote for Stephenson is
a vote for Stephenson." Try the
real thing, you'll like it.
-James Stephenson
March 19