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March 28, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-28

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See Editorial Page


Sir 43AU

A461 vr - ,

High- 8
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 140

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 28, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Fleming on SGC
University President Robben Fleming said yesterday that the
Student Government Council should restructure itself to combat
the "indifference most students feel toward the all-campus stu-
dent government." Speaking with SGC member Margaret Miller,
Fleming suggested an assembly formed by representatives from
each student constituency, including dorms, and schools. Flem-
ing's plan resembles the new constitution proposal on the ballot
in this week's voting. Fleming also stated that he believed SGC
would "shamefully lose its teeth", if voluntary funding is passed.
Hash news
While President 'Nixon has declined an invitation to attend
this Sunday's Hash Bash, the festival is nonetheless picking up
support from many prestigious organizations. Yesterday after-
noon the East Quad Tripping Club, the Portage Lake Ducksters
and the New York Branch of Stoned and Geeked Inc. added their
names to the growing list of sponsors. These groups are apparent-
ly well known in dope circles and news that they are attending is
certain to attract tremendous crowds to the festival.
More contributions
The Human Rights Party yesterday released a list of cam-
paign contributions. HRP to date has collected $2652 in private
contributions, and has picked up approximately another $1400 be-
tween bucket drives and a movie benefit. Topping the list with
a donation of $367 is Gabe Kaimowitz, husband of the party's
mayoral hopeful Be Kaimowitz. One surprising name on the list
is Marjorie Lansing. Lansing ran for Regent last November on
the Democratic slate.
Happenings :,.
... today are multitudinous and span the gamut of interests.
Joseph Brodsky, the famous Russian poet will autograph books at
1:00 p.m. at Borders' Bookstore . .. The Black Students Psycho-
logical Associatiorf is a sponsoring a book drive for the inmates
of Milan Prison. Anyone who wishes to contribute is urged to
bring books to the group's table in the Fishbowl anytime today
or tomorrow . . . there will be a seminar at 3:00 p.m in the au-
ditorium of Public Health School on the topic of "Energy and
Environmental Quality." Jesse Denton of the University of Penn-
sylvania will be the primary speaker . . . the Center for South
and Southeast Asian Studies and the Ecumenical Campus Center
are sponsoring a concert tonite of North Indian Classical Music
at 8:00 p.m. in Room 200 of Lane Hall . .. in a related Oriental
happening the Asian Studies Department will show the film "The
Year of The Pig" at 7:00 p.m. in Room 1025 Angel Hall . . . and
in a final non-happening Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel-
opment James Lynn will not be speaking here today as previous-
ly announced.
More dirt on garbage
Garbage, one of the hottest issues in the current city cam-
paign, was at the center of a particularly heated debate at City
Council Monday night. At that meeting, the council approved on
a first reading an ordinance that would require home owners to
remove their garbage containers from the curbside within two
days of pickup. Councilman John McCormick (R-Fifth Ward) de-
fended the proposal on the grounds that, the garbage constitutes
a health hazard. Jerry De Grieck (HRP-First Ward) blasted the
proposal calling it "the ultimate victimless crime."
Homeward bound
Another Ann Arbor POW is on his way home. Air Force Cap-
tain Jack Butcher, a University graduate who has been missing in
action since March 1971 was among the seven pilots released
yesterday by the Pathet Lao. Butcher will be flown to the Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
A correction
We goofed. In a Daily article yesterday we claimed CLAMP
presidential candidate David Faye was a supporter of voluntary
funding. He is, in fact, opposed to voluntary funding. Also con-
trary to .our story, CLAMP has indeed printed information of the
issue of school governance. In a final sin of omission we neglected
to mention that Mark Share and Nancy Hackmier are running
on the STOP slate for president and vice-president, and Elliot
Chikofsky, a Mad Hatter honcho, is running for an at-large seat.
nth inside . . .
. . . the Arts Page has on this night of the Oscar

awards, a movie review of all things . . . the Editorial
Page features candidate statements from the first and third
wards . . . the Sports Page provides more info on the race
for that final NHL playoff spot.
A2'S weather
No need for sunglasses this afternoon. Mid-latitude
cyclone "Able" in conjunction with a cold front trailing
from Canadian cyclone "Baker" will cause increasing
cloudiness during afternoon bringing temps of 55-60. Precip-
itation from these systems will effect us by early morning
Thursday, with lows of 38-43.





iet Nam

AP News Analysis
SAIGON-The guns still fire, the terrorist bombs explode, the
widows and mothers mourn their battlefield dead.
Sixty days after a cease-fire, peace seems as elusive to Viet-
nam as it was a decade ago, a generation ago.
"After a generation of war, habits develop and it is hard to
break them," says an American official. "You have to reach far
in order to achieve something closer.
"The main point is how the Communists and the Saigon gov-
ernment are going to live and work together in some acceptable
form. This is not easy to answer."
Peace has been costly.
According to figures provided by the Saigon government, there
have been more than 20,000 South Vietnamese casualties since
the cease-fire, an average of better than 300 a day. Nearly a

tenth of these have been civilians.
Actually casualties on both sides were higher during the first
60 days of the cease-fire than they were during roughly the same
60-day period a year ago, when a full-scale war was on, according
to reports issued by the Saigon command.
Since the cease-fire began Jan. 28, the Saigon command lists
3,086 government soldiers killed, 15,212 wounded and 817 missing.
A check of the official records shows that during a similar com-
parable period in 1972, the Saigon command reported 2,987 govern-
ment soldiers killed and 7,320 wounded. It claimed 12,260 North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops killed a year ago compared
to 15,091 during the first 60 days of the cease-fire.
The peacekeepers acknowledge they have failed in imple-
menting a true cease-fire, although some U.S. officials insist
that the limited presence of international and Joint Military Com-
mission peacekeeping bodies at some regional sites has resulted

in reducing the level of violence.
It is difficult to gauge, because the four-party Joint Military
Commission, made up of representatives of the United States,
North Vietnam, South Vietnam and the Viet Cong, has failed to
carry out one of the most important provisions of the peace agree-
ment-that of establishing corridors and routes through territory
of the opposing sides.
The commission's poorest performance has been in the area
of investigating alleged cease-fire violations. It has not completed
a single investigation.
Another 'major failure of the Joint Military Commission has
been its inability to implement Article 4 or the cease-fire agree-
ment which asks that "the commanders of the opposing armed
forces meet to reach an agreement on temporary measures to
avert conflict and to insure supply and medical care for these
armed forces."

New bond
for Pun
wire service reports
A new motion to reduce bonds
set for Rainbow People's Party
(RPP) members Pun Plamondon'
and Craig Blazier will be argued
at a hearing Thursday, RPP
spokespersons announced yester-
The announcement was made at
an RPP news conference, part of
a party effort to draw public at-
tention to the case. Also featured
at the conference was a statement
by Michigan American Civil Lib-
erties Union (ACLU) Director Ern-
est Mazey, who called the $100,000
bond set for Plamondon and Bla-
zier "unconstitutional bond imposi-
tion in order to punish before the
Mazey said the northwest Michi-
gan chapter of the ACLU plansto
'file a brief in court protesting the
bond, and will go to appellate
court with the case if necessary.
Plamondon and Blazier are cur-
rently being held in Beulah, Michi-
gan on charges of armed robbery,
conspiracy to extort, extortion and
criminal usury in connection with
an alleged attempt to collect $3,000
in a marijuana transaction.
However, the two key prosecu-
tion witnesses contradicted each
other diametrically concerning the
two men's actions in the incident at
a preliminary examination.
Uwe Wagner, the complainant in
the case, testified that Plamondon'
and Blazier threatened and robbed
him in an attempt to collect money
he owed from a marijuana deal.
But another prosecution witness,
Bruce Peterson, testified that the
two men did'not force their way
into Wagner's house, were not
armed, made no physical threats,
and did not demand interest on the
debt. Peterson claims Wagner sug-
gested that Plamondon and Blazier
take some of his (Wagner's) be-
longings temporarily as collateral
until he (Wagner) repaid a fourth
person to whom he owed money.'
Peterson also says Wagner dealt
"on a large scale" such drugs as'
morphine, opium, methadone, speed
and downs, as well ds marijuana.
RPP attorney H u g h "Buck"
Davis maintains Plamondon and
Blazier are being held as political
prisoners,rcalling the $100,000 bond
Davis remarked yesterday, "We
believe that we can go, supported
by the ACLU, to Cadillac Michigan
and say, 'Judge, either reduce the
bond or say very candidly to the

Co ng



p ullon



met with
j 1ubiation
SAIGON {1P - Two groups
of jubilent Americans left
Vietnam yesterday, b o t h
heading for home. In Saigon,
a group of American GIs be-
gan the final withdrawal of
U. S. troops from Vietnam,
while in 1:anoi 32 more priso-
ners of war, the last held by/
the Viet Cong, took off for
The last U. S. troops are sched-
uled to depart Saigon by commer-
cial and military planes tomorrow
leaving only guards for the U. S.
Embassy and members of the
Joint Military Commission which
will continue to administer the
ceasefire until March 31.
American servicemen who had
been waiting for 12 days because
of a last minute dispute over pri-
soner exchanges began boarding
their aircraft within minutes of
the release of 32 U. S. prisoners in
Hanoi yesterday afternoon.
The 32 prisoners were the last
known held by the Viet Cong and
left 116 U. S. POWs in Hanoi, 107
of them prisoners of the North
Vietnamese and nine Americans
and one Canadian prisoner of the
Pathet Lao. They will be freed
today and tomorrow simultaneous-
ly with the last U. S. withdrawal.
The 32 begans calls to home to
their families almost immediately
after their arrival. They feasted
on chicken and steak and some
were reported still eating at a
snack bar shortly before midnight.
All were declared in reasonably
good shape by doctors who gave
them preliminary once-overs at
Clark Hospital.
A U. S. military spokesman said
that 936 U. S. servicemen left last
night for bases in the states, Guam
and Thailand.
The airlift will resume at dawn
today when another 1,800 U. S. ser-
vicemen depart and be completed
on Thursday when 2,500 American
soldiers will leave.
The final wave of American with-
drawals began at a time when the
level of scattered fighting be-
tween the Communists and South
See U.S., Page 7

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Piecy Piper
Heather Carrigan smiles wistfully as 4 year-old Brad Davis makes music with the big people on the Diag yesterday. Talent scouts
report Brad's music shrill, but with definite potential.

Difficult ballot

confuses students

Although local politicos may
argue and fight throughout the
election, there is at least one
point that they'll, all concede
during this year's all-campus
election now in progress: the
ballot is "just too damn compli-
cated," according to Elections
Director Ken Newbury.
Newbury claims he had trou-
ble voting, as did LSA candidate
Dennis Mazurek.
The sticker system which has
confused voters since the last
election involves several grids on
the ballot, a receiptthat imprints
the student ID card and, in this
election, two voting stickers in-
stead of one.
One poll worker characterized
voters as "really ticked off"
about the ballot.
"If word gets around,'' he said,
"there won't be anybody voting
on Thursday."
Other first-dayhelection prob-
lems occurred when many poll
workers never arrived at the poll-
ing places.
Polling places at Mosher-Jor-
dan, Stockwell, Alice Lloyd, East
Quad and Markley were never
opened for that reason.
Newbury said new poll workers
will be hired, although it is a vio-

bus stop and at the bridge near
the Hill'area.
Polling places will also be open
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
Medical Science Bldg., from 2
to 5 p.m. outside the Law School
and in dinnerline polling places
in dorms.
According to Newbury, turn-
out was heavy. He estimated
1,500 people came to vote yester-
day on the first day of voting.
A poll worker, however, said.

turnout was "fair to poor," blam-
ing it on "the precedent sat by
previous SGC elections."
Newbury estimated an addi-
tional 2,500 people will vote to-
day, barring bad weather.
In other election action, the
Credentials and Rules Commit-
tee (C&R) was stripped of vir-
tually all its power during a Cen-
tral Student Judiciary (CSJ)
hearing Monday night.
CSJ ruled in favor of the plain-

tiffs, Election Director Ken New-
bury and SGC member David
Smith, and found that the ap-
pointment of C&R members ac-
cording to 14.062 contradicted
the SGC constitution.
The constitution states a de-
fendant can only be judged by
his peers (i.e. an LSA student can
only be heard by an LSA C&R).
However, 14.062 of the Election,

Women s clinic gets no funds
in revenue sharing agreement



Branodo refuses Oscar,
I , V treatment of
LOS ANGELES (Reuter)-Marlon Brando last night won and
refused the Academy Award for Best Actor of 1972. Brando, who
was not present at the ceremony, had announced beforehand
he would not accept any awards for his role in "The God-
father." The film also took the Oscar for Best Film of 1972.
Brando's refusal was conveyed by an Apache woman who
said Brando could not accept the award because of "the treat-
ment of American Indians today by the film industry and on
television movie reruns and recent happenings at Wounded
< The c'nnlrew~nm.a s onPnni. unnc'first 'met 1by, hnnc _' hut



After a compromise agreement between the
Democratic and Human Rights parties, chances
appear dim for a publicly funded women's clinic
in the city. However, a privately-supported fa-
cility may be in operation in a few months.

cost abortions and dispense medical aid an
counseling to women.
Members of these organizations claimed th
other health groups interested in sponsoring
clinic, notably the Family Planning Medical Ser
ice (FPMS) would not be controlled by wome

_: _ _ k .

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